Haunted |
Chapter 1
"Yes, Andromeda. What is it?" Captain Dylan Hunt's
voice held an edge as he walked onto the bridge of the Andromeda Ascendant.
It was not totally without cause, when one is woken up at 0300 from a blissful
slumber by ones AI telling one that you are needed on the bridge immediately,
one can be a bit testy. Dylan noticed with surprise that Trance Gemini,
the ship's botanist and local Sun Avatar was there as well.
The reply from the, quite frankly, beautiful holographic branch of the Andromeda
was short and precise. "I'm not sure. We picked up a small craft and
Trance insisted that you be brought to the bridge". She punctuated
the name with a frown at the offending party. After all, what could there
be about a simple, drifting spaceship that could be told to the Captain
and not to the ship?
Dylan turned his attention to the gold alien. "Trance?"
"To get straight to the point sir, I think I know who, or at least
what is piloting, or, was piloting that ship."
The Captains eyebrows jumped a bit. Not only was she referring to him in
a formal manner, something she hadn't done for quite awhile, but he had
rarely seen her disoriented. "Anything we should be worried about?"
She paused for a moment, another unusual event. "I'm not sure."
By this time all on command where staring at her, including all three of
the Andromeda's personas. "That's three in less than five minutes."
Dylan thought to himself. Something was seriously wrong, and when things
where wrong, well, that was Dylan's specialty.
He immediately stepped into his Captain-of-a-warship boots. "Maybe
if you just explain what exactly is so special about this ship..."
The, presumably, young woman seemed to snap partially out of the stupor
she had been in ever since she had seen the drifting spaceship. "From
what I can tell this ship belongs to a species that is, well, difficult
to describe. My people have been friends with most of them for millennia."
"Most of them?" Interrupted the android version of the Andromeda,
also known as "Rommie".
"They are divided into approximately nine sub-species, or races. Each
has a different field of expertise, and different motives. However, there
is only one of these races that is not allies with my species. Nobody really
talks about them."
"Ah" mussed Dylan. "Have we met these guys before?"
Trance's reply was unexpectedly prompt. "No. In fact, even I have never
met one of them. They tend to keep to themselves in this..." She suddenly
stopped herself and quickly glanced from Dylan to Rommie.
"In this...?" prompted Dylan.
"Area, they keep to themselves in this area. I shouldn't go into more
details than that."
Rommie was still suspicious. "So, what is so special about this one
ship? It's not even moving."
"That's it, it's not moving! It's just drifting there! First, a Sheighon
wouldn't enter Commonwealth space unless there was a very important reason
to. Second, they wouldn't just abandon a ship in the middle of nowhere.
And third, someone has to be in there and they could very well be hurt!
And..." Trance, quite agitated by now, whirled around to look at Dylan.
"And I thought the Captain of this ship would like to be there at first
At this Dylan smiled "That makes it four. These people must mean a
lot to Trance to have her get so animated about helping one of them".
To her he said, "In that case I have to say 'Thank you, Trance'. I
would be happy to help your friend all I can."
This seemed to ease her a bit. Thankfully, the spacecraft was small enough
to pull into one of the Andromeda's docking bays. As they where leaving
to see to the new arrival, Trance offered this last piece of advice, "Oh,
we might want to have, say, Rhade along to". At Dylan's questioning
glance she explained with a cryptic "Just in case."
Chapter 2
Dylan, Trance, and Rommie where joined in the shuttle bay
by the Andromeda Ascendant's weapons officer, Lieutenant Commander Telemachus
Rhade, and he didn't look very happy. While Dylan had to admit that he sympathized
his Nietzschean friend's lack of sleep, he couldn't resist teasing him just
a little.
"Thank you for joining us. I hope we didn't take you away from anything
The younger man looked at him with a black look that nearly screamed "Oh
if you where anyone other than my captain..."
"Ouch, I'll definitely have to apologize later. But really, I'm sure
I didn't look that grumpy a few... wait a minute, what is Trance doing!"
Trance, throwing caution to the wind, had run right up to the ship and was
now apparently searching all over it for something. Rhade moved forward
to restrain her, "No Trance! You don't know who might be in there!"
She turned around slowly and stared at him, then she slowly turned and looked
at Dylan, and then she went back to her search as Dylan explained the situation
to him. With this reassurance from his captain, Rhade relaxed a little,
but he remained alert.
The ship itself was a beauty to behold. Its shape resembled an old Earth
arboreal, with the body of an eagle, beak and all, and the wings curving
around and stretching out to the front finally ending parallel to the "beak"
and curving in slightly. It was finished of with a triangular tail at the
back of it. The color was black with purple insignia-like marks on the sides
and the top of each wing. It was larger than a Slipfighter, big enough for
one or two people to make journeys in relative comfort, while still fairly
small. Strangely enough, it didn't seem to have any sort of viewscreen or
weapons, and held a look of something resembling delicacy.
Suddenly, Trance gave out a shout of triumph. "Found it!" And
as she immerged from underneath the wing the small craft rose several feet
off the ground and began to hover there. In an instant Dylan, Rhade, and
Rommie all had force lances trained on it.
"Wait!" cried Trance. "It's supposed to do that! See?"
And indeed, a panel in the side of the ship moved outward and then slowly
lowered, creating a ramp leading inside the ship. Dylan motioned for Rhade
and Rommie to follow him and Trance inside.
The inside was just as aesthetically pleasing, and confusing as the exterior.
A quick look revealed no sign of any place that a slipstream generator could
be placed. Despite the fact that it was to small for one, Trance had hinted
on their way there that these 'Sheighon' had slightly more advanced technology,
perhaps they had found a way to miniaturize whatever they used for slipstream,
really miniaturize, as in, in order for this SG to fit inside this thing
it would have to be about the size of the desk in his quarters which, needless
to say, would be quite a feat.
The layout was fairly simple, if you where looking at it through the 'beak',
the entrance was on the left side. Upon entering you would find a door to
the left and right, along with a hallway leading to two other, smaller rooms
straight ahead. Trance immediately moved to the right-hand room and upon
walking up to the door, it opened revealing a relatively spacious, and certainly
luxurious, bedroom. It contained a double bed with sheets of purple silk,
a large closet built into the wall, and quite a few paintings of various
landscapes. The entire motif of the room seemed to be various shades of
royal purple, except for a large chest of drawers in one corner, which was
made of what appeared to be rosewood. This room was empty however, so they
continued to the two smaller rooms that turned out to be a kitchen/dining
room and an even smaller room for storage. These, again where empty so they
approached the final room located in the front of the ship that, Dylan assumed,
must be the bridge.
"This one might be a bit more difficult to get into" Trance remarked
as they approached it. "As I remember, Sheighon ships do have a sort
of AI, even on smaller vessels."
They approached the door but, unlike the others, it remained closed. They
glanced around in vain for some sort of control panel. Trance began to get
"We have to get in there! If someone is still here they have to be
in there!"
"Maybe we should just blast the door down." Remarked Rhade.
To everyone's shock and surprise, the door proceeded to open at a rather
quicker rate than they had previously seen.
Dylan looked around curiously at his equally astonished crew. "I was
about to say 'Open Sesame' but this will work."
It was then that they heard a small, barely audible groan from inside. All
rushed in and stopped almost as quickly. If they had thought that the other
rooms where strange, nothing could have prepared them for what they saw.
The pilot area, as it appeared to be, despite being the largest room on
the vessel, consisted mainly of several long control panels along all walls
except for the front. From the inside, it was interesting to note that the
face retained the beak-shape of the outside. Still, it had no screens that
would provide any sort of data, no recognizable controls, and NO slipstream
generator! The main fixture in the entire room was the pilot's chair in
the very center. It greatly resembled the original pilots chair on the Andromeda
except for the set of controls attached to the back and coming out over
the pilot's lap. They, as a matter of fact, also resembled the flight controls
Dylan had seen once in a picture of an old Earth airplane. In this unusual
seat, sat the pilot, slumped over and not looking incredibly sprightly,
aside from the fact that she was barely even conscious.
Trance instantly reverted to her Acting Medical Officer side and went to
work. First, she leaned over and pulled the young woman's hands from her
controllers causing them to move up over her head and settle in the ceiling.
Next, she caught the pilot before she could fall out of her seat and gingerly
lowered her to the ground. Now, all where able to study her, and what they
saw was the final surprise that would have given weaker individuals a heart
Amazingly enough, this young woman looked human, that is, she had no unusual
bumps, dents, horns, etc that would have branded her as an alien. If Dylan
hadn't been told by Trance herself that she was an alien, he would have
never have guessed that she was anything other than one of his own. Her
face itself was none other than quite attractive by most humanoid species
standards. Her age was approximately twenty-five Commonwealth years. Her
hair was pale blond, braided, and tied up in a low, efficient knot. Her
face consisted of a delicate aquiline chin, jaw and nose, and slightly full
lips. Dylan couldn't help but catch his breath, and the look Rhade had on
his face wasn't his precisely his usual cool, aloof expression. Dylan couldn't
blame the younger man, as this new alien was plain, simply, and undeniably
Then Trance made the strange remark "She's just a child". All
eyes turned to her. "What's she talking about? If this one is a child,
then I'm middle aged! Despite the fact that technically while I spent three
hundred years of my life stuck in time and that technically, my body is
middle aged... never mind. "
"Ahem!" Trance and Rommie simultaneously clearing their throats
brought the Y-chromosomes back from their daze. Following this, Trance requested
that Rhade carry the unconscious 'girl' outside to the shuttle bay. He bent
down and carefully wrapped his right arm around her shoulders and his left
around her knees and stood up gently moving her so that her head rested
against him instead of hanging limply over his arm. They formed a procession
of Trance in the lead, followed by Rhade with the girl, then Rommie and
Dylan bringing up the rear. Dylan noticed that Rommie had been unusually
quite the whole time.
"Anything wrong Rommie?"
"No. It's just that, this vessel has A: No visible means of propulsion,
and B: No visible weaponry. It couldn't possibly have been meant for long
range assignments, it's just not powerful enough."
This last remark earned a muffled, but still audible chortle from the general
direction of the Sun Avatar. Rommie frowned at her but kept silent.
They where now standing in a more open space. Trance was just about to suggest
that Rhade carry her to medical when, finally, the girl stirred slightly.
What happened next was one of those things that Dylan always remembered
as sort of a distorted blur. She frowned slightly and reached her right
arm around to touch the arm that Rhade had around her shoulders. And then
it happened, in an instant her face distorted into a look that Dylan couldn't
possibly describe, a mixture of anger, hate, and... fear? The next instant
she was flying across the room to land in a crouch on the complete opposite
side of the room, both arms in front of her now wide-open eyes. This was
no small feat as she had moved from a laying position and still had enough
momentum to catapult herself several yards.
"This is no child." Thought Dylan. Her quick reaction hinted at
experience, her position down low gave her the advantage over someone with,
oh say, bone spikes on their forearms. To top all of this off, now Dylan
could see her eyes, while once her face held an expression of innocence
and purity, now it flashed with something resembling calm, deep, and icy
anger bordering on terror. This appearance was added to by the presence
of unusually bright blue eyes that seemed to glow.
Trance carefully adopted her own calm attitude, the one Dylan had seen many
times since this Trance from the future appeared. She began to murmur softly
to the trembling girl. "Easy now Nimveno Eho. It's okay."
These two simple words in what must have been Her own language seemed to
intrigue Her, but not enough to steady Her trembling voice. "Kie...
sho few... hiosho su m... Kisv ma... thsv gemgh iosho?" The words came
out harshly, but it still failed to dampen the striking attractiveness of
Her voice. It was low, not low enough to be contralto, but still not quite
high enough to be soprano. It seemed to imply some professional training,
perhaps even a lot. It's tone also held the calm, cold, and slightly commanding
manner of Her attitude. "I know that tone of command she has. It's
the tone of a person that is used to being in control. I use it all the
Meanwhile Trance continued to try and calm her, this time speaking only
in the other young woman's language. "Osaf, Nimveno Eho. Ge few abesl
shf Commonwealth nesghwsjoa?"
At this, a small amused, but still cold, smile crept over one corner of
Her mouth. "Yes" She began in perfect Earth. "I speak several
languages that where (a glance at Dylan and Rommie), are used in the Commonwealth."
Trance smiled with relief and crept a few more feet toward her. This did
not seem to frighten the now completely still girl, so Trance knelt down
slowly in front of her. There was another brief flicker of amusement, this
time in Her eyes, and she promptly mimicked the Avatar's posture, relaxing
slightly and getting on her own knees.
Trance gave Her another smile. "Good, perhaps we should start with
your name."
This seemed to puzzle and entertain Her greatly, and it was a few moments
before she answered. "I am Jacinth of Anemone birthed by Vanessa of
June by Remus of Antioch. My friends call me Jac."
"What and introduction."
Unlike Dylan and, understandably, Rhade, Trance was not extremely impressed
by this. She looked at 'Jac' for several seconds and the said, in an unusually
demanding tone "That is not the proper introduction, 'Jacinth Anemome'.
Again, but this time, state your family and house."
This certainly seemed to impress Jac, as she looked with thinly veiled respect
on the Sun Avatar. This was quickly replaced by a look of distain for the
company in general and she jumped up and snapped, "I am of no family
(a pointed look at Rhade), my pride is my own."
Trance stood up as well. "And your house?"
This seemed to sap up the last bits of courage that Jac had left in her.
Instead of the haughty tone she had before, she barely whispered, "My
apologies Sun Avatar, I did not mean any disrespect. I'm am rather out of
sorts at the moment."
This softened Trance and she asked, this time in her kindly mother-of-all-
who-walk tone, "Are you hurt?"
Jac looked up from a most interesting spot on the deck and suddenly went
pale. She would have collapsed if Dylan hadn't run forward and caught her.
Rommie spoke for the first time in awhile, "Perhaps we should take
you to medical and see how you are."
Jacinth smiled at the android, and not her mocking half-smile either, a
real one. "Ushf thsla. I presume that you are the ships AI."
"Very perceptive. I am the Andromeda Ascendant made flesh. My friends
call me Rommie. Can you walk on your own?"
"I think perhaps I could use some assistance."
Dylan nodded. "Trance, would you please take our guest to medical?
Rommie will go along to assist Miss... uh..."
"Just Jacinth, please. Or, better yet, Jac."
Dylan nodded again. "Well then Jac, I hope you'll forgive me, but it
is rather late, and I'm barely functioning as it is."
Jac just smiled again and nodded her understanding. As Rommie and Trance
led her out, she paused for a minute as they passed Rhade. Her blue eyes
seemed to burn a hole right through him to his very core. Her face had become
cold again, but it quickly became soft and innocent as soon as they where
on their way to med. Dylan and Rhade watched them go.
Suddenly, Rhade piped up. "What in the name of the Divine, dead or
alive, was that about?"
"I wish I knew Rhade. But at the moment, all I care is how many feet
it is to my bed." Rhade just grunted his agreement and left for his
own quarters. Dylan walked through the halls along and wondered if it was
true, he was certainly thinking a lot about this Jacinth girl.
Chapter 3
As they walked down the hall Jacinth calmly, if not rather
insincerely apologized for her reaction.
Rommie wasn't about to let it go so easily. "Would you mind if I asked
you as to the cause of your aversion to Lieutenant Rhade?"
They continued in silence for several minutes.
"You know, I promised myself that I wouldn't be rude to you again,
but I feel I have. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so discourteous."
She still offered no explanation, and the other women did not ask for one.
They spent the rest of the trip in silence.
They entered the medical bay and Trance motioned Rommie and Jac over to
one of the medical beds. Rommie took this opportunity to study the young
woman more closely. She was quite tall, approximately four inches taller
than herself at 5'6". "Funny how Harper managed to make my android
body his exact same height." It was difficult to see her build, as
her loose pants and jacket covered her entire body, including long sleeves
and a high collar on the jacket. However, it did appear that she was slim
and well exercised. The small display earlier had proved that she was agile
and fast, along with having fairly impressive reflexes. Her clothing itself
was almost completely black except for thin lines of dark purple on the
jacket that formed crystalline patterns all over it. The fabric was of a
glossy, durable fiber that didn't appear in any of Andromeda's databases.
"Most likely from her home planet." It was finished off with ankle-high,
flat heeled, black boots and black leather gloves.
Trance had taken several minutes to take a small case from Jacinth's ship
while she was inside, and now opened it to reveal several mysterious tools
and packages. "A med kit. Apparently our implements are incompatible
with her physiology." This was surprising as she appeared in every
way to be a young human woman of about twenty-four or twenty-five. "Except
for, of course, the fact that I have never seen a human with quite that
color of eyes."
Trance was now holding one of the tools in front of Jac and looking at it
oddly. Her gaze drifted to Jac and back to whatever it was that she was
"Is anything wrong?" This comment would have seemed completely
innocent to anyone who didn't have an android's sense of hearing. As it
was, Rommie detected a faint hint of hostility in the girl's voice.
"No." Replied Trance. "Unless you consider suffering from
exhaustion, low temperature, an acute case of shock, and..." She took
in a sharp breath of air. "Fractures in the both knees and thighs,
and a spiral fracture in the right shin bone, twenty-three in it in all,
as wrong"
Jac stared at the scanner for several minutes. "Oh."
"Oh? How can she be so calm? She just did a gymnastic summersault across
one of my docking bays, landed perfectly, and was still able to walk here
with some assistance, all with her legs being in fragments!"
"You know, it's strange. I didn't even feel weak or in pain until you
asked me."
"And now she's making jokes! Obviously a high pain threshold, very
useful to know."
Trance just smiled and started rummaging around in the med kit. "So,
tell us about yourself."
"What do you want to know?" Rommie noticed that her voice had
a slight edge again.
"Oh, the usual. Where are you from, why are you here, what does your
name mean?" Trance asked the last one with one of her incredibly kind
smiles. She seemed to find what she was looking for and pulled a small cylinder
out of the kit. It was black with sapphire blue stones, or something like
that, on one side.
"Well, I'm from the usual place, you know, the home planet. I was actually
on my way to Ayn Rand Station when I blacked out."
"You where going to Ayn Rand?" Asked Rommie with surprise.
Trance pressed a part of the cylinder and it opened in half. She proceeded
to roll up the leg of Jac's pants to expose the ankle and closed the device
around it. One more press and Rommie heard a strange, gelatin/morphing sound
as it spread up her leg to, Rommie assumed, cover the broken parts of her
leg. "Quite amazing, a biomechanical splint, highly efficient."
"Yes, I was. While the Humans and many others in the New Commonwealth
may be unaware of the existence of my species, we are very much aware of
you. And there are several species that know of us, especially the Nietzscheans.
We have even had to beat up on your (A pause) Drago-Kazov Nietzscheans at
one time. They tried to invade us from (Slight snicker) the air... they
never did it again."
"I fail to see how the invading of your home could be amusing."
Remarked Rommie with a quark of her eyebrow.
"The Sheighon." Trance explained, "Are exceptionally powerful
when it comes to air defense and offense." Meanwhile, Trance had put
another splint on Jac's less-damaged leg, this one moved upward to cover
her knee, upper leg, and hip. It seemed to be able to sense which parts
of the leg where damaged and which weren't.
Rommie nodded. "But I fail to see how any of this explains your going
to the station that the Nietzscheans originated on."
Jac smiled and laughed softly. "Of course. The Sheighon are at the
moment in the middle of some rather delicate negotiations with the Nietzscheans.
I have spent some time with them many years ago, so I was sent to be a sort
of... lie detector for the ambassadors already there. Although it looks
like I wont be going anywhere for awhile."
This seemed to surprise Trance as well as Rommie. Why would they send a
woman who obviously had some problem with Nietzscheans to help with negotiations
that where apparently quite important?
"May I ask you something?" Began Rommie. At Jac's encouraging
smile she continued, "Is it because of the Dragans attacking your homeworld
that you have such a dislike for them?"
The smile vanished. Her eyes went cold. Her mouth twisted into a small,
scornful, half-smile. "Allow me to try that one again. The Drago-Kazov
attacked us, we slaughtered them, not a single Sheighon died, not a single
building was even scratched. I have nothing against them!"
There was silence. Trance turned to Rommie. "Can I talk to you for
a minute? Excuse us Jacinth." And she proceeded to haul the android
across the room and whisper fiercely, "What do you think your doing?
Where trying to gain this girl's trust!"
"Are we? What is she hiding? It must be big for her to be so sensitive
about it."
"Of course she's sensitive about it! For all we know, the Nietzscheans
could have slaughtered her family! Maybe, she just doesn't want to talk
about it!"
A soft chuckle was heard from the bed. "Don't be hard on her Trance
Gemini. She means well. After all, it's her job to protect the lives of
this crew. I am not displeased with her."
The other two stared. "Good hearing too. Wait a minute how did she
know Trance's name? We didn't tell her."
"We are not blind or deaf on Euokeshng (You-kesh-ing). We know of the
Andromeda Ascendant, and it's mission to restore the Commonwealth. I must
say that we where overjoyed to see how well you are doing, 50 worlds already,
and only four years, quite impressive." She was smiling warmly at both
now. They both gaped at Jac, and then broke into grins themselves. Soon
all where laughing merrily. Why? They didn't know, but for some reason this
young woman's startling revelation filled Trance and Rommie with one of
those profound senses of success.
"They have heard about us even where she comes from!"
After several moments they quieted down. It seemed to Rommie that Jac looked
happier, more at ease. "Tell us more about yourself. How old are you?"
She questioned.
"Almost twenty standard years."
"So young!" Rommie exclaimed.
"How old did you think I was?"
"At least four years older than that!"
"That's an easy mistake to make. Sheighon mature very quickly. Oh,
by the way..." She turned to Trance. "You asked about my name.
Well, Jacinth is from 'hyacinth', it's easy to pronounce, just replace the
pronouncing of 'HYA' in 'hyacinth' with 'J'. Anemone, means 'wind flower',
roughly, it's pronounced Anne-em-on-ey. Does that make sense?"
"Jacinth Wind Flower. A beautiful name. I'd forgotten how big you people
are on names."
Jac grinned, "Only some of us. I've always considered a name to be
a symbol of someone encompassing all, personality, family, background, etcetera.
I suppose yes, I am 'big' on names."
They had moved to the middle of the room and where standing together. They
turned around as the doors opened and another woman came in. She was looked
older than the others, maybe in here mid thirty's. Her hair was short blonde,
and her eyes an abnormal shade of pale green-gray. She was tall to, maybe
just a couple inches shorter than Jac, and she was clad in black pants,
black jacket which was open to show a tan t-shirt underneath, and finished
off with black, heavy-duty boots. This was the Andromeda's active second-in-command
and the commander of the Eureka Maru, Rebecca 'Beka' Valentine. She marched
into the room with her usual commander-of-all-I-see- even-if-its-technically-Dylan's
"Beka, are you alright?" Asked Trance.
"Depends, I just burnt myself trying to fix the Maru's comm. unit.
Damn thing short-circuited on me." She held out her left hand to show
the minor burn almost covering it.
"I'll get to work on it. Excuse me Jac." Noticing Beka's glance
she quickly introduced them while getting to work preparing some nanobots
for Beka, "Jac, this is our acting first officer Beka Valentine. Beka,
this is the new arrival Jacinth."
Jac smiled and held out her hand. "I'm pleased to meet you Commander.
Please, call me Jac."
Beka smiled slightly and shook the offered hand with her undamaged one.
"Call me Beka."
They stood for several minutes in silence as Trance injected Beka with healing
nanobots. Jac broke the now awkward quiet, "Is the Maru your ship?"
"Yes, my father built it and I inherited it when he died. I've had
it ever since."
"I see, so then it was the vessel used to pull the Andromeda out of
the black hole?"
"Yes" Jac seemed to find this considerably amusing and spent the
next several minutes quizzing Beka on just how they did it.
"How could a freighter pull a 96,408,876-bloody-kilogram ship out of
a black hole!"
"Uh, it's a long story, but basically, someone had tried before and
only managed to move it enough to make it start slowly drifting out. Then,
when we got there we used bucky cables to pull it free."
"Uh, huh, right. And what Evel Knievel thought up this idea?"
"That would be my... our chief engineer."
"Can't wait to meet him."
"Come to think of it, he could explain all of this much better."
Jac just nodded distractedly. Trance cleared her throat softly. "
Well, I think that we should all get some rest especially..." Pointed
look at Beka, "... those who are injured. Beka, the Maru can wait.
Jac, I'll show you to your room."
"Can I grab some stuff from Tyrone?"
"Your ship?"
"Yah" Trance and Jac returned to her ship where she tossed several
things into a duffel and then continued to the guest quarters. Trance had
specifically chosen the largest possible. After all the time she spent in
Tyrone, it was a relief to have room to move, not to mention breath. As
they walked, Jac talked about Tyrone.
"It actually has an AI. I suppose that's why I feel comfortable with
Rommie. Tyrone is my only real, current friend."
As soon as they where there Trance returned to her own room. And Jac set
the computer to wake her up.
I would have liked to inform you that Jac slept well, or even that her sleep
was dreamless, but I cannot tell a lie. In her sleep she wandered the halls
of a ship familiar to her, sometimes she was lost and couldn't find what
she was looking for no matter how hard she tried, whatever it was. At other
times she was running, from what she didn't know, she didn't even know what
would happen if she should ever let it catch her. Finally, she awoke, with
a scream. It had almost trapped her. The computer announced that it was
0800 hours, time to get up.
Chapter 4
Trance walked down the halls toward the guest quarters. Though
she had trouble admitting it, the real reason that she had been so upset
by the appearance of Jac is that she hadn’t seen it. Usually she could
see the future stretching out like a rope, many ropes really, many possibilities.
But in none of these had she seen Jac. Could the rumors be true? Or was
it Jac herself? Sometimes, when people came over from other realities, Trance
couldn’t see them, was that what happened with Jac? Did she actually
belong in another reality?
“No, she belongs here. And that’s the strangest thing, from
the moment I saw her it was like she belonged here, on this ship. It’s
as if she was somehow bound to the Andromeda. I’ve hear of Sheighon
that, because of an ancestor’s involvement in a certain place, where
mentally bound to it. These ones would almost invariably be subconsciously
drawn back to it. I suppose it is possible that a distant relative was here
before, perhaps even before the fall of the Commonwealth.”
She reached the quarters that had been assigned to Jac and pushed the button
that would signal her presence. The door opened and as Trance stepped in,
she saw a blond head pop out of the bathroom and break into a grin.
“Hey! It’s the Trancer! Come in! I’ll be out in a second,
I just have to do my hair.”
Trance smiled at the nickname. “You seem quite jovial this morning
“Eh,” She called from the bathroom, “I haven’t had
this much room for quite awhile, besides,” And she stepped out, her
hair still damp but tied into a long braid that fell to her hips, “I’m
feeling much better.”
“I’m glad to hear it. Those splints your people use are really
a wonder.”
“Oh well, we’ve had a lot of time to work on ‘em. So!”
She exclaimed clapping her hands together, “Shall we go in search
of sustenance?”
“Actually, I came over to see if you would like to join be for breakfast.
Then I could show you around the ship.”
Jac smiled gleefully, “Ah, you are a fairy.”
As they walked to the Officer’s Mess Trance began to study her more
closely. “I like her better this way. I don’t think I’ve
met a more cheery person before, except for Harper of course, but he’s
the exception to every rule. If I could only figure out her race!”
Jac was now wearing a dark purple turtleneck made of a lightweight fabric,
and black pants, which where made out of a cotton fabric that Harper referred
to as ‘denim’. While she dispensed with the gloves she had kept
the boots she had been wearing the previous night.
Jac looked over smiling. “Hmm, so, are we going to go see this Chief
Engineer that Beka mentioned?”
“Yes, he spends a lot of time in the machine shop, he should be there
by the time we finish eating.”
They arrived, and Jac, being not the pickiest eater, got a bowl of fruit,
while Trance chose a vegetable omelet. Jac had polished off her rather large
portion of melons, citrus, and berries, and begun to eye Trance’s
omelet before another entered the room.
This one was another human male. He was younger than Dylan, probably in
his mid to late twenties, with dirty blond, very spiky hair and gray eyes,
which seemed to always be sparkling and cheerful. He was actually relatively
short, only an inch taller than Trance. His clothing consisted of a blue
T-Shirt with a pattern of eye-popping black... something’s and loose
black pants.
Trance leaned over to Jac and whispered, “That, is Harper. Strange
that he would show up here when he could be tinkering on something, he must
have heard about you. As fair warning he’s very, sociable.”
In a louder voice, “Seamus, over here!”
The young man turned and made his way to their table, “Trance, what’s
u...” The last word died out as he saw Jac. His eyes bugged out, his
jaw dropped open, and he stood there. Finally he managed to squeak out in
his slightly high, nasal voice “Hi”.
Jac gave him one of her biggest, warmest grins. “Hi. You must be the
Engineer I’ve heard so much about.”
“And you must be the new gal I’ve heard not nearly enough about.”
Trance glared at him, he didn’t notice. “Seamus Zelazney Harper
madam, super genius, prodigy, and chick-magnet extraordinaire.”
“Cool!” Exclaimed Jac, “You know old-Earth slang?”
Harper’s smile threatened to give him a split lip. “I think
he’s in love.”
“Why, yes I grew up there.”
“You grew up on old-Earth. Just how old are you?”
Now his lip was splitting. She had a wit that was for sure.
“Ha ha, very funny. I didn’t catch your name.”
“Jacinth, call me Jac.”
He slipped into the chair next to her. “Ookaay, now that we have the
trivial matters out of the way, let’s get down to the important questions.
Where have you been all my life?” He said with a staring fervently
into her eyes.
She smirked, her eyes glittering, and rested her chin on her palm. “Mm,
Harper was flabbergasted, usually this was the part where most women either
hit him or pointed a gun at him. Not only was Jac doing neither, she was
joking right along with him! “I’m in love.” He thought.
“Tell me about Euokeshng (He made it sound something like U-kish-in
or maybe ‘your kitchen’). Is it as beautiful as you?”
“Hey! That was pretty good! Yah, it’s pretty, uh, pretty. It’s
a little like Earth actually. It’s actually a lot like Earth. Something
like ‘our solar system is an exact duplicate of your solar system’
or some oddness like that. Other than that, same atmosphere, the climate
is a little different of course. I don’t think we have a single desert,
or rain forest for that matter.”
“Sounds like a nice place to grow up.” Harper’s voice
seemed slightly wistful.
“I didn’t, grow up there I mean. I lived there for ten years
until my mother died, then I went to live with one of my... uh... guardians.
When I was thirteen I went to live on Vegasphere, which is basically a Dysen
sphere built on the star corresponding with Earth’s Vega in the constellation
“A Dysen sphere? You mean, an actual structure built around a star?”
Harper, in all of his engineer’s love of all things mechanically cool,
had started to shout.
“Well, yah. Mind you, we didn’t build it. They think it was
constructed a long time ago by one of our heroes, Psyche Blade. They say
she was the one who constructed our...”
Harper had attacked himself to her every word like a starfish, “Your...?”
“Well,” She smiled softly now, looking down at her empty bowl,
playing with her fork, “They say that Psyche Blade worked with the
power of God. That she could, in dying use the power released from her own
body to create anything she wanted. They say...” She choked up a bit.
“They say that she used her last dying breath to create a home for
us, an entire solar system that we could live in forever.”
There was silence. Trance took a shaky breath and wiped away a sole tear
from her cheek. “That’s... touching.”
Harper stared agape. The same word repeated in his head. “Enough power
to create a solar system. Enough power to create a Dysen sphere. Enough
power to create a solar system. Enough power...”
Jac laughed, immediately sweeping away the silence that had engulfed them.
“Trance offered me a tour of the ship. Care to come along?”
All three set out, first they went to hydroponics. There, Jac gave them
a history of all 50 orchids that had belonged to her mother, some of which
where on her ship this very moment.
“I have this one that smells like chocolate!”
And the way she told it, it was actually interesting, Trance enjoyed the
tales of how her mother, Vanessa, had studied them, and even made extracts
of some of the scents to make perfumes.
“Yah, I actually have a perfume that smells quite a bit like chocolate.”
Harper liked hearing about the machinery that Vanessa had invented to take
care of them.
“Who knew that you could use nanobots to create a greenhouse effect?”
Later on, they visited the machine shop where Harper ran about like a ten-
year-old showing her all of the stuff he was working on. She even fixed
a couple of things that he had been having trouble with.
“I have to be able to repair my ship if it’s broken in the middle
of nowhere.”
“How do you fly that thing anyway?”
Her neck stretched out so that her face is inches away from his, “It’s
a secret.”
“Aw come on. I won’t tell anyone.” They began to move
over to the gym.
“I couldn’t tell you. I’m not quite sure of how it works
“Oh right, a pilot who doesn’t know how to fly their ship. Is
that what happened? You didn’t know what to do so you rammed accidentally
rammed into a passing freighter?”
“No! I know how to fly it! I’m just not so sure about propulsion!”
They where all laughing by the time they got to the gym, but Jac’s
smile faded as she saw who was there, Telemachus Rhade. He was busy doing
pull- ups on a metal bar, his back to them. She stood there, watching him.
She didn’t seem afraid anymore, more like she was curious. After what
seemed like hours, but was only a couple of minutes, she turned to Trance.
“Let’s go.”
Telemachus turned only soon enough to see a long braid wipe by the corner.
Trance followed. Harper watched the fleeing girl.
“What was that about?”
Rhade turned to the human. “You haven’t been told?”
He shook his head, so Rhade continued, tentatively. “I was there when
she first came on board. I was the one that carried her out of her ship.”
“Lucky uber.” Muttered Harper. Rhade scowled at him.
“You probably would have dropped her before you could carry her a
meter. Anyway, she woke up while we where in the docking bay and she...
jumped... across the room.”
“What do you mean? Her legs are broken, she couldn’t walk if
Trance hadn’t put the splint on.”
Rhade just grunted. He knew what he had seen. He had a hard time believing
it himself, but he believed in his sight more. They both looked up as Holo-
Rommie appeared with a message.
“The Captain wants you on the bridge for a meeting.”
This message was also transmitted to Trance who was walking with Jac. The
young woman didn’t seem to want to be left alone, so Trance asked
her if she wanted to come along, already being sure that it wasn’t
anything classified, and Jac readily agreed. However, she did request that
they stop off at her quarters for a few seconds so she could ‘pick
up something’. Afterward, they moved on to the bridge, where Beka,
Rommie, Dylan, and now Harper and Rhade had already assembled. All greeted
Jac, with the noteworthy exception of Rhade. Seeing that all where present,
Dylan began.
“For once, I have good news. We will be picking up an old shipmate,
and you’ll never guess, with the exception of Trance, who it is.”
But Harper did, “Rev!”
Dylan smiled at his engineer, “Good guess Harper. We will be transporting
him to Krishnamurti. Now, while he could take a transport, since we are
in the neighborhood, I took the liberty to offer our services. Any objections.”
Judging from the cheering, I think it would be safe to say that there where
no objections.
Jac began to follow Trance out but stopped beside Telemachus. He turned
at looked down at her in an Oh-Divine-not-again look. So he was quite surprised
when she hesitatingly spoke.
“I... uh... well I. I’m not an apologizing type person. I rarely,
if ever admit that I’m wrong, one of the many shortcomings I’ve
had to contend with. But I feel I owe you one... an apology. I want you
to have this, to say I’m sorry.”
She held out her hand in a fist. Almost instinctively, Telemachus moved
his hand over hers, and she released something into his palm. He looked
at his palm. In it lay a stone, a little over an eight of an inch thick
and about 1 ½ in circumference, rounded on the edges and one side,
but flat on the other. It was a deep, dark red, but as he moved it about
on his palm Rhade noticed that as he did so that deep inside it seemed to
shine with fire.
“It’s beautiful. I assume it’s from your planet?”
“Yes, they’re very rare, and they seem to take thousands of
years to form. We call them Heartstones.”
He looked up at her, “Why do they call it that?”
“There is an ancient legend about them. The people of a certain race,
they always have a place here, right over their hearts that is always warm,
their Fire. When these where first found, hundreds of years ago, people
believed that these where what gave them that fire, their hearts, Heartstones.”
She smiled sheepishly at him, “We have quite a few stories.”
Rhade looked at her, studying her. He could sense how much these stories
meant to her, to all of her people. Somehow, he couldn’t fault them
for it. “Thank you, I think I know how much this means to you.”
“Then know that I am sorry for the way I acted. I’ve been trying
ever since to think of a way to apologize. As God said, ‘There is
more happiness in giving than there is in receiving’. In other words,
it’s better to give a gift, than to be given a bruised shoulder.”
They smiled at each other, Rhade almost laughed. “Yes, you did kick
me when you performed that little feat last night.”
She did laugh then, “Oops, sorry. Excuse me.” And with a parting
glance, she went to the hall where Trance was watching.
“That went well.”
Jac looked behind her to see Rhade watching her leave. “Thank you.”
She whispered.
Several hours later they had picked up the Reverend Behemial
Far-Traveler. Nicknamed Rev Bem, or Rev by the ever-clever Harper. He was
quite unique, being the-creature-formerly-known-as-a-Magog. Formerly because
he had recently been altered by an unknown entity into being a... well...
a something. Now, instead of horns, fangs, and thick leathery skin, he had
tan skin, pointed ears, and an unusual snout-like nose. The remarkable thing
about him was... that is, the other remarkable thing about him was that
he had let being a Magog had never gotten in the way of his chosen career,
a Wayist monk. He was probably the kindest, most trustworthy person who
they had ever had, right alongside with Trance.
It would take a long time to describe the joy and conversations between
Rev and his friends, for now, let us focus on after this. Rev, after hearing
about her from everyone else, sought out Jac on the Observation Deck. After
all, his work as a monk included all, especially new ones. She was sitting
on a bench staring out of a large window at the stars. He softly cleared
his throat, a habit he had picked up after years among humans as a Magog,
not wanting to surprise her. She turned and motioned for him to sit down.
“I thought you would come. I am Jacinth of Anemone.”
“Yes, the crew has been speaking much about you.” He said, sitting
next to her.
“Not all bad I hope.”
“Not at all Miss Anemone. They have little but good to say about you,
except that you are mysterious, unusual, and, how did Harper put it? ‘A
complete babe’, I believe was the term.”
She smiled at the mistake about her name, “Actually, Anemone is...
my middle name.” She seemed to say this last part in a hurry, as if
she was trying to correct herself.
She then seemed to try to cover this up with, “Excuse me, it’s
just, you used to be Magog, and since we have had dealings with them, I
thought you would know... how we introduce ourselves.”
“Ah, so my former people committed atrocities against yours as well.”
Rev exclaimed with disgust.
Jac reached her hand out, as if to reassure him, “Oh no! We only met
them once, and I suppose since we destroyed what we found of them, it’s
no wonder you didn’t know.”
“You destroyed them?”
She hesitated, pondering, and cocked her head slightly to one side. “We
found them to be... barbaric... ruthless... unworthy.” She blushed
slightly and hastily apologized.
Rev shook his head, “No need, I know very well the things that they
did. But I am curious, what do you mean by unworthy?”
She looked down, seemed to consider this then looked into his eyes, “What
is it you wanted to talk to me about?”
Rev frowned, “That is not an answer, that is another question.”
“Indeed. But did you not come to talk to me about the Way? The average
Magog does not deserve to even be given a chance to hear. They are too far
gone along the road to death even as they first glimpse the light of day,
as they eat their way out of the body of the ones who give up their lives
so that they can be born.”
“Perhaps, but did I not exceed this instinct which is part of all
Magog? If I can at least partially suppress these violent tendencies, even
to the point of becoming a man of the Divine, who is to say that other’s
could not as well?”
She listened intently, and then began to speak, slowly at first, then gradually
picking up speed. “Yes, who’s to say? Except for one who knows
the daily battles that one has to go through when one has ‘violent
tendencies’. I shall tell you a secret Reverend, my people, nay my
entire species is prone to ‘violent tendencies’. And the most
despicable thing is, is that we are supposed to be advanced, above all others,
intelligent, wise, merciful. Sometimes, I don’t even know why I do
some things. It’s like there’s another person inside of me,
that only comes out when I am angry.”
Rev considered her for several moments, “It seems to me that your
problems are more personal, than your entire species’.”
“It’s not just me! There is an entire race that we don’t
even talk about their so bloodthirsty! And if I had the power to destroy
them, by God I would with all my heart!”
“You speak of the Divine, but do you really know what it is you swear
She suddenly laughed with surprise. He had managed to change the subject
on her.
“Who is this Divine? I have my own Gods. And I know who they are.
Oh yes, after all, I spent the past seven years among their Priests. The
Mages we call them. They are the only ones of us that are completely free
from bloodguilt. They have no temper, no anger, except when it is righteous.
They have power, and it is only because of them that I am as peaceful as
I am now. They are like you.”
They sat in a relatively comfortable silence. They understood each other
in a way. They both put God above all else, although in different ways.
They where alike, one, had strived all his life and had finally won out,
the other, was still fighting her inner demons, and was still waiting for
her reward. They talked for many more hours, about religion, about Jac’s
home, about Rev’s life, and she left feeling at peace in a way that
she never had since leaving Vegasphere, home of The Mages.
Chapter 5
>So, Mon Capitan wants Trance to brief the crew on us.
She’ll have to tell them everything. Not about me though. She doesn’t
know, and I hope she never will. As soon as my legs are healed, I’ll
go to Ayn Rand.
Why did they have to send me? I can barely stand being in the same room
with friendly Nietzscheans, much less Drago-Kazov. Bloody Dragans. Bloody,
bloody, monsters. I wish they would all die and rid the universe of their
stupidity, Sabra too, and Jaguar, especially Jaguar.
Hey, if the Drago-Kazov Pride is nicknamed Dragans, then what are the Sabra-Jaguars?
The Saguars, Jagbras, or, my personal favorite, Sabrags. “Help! I’m
being attacked by a ruthless Sabrag!”
Uh, oh. Better stop snickering; Ty is giving me the “I’m about
to ask you what’s so funny and I won’t give up until you tell
me” look. Good old Ty, my best friend. I should introduce him and
Rommie; I believe it would be highly amusing.
I know what they’re all thinking, “What does she think of us?
What does she want?”
Trancer is wondering if I really came here by accident. Answer, I have no
idea. She is sweet, I’ve never met a Sun Avatar before, but they seem
to be nice. She is a good person, no worries from her. Except, of course,
that she seems to be slightly obsessed with finding out my race. I can’t
blame her. I might be her new best friend, or the deadliest of enemies.
She will never know. None of them will.
Harpy wants to know if I think he’s cute. Well, he is, kind of. He’s
so sweet, always so kind. But, sometimes when he smiles, or laughs, it’s
almost painful, because deep beneath his cheerfulness, he’s sad. I
can’t imagine the horrors he went through growing up on Earth. If
he ever stops saying he’s a genius and figures out just how smart
he really is, he could be powerful. Not dangerous though, it’s not
in his nature to be evil.
Rommie, your always so watchful. You don’t know if you can trust me,
but don’t worry, I trust Avatars far more than organics. AI’s
are programmed to be loyal and good, and people are not. No, you have nothing
to fear from me, and I think, that you will begin to trust me once you get
to know me, if you ever have the chance.
Captain Hunt, Dylan, with the weight of the universe on your shoulders.
If ever a man needed a break, you would be that one. He wants to know what
is going on between us and the Nietzscheans at Ayn Rand. Who knows, maybe
one day we will tell him, once we’ve figured it out though. What?
Oh, sorry, once I figure it out. After all, you know everything. I don’t
think I have anything to worry about from him. He has been unusually kind
to me.
Jac is standing in Dylan’s office.
“How are your legs?”
“Much better, Dylan.”
“And after only a week!”
“We heal quickly. Trance says I should take it easy, and start my
regular exercises slowly, but other than that you are now free to ship me
“You don’t have to leave. We could transport you to Ayn Rand,
then we would get the chance to meet more of your people.”
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea. The Nietzscheans might
feel threatened by me arriving on a High Guard warship.”
“Of course.”
“However, I will contact my superiors and ask them.”
And then there’s Rev. It’s amazing how calming he can be. Perhaps
it is because of The Mages, I am so used to the spiritual things being part
of my daily life. Being with him is like being back there. When I am with
him, I am calm again. I’m not so afraid. Nothing to fear there.
There is one that I am worried about. Beka Valentine. She wants to do what
is right, for herself. Her personality strikes me as being wholly selfish.
Even her relationship with this Tyr Anasazi that Harper told me about, that
was not just selfish, it was criminal. She risked the lives of her friends
and shipmates for her own desires. Even I wouldn’t do that. However,
I will endeavor to be gracious with her. Almost everyone deserves a second
chance. Yes like me! What the bloody hell do you think I’ve been doing
all these years? Playing croquet? Right, of course, calm, breath in, breath
Telemachus Rhade, you are Majoram pride, and a Nietzschean of Tarazed. I
do not fear you. I think, maybe, we could be friends, in time. I don’t
think you would want to hurt me. What are you talking about? Of course I
remember. But he isn’t him right? Right? I don’t think he would
hurt me. I know, I know, “I don’t have enough empathy to read
a small rodent”. You sure know how to make me feel better. Truthfully,
I just have a feeling about him. If he were bad, why would Trance, Dylan,
and Rommie all trust him? I’m not talking about Beka! I’m talking
about Telemachus Rhade! Who the hell is Gaheris? I think I have no idea
who you’re talking about. Oh. That was him then. But... Windy! All
right! I’ll be more careful! Are you happy?
The download to the Andromeda’s computer is finished, so I have to
go now. <
Jacinth slipped out of Tyrone and ran smack-dab into a tall figure. She
stepped back and looked up, Rhade. “Oh joy”.
She explained hastily. “I was just downloading some data to the Andromeda
for Trance. It’s a lot easier to inform people about a species when
you know about them yourself.”
“I see.” There was an awkward silence. “I was just wonder
if you would like to have dinner some time.” He smiled slightly.
She gazed at him. It was amazing how different he looked when he smiled.
One moment he was a typical, arrogant Nietzschean, the next his whole face
seemed to become warm and friendly. “No! No! No!” screamed her
mind, “Don’t let this be happening to me!”
Out loud, she just managed to stammer that she had to exercise her legs
later on and a quick apology before speeding off to Obs. Deck. “Dear
Valar, if you truly love me protect me from myself. Don’t let me hurt
him. I don’t want to.”
Jac spun around. No one was there.
She nearly screamed as the voice began to overrun her mind.
She covered her ears and squeezed her eyes shut. Her voice was a hoarse
whisper. “I remember. I never forget.”
“Excuse me?”
She looked up to see Trance standing with a Bonsai in her hands. Jac blushed.
“Now she’s going to think I’m crazy. It’s bad enough
that I do, but other people?”
“Uh... just a bi’ of a headache.”
Trance stared at her. “Are you talking with an accent?”
Jac blushed again. “Oh, very smooth. You might as well announce to
the ship ‘I AM A FREAK’!”
“I spent a lot of time with... with... The Mages... and they tend
to have accents that sound like the ones from Britain... on Earth... really.”
Trance nodded, mystified. “Did you download that information?”
Jac rapidly swept back into her usual self. “Yah, just a minute ago.
And Trance” She stepped closer and looked the shorter woman in the
eyes, “I want you to tell them everything.”
Trance nodded, “I understand.”
That afternoon, Dylan had assembled the senior staff on the
bridge. Trance started by showing a diagram of a Sheighon on the main viewscreen.
“For the minimum confusion, I will begin with a brief history of the
Sheighon, then move on to their physical traits, and then to each individual
The picture changed to one of a large, metal sphere. “Revelsphere,
first of two such structures controlled by the Sheighon and their. Hundreds
of thousands of years ago, semi-omnipotent beings known as the Valar created
the Sheighon, a race of powerful energy-based creatures, and set them in
the literal world built inside of this Dysen sphere.”
“What do you mean energy-based? Jac doesn’t look energy-based
to me.” Interrupted Harper.
“There will be time for questions later. Now, these creatures where
divided into sub-species, or races, approximately nine... or was it twelve?
Okay, so it was twelve, but the exact number is unimportant. They are distinguished
by their color, which we will go into later. In 1915 B.C., that is, Before
Harper and Rev seemed to be the only two who got this one.
“The Sheighon took orphaned babies from the planet Earth and raised
them in a separate section of the sphere. Then, in 1900 B.C., two young
men by the names of Philip and Jason went exploring and came upon two equally
adventurous Sheighon named Sentry and Revel. The Sheighon bonded with the
Humans, thus creating a symbiotic relationship with each other. Philip became
Philip Sentry, and Jason became Jason Revel. The first Sheighon as we know
them today. Five years later, the Sheighon decided that it was time for
all of the children, now all young adults, to be bonded. This was what they
had planned for them all along. No one really knows why they needed to do
this, they just did.”
The picture now switched back to the diagram.
“Their history goes on for quite awhile, right down to where they
are now. For now, let’s discuss the species itself. When the Sheighon
bonded with the Humans they altered them genetically. Now, the average female
Sheighon is approximately as strong as the average male human. A male Sheighon
would be stronger. Almost everything about them has been heightened. Not
only that but... well... they’re telepathic.”
There was a collective gasp throughout the room.
Rhade frowned, “Perhaps they should be called Homo Sapiens Invictus.
They seem to be quite the unconquerable race.”
Trance shook her head. “Not at all Lieutenant. Despite all of their
superiority, they have one thing that will always give Humans an advantage;
in becoming Sheighon they lost humanity, thus losing the spirit that Humans
have to learn about others, to learn from their mistakes. I’m not
saying that they can’t, it’s just that they usually don’t.
“Gee, who does this sound like.” Muttered Harper.
“Shut up” Rhade hissed back.
“While Humans have the capacity to learn and change over experience,
the Sheighon almost always have great difficulty in admitting their shortcomings.
Also, they are not all physically greater to humans. Which brings us to
the races. Each race is different. Each has different strengths, weaknesses,
and motives. Some are kind and considerate, while others are selfish and
rude. Even though each person has an individual personality, the basic attitudes
are set from birth, by their DNA. It would take quite awhile to go over
each race individually, so I will give you a brief overview of them, and
highlight the most important.”
The screen now showed a diagram of names and colors. Each name was connected
to a different color.
“As you can see by this diagram, each race is represented by a different
gem or precious metal. The first is the Dolbrun (Do-l-bruhn). They are the
Leaders of all the others. They are also the descendants of Jason Revel
and are represented by the metal known as Platinum.”
Beka’s jaw hit the floor.
“Next are the offspring of Philip Sentry, they are the Naidrash (Nah-ee-drash),
and are the Guardians. Basically, their specialty is defense. And Rubies
represent them.”
“Then there are the Nistrem (Nees-trem) who are the Diplomats. They
are the physically weakest, but also the most attractive of the races. Their
gem is Sapphire.
“Then we go too the Rekrow (Rhek-row), these people are the most skilled
in agriculture, crafts, metalwork, in short, they are the Workers. They
are very peaceful and are symbolized by Topaz.”
“Now, these four are all part of The Sheighon Empire. There is also
Tho Teshjevoh (Tho Tesh-jeh-vo), and the Independents. In Tho Teshjevoh
are the Warriors, known for their strength, which is even higher than the
Naidrash, and they are the Soldiers. While technically they are aligned
with the Empire, they originated as Tho Teshjevoh, and will always remain
so. Their gem is Agate.”
“Then there are those that aren’t quite as accepted. All in
Tho Teshjevoh are basically the races that are considered, unfriendly. This
is not completely true; it is simply that they are a little more... relaxed...
in their standards. Case in point is the Thieves, they are the stealthiest,
but as their name suggests, they seem to take delight in ‘borrowing’
things from unwary Imperials. Besides that, they are friendly, and little
if any real threat. They have Amethyst.”
“To go through the others more quickly, there are the Olympians, of
which little is known including what they are represented by. The Independents
consists of House Blade, the descendants of Psyche Blade, they are represented
by gold and Light. The Phoenix, which is an amazingly powerful race represented
by Fire, and finally The Mages who are the Scientists and Priests of the
Valar, and they are represented by pure White.”
“Um, excuse me” Called Harper, “But didn’t you say
there where twelve races?”
“Why Harper! You where paying attention! Yes, there is one that is
independent that is never spoken of. Then there are the Vampyres.”
“Vampires!” Screamed all Humans in the room.
“No, Vampyres, with a ‘Y’. It is thought that they are
what the Humans based their old folktales off of. They are what must be
focused the most attention on. Despite popular opinion they do not, in fact,
drink blood. Instead, they have the ability to suck nutrients out of a person
through glands in their canines, which do extend and sharpen. If you ever
see a Vampyre, run. They are the most powerful of all races. They are stronger,
faster, agile, and have better senses then most living creatures. On the
plus side, they are not very strong telepathically. All this coupled with
a rather aggressive disposition makes them highly dangerous. The Vampyres
are represented by Onyx.”
“So,” asked Dylan after a long silence, “which is Jac?”
“I have no idea. There are some ways to find out, but unless she tells
us I can’t be certain.”
Harper piped up. “Did I mention I saw Jac exercising? She was wearing
this cut off tank top. It was really weird. It was like, she is really slim,
but she almost has better muscles than Rhade’s”
Trance looked at him in shock, “Well, I have some good new and some
bad news. The good new is, is that I have narrowed her race down to three
possibilities. The bad new, is that there is a two-in-three chance she is
Tho Teshjevoh.”
“Which three are they?” Asked Dylan.
“The Naidrash, the Thieves, and” Trance choked slightly, “the
Harper looked like he was going to cry, “I knew she was too good to
be true.”
Dylan frowned “Wait. What are the chances she is a... Vampyre?”
“About the same that she is any of the others. Of course, there is
always the possibility she is Abomination but that is so rare...”
“What,” growled Rhade not so patiently, “is Abomination?”
“When two people of different races have children, the children will
always be either one or the other, there are no half-Naidrash half-Warriors.
But, every once in awhile, a child will be born that has some DNA from the
other race, they are called Abomination. This is because when they have
mixed blood they can be... well... wild. They basically have two completely
different personalities from two completely different races. But the probability
that Jac is one is something like one in several trillion.”
“What sort of government do these guys have?” Asked Beka.
“While each individual race has it’s own monarchy, the Sheighon
Empire is of course ruled by an Imperial family. The Vampyres are considered
to be the main rulers of Tho Teshjevoh, and the Independents answer to no
one. I think that covers just about everything. If you have any other questions,
we do have them in the Andromeda’s database now.”
Harper stood up and left. As soon as the door opened he saw Jac standing
outside in the hallway, leaning up against the wall, her arms crossed. Her
eyes where closed and her chin rested on her chest. He stopped and looked
at her.
“Jac I...”
“I know.” She snapped.
“I felt power go out of me.” She said sarcastically as she began
to walk away.
“Jac, I didn’t know it mattered. I just thought it meant you
where strong!”
Jac spun around, caught him on the collar of his shirt, and lifted. “It
does mean I’m strong! The strongest Sheighon have slim bodies but
defined muscles. That does not mean I am a monster! I am not a Vampyre!”
She set him down gently and turned. The others stood staring at her. She
looked at them sadly.
“I would never hurt any of you. Maybe you don’t believe me now,
maybe you never will, but I am not a cruel person. Perhaps... perhaps I
should go now, I have trespassed on your hospitality to long already. Goodbye.”
She bowed her head to Trance and walked away.
Later in the day, they all stood on the bridge in confusion. Andromeda had
announced that Jac had entered her ship and was apparently conversing with
her superiors on Euokeshng.
Harper was still trying to sort things out. “So, she’s telepathic?”
“Not very.” Trance remarked. “While she does have some
empathic abilities and a remarkably strong shield, her capacity is limited.
Strange, she did mean it when she said she didn’t want to hurt us,
and that she is not a cruel person. But if she will, I don’t know.”
Rommie stepped forward. “One question. Do the... organic part of the
Sheighon and their symbiots have independent personalities?”
She looked at the other woman curiously, “No, they have little if
any independent thought from each other.”
Beka grinned, “Either way we won’t be worrying about her anymore.
I’d bet her boss is chewing her out right now for taking so long.
She’ll be gone any moment now.”
“Or not.”
They all turned. Jac stood in the doorway. She had changed her clothes.
Instead of her usual garments, which seemed to cover as much as possible,
now she had nothing to hide. She wore what at one time was probably a jacket
made out of dark blue denim. Now, it was cut off halfway down her ribs,
and the sleeves had also been removed. Her denim pants of the same color
where cut low at the waist. She wore a black leather belt with large dark
blue gems.
All mouths dropped open, even Harper’s who had seen her already. Her
body was indeed very slim, but her biceps where hard and, even when relaxed,
looked like they where in a constant state of being flexed. Her stomach
revealed faint lines forming three rows of two rounded squares. A six-pack,
this girl was more muscular than the average Nietzschean.
Another revelation was the... body art. Covering her stomach was a tattoo
of a six-winged angel, it’s wings spread out, and it’s arms
and face raised up. Circling her left bicep there was a small grape-leaf
She spoke, her voice cold. “I just got off with my King and the Emperor.
My mission to Ayn Rand has been canceled. I am to remain here as the official
ambassador of the Sheighon to the New Commonwealth, unless Captain Hunt
has any objections.”
Dylan couldn’t speak; this person who had stepped had rendered him
dumb onto his bridge. It was as if a completely different person had inhabited
the body, if it was her body, of sweet, kind Jac and had become cold, unfeeling...
“No. No objections.” He managed to gasp out. No matter how unusual
the ambassador, his mission was to come into contact with, and become friends
with anyone he could, despite how he might feel.
And so Jac stayed. But it wasn’t until later that anyone remembered
that in those few minutes, her eyes where black as space, except for an
intricate spider-web of purple through the black.
Chapter 6
Jac looked around her new room. Everything was in perfect
order, unlike her whole life, unlike her mind. Just when she thought she
was going to do something constructive with her miserable existence she
gets stuck on guard-duty.
“Even being on his ship wasn’t this... Oh God, I won’t
think of him. Not now. What is it about this place that reminds me of him?
Of course, Beka did say that he was here once. I swear I was so surprised
to hear his name after so long I nearly passed out. I almost forgot about
him, of course someone would have to mention him.”
“Shut up. It’s been two days since I was ordered to stay on
the Andromeda. I’ve been here for nine days, why do I feel so uncomfortable?
Maybe I’ll go talk to the Harpy. Yah, that’s what I’ll
She turned to look once last time before leaving. She had re-furnished one
of the guest quarters. It was divided into three rooms. The main room was
half of the complete size of the quarters, and it was the bedroom. As one
walked inside, straight-ahead in the right-hand corner was a Queen-sized,
old-fashioned bed. Its headboard and footboard where decorated with squares
of different-grained wood in a checkerboard pattern. The overall color was
of dark Mahogany. The covers where dark purple, accented by black embroidered
roses and black pillows, all this was silk. Hey, she loved the stuff! At
the end was a large chest of the same wood, and it was locked with a large,
metal padlock. She softly touched the key hanging around her neck.
“Maybe when the Wizard gives me my courage. Maybe then I’ll
be able to look again.”
She turned to the desk, moved from Tyrone, in the left-hand corner, the
large dark purple sofa on the left side, and the, quite literally, huge
rosewood wardrobe and bookshelf to the right. She had moved many of her
paintings from Tyrone to her new abode, and images of beaches, forests,
mountains, and valleys, and one of a young woman with bright green eyes
and long jet-black hair brightened the room.
The other half of her quarters was divided into a small kitchen, for those
with a culinary flare, or picky dignitaries, and a bathroom. The kitchen
was just like any other kitchen, so she moved on to the bathroom. Again,
the general motif was dark purple accented with black. She looked over the
bathtub, square and the largest she could get, a shower just for the sake
of taking up room, and a vanity table.
Satisfied that everything was in perfect order, she checked herself in the
mirror one last time and left. She walked along toward the machine shop,
her mind racing. Now that people new about her somewhat unusual build, she
made no effort to hide it. Now she wore a glittery purple tank top and her
usual black jeans, her boots where her inseparable companions.
She moved into the machine shop, the natural habitat of the vicious Harpy.
He was, duh, there and, again duh, working on one of his projects.
“Hi Harpy-r.” She said, just barely adding the ‘r’
at the end before accidentally calling him her rather interesting nickname
for him.
Harper blinked a couple times at this mangling of his last name. “Right,
whatever her babe-ness wishes will be granted but... did you just nearly
call me a harpy?”
Jac grinned in embarrassment, “Uh, sorry about that. I always make
up nicknames for people I know, whether I call them that or not. Its usually
a play on their name, your Harpy, Trance is Trancer, Rommie is Romman, like
Seamus Zelazney Harper, suuuuper genius, liked this idea, “And Dylan
is Hunter, and Beka is well, easy, Valentine. Uh, have you thought of one
for Rhade?”
Jac crossed her arms and leaned against a table, “Oh yah, TDG.”
At Harper’s confused look, Jac elaborated, “Tall, dark, and
They both burst out laughing. “He’s not nearly as bad as Tyr.
He was never, ever happy if he could help it. Unless, of course, he was
spreading his DNA to some Nietzschean woman.”
“Most guys are.” And they started laughing all over again.
She looked around the room and started tinkering with several spare parts.
“I have an idea.” She began after a few minutes. “Why
don’t we play a game?”
“A game?”
“Yah. It’s simple. You ask me a question about myself, and I
have to answer it. Then I ask you one.”
Harper seemed to like this idea. “Okay, you start.”
Jac put the tool she was holding down and looked up at the ceiling, biting
her lower lip. “Um, let’s see. What’s your favorite drink?”
“Easy. Sparky Cola.”
Jac laughed a little and went back to work. “Your turn.”
“A question about you. Uh, how about, what do you look for in a guy?”
“What?” She said, her voice raising several notes.
“Really, what do you look for in a guy? Come on Jac, it’s the
She stared at the tool in her hand. Finally she muttered, “I don’t”.
Harper frowned slightly and straightened himself a bit. “What did
you say?”
“I don’t... look for things in men. I leave them alone and they
leave me alone.”
“Okay.” Said Harper, drawing the sounds out. “I’m
having a hard time believing this.”
“Too bad. It’s my turn anyway. And you asked two questions.”
“No I didn’t!”
“Yes you did. You asked me ‘what I look for in guys’ and
‘what did I say’. That’s two. So I get two now.”
Harper laughed sarcastically and rolled his eyes, but conceded.
“Question number one, do you consider yourself to be best friends
with Trance?”
“Yah sure I do. When we where still on the Maru, and she was still
purple, I kinda helped her out settling in. We’ve been friends ever
“That’s nice. Question numero dos, if you could create anything
you wanted what would it be?”
“Let me see. It would probably be something that could destroy all
of the Magog, without anyone else getting hurt.”
Jac looked up at him, studying him. “My next question was going to
be ‘what is your greatest fear’, but I think you already answered
Harper glanced at her. “My turn. Just what tattoos do you have?”
“That’s a good one.” She said laughing, “Let me
see, there is the one on my arm, which you have seen. The one on my stomach
is of a Seraph, or a very powerful Angel. And then there’s the one
on my hip...”
She trailed off. Harper wasn’t about to fall for that again, he only
raised his eyebrows.
“Smart boy. It’s actually on my right hip and leg. On the hip
is the head of a dragon, it continues on down the side of my leg, the tail
wraps around it at the ankle.”
“That’s big.”
“Yah, it’s red too. Quite cool. My next question is, have you
ever been infected by Magog larvae?”
He turned to her. His jaw was tense and eyes flickered slightly with anger.
She actually stepped back.
“Why did I have to say that? What made me think of it?”
“I’m sorry, forget I mentioned it.”
“Yes.” He snapped. “I have. Now my question, are you a
This time she turned on him. Her eyes, for a moment, seemed to be black,
but they swiftly returned to their normal bright blue, but they still lashed
out at him like two daggers going straight for his heart. Her whole posture
seemed to change. Instead of relaxed yet alert, she was now straight, her
shoulders pushed forward. She put a hand on a table; it almost seemed to
steady herself.
Harper was afraid, probably more afraid than he had been since the last
time they had encountered Magog. But he kept his voice steady, “Sorry,
forget I mentioned it” He mocked.
She whirled around back to her work. Her hands clenched the bench till her
knuckles where white. After a moment, Harper returned to his work, and was
surprised when she spoke in a whisper.
“I’m not.”
He took this opportunity to lighten the mood. “Ah ha! Who was he?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“In that, you differ from Beka. But, come on! I won’t tell anyone!
What’s his name?”
She squeezed her eyes shut, but she had her back to Harper, so he couldn’t
see this. “Charles.”
“Ah, see? That wasn’t so hard. Now, how old where you?”
“Young. Too young.”
“And he was?”
“You’re not going to let up?”
“Not a chance.”
“Okay.” She sighed, and turned back to him, propping herself
on the table. “It was years ago. He was supposed to be protecting
me, and I had my hormones going crazy. We spent a lot of time together,
things happened, I left, and I never saw him again. I don’t talk about
“Until now.”
“Against my wishes, yes.”
Harper watched her for several minutes. When he spoke, his voice was unusually
gentle. “I wish you would tell me what’s wrong.”
“What do you mean? Nothings wrong.”
“I look at you, and I see myself. I’ve been betrayed before,
I’ve been tortured, and I’ve nearly died from Magog larvae.
I know when someone is in pain. I wish you would tell me what happened.”
Jac looked up at him. Her eyes where no longer cold, but instead held something
that was completely contrasting with Harper’s idea of Jac, vulnerability.
“You want my life-story? All right.” For the next hour, she
told him everything.
Telemachus Rhade made his way through the Andromeda toward the gym. He had
changed into gray sweats and a T-shirt. In his mind, he tried to figure
out what now seemed to be one of the great mysteries of the universe, right
along with the purpose of life and the location of Tarn-Vedra. What was
with Jac?
First she was fearful of him, and then friendly, and then all-of-a-sudden
she seemed to go the opposite direction every time she saw him. It was getting
really annoying, to the point where he found himself avoiding her as well.
“With my luck, she’ll probably be exercising in the gym.”
She was.
For a moment he thought about leaving. Then he thought about kicking himself.
“Your on the same ship now. You have no meet up some time!”
Jac was now wearing her exercise clothes. These consisted of a dark purple
sports-bra and low-riding, very loose, pants of a light, almost gauzy fabric.
She didn’t wear any shoes. She was on a matt doing summersaults. Her
movements where practiced and graceful, using up the least amount of energy
and movement.
“She certainly does this a lot.”
Jac looked up as he entered. Sparing a few seconds to smile at him before
moving to uneven parallel bars.
For some reason, this motion irritated Telemachus. He moved over to a punching
bag and began pounding on it.
“All she did was smile. All she did was smile. That is not a declaration
of war.” He tried to reason with himself. She just looked over at
him with a look of amusement.
“The punching bag didn’t do anything. Don’t take... uh...
forget it. Take your frustrations out on it all you like.” She laughed.
She added, whispering, “Just as you don’t try to take them out
on me.”
“What?” Telemachus snapped, coming to a halt and glaring up
at her.
“Oh my goodness! Did I say that out loud? Sorry.” She laughed
again. All this time she continued swinging from one bar to the other, but
now she let go, flipping through the air to land next to him. She leaned
her arm against his punching bag and looked at him.
“Step back.” He said.
She didn’t move.
He repeated himself, but she still stood there, gazing up at his face. She
seemed to be saying, “Make me.”
Finally he gently pushed her back with one arm. Her expression clouded for
a second, but she seemed to decide to be amused rather than irritated. Still,
as he went back to the bag, she stood examining his movements.
“You shouldn’t always hit the same place. Try hitting lower.”
He turned and scowled at her.
“Like this.” In a flash her fist came forward in an underhand
gesture staying level with her waist and smacked right into the punching
bag. The sound was sharp, almost painful to Telemachus’ sensitive
hearing. She put quite a bit of power into her blow, the bag even swung
He glanced at Jac. “I’m impressed.”
“No your not.” She said smiling and turning away.
“I’m not?”
“Uh uh. You’re pouting. You always pout when you’re displeased.”
Telemachus felt his face grow warm. “Damn, she figured it out.”
Out loud, “Why would I be displeased?”
“Because you just realized how strong I am. You think I’m a
threat. I’m not.”
“Whatever.” He muttered, trying his best not to ‘pout’.
She laughed... again... at him. “Don’t worry about it. It’s
actually kind of cute.”
“At least I am.”
She stopped dead in her tracks. “Are you saying I’m not cute?”
“I’m saying sometimes you can be a better Ice Queen than Rommie.”
She turned back to him, her teeth clenched. “What does it matter to
you how I act?”
“How did this get started?”
“I thought we where becoming friends. What happened? Did I do something
“No, it’s just that my sanity finally came back after a long
“How did I get into this argument?”
“What is your problem? I never did anything to hurt you!”
“That’s right! I never did anything to deserve this!”
“You want me to tell you what my problem is?”
“My problem is, I’ve spent my entire life getting stuck with
arrogant, self-worshiping jerks, and you just serve as a reminder of past
jerks, if you aren’t one yourself.”
“So what your saying is, you don’t have a problem with me, but
what I remind you of?”
“Yah!” Her face relaxed from its previous glare. She looked
almost tearful. “Nietzscheans you see, they’re all alike, and
until you can prove otherwise, I’m going to treat you exactly the
way I would treat any other.”
He glowered at her, his mouth twitching. Finally, he just turned around
and moved away with a last curse. “Damn you.”
He never saw it coming. One moment he was walking back to the punching bags,
the next two fist shot into his peripheral vision and came down on his ears,
He fell to his knees, his ears wringing with pain. He wanted to scream,
but that would just add to her satisfaction. So instead he turned around
as he stood up and brought his fist into her stomach.
She went flying and landed halfway across the room. He had an urge to run
to her and make sure she was okay, but he restrained himself.
“Chivalry is one of the stupidest virtues one could exercise during
a fight. She is not weak or defenseless.”
Instead, he waited as she slowly picked herself up, and straightened. While
her blow had tortured him with pain, she didn’t even appear unsteady.
They began to circle each other.
“Your resilient.” He remarked.
“I don’t feel pain very much. Though sometimes, the memories
I get when I see you cause me enough anguish that it almost feels physical.”
She goaded as she dodged several lunges by Rhade, before getting hit again,
this time in the shoulder.
“I can fix that.” He replied as he caught her in the side with
his foot as she fell to the ground. She responded by swinging herself in
a circle with enough momentum to catch him in the legs and send him tumbling
beside her. She quickly pushed him onto his back and pinned him there, sitting
on him and pushing her knees down into his shoulders.
“You shouldn’t be so over-confident.”
“You shouldn’t be so light.” Her face twisted into a look
of complete surprise as he easily spun himself over so that he was now lying
on her, his arm against her throat with bone-spikes fully extended.
Her face began twitching with anger. “Get off!” She snapped.
He rolled over and got up, offering her a hand, which she ignored.
“Next time,” He said with no small amount of pride, “Think
twice before boxing my ears.”
“Yah, yah.” She muttered.
He began to walk out. Next thing he knew he was being body-slammed by 130
pounds of irate-girl. He lay on his stomach, softly cursing the Sheighon
for creating people who couldn’t take a joke if their lives depended
on it.
Jac picked herself up and, leaning down, looked at him with satisfaction.
“Next time, don’t turn your back on me.” She grinned.
“Again.” She laughed as she walked out.
“Why me?”
Later on Telemachus joined Beka, Dylan, Rommie, and, he was sorry to notice,
Jac on the bridge. She was chatting with Rommie about her ships AI, but
she looked up and smirked when he came in.
“I would suggest Epsom Salts, Lieutenant. They’re a natural
reliever of sore muscles.”
Beka appeared to go into convulsions from her place in the pilot’s
area. Telemachus scowled at both. Apparently, Jac had been talking about
they’re little ‘practice session’.
“Thank you Jac. I’ll remember that next time. You didn’t
tell us how good Sheighon memories are.”
She nodded. “Yes, I might not remember to remind you.”
“Actually, I was thinking of reminding you.” He parried, adding
a slight pause before the last word.
She just turned back to her conversation with Rommie. He took his place
at weapons. He couldn’t help but let his mind wander back to the week
after she apologized, before this new mess started.
“Usually I would call her by her full name. I even call Beka ‘Rebecca’.
But there was that one time I called her Jacinth...”
They are sitting together in the Officer’s Mess.
“So, Jacinth is a flower?”
“And so is Anemone, which means ‘Wind Flower?”
“It really is a beautiful name... Jacinth.”
“Uh huh. Right. By the way, call me Jacinth and I’ll hang you,
by your pants, from the highest branch on the Vedran tree in Obs.”
“Okay, so maybe she was joking. But I’ve always had difficulty
calling her that ever since then. Even now, when any chance for a friendship
seems to have come to have... what would Harper say...bought the farm.”
The voice of his captain called him out of his revere. An alarm was going
off on his control panel.
“Note to self: Never space off when your supposed to be paying attention.
You will get embarrassed.”
He cleared his throat and looked at his controls. “A ship is approaching.”
“Let’s see them.” Said Dylan.
He pressed a button and looked up. He nearly gasped. On screen was a ship
very much like Jac’s in design, only it was much bigger, about the
same size as the Andromeda, and it was completely black.
“They are hailing us.”
Dylan looked over his shoulder at Jac, who was staring at the ship like
it was going to kill her personally any second. “On screen.”
The face of a young man appeared on the main viewer. He had thick jet-black
hair and bright gold eyes. He smiled, making his handsome face light up.
He greeted Jac, his voice tinged heavily with an unusual accent. “Jacinth
Jac smiled back, all trace of dread gone. “Rhodas Maur Acacia. How
are you?”
“I am well.”
“Is Char with you? Is he all right?” She asked, her expression
becoming worried.
“He is... well... I’m not sure how to put this lightly.”
She was becoming quite pale. “What’s wrong?”
Rhodas leaned forward and hissed through his teeth, “He’s driving
me crazy!”
They both burst out laughing. Jac turned to Dylan. “Captain, would
it be okay with you if we have a few visitors?”
Dylan smiled. “Not at all, as long as they behave themselves.”
He turned to Rhodas. “I am Dylan Hunt, Captain of the Andromeda Ascendant.”
“Rhodas bowed his head slightly. “A pleasure Captain. I am Rhodas
of Maur out of Madora of Lachesis by Christopher of Thanatos of the family
of Acacia, Holder of the Sword of Rosia and...” He broke into a broad
grin, “the Humble Captain of this, the Royal Starship Sentry. I look
forward to seeing you all in person.” And he cut the connection.
“An even longer introduction than Jac’s, but he still overlooked
the part about his race.”
Jac began to move toward the door. “Rommie, please prepare a docking
bay for the Captain’s arrival. Dylan, would you please come with me?”
“I’m going too.”
Jac looked at Rhade. They both knew why he wanted to come, and it wasn’t
out of any outstanding desire to meet Jac’s friends. It was because
he wanted to make sure they didn’t do anything while they where there.
He had run out of trust for Sheighon.
He moved to join them as they left.
Chapter 7
Dylan, Rhade, Jac, and Rommie stepped into the docking bay.
Next to Tyrone, there was now a ship of approximately the same design, except
that it was completely black without the purple markings and its wings didn’t
curve inward at the tips. Rommie noticed that it hovered several feet off
the ground, the same way that Jac’s did.
The ramp slowly came down, but even before it was fully down a young man
bounded out and jogged forward coming to a halt several yards away. This
was Captain Rhodas Acacia.
In person, he was quite tall, maybe 6’2”, almost as tall as
Dylan. He wore long pants and a tunic-like shirt that reached just past
his hips. All was completely made of the same black, glossy fabric as Jac’s
flight outfit, minus the purple design. The tunic was folded over to fasten
from his right shoulder down to his waist with large deep-red clasps. Everything
was trimmed with thin strips of dark-red velvet. The clothes generally hid
his build, but it was obvious through the tight tunic that, despite having
a wiry frame, he had muscles. Very much like Jac.
Rhodas bounded forward and wrapped Jac up in an enthusiastic embrace which,
after several seconds of surprise, she returned just as warmly. He pulled
back and looked at her.
“Jac! Look at you! Last time I saw you, you where a little girl, but
now look at you!”
Jac recoiled in mock horror. “For the sake of Sonia and Nestor spare
me the clichés!”
“Funny for you to invoke the names of Wisdom.” Rhodas smirked.
Jac rolled her eyes at him and turned to the others. “This is my old
friend, Rhodas Maur Acacia.”
She proceeded to introduce him to each. He smiled and shook Dylan’s
hand. Grinned and shook Rommie’s, complementing her on the beauty
of the Andromeda. As he turned to Rhade he stopped and looked at Jac. For
several minutes their gazes locked and held each other. Rommie could practically
feel the energy leaping in between their eyes. Then he turned to Rhade and
slowly held out his hand, which was accepted. This seemed to make them relax,
and now Rhodas turned back to the pod he had arrived on.
“Charles! Eieou eh ewv!” He called.
All looked over to the ramp. Rommie noticed that Jac began to bite her lip
Out of the ship came a young boy. He shuffled out slowly, his head hung.
He made his way to stand next to Rhodas.
Rommie studied him. He slightly resembled Jac, though only slightly. His
hair, while being blond as well, was a rich shade of gold instead of pale.
His eyes where not as round, but they did have the strange bright blue-green
color. His facial structure was quite aesthetically pleasing, if not unusual.
His cheekbones where unusually sharp and high, though this served only to
make him more ‘handsome’. He was wearing what appeared to be
a miniature version of Rhodas’ uniform. Except that his sleeves became
quite loose after the elbow, a curious fashion.
Jac looked down at him. “Char?” It was said like a question.
The boy looked up at her. His lips trembled slightly. She knelt down and
held her arms out to him, and he rushed over to her. They held each other
for a while, and then Jac turned to them.
“And this is Charles Aristid. I have been in line to be his legal
guardian upon turning twenty for most of his life. Seven years.”
This was surprising to Rommie. The boy was seven, and already he was approximately
four and a half feet tall. On the other hand, Jac did say that Sheighon
matured quickly.
Now the boy, Charles or ‘Char’, was being introduced around.
He, of course, shook hands with Dylan. When he turned to Rommie, instead
of shaking her hand, he instead turned it over and kissed the back.
“What a little gentleman!”
Rhodas smirked, rolled his eyes at Jac, and scooted the miniature dandy
to Rhade. Char held out his hand, and softly studied the blades on the arm
extended to him. The look he gave Telemachus seemed to shine with... admiration.
“He’ll be taller than his father.” Remarked Jac.
Rhodas looked over. “How tall was he?”
“Uh, I don’t remember. It’s been awhile since I last saw
Rhodas face twisted into a look mixed with anger, pain, and disgust. “Thank
Jac looked like she wanted to slap him. “Be nice. I think he’ll
take after his mother. She was 5’6” by the time she was thirteen.”
Char rolled his eyes at Rommie. Rommie found herself smiling and rolling
hers back.
“Parents, or Guardians. They always talk about you as if you weren’t
there.” The boy whispered.
Rhodas playfully cuffed him on the back of his head. “Don’ talk
bad about your superiors.”
“But if that’s true why do you always talk bad about me!”
Char stuck his lower lip out and frowned.
Jac smiled at them affectionately.
Rommie couldn’t help but notice that both had unusual accents. They
where very much like ones that would have been heard in the old-Earth country
of England. She remembered Trance mentioning that Jac had once spoken with
one for a brief moment. Perhaps it was a trait of her species, or race.
Jac grew serious and turned to Rhodas. “Tell me, how is my cousin?”
Rhodas frowned. “Willem? He... well... let’s just say I wouldn’t
make any trips to his jurisdiction if I where you.”
“What has he said about me?”
“Oh, something about ‘if she ever sets foot on Euokeshng again
I’ll personally tear her throat out’.”
Jac winced. “Ouch, he’s still sore eh?”
“Probably not. It’s just that he has to have an excuse to be
angry with, and threaten someone at random intervals or he can’t be
He looked at her and the smirk on his face melted away.
“I’m sorry sweetie. I’m sorry I don’t have better
news for you.”
Char looked up at his guardians. “You know, while I’m sure the
Captain and his friends would love to stand here while you mope over the
incurable stubbornness of Uncle, I would like to settle in.”
Rommie stepped forward. “I have arranged quarters for Charles. A assumed
you would not be staying Captain Acacia.”
Rhodas smiled. “No, I will be staying on my ship for as long as Char
needs to get settled in.”
The boy suddenly looked over to Tyrone. “I take that back. I want
to see Tyrone.”
Jac and Rhodas looked at each other. Another flicker seemed to pass between
them, and finally Jac nodded. “Okay, a quick visit. I think Ty would
like some company. In fact...” she turned to Rommie, “I’ve
been aching to introduce you two.”
Rommie, Jac, and Char entered Jac’s ship while Rhodas stayed to talk
with Dylan. Rhade looked back and forth, but decided to stay with his Captain.
As they entered, Jac simply called out softly, “Tyrone.”
Immediately, a figure appeared. Rommie did a double take. He was sprawled
out on the pilot’s chair, one leg over the back, the other over one
armrest, and his fingers lightly drumming on their corresponding lower-limbs.
He was staring at the front when he appeared but now looked over his shoulder.
He was quite a bit like Rhodas in appearance. He had very much the same
general facial shape and build, along with the jet-black hair, but his eyes
where a remarkable shade of glowing amber. Rommie noticed that even though
he was obviously a hologram, he did not have the transparency of others.
It also appeared that he was tangible, that is, it would be very difficult
for something that could not touch anything of solid matter, to sit in a
solid chair. He appeared to be wearing a, surprise, surprise, black leather
coat that reached his knees. This was fell open to reveal a black turtleneck,
pants and boots.
He looked the three up and down. When he spoke, his voice was low and leisurely.
It seemed almost syrupy with its thick accent, even thicker than Rhodas’.
His tone was sarcastic as it drawled out as he turned his head back, “Tyrone
‘Young Warrior’ reportin’ for duty m’lady.”
Jac planted her hands on her hips and one corner of her mouth lifted into
a little smile.
“I see you’ve been bored.”
Tyrone’s head whipped back, eyes wide. In one fluid motion he leapt
out of the chair and strode up to her. He leaned down and his hands gripped
her shoulders.
“For the sake of any Valar you bloody well please to call upon, give
me something to do!”
Here he grinned slightly, but quickly went back to the desperate look of
before and straightened up, releasing her shoulders.
“Every time I think I’m going to get to blow something up, I
get stuck on watch-dog duty! What am I to do?”
Jac was giggling slightly.
“I’ll figure something out. For now, I’d like you to meet
the Andromeda Ascendant. Also, I believe you’ve met Char before.”
His gaze flickered to Rommie, and he nodded by way of greeting. Then he
ran over to Char and tossed him high in the air. Char cried out happily.
“Tyrone! Tyrone!”
He caught the boy and set him on the floor.
“Hey, Rhodas treating you alright? If not, I’d love to beat
him up for you.”
“Rhody is great. Besides, I’ve already beaten him up enough
for both of us.”
Ty laughed. “That’s my Charlie Aristid.”
His gaze drifted back to Rommie. “You are the Andromeda?”
“I am the Andromeda Ascendant’s human relations avatar. I assume
you serve a similar purpose on this ship?”
“I am what is referred to as a hard-light hologram. I serve many purposes,
including interaction with biological crewmembers, and I can lend an extra
hand when needed.”
Rommie nodded. “The Sheighon appear to be quite proficient when it
comes to technology.”
“We like to think so.” Answered Jac.
Rommie looked Ty up and down. “It’s a pity you don’t have
an android avatar. Then you would be able to move about freely.”
Ty lifted his eyebrows up and grinned. “Ah ha! But I might be able
to. Your computer is quite large, you could route my systems through your
own Holo-Matrix, and I would be able to go anywhere you could, that is,
anywhere your hologram could.”
“And you thought up all of this in what, two weeks?” Asked Char.
“Nine days. And hey, it’s not like I was actually doing anything.”
Ty scowled at Jac who batted her eyelashes back.
Rommie considered this. “It might work. When would you be able to
link up?”
“Right now, if it’s alright with you.”
Rommie agreed. Ty stepped toward her. “Just relax, we do this a little
differently from you.”
He softly held his hands in front of him, she pressed hers against them
and intertwined their fingers. Immediately, her face looked up, and her
eyes rolled back. Tyrone kept his eyes fixed intently on her. In a few minutes,
he pulled back, and Rommie returned to normal.
“Amazing.” She whispered, looking into his eyes. He bowed his
head slightly.
“Transfer complete.” He smiled. “Shall we go?”
Char nearly fell over from a great yawn that he had been fighting for the
past several minutes.
“I’ll take that as a yes. Maybe you should get settled and take
a nap.”
“No!” Char immediately cried.
“Yes.” Retorted Ty. “Go with Jac now and mind her, y’
Char nodded wordlessly as Jac picked him up effortlessly and set him on
her hip.
“I have arranged quarters for him next to yours.” Rommie told
Jac. She thanked the android and left, carrying Char with her.
Rommie turned back to Ty. They stood in silence.
“So.” Rommie began, “Tell me about Jac. Her mother died
when she was very young, am I right?”
Ty nodded his head sadly. “Yes.”
After a pause, Rommie asked, “What was she like?”
“She was... strong. She was courageous, and kind. She never did anything
she thought was wrong. She never compromised her morals. She always stood
up for Jac when people where unkind to her.”
“Why where they unkind?”
Tyrone stared at the ground. “She was different. She never really
belonged anywhere. She was unlike everyone else. The only real friends Jac
ever had when she was little where her cousin, Willem, and Rhodas, and Cassandra
Rhoswen, a friend of Willem’s. Then she... she did something that
made Will very angry with her, and he hasn’t spoken to her since.
It was hardly even her fault!”
He spoke the last part in a sob. Rommie listened sympathetically.
“He was the one she asked Rhodas about?”
“Yes. He’s her first cousin. Jac’s mother was his father’s
sister. They only had each other, those four, they where all outcasts, people
who where different for one reason or another. Rhodas was an orphan, Will
was just odd, and Cassandra, she was very sweet, an unusual thing among
our... her race.”
“You’ve known her a long time.” Rommie whispered.
“Yah. I’ve been her personal spacecraft ever since she was born.
I suppose you could say we’re exactly the same age, because I was
activated the same day she was born.”
“That’s nice. I for one am much older than any of the crew.”
Ty laughed. “Even Dylan?”
Rommie laughed as well. “Yes, even Dylan.”
“Tell me more about Jac’s mother. What did she look like? Was
she like her?”
“She was. Not in coloring mind you, only in structure. She was a little
taller than Jac is now, black hair, green eyes, quite a bit more pale than
Jac, like me. She was old by your standards, but far to young by ours.”
“How old was she?”
Rommie looked at him in shock. “Three hundred and sixteen actual years
old? How is that possible?”
“Sheighon are exceptionally long lived. It is said that they even
stop aging completely after reaching maturity. Not that they don’t
die. Vanessa died of a rare disease. There are other sicknesses, and then
of course there are the occasional wars, murders, assassinations, executions,
which are incredibly rare, and other unnatural causes of death. It comes
from being joined with beings that don’t not grow old, they’re
barely even corporeal.”
Meanwhile, Jac carried her ward to his new quarters. She brought him inside
and set him down on the bed. She sat next to him and looked down at him.
Char looked at her groggily. “What do I call you?”
“Whatever you want to Mon Cher.”
“Then, I think I will call you Mother. It suits you.”
Jac smiled at him, her eyes shining with love. “Thank you. You do
me great honor, though I do not deserve it. Sleep well, Nimveno Eho.”
She leaned down and tucked him in, and after kissing him softly on the forehead.
Then she quietly left and went to her own quarters to change into her exercising
She quickly walked to the gym. Thanks to her stupid-rotten-luck, who else
was there but Telemachus Rhade himself!
Jac scowled for an instant, but turned to a large mat in one corner. She
stepped onto the mat and closed her eyes, letting her body relax. She began
to move, slowly and then picking up speed. Her movements where an exercise,
and Rommie could not quite figure out what the style would be used for.
Both arms moved in quick, graceful motions.
“Rhade, would you quit staring at me?” Jac snapped as she continued
her motions.
He didn’t seem inclined to. “I’m just watching.”
He retorted.
“Well watch someplace else, I’m trying to concentrate.”
“Rhade.” Jac warned. He kept watching.
Finally she spun around and shouted, “Hey! Tongari! Are you deaf and
Rhade straightened up. “Excuse me?”
Jac cocked her head to the side. “Tongari. A phrase from an old Earth
language called Japanese. There is no exact translation in Basic, a close
rendering would be ‘needle noggin’.”
“What exactly did I do to make you dislike me so much?” He asked
“You exist.”
“I don’t understand. You used to not be like this, I even thought
we might become friends.”
She stopped and looked at him. “I don’t want a friend.”
And she returned to her exercising.
Rhade placed his fists on his hips and glowered at her. “Then what
do you want? A whipping boy?”
She jumped to the side and twisted through the air to land in a crouch,
her arms spread, her right leg stretched behind her and her left knee bought
up under her. She scowled back at him before rolling over and coming up
again on her feet with her arms crossed in front of her, her hands in fists.
“You haven’t answered my question.”
She moved her arms behind her back and brought her leg up so that it touched
her forehead.
She set her foot back down and did a split, one leg straight in front, the
other straight back so that she sat on the floor.
“Jacinth, answer me!”
She looked up at him, her eyes flashed. In an instant she had used pressure
from her legs to lift herself back up, without using her arms at all, and
stood before him.
“You have no right to demand anything from me!” She shouted
at him.
“For a species that matures quickly, you certainly spend a lot of
time behaving like a child!” He commented back.
This seemed to affect her, and she stood dumbfounded in front of him.
“I hate you.” She hissed. “I hate you, I hate Nietzscheans,
I hate what they stand for, and I hate what they did to my life. That is
my problem. You have a problem with that, you can go stick it up your superior,
genetically-engineered nose.”
The next moment Jac found herself being pummeled to the ground. It was so
unexpected that she had no time to react. All she could do was try to fend
off, or at least dodge the blows that where raining down on her.
“Alert! Alert!”
They both looked over to a screen to see the face of the Andromeda.
“Jac! Rhade! You will have to finish this later! We are under attack!”
Jac took this opportunity to hit Rhade in the jaw, sending him flying back.
She quickly scrambled up and ran toward the bridge. She could hear Rhade
Chapter 8
Dylan looked up as Jac and Rhade came racing onto the bridge.
Both were still in workout clothes and, judging from the scowls they were
shooting at each other, still angry.
"What happened?" Asked Rhade as soon as he got to his station.
Jac moved to stand next to Beka in the pilot's post.
Rommie filled them in. "A ship appeared out of nowhere and fired upon
us with an unknown weapon. They have now ceased and..."
"Are hailing us. Audio only." Rhade interrupted in surprise.
Dylan looked at his crew, taking in their anxious faces. "Let's hear
A masculine voice came over the comm. It was hard and cold, seemingly devoid
of emotion.
"Andromeda Ascendant, you will hand over Jacinth Anemone to my custody
immediately. If not, we will destroy you."
Dylan frowned. If there was anything he hated it was threats from people
he had just met.
"Why?" He asked.
"That is none of your concern."
Jac stepped forward. "Tax?"
There was silence. The voice came back, only it seemed softer now, almost
"Taxiarchai Anastasius Kalyca! What in Tartarus are you doing?"
"Bringing you home, m'lady. I will return in one week. If you are not
ready by then, I will take you by force and destroy your friends."
"Tax!" She cried and stepped even closer. As if by being closer
to the screen, she could be closer to him. But he cut the connection.
"The ship is leaving." Informed Rhade.
"No!" She sobbed softly and held her hand out. The main viewer
changed to show the departing craft. It was smaller than the Andromeda and
the Sentry. Its shape was indescribable; it had multiple thin wings on each
side all curving forward, each ending in sharp points. Its color was remarkable,
dark blue but shimmering with a silvery sheen.
Jac gasped as she saw it. Dylan jumped forward just soon enough to catch
her as she slipped into a faint.
Trance stood on the bridge of the Andromeda. She had called a meeting of
the senior staff after putting Jac to bed. She felt numb. She hadn't seen
it coming. How could she not see it coming?
She started out of her thought to see that all had assembled and were staring
at her expectantly.
"I have some semi-good news, and some really bad news." She began.
"The good news is that because Jac mentioned the last name of Captain
of the ship that attacked us, I know what race he is. The really bad news
is that Kalyca, is the royal family of the Vampyres."
There was a collective groan of despair. Why did they all have such rotten
"I have some other news. But first, I have to explain something. The
Sheighon base all of their names off of the language of ancient Greece.
Taxiarchai, means 'Archangel', no doubt a play on Sheighon, which translated
basically means Archangel. Anastasius, means Reborn, possibly he is a spawn."
"Spawn?" Asked Dylan.
"Spawn." Began Rommie, "The Sheighon term used for a being
that is 'spawned' from a Sheighon. That is, instead of being the product
of two joined Sheighon, this un-joined Sheighon is the genetic duplicate
of its parent. Not that they look identical, they will always have different
active genes. An interesting point is that they are technically only the
offspring of the energy being, not the host."
"Excellent Rommie." Trance complimented.
"Tyrone has been telling me some of the details of Sheighon biology."
"Anyway, the Vampyres are descended from a woman named Rosia Delphine
Phoenix. Rosia is Greek for Rose. Thus the meanings of all of their last
names have something to do with roses. Kalyca itself means rosebud."
Dylan nodded. "So, what is it that you want to tell us."
"Rhoswen. It is the last name of the girl who Tyrone said was one of
Jac's best friends." Said Rommie.
Beka looked puzzled. "What about it?"
Trance seemed almost sad. "In Greek, it means White Rose."
"So, what your saying is, one of Jac's childhood friends was a Vampyre?"
Asked Harper.
"It appears so."
"Does that mean she's one?"
"No, not necessarily. But still..."
"But still nothing!" Harper snapped. "This girls gone through
enough without having people making judgments on her just because of the
last name of one of her friends!"
Trance looked intently at her friend. "What do you know about what
happened to her?"
"Let's just say she made me promise not to talk about it. I can swear
to you that she doesn't mean any harm." Harper said evasively.
Rommie shook her head. "By the way, Harper. Rhodas, in Greek, means
Rose Garden. And Acacia, means Thorny, as in roses have thorns."
"So? That doesn't mean she's evil. Give her a break guys!" Harper
Dylan was frowning. "I'm sorry Mr. Harper, but she's not making it
very easy for us to trust her."
"Trust me. You guys should trust her." Said a soft voice from
the doorway.
All turned to see Rhodas in the doorway, Char stood next to him.
"I'm sorry, I know I have no business being here, but please try to
trust Jac."
Trance walked over to him. "Rhodas, is Rommie right?"
Rhodas looked softly at the shorter man. "Yes, I am a Vampyre, but
stories of my bloodthirstiness have been greatly exaggerated."
"What about Char?"
Rhodas looked fondly at the boy, who was looking over the assembled crew.
"He's different."
Char looked up at his friend. "It's okay Rhodas. They won't hate me,
they will understand. We can tell them." He walked forward so everyone
could see him clearly.
"I am an abomination. But I am not the average kind. I am half Vampyre
and half... well... see." And he proceeded to pull up the loose sleeves
of his tunic to reveal neat rows of Nietzschean bone-blades. Despite his
being only half Nietzschean, his blades were exactly the right size for
a child of his age, instead of being smaller.
Beka, Trance, and Dylan gasped, Harper just smiled, Rhade looked impressed,
and Rommie just looked interested.
"My father knew Jac, so when he... well... she was made my guardian.
But because she was only thirteen at the time, Rhodas was made my co-guardian
and has taken care of me until Mother is old enough."
Beka shook her head. "But I thought Trance said that the Vampyres are
Rhodas smiled. "We are. It's just that we aren't quite as evil as people
say. Granted, there are some of us that you really wouldn't want to have
as enemies, but we aren't all bad. Now..." And he looked at Dylan.
"... I understand that you have been attacked. Did the assailant identify
Trance nodded. "Yes, his name was Taxiarchai Anastasius Kalyca."
Rhodas' face went stiff. His mouth twitched. Finally, he exploded with,
"Bloody hell!"
"What?" Asked Trance.
He began pacing. He let out a bark of laughter. His manner was one of disbelief.
"The demon-spawn followed me! He followed me!"
Dylan was alert. "You know him?"
"Of course I know him! Everyone knows the Angel of Blood. He's also
an abomination, the spawn of a half-Vampyre, half-Thief. I know it's not
possible for two Tho Teshjevoh to have a child that is an abomination; it
has to be a Tesh and an Imperial. Well, Taxiarchai is the exception to every
"Why is he after Jac?"
"I have no idea. I thought he gave up on her a long time ago. What
color was the ship he was in?" He stopped and reached his hand slightly
toward Beka.
"Uh, blue, I guess."
"Blue? Are you joking? What else? Did it have any sort of sheen to
"Yah, it kind of glittered silvery."
Rhodas looked crestfallen. He put a hand on the wall to steady himself.
"Taxiarchai? Working for them? It can't be."
"Who? Who are they?" Demanded Rhade.
"They are the ones that are truly forgotten. We don't even speak of
them. I know it's not very original, but we usually refer to them as the
Evil Ones."
"And why would they want Jac?"
"I suppose for the same reason I came here. She's growing up."
Harper stared. "Excuse me?"
Rhodas looked to his side and explained in a calmer voice. "Once Jac
turns twenty, it is quite possible that her psionic abilities will become
quite a bit greater. If the Ones get a hold of her, they might try to use
that against us, to finally destroy all of the Sheighon that have fought
"So, just how evil are the Evil Ones?" Beka joked.
Rhodas frowned at her for several seconds. "There is a lovely, long
word in Basic... sadomasochistic."
Beka's mouth formed an "O".
Dylan looked around. "Why are we just standing here? We have to get
ready! Rhodas, we have been transporting a..."
"No." Rhodas interrupted.
"What?" Asked Dylan in disbelief.
"I can't leave." The younger man replied.
"Why not?"
"Because Monsieur, when Taxiarchai comes back, the Sentry and I will
be the only things between you and utter oblivion. I have no doubt you will
put up a brave fight, but in the end, without us, you will lose. And besides..."
He looked at them, his eyes full of emotion, "I have more of a right
to defend her as any of you."
"Excuse me Dylan." The unmistakable voice of Rev Bem cut in from
the doorway.
"Looks like it's an open house today. Come in Rev." Dylan invited.
Rev stepped inside. "I have fought by your side before. Perhaps this
is the Divine's way of telling me that my time as a soldier has not yet
ended. I am prepared to protect Jac as well."
Rhodas gaped at the former Magog. "Did you just say all of that?"
Char promptly kicked him. "Sorry." Rhodas quickly said, "Didn't
mean to say that."
Beka moved forward. "We'll all guard her. If Mister Blood-sucker, no
offense Rhodas ('None taken'), wants Jac, he'll have to get through us."
Rommie, Dylan, Trance, Harper, and even Char agreed. They gazed expectantly
at Rhade. He looked as if he was weighing it. Finally, he nodded wordlessly.
The vote was unanimous. They weren't going to give Jac up without a fight.
Jac lay on her bed. They had told her that they had decided, without her,
that they where not going to give her over to Tax. As if it had never crossed
their minds that she might not want to endanger their lives! Or maybe, she
might actually want to go with Tax!
She hugged her fuzzy purple pillow tighter. Sure it was kind of lame, but
Will had given it to her as a joke, and it had been her security pillow
ever since. Not to mention it was really soft.
"Okay. Why am I thinking about my pillow? This entire ship, and Rhodas',
and all of the people on them will most likely be dead in a week, and I'm
thinking about my pillow! How shallow can I be?"
As the soft voice sang to her, Jac found herself relaxing, and finally drifted
to sleep.
Jac runs through hallways. Something is chasing her. What is it? What does
it want? And suddenly she is a child, and she's running toward someone,
but they disappear. Now she is a teenager, young and full of life. She is
stuck, and she looks to the sides. Which way to go? To go one way is to
lose him, the other herself. Which one? She turns and runs to him, but he
isn't there. And she is a young adult now, and she is still running.
Jac twisted around. Where was it? She realized that it was dark. Her eyes
were closed. She slowly opened them and looked around. She was on the Andromeda,
in her own room, and it couldn't get her here. Or could it?
She just managed to pull herself together and get through her morning routine.
Then she managed to make her way to the Officer's Mess and get her traditional
breakfast of a bowl of fruit and collapse next to the first empty table
she could find. The nightmares always left her in a zombie-like state.
"Can I join you?"
Her eyes moved up to see Tyrone standing in front of her.
"Too bad." He said playfully and sat down across from her. "You
don't look so good."
"So that's why you're here."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You don't eat Ty. Why else would you be in a room devoted solely to
the purpose of the nourishment of organic life forms?"
"I get the point."
She continued to eat, doing her best to ignore him. Now was really not the
time for another one of Ty's Poor-Jac-your-life-so-sucks-Let-me-make-you-feel-better-Can-I-kill-him-for-you
"They're back aren't they?"
She was startled into looking at him.
"The dreams. I haven't seen you like this since the last time you had
Jac looked down again. To trust, or not to trust, that is the question.
She sighed.
"I've started to... feel him again. Not like it is normally. I can
almost sense him."
"We are around his area. It's possible he's just passing nearby."
"Space is very, very big Ty, I don't think it's a coincidence."
"It probably is."
"Oh?" She set her fork down and looked him in the eyes. "Then
it's also a coincidence that Tax is back? And that it just happens to be
nearing my twentieth birthday? Something's happening Ty." She looked
down again and picked up her fork. "Something that's never happened
to me before."
"Is there anything left?"
She stared at him. "You know there is." She whispered.
"Jac." Jac heard Andromeda's voice through the small communicator
that Trance had place behind her ear.
"Your presence is requested on the bridge."
"I'm on my way." She glanced at Tyrone. "Could you take care
of this for me?"
He watched her leave. "If only you would let me."
Jac made her way to command. She had taken to rubbing her eyes every ten
minutes to make sure they were still there.
"Foa Amsh?" She said, not bothering to try to say "Yes Sir"
in Basic.
Dylan laughed uncertainly. "I'm going to guess that means 'What's going
on'. A ship from the Sabra-Jaguar has hailed us asking to come onboard."
"Kif?" Okay, so "Why" isn't actually that hard, but
in her present state, she didn't want to consider it.
"Uh... they haven't stated their intentions yet. I thought that you
would like to be there as official ambassador from the Sheighon."
"Whatever." Good. That's good, one word, now just one more. "When?"
"Are you sure you're up to it? You look kind of tired."
"Nah, just need to wait for the sugar to kick in and I'll be fine."
"Right, well, the shuttle should be docking in a few minutes so maybe..."
"Right, right, I'm there." She sighed.
"This really, really sucks. Wait a minute, did he say...?"
Jac tried to remain calm as the door to command slid open to reveal several
Nietzschean males and one female. The woman was dark skinned, with black
hair and eyes. Her face bore a constant expression of haughtiness.
She felt her body go cold as her eyes turned to the man in the lead. She
froze as their eyes locked. Two pairs of eyes went wide, and as he opened
his mouth Jac found herself turning around and running.
Dylan Hunt jerked in surprise as Jac turned and fled, and in the next moment
Archduke Charlemagne Bolivar whispered softly "Jacinth."
Chapter 9
“What is wrong with you?” Dylan yelled at Jac.
He had managed to hastily apologize to Charlemagne, get them set up talking
to Trance, excused himself, and left to find Jac. She had made her way to
Obs. Deck, where he had found her sitting under the Vedran Tree.
“I seem to be getting that a lot lately.” She muttered back.
“You’re behavior was inexcusable! We were supposed to be making
the Archduke and his friends comfortable, not run from them in terror!”
“You don’t get it do you?” She suddenly yelled at him.
“Everything I am, every little problem I have is either directly or
indirectly related to that... that... Nietzschean! I hate him with every
fiber of my being that he didn’t rip out of me, and if you expect
me to treat him as an honored guest well... you can just forget it!”
Dylan was shocked. He had never understood what Rhade was talking about
when he said that Jac had a bad temper, but now he was the recipient of
“What did he do? Why do you hate him so much?”
“It’s none of your concern.”
Dylan did a double take. That almost sounded like... but no, it wasn’t
“It is when one of our greatest allies, and members of the Commonwealth,
are treated to a spectacle like that almost as soon as they step onto my
“You know what, I don’t care. I don’t care about you,
or your crew, or your stupid Commonwealth.”
“What do you want?” He had meant to say it softly, but it came
off rather sharp instead.
Jac lowered her voice till it was cold, and deadly. “To rest, to simply,
finally, rest. I’ve spent my entire life running, and I want it to
end. I thought I could find peace here, but I was wrong. But I can’t
leave, can I? I must obey the duty I have to my people.”
Dylan took a deep breath and slowly sat down next to her. He managed to
soften his voice this time. “Why don’t you just tell me what
happened between you and Archduke Bolivar?”
“Because, I don’t want to.” And she stood up and left
him there.
Jac tried not to run as she made her way through the hallways of the Andromeda.
She kept her eyes fixed on the ground so she didn’t have to look at
any of the crew she passed by. Her eyes stung from the effort of holding
back her anger.
“Couldn’t you have just told me?”
“Now is not the time for this! Tell me what to do!”
“Acceptance before peace. Is that it? Okay, I accept. I accept that
I want to chop that man’s lovely golden head from his body!”
“What! Wha... why you... don’t ignore me! I...”
Jac had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as she felt herself
crash into an all-to-familiar body. She looked up at Telemachus Rhade. She
felt like kicking herself as she let out an involuntary groan of dread.
“Oh god, please not now.” Jac muttered and threw up her hands
as she spun around and prepared to take flight. Before she could move she
felt a hand rest on her shoulder.
“Wait I...” Rhade started, but through the hand he had on her
shoulder, he could feel Jac’s muscles tense.
“I’m going to spare you the clichés and get straight
to the point Commander Rhade, I have diplomatic immunity, and I highly doubt
you could fight me with only one hand anyway.”
He removed it. “Okay, I’m not going to touch you, just listen
to me.”
She paused and turned tentatively. “I’m listening.”
“I might not know why you hate Charlemagne so much, but I now you
don’t hate me. Please, don’t blame anything he did to you on
me. I...” He sighed, “You aren’t going to listen to me
are you?”
She crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. “Uh uh...
“Then I will leave you.” He bowed slightly and walked past her,
making sure to bump into her as he went.
Jac felt the blood rushing to her head.
“Don’t make me do it Windy.”
All prayers were in vain, she found turning to his retreating back and snapping,
“Do you want to get hit again?”
He turned around, and Jac could see his mouth beginning to form his usual
expression of displeasure. This pushed her over the edge.
“One more thing,” She moved forward before he could react and
caught his lips between two perfectly manicured fingernails. “Don’t
pout at me you son of a crawling sea slug.” She yelled.
She gave his mouth an extra pinch for good measure and flounced off in high
dudgeon, leaving Rhade to massage the red dents she had left on his face.
Jac waited until she was out of his sight, and then broke into a sprint.
If she didn’t get to her quarters soon...
She ran inside her room and threw herself on her bed. She clutched her pillow
close to her and waited. She didn’t have to wait long, and soon her
body began to jerk with pain that rippled up and down her back. She clenched
her teeth and fists and bit her lip trying to control her body, but it seemed
to move of its own accord, shuddering with each new wave of throbbing.
Soon, her tortured nerves couldn’t take it anymore, and she drifted
into unconsciousness, but still she dreamt.
Jac sat on a beach staring out over the ocean at the sunset. She smiled
and breathed in the sea air. She was free. She looked down at her hands,
clasped over her knees. Her eyes widened. The skin was not her own. White
as linen instead of faintly tanned. She looked at a lock of long hair lying
on her shoulder, jet black instead of pale blond.
“Who am I?” Her mind screamed.
“Daydreaming again Akooviosh?” A soft man’s voice said
next to her. Though serious, it was tinged with humor, and it made Jac feel
warm and safe. She looked up at the man who had snuck up next to her, and
now stood looking down at her. She nearly screamed. It was Telemachus Rhade.
She felt herself being pulled back, and now it was as if she was looking
at a mirror that held the image of Rhade that smiled... she gasped... lovingly
at her. But then, the mirror shattered, and she was falling. And she was
Jac again, only she was a young girl, and her mother was dead, and she was
falling again. She felt herself landing on something soft. She was on her
back, and she looked around, and this time, she did scream. She was in His
room, again, on His bed, again. She clutched her hair and used every ounce
of will she had left to pull herself out of this nightmare.
But that wasn’t what woke her up. It was the voice of the Andromeda
announcing that there was someone waiting to see her. She softly thanked
whichever Valar patronized memory for the constant state of Privacy Mode
that she had set up in her quarters.
She sat up in her bed and scurried over to her full-length mirror for a
second. Everything was presentable. She turned to the door and cleared her
“Come in.” She managed to say without her voice breaking. She
immediately caught her breath, but managed to keep her tone as sarcastic
as she could possibly muster.
“Goldilocks.” She remarked by way of greeting.
Her visitor stepped inside, letting the door slide shut behind him.
“Have I ever told you how much I hate it when you call me that?”
Charlemagne Bolivar said cocking his head to the side.
“Actually, I think what you mean is, ‘Did I ever mention how
much I hated it when you called me that’. Past tense, as in, the past.”
He looked at her softly. “It was a long time ago wasn’t it.
You’ve changed.”
She turned her back to him and began to make her bed. “Spare me. I
don’t want to hear about how ‘incredibly beautiful I’ve
become’ and any such comments about said ‘incredible beauty’,
that includes...” She cast him a pointed glare, “...any comments
about my eyes.”
He watched her work for several minutes. “Come here.”
She looked up. “Huh?”
His voice took on a slight air of command, “I want to see how much
you’ve grown. Come here.”
She straightened up and walked toward him until she stood only a couple
feet from him. She kept her arms pinned to her sides and moved slowly, almost
like a frightened child.
Charlemagne looked her up and down. “Let’s see, you are definitely
taller. You were what, 5’4” when I last saw you?”
“5’6” She corrected.
“And now you’re almost as tall as I am. Just an inch shorter
I believe. I’m afraid I can’t refrain from mentioning the fact
that I wouldn’t have recognized you earlier today if not for your
Jac scowled, “What did I say?”
The Nietzschean smiled and bowed slightly, “I am sorry, but in the
presence of this incredible beauty, one can not help but marvel.”
“Charlemagne!” She snapped.
He laughed now, but he suddenly became serious. “I mean it. I’ll
never forget your eyes. What they looked like the first time I saw you,
the first time you smiled at me, the first time we...” His voice became
quieter and quieter throughout this, until it was barely above a whisper,
but she immediately cut him off before he could go further.
“Shut up! Shut up and get out!” She screamed and pointed at
the door.
Charlemagne was most definitely shocked. “Jaccy, I...”
“Don’t call me that! Don’t ever call me that again! If
it weren’t for the unpleasant alternative I would ban you from calling
me ‘Jac’ as well! Now get out!”
He stared at her. “But...” She cut him off with a cold smile.
“Don’t make me hurt you Charlie m’boy.” She said,
her voice dripping icicles.
He bowed slightly in confusion and turned to leave, but just before he reached
the door he called over his shoulder, “I missed you, Jacinth Anemone.
I wish you hadn’t left.” And he was gone before she could throw
anything at him.
She looked at the mirror, and her jaw hardened. No Nietzschean would get
the better of her, ever.
Telemachus looked about Obs. Deck. Dylan had insisted on having a party
to entertain the Sabra-Jaguar while they where there. It appeared that they
had been passing by and, seeing the ship of Taxiarchai Kalyca leaving the
area, had decided to make sure that they where alright. After hearing of
Taxiarchai’s threat, the Archduke had insisted on staying to fight
the... well... whatever you want to call him, when he came back. In the
meantime, Dylan had decided that it would be a good idea to keep up the
crew’s moral hence, the gathering on Obs.
Telemachus noticed Rhodas standing in one corner, watching the Nietzschean
guests. The young Vampyre had been watching them warily every chance he
had, especially the Archduke. Suddenly, the Rhodas’ face lit up.
He announced in a laughing, and somewhat surprised, tone, “Presenting,
her Royal Highness, Princess Jacinth Anemone!”
All turned to the doorway. There stood Jac, and for the first time that
Telemachus could remember, she wore a dress. It was a two-piece gown, consisting
of a wide, floor-length skirt and a turtleneck, sleeveless, button-down
top. The color, unlike her usually completely black-and-purple, was a turquoise
blue, the exact color of her eyes. Her blonde hair was pinned up into a
sophisticated updo and accented by a jeweled comb.
Telemachus noted that testosterone levels increased quite a bit, and he
wasn’t particularly innocent himself, she looked beautiful. Harper
looked like he was going to pass out. Telemachus quickly handed his friend
a glass of wine, and he gratefully gulped it up.
Meanwhile, Dylan stepped forward and began to escort Jac about, introducing
her to someone here, saying hello to someone there, until they came to Charlemagne,
who was talking with Beka, Harper (who had joined them), and the Nietzschean
woman who had been with him when he first came on board. Telemachus fervently
prayed that Jac knew who this woman was. Elssbett Bolivar nee Mossadim had
been the Sabra First Daughter before her marriage to Charlemagne had made
her his Archduchess. From what Telemachus had heard of her, she had always
been rather haughty and arrogant, and the events surrounding her marriage
where not exactly traditional. It was, in fact, their union that had brought
Charlemagne and Elssbett’s Prides together to form the Sabra-Jaguars.
As Dylan brought her toward them, Jac attempted to pull back, but he carefully
drew her forward. Elssbett turned her black eyes on Dylan and immediately
smiled, but the smile vanished as soon as she saw Jac.
“Hello Captain. It’s been awhile.” She greeted him in
her contralto voice.
“Archduchess, how are you?”
“Please Dylan. Between old friends, call me Elssbett. I am sorry I
could not be here when my husband came to sign the charter.” She put
emphasis on the word ‘husband’. This woman had seen no small
amount of rivalry for her spouse’s affections. And even thought the
Nietzschean culture did involve multiple-wives for each man that did not
mean that the First Daughter of the Sabrans did not think it her right to
have some say in whom she would share a household with.
Dylan did his best to ignore any implied insult to Jac. “Charlemagne
told me that you where expecting. Your son would be what, almost two by
Elssbett smiled and nodded. “He will celebrate his birthday in a few
weeks. His sister will be a year old several months later.”
From his close proximity, Telemachus could barely hear Jac mutter to herself,
“Have you checked that one too?” He took this as a reference
to the rather brief relationship between his Captain and the Archduchess
only days before her wedding. Telemachus found himself smiling and remembering
the circumstances, and the brandy, that had been involved in Dylan telling
him, and Harper, this surprising bit of information.
The group tried to ignore this comment as well while Rhodas went into conniptions
in his corner and Rommie attempted to put and ice cube down his back.
Beka tried to salvage the conversation. “So Jac, I guess you and Charlemagne
here have met before?”
However, the two other women where in no mood to back down now from their
‘conversation’. Jac smiled sweetly. “Charlie hasn’t
told you? I’m surprised, I would expect him to shout it from the rooftops.”
Elssbett flinched noticeably at this familiar reference to her husband.
“I don’t believe we have been introduced.”
“I could go into the whole introduction but I’ll spare you,
I am Jacinth of Anemone and, yes Rhodas was right, I am a Princess of my
Elssbett was surprised. “You are a Sheighon?” At Jac’s
nod she continued. “Then what is your House? You are certainly not
Nistrem, and what about your family?”
Jac’s eyes took on a steely glaze. “My race is none of your
concern. As for my family, I am called Kalyca, but I am not of the family.”
Everyone in hearing range choked on whatever they had in their mouths at
the time.
“Jac’s last name is Kalyca? But she said that she is not of
the family, maybe she was adopted when her mother died.” Telemachus
reassured himself.
Elssbett looked at her condescendingly. “Oh yes, you have a child
of your own don’t you?”
Jac shook her head. “Charles Aristid Kalyca is my ward.”
Charlemagne smirked. “Aristid, ‘Son of a Great Man’?
“That is what his name means. It’s not exactly the truth though.”
Jac replied coldly.
Telemachus decided it was time to put his plan into action. He had been
working on it ever since he had had a certain conversation with Trance.
He walked up to Jac.
“Excuse me Jac. Would you care to dance?”
The reaction was beautiful. Jac got a glint of evil in her eye, Charlemagne
went completely green, and Elssbett seethed with envy. This little chit
dared to have a Nietzschean admirer!
Jac was grinning now. “Of course Telemachus.” And he took her
hand and led her to the floor that had been cleared for dancing.
Jac smiled slightly at him. “Note that I only referred to you informally
for the benefit of the Bolivars, don’t expect it to become a habit.”
“I didn’t.” They continued in silence. It was not particularly
uncomfortable as Jac was an excellent dancer, and Telemachus possessed the
grace of a fighter that lent itself easily to this sort of thing.
Finally, Jac’s curiosity won over her. “Despite my vanity I
suspect you didn’t ask me to dance simply so that I could make Charlemagne
and his pet monkey squirm.”
Telemachus found himself laughing. “Ah, but she is a genetically-altered
Jac chuckled along with him, making Charlemagne glance anxiously over in
a way that warmed her to the bones. “Seriously, what does the man
see in her?”
“Are you jealous Miss Kalyca?”
“Not in the least Mister Rhade, just bemused, confused, and whatever
other ‘used’ you care to use.”
“Bad pun.”
“Good pun. So, why did you ask me to dance?”
Rhade decided that it wouldn’t hurt to explain himself now that he
had found his answer.
“To prove something. A sort of scientific experiment.”
Jac found this highly amusing. “And what exactly where you trying
to prove?”
“Well, I first noticed something was unusual almost as soon as we
met, Nietzschean hearing you know. And dancing with you has brought me in
a close enough proximity to prove my suspicions.”
“What have you concluded Doctor?”
“That you have no pulse, no heartbeat, and you don’t appear
to breathe in any manner that I can detect. Then there is the fact that
your skin is always room temperature, unless warmed by an outside source.
If I were a doctor, I would pronounce you dead.”
Tears nearly came to his eyes as her fingernails bit into his hand.
“What are you suggesting Rhade?” Her voice was monotone, but
not calm in the least.
He smiled. “That got a reaction.”
“I won’t tell you if you insist on harming my body with your
She muttered, “You have no idea.” But loosened her grip on his
“Now, several days ago I had a conversation with Trance. She informed
me that all Vampyres had dark hair, extremely fair skin, and brightly colored
eyes. That is, except for the Albino Vampyres.”
“I’ve heard of them. What about them?” She snapped.
“Trance told me that they have blond hair. But what is most interesting
about them is that it was because of them that the stories of Vampires being
the un-dead started. Do you know why? Because, Jacinth Anemone Kalyca, they
have no pulse, no heartbeat, no breath, and are consistently room temperature.”
Jac looked distinctly angry, “Are you saying I’m an Albino Vampyre?”
“Am I?” He retorted. As the song ended, she stepped away from
“I am not. I am nothing. Good day, Commander.” She spun on her
heel and left.
As Jac walked to the bridge the next morning, she mulled over the decision
she had made. Char was not the easiest child to work with. This morning
he had outright refused to do his schoolwork.
“He needs him.” She reassured herself.
“And he has a right.”
“He forfeited that right a long time ago.” She snapped back.
She walked onto command. As she had anticipated, Charlemagne was there.
She took a deep breath.
He turned in surprise at the sound of her voice and smiled at her. “Yes
Jac, can I help you?”
She brought up all of her courage. “Would you please... if it’s
not to much trouble... could you please help me with Char?”
He leaned back against the railing and crossed his arms. “Now why
would I do something like that?”
Jac looked around. Dylan, Trance, Beka, Harper, Rhade, Rhodas, Elssbett,
and even Rev, they where all there. “Are you sure you want me to talk
about it here?”
“Absolutely.” He smirked. He wanted her to talk about how much
she needed him, right in front of everyone else.
“Because... Char needs his father.”
Charlemagne’s jaw dropped open, and the entire room gasped. Charlemagne
was Char’s father. Jac had been friends with Charlemagne Bolivar,
and she was taking care of his son, a son he didn’t know existed,
a son that was half Vampyre.
Chapter 10
"But... but..."
To Elssbett Mossadim-Bolivar, it was worth the shock of learning of her
husband's child just to be able to see Charlemagne Bolivar stutter and stammer.
Jac Kalyca seemed to be finding great pleasure in seeing this as well. "Well?"
She said. "Aren't you going to come see him?"
Charlemagne managed to nod. "If you'll excuse me." He bowed slightly
to Dylan.
"Wait!" Elssbett cried. "I am coming as well." She stated
without waiting for an invitation.
Jac only nodded. Jac led them through the corridors to Obs. As they entered,
Elssbett saw a young boy sitting on a bench. He held a small pad in his
hand, and was studying it. He looked up as they entered. His gaze shifted
from the ones he already knew, passed over Elssbett, and settled on Charlemagne.
"Hello Father." He said in a surprisingly low voice for a child
of his age. His accent was thick and unlike any that Elssbett had ever heard.
Charlemagne walked slowly up to the boy, who was apparently 'Char'. As her
husband stood next to this child, Elssbett gasped. Both of her children
had taken after her in that they had a dark complexion, but this boy, this
kludge was the very image of his father. He had the same wavy, golden hair,
the same sharp cheekbones. She had the sudden desire to run over to the
child and tear out every strand of those blonde locks.
But Charlemagne seemed fascinated by his son. He looked down at him and
smiled softly.
"Hello Charles."
Char laughed and shook his head. "Come now Father. Nobody calls me
Charles. Mother, that is Jac, nicknamed me Char when I was a baby."
Charlemagne cast a glance at Jac. "Mother?"
"Yes. That's almost what she is. She's really the closest thing I've
ever had to a mother."
"What about your real one?"
Char turned away, refusing to talk about it. Elssbett stepped forward.
"And what, exactly, are you?"
Char looked at the Nietzschean woman, and his turquoise eyes seemed to pierce
right through her, to her very heart.
"If you are referring to my race, Archduchess Bolivar, I am half-Vampyre.
The other half is of my father, Nietzschean."
Elssbett laughed harshly. "The boy is an Abomination. No wonder his
mother refuses to raise him."
Jac bristled. She hissed softly and turned around. In a few short strides
she had her hand under Elssbett's jaw and lifted her off the ground.
She grinned coldly, black eyes flashing. "If you insult my boy again,
I'll break your teeth in." She easily tossed the woman across the room
and moved to stand over her.
Elssbett rubbed her jaw. "I'll give your people one thing, they protect
their own." She conceded.
Jac sneered slightly and moved to stand behind Char. Something about her
reminded Elssbett of the mother wolves she had hunted around her home on
the Sabra home planet.
Charlemagne sat down next to Char. "So, what is this?" He said,
pointing at he pad.
"Wow, already?"
"I'm seven Father."
"Exactly my point, Char. You must be quite a bright child."
Char shrugged modestly. "I manage. I would be better if I did it more
Charlemagne frowned. "What do you mean?"
Jac cut in. "He has a tendency to absolutely refuse to do his schoolwork.
Today, I had to threaten him with spending the entire day with Rhodas to
get him to start."
Char blushed. His father nodded understandingly. "So this is what you
need my help with. Well Char, I didn't like schoolwork very much when I
was your age either..."
Elssbett decided it was time for her to leave. Jac followed her outside.
Before the younger woman could pass by, Elssbett positioned herself in front
of her.
"I want some answers."
Jac looked at her coolly, but waited for her to continue.
"I want to know where that... that... disgrace in there came from!"
Jac's face twitched slightly. "I will ignore that comment, and my own
warning for the time being. Where Char came from is none of your business."
"I am inclined to think he is your own bastard."
Jac laughed right in the indignant First Daughter's face. "If that
where true, then I had a child when I was thirteen years old."
Elssbett looked scandalized. "You dare to laugh at me?"
"I dare to do a lot of things. Besides, what are you going to do? Spit
on me?" And the horrible little witch walked right past the Nietzschean.
Jac stepped softly into Tyrone. "Ty?" She called softly.
"In here." She heard the hologram call from the small bridge.
As she entered, she saw the tall man sitting in the pilot's chair. He turned
to look at her as she entered.
"M'lady." He greeted her smiling. "Can I help you?"
"What have you been doing in here?" Jac laughed and asked him.
"You've been cooped up in here for days."
"I needed to get some stuff done."
"Aw, Ty got homesick. Or in this case, more like self-sick."
They watched each other smiling for several minutes. Finally Ty cleared
his throat.
"Did you want to ask me something?"
She stepped closer to him and bit her lip. "Yah... uh... describe to
me in one word what it would be like if you ever got your hands on Charlemagne
She cringed. "Oh... ouch... uh... could you possibly postpone that?"
Tyrone sat up and frowned at her. "Why?"
"Because he's here, on the Andromeda."
Ty stared at her. "Tell me you're joking."
She shook her head. He looked at her uneasily. "You told him didn't
She nodded. "And what does Char's mother have to say?" Asked Ty.
Jac walked over to him and curled up on her friend's lap. "This is
why I like hard-light holograms, you can't cuddle with a regular one. She
is happy with it."
Ty wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sorry Jac."
She looked up at him. "Why, Mon Cher?"
"I can't protect you. It's my job, but I can't do it."
Jac softly stroked his cheek. "Oh Ty. You can't always watch over me.
I know that, and so did my mother. You're job is to serve me to protect
me from others, not myself, and I am my greatest enemy."
Ty hugged her closer. "If something happened to you, I don't know what
I would do." He brought her chin up to look into her eyes. "You
really are my heart. I couldn't live without you."
Jac didn't know how it happened, but she found herself moving closer to
him. Somehow, she found herself lightly brushing her lips against his, and
then slightly deepening the kiss. She suddenly pulled back.
"I'm so sorry, that was completely inappropriate." She hastily
Ty blushed. "It's my fault. I should never have said that."
Jac leaned back against him. "I just wish... I wish that for once...
just once... I would fall for someone of my own species."
"I'm not your species. I'm not even real."
She slapped him lightly on the shoulder. "Don't say that. You're my
friend aren't you? Things that aren't real don't have friends."
"They don't love either." He whispered softly in her ear.
"Do you love me?"
"Always. You're my best friend, my Captain, my soul."
"Then I'm sorry."
"Why, luv?"
She buried her head in his shoulder. "You know why. I can never love
you. I don't think I can love anyone."
"Am I interrupting?"
Jac lifted her head up to see Trance standing in the doorway.
"What is it?"
"I want to talk to you Jac."
Jac stood up. "Okay, we can go to my quarters."
"No, with the rest of the Senior Staff."
Jac looked into the eyes of the Sun Avatar, and understanding lit her eyes.
"Oh, I see. So it's time then is it?"
Trance nodded, and followed the girl outside.
Trance entered the meeting room guiltily. She hated having to do this to
this girl, whom she had started to consider her friend. But the Andromeda
was at risk, and she had to know everything.
Everyone else had already assembled, and Jac meekly took a seat at Dylan's
left hand at the head of the table.
Dylan looked at her sympathetically. "I think you know why we asked
you here. We have to know who you are. We should at least be able to know
what we are protecting, and why."
Jac nodded. "Alright. First of all, as some of you may have guessed,
I am Char's biological mother."
Rhade nearly fell out of his chair, "But if you're Char's mother, and
Charlemagne is his father then that would mean..."
"Yes, I had a brief relationship with him."
"But Char is seven years old, and you're not even twenty yet."
"I know, I know, I was a little over thirteen." She said through
clenched teeth. "Sheighon pregnancies last approximately four months
long, as opposed to human nine months."
Suddenly, she slammed her fists down on the table and yelled, "He was
supposed to be my guardian!" And she broke into sobbing.
Everyone was shocked. No matter what, they had never seen Jac cry before.
Dylan place and awkward hand on her back, "Just tell us what happened."
Jac dried her eyes. "You should also know that I am, in fact, a Vampyre-Thief
Trance was surprised for one of the only times in here life. "How is
that possible?"
Jac's voice took on a sarcastic tone. "Well, let's see, when two people
hate each other very much..."
Dylan shook his head. "Maybe you should just start from the beginning."
So Jac told them her story, very much like the one she told to Harper, and
this is what she said.
Jac's story:
My mother was a Vampyre princess. Her brother was their King. Something
happened to her when she was very young, she never told me what, that broke
her. She was always sad, though she never let it get in the way of her duty,
or her love for me.
One night, in her 305th year, she woke up to find that a certain Thief prince
had come in through her window. This was, of course, quite inexcusable,
so she beat the crap out of him and sent him on his way. Now he, whose name
was Remus Antioch Crain, found her to be quite interesting, so he paid her
a formal call several days later. After many months of sneaking into her
room and having lively clashes of wit with her, he managed to well...
Let's just say that I have never met him. As far as I know, my mother never
spoke of me to him, and he never sought to see me. Good riddance I say.
So I am name Jacinth Anemone Kalyca, after my mother, Princess Vanessa June
I was quite happy during my childhood, despite the fact that I had enough
Thief blood to make me Abomination. Then my mother died. She was killed
really; someone as strong as she was doesn't just die of a trifling illness.
Maybe a rival gave her a poison that weakened her immune system.
As soon as possible, I was whisked away to the house of a friend of my father,
Charlemagne Bolivar, then twenty-three. We got along rather well, and I
think I fell in love with him. When I was thirteen... he... I hate him!
It's not like he raped me. He betrayed me. I was a child, and he made me
grow up before my time. As soon as I found out I was pregnant I left for
Vegasphere. I never told him about Char, until now.
I was happy on Vegasphere. The Mages, in all their wisdom, never once faulted
me for my weakness. I dedicated my life to the service of the Valar, those
who created the Sheighon. I continued there until I was told to go to Ayn
Rand. You know everything else.
All of this Jac said with as little emotion as possible, even though her
voice faltered at times. When she was finished, Trance softly put her arm
around her and hugged her.
Rhade tried to be unmoved. "What about this Taxiarchai?"
Jac looked at the Nietzschean across the table. "He is my other son."
"What!" Came from just about everyone.
"When I was about sixteen, I spawned. He was joined with one of those
that are unfortunate enough to be born without a Sheighon. But he was...
angry... violent... he became obsessed at continuing the line of Vampyre-Thieves.
He wanted to make me his Queen."
Beka made a face. "Wouldn't that be incest?"
"Not really, no. The only part of me that was him was the Sheighon,
and they don't really have genetics."
Rhade was angry. "I thought you said you weren't a Vampyre!"
Jac blushed. "I... well I... technically I'm only part. And besides..."
She looked down, "I never said I was honest."
Rhade rolled his eyes and huffed.
"Furthermore!" She looked up and snapped at him, "If I had
walked up to you and outright said 'My mother is of a race that is generally
considered to be undead servants of Satan', what would you have done?"
They all looked at each other. She was right. It was better that she had
broken it to them slowly.
Jac took a deep breath and slowly said, "I'm sorry that I deceived
you. All I ask is that you give me a chance."
She stood up slowly and left them. They discussed the situation for several
more hours. Finally, Trance came up with a suggestion.
"If she agrees to swear by the Sword of Rosia, which is the most solemn
oath a Vampyre can swear, that she will never intentionally harm us, we
will allow her to stay."
All agreed that this was fair. So Jac was to stay, and they where still
going to have to deal with Taxiarchai when he came.
Chapter 11
Telemachus felt his body go cold as he watched Jac enter the
gym. He took a deep breath and smiled slightly at her, but she ignored him.
He frowned. He had thought that maybe since they knew everything about her,
she would be a little friendlier. Obviously he was wrong.
“Good evening, Jac.” He called over to her. She looked up at
him and nodded, then turned to the uneven parallel bars.
He tried again. “So, does Char know you are his mother?”
“Of course.” She grunted out. “He’s always known.
I had to stay with him till he was a year old and could be weaned, but then
I was unfit to raise him myself.”
“Why not?”
She glanced at him over her shoulder. “Would you want a thirteen year
old that is going through an emotional breakdown raising an infant?”
“Good point.” A beat. “Does Charlemagne know?”
“He suspected until Char told him.”
“Uh huh.” He watched her a bit longer. She was making it very
difficult to be friendly. “I’ve been thinking (‘Congratulations’),
Char said that he was half Vampyre, but wouldn’t he be one-quarter?”
Jac shook her head. “No, our genes don’t work that way. Fractions
don’t get any smaller than halves, and even those are really rare.
When two parents are not of the same species, our genes will randomly chose
which race the child will be. Every once and awhile, the genes will make
a mistake, and chose several genes from the other parent.”
“I see.”
She huffed and flipped between the bars. “I doubt it. But that’s
alright, I don’t expect a non-Sheighon to understand.”
Telemachus scowled at her. “Yes, I do. Genetics are very important
to Nietzscheans as well. I understand perfectly.”
Jac rolled her eyes in his direction. “Right, and next you’re
going to be telling me that you understand spawning.”
“No, I don’t. Why don’t you explain it to me?”
She sighed and dropped down. “Every once and awhile a Sheighon will
have a sudden buildup of energy, this buildup is more common in certain
races such as the Vampyres and Phoenix. This excess energy must be gotten
rid of before it causes the Sheighon to break apart, or combust. On Euokeshng
there is a pool of a thick sort of liquid that is basically Sheighon that
is un-joined and has no consciousness. A Sheighon that is about to spawn
goes to this pool and drops a small amount of their blood into it, their
blood reacts with the liquid and begins to form a new Sheighon. The energy
leaves the body through the blood and is the guiding force behind the new
formation, the more energy there is in the blood the more powerful the new
spawn is. The Sheighon emerges fully formed; as they don’t exactly
grow the way we do, with much the same abilities as its spawn-parent. These
spawns are joined with people who where born without Sheighon. Joining with
those who have had theirs die is very rare as it is impossible for either
host or Sheighon to live once one has died unless they are immediately transported
to Vegasphere, where it is possible for Sheighon to live after their host
has died. Does that explain it?”
Telemachus nodded, “Quite. So you have had this happen to you?”
Jac’s face turned sad at this, “Yes, Tax. I loved him as I love
myself, but he didn’t want that. I don’t understand why he has
come back, or why he is working with the Evil Ones.”
“I’m sorry.”
She looked up at him. “Why should you be sorry? None of this affects
you, except that you will most likely die tomorrow because of some stupid
idea of justice.”
He felt himself pouting. “You don’t believe in justice?”
She laughed coldly. “Oh yes I do! I just believe in justice for those
who deserve it!”
“You think you don’t deserve to have the chance to stay here?
You think Taxiarchai has the right to force you to come with him?”
“I certainly don’t have the right to put all of your lives at
risk because of me. But I don’t really have a choice do I?”
He stepped closer to her angrily. “Do you want to go with him?”
“If it meant that nobody else would get hurt, yes!”
“In that case, why don’t you? I wouldn’t shed any tears!”
Her expression turned to shock.
“You have been nothing but trouble since you came here! On top of
that you refuse to be even polite to me despite my attempts to be your friend!
In my opinion, you can go anywhere you want to!”
Jac looked at him. If he didn’t know better, he would say that she
looked hurt.
“But... but...” She managed to stammer out.
He stepped even closer. “But what?”
“Nothing!” She shouted. “Maybe I’ll just surrender
myself as soon as Tax shows up!”
“You do that!” He turned and started to walk away.
“At least he doesn’t bug me every five minutes with any stupid
‘I want to be your bestest friend’ crap.”
He stopped, and slowly turned to her. “You won’t have to worry
about that from me either, not anymore.” He was about to walk away
but something in her face stopped him. He moved closer instead. “What
do you want? What do you really want?”
She looked up at him, and suddenly shouted, “To kill you! To kill
someone in the most brutal, slow, and painful way I can imagine. Add points
if it’s you!”
Suddenly her hands went to the sides of her loose pants, when they came
back they where each holding the handle of a dagger. As Telemachus watched
in astonishment, blades grew from the hilts till they where a foot long
each, both the color of black onyx with veins of dark purple running through
Telemachus thought quickly, he back flipped his way to one wall where he
grabbed a forcelance and extended it. Jac only smiled and ran forward, launching
herself through the air. He held the forcelance with both hands and brought
it straight forward. Jac came down with both daggers pressing against it.
She stepped back, holding on blade in front her face and the other to protect
her stomach.
As they fought, Telemachus managed to knock one dagger away from Jac it’s
blade immediately disappearing as it hit one wall. Jac smirked and tossed
the other away.
“I’ll just have to do this the old-fashioned way.”
Before he could react she launched herself into him, her elbow catching
him in the ribs. They both went down hard on the ground, the forcelance
flying away. Telemachus rolled so that he was on top of her and raised his
fist but she managed to roll so that she was on top. She raised both hands
to bring them down in a hammer motion on his throat. He rolled his head
to the side and pushed up with his body. Jac flew onto her back and he moved
to pin her down. She pushed on his shoulder, and the force was enough to
move him onto his back, but he rolled over and pinned her again.
Jac didn’t know how it happened, but suddenly she felt the sensation
of having someone’s mouth on her own. She felt her arms wrap around
his shoulders, responding to his kiss with equal force. She lightly brushed
his lips with her tongue, making him growl in a way that made her shiver.
He held her face tightly with his hands.
Her mind was dizzy. She didn’t know what she was doing, until a thought
flashed through her mind. “I’m making out with Telemachus Rhade.
I’m kissing him with more passion then every time I showed it to Charlemagne
put together.”
Jac found herself screaming against his mouth. She summoned up as much strength
as she could under the circumstances and pushed his shoulders, and he flew
off of her. They both sat up and stared at each other.
“Ugh!” She yelled, trying to be disgusted. She jumped up and
grabbed her daggers from their separate corners, and then fled from him
with all of her might. She didn’t want to think, if she thought she
would have to talk to Her, and she couldn’t do that. She ran to her
room and threw herself on her bed, crying as hard as she could. She screamed
and bit her pillow and pounded her bed and clenched her hair but nothing
could calm the fire inside of her.
“Why! Why! Why!” She screamed to the room. “I hate him!
In an hour she had managed to calm herself to a point. She still had the
unsettling burning in her stomach.
“What the hell is this about?”
She changed into her favorite pajamas. A sapphire blue, silk and lace nightdress
with a matching robe. She sat and lay on her bed, but couldn’t sleep.
She found herself standing up and walking outside. She didn’t think
about where she was going, she simply went there. She stood in front of
his quarters and reached inside.
She didn’t have very strong telepathy, but she had empathy coming
out the ying-yang. Her psionic fingers reached inside and brushed him. She
could sense his confused feelings, but she also sensed a sound. Water. A
shower. She found herself smiling, and she reached out and her fingers brushed
the doors lightly. It’s easy to manipulate mechanical locks when you
are telekinetic. She stepped inside.
Jacinth Anemone Kalyca smiled softly. She had been woken up from a beautiful
dream, but she woke up to an even more beautiful reality. In her dream,
she hadn’t left Charlemagne, instead she had told him about Char,
and he had married her, and they lived together happily. But she woke up
to something that felt perfect. She reached out with empathy, searching
for the little part of her that would always be him now. She touched it
and smiled. He was in just the other room.
She got up and pulled on her nightdress and robe, letting it hang open.
She stepped into the kitchen. He was there, sitting at the table with his
back to her, drinking a cup of coffee. She grinned and wrapped her arms
around his shoulders from behind. He looked up at her and laughed.
“You have a strange thing about sneaking up on me from behind.”
She blushed. “You know you liked it.” She murmured.
Telemachus laughed again. “Mm, yes, I admit I did.”
He stood up and turned around, pulling her into his arms and kissing her
lightly. He looked into her eyes, and found the courage to kiss her again,
deeper this time. She wrapped her arms more tightly around him. Suddenly
she pulled back and groaned.
“Oh, but you know what happens today.”
Telemachus frowned. “Yes. I promise that I would rather die than give
you up to Taxiarchai now.”
She grinned. “You’re a Nietzschean, of course you would.”
He found himself smiling back. “Is that an insult?”
She cocked her head. “Mm, is it?”
He loved this. Waking up in the morning with this beautiful woman. Teasing
each other affectionately. He began to understand why other Nietzschean
men where so eager to run out and get married. To have a woman like this
with you always was... well... perfect. It felt right. Telemachus felt himself
frown slightly. Something was still bothering him.
“One thing, I thought you hated me?”
Jac laughed. “Me too. I guess I was just trying to convince myself
that I couldn’t love anyone. That Charlemagne had messed me up beyond
He almost snarled. “What about that? You say he didn’t rape
you, but you obviously don’t like him.”
She sighed. “It’s hard to explain. At the time, I did want him,
but... he shouldn’t have wanted me.”
“I think I understand.”
She snuggled into his embrace. “Course you do. You’re Telemachus.”
He smiled and released her, looking into her eyes. He couldn’t resist
teasing her a bit more. “One more thing. Next time, could you not
sneak up on me while I’m in the shower? You nearly gave me a heart
All of a sudden her face seemed to go blank, and it filled with something
resembling horror. She stepped away from him, her face and voice suddenly
dripping icicles onto his unwary head.
“You seem to assume there will be a ‘next time’.”
Telemachus’s jaw clenched. He felt anger welling up inside of him.
He pointed a finger toward the door, his hand shaking. Jac immediately turned
and walked out.
She ran to her own room. She had the feeling that she had been doing that
way too much recently. She numbly went through her morning routine, trying
to act like nothing was different.
“What was that?”
She winced as the voice split through her aching head.
“You told me to be careful. I wasn’t, I had to remedy the situation.”
“Yes I told you to be careful! Not ‘kick him when he’s
“Shut up. Get out of my head, you don’t belong there.”
“Get ready, Tax will be here soon, and you have to be on the bridge
when he gets here.”
She managed to get dressed and made her way to command. Her whole body was
begging to be allowed to break into tears, but she couldn’t do that.
She nearly gave in when she saw Telemachus on the bridge before her. He
scowled darkly at her. The emotions that suddenly ripped through her brought
her to her knees.
“Hey Rhade! Think you could manage to be a little less angry!”
She snapped.
“Why!” He snapped back, unmoved by the fact that Jac was hunched
over in pain.
“Because I’m getting an overload of negative emotions, coming
directly from you!”
He stayed cold, but she felt the pressure on her chest release, so she could
stand up again. She scowled back at him. The rest of the crew that had assembled
looked mystified.
“Excuse me.” Dylan said clearing his throat. “Is there
something going on her.”
“Yes/No.” Telemachus and Jac immediately answered. They scowled
even more darkly.
“No.” Jac stated.
“Yes.” Telemachus retorted.
This lasted for about a minute until Dylan raised his hands. “Alright.
Let’s just agree to disagree for now, shall we?”
The two nodded wordlessly. Rhade looked down at his panel. “Taxiarchai
is approaching. We are being hailed.”
Dylan nodded, and the cold voice came back. “Hello. I hope you won’t
take too long sending her over. I really must be moving along quickly.”
Dylan was nettled by this man’s incessant arrogance. “Then move
along. We’re not giving her over.”
There was silence. Then Taxiarchai spoke. “Do you actually think you
have a chance of defeating me?”
“Maybe we don’t. But I believe in what is right, and right says
that Jac goes where she wants to, and nobody is going to just take her away
against her will, not if I have anything to say about it.”
Taxiarchai laughed. “Applause, Captain, a standing ovation. That was
a moving speech, but it doesn’t change the fact that I am going to
take Jacinth Anemone and kill all of you. That includes Rhodas Acacia and
your Nietzscheans.”
“Tax!” Jac called. “Why are you doing this? Why can’t
you just leave me alone?”
“This has nothing to do with my feelings anymore.”
“Then it’s true. They want her.”
“Yes. When you reach your twentieth birthday, it has been projected
that you will fully mature. The power that you might very well posses would
mean the turning point in the war.”
“Yes! The war! The war against our people!”
“Your people m’lady. I have no allegiance to them.”
“And the Evil Ones have allegiance to no one!”
“At least they are open about their actions. Tho Teshjevoh and even
the Imperials are some of the biggest hypocrites in the known universe!”
Jac laughed coldly. “Just out of curiosity my dear spawn-son. Do you
have the genetic memories?”
He hesitated. “Yes, some. Why do you ask?”
“I thought that in that case, it might be a possibility that you remember
meeting Judas Iscariot and Brutus.”
“Always so clever. Let’s see how clever you are now.”
The crew starred in shock as Jac began to cry out with pain. “Get
out of my mind!” The Andromeda began to rock with blasts from Tax’s
ship. Charlemagne called them to tell them that he had to go to emergency
slipstream before his ship was completely obliterated. Rhodas wasn’t
looking very well either, even though he was doing the best in the fight.
Meanwhile, Jac fell to her knees with pain. Abruptly, her head fell back,
her eyes and mouth open in a soundless scream, and she fell forward unconscious.
Trance ran toward her and rolled her onto her back. She felt for a pulse
and shook her head.
Rhade almost laughed. “There wouldn’t be. She’s an Albino
Trance looked amazed. “Wow. On a scale of 1-10 of royalty in the Vampyre
bloodline where 10 is royalty, Albinos are a 15.”
“There’s no time for this! Is she alive!” Dylan shouted.
Trance quickly touched Jac’s forehead and closed her eyes, after a
moment she opened them and reported, “She’s still alive. The
pain from Taxiarchai’s assault has put her into a sort of coma.”
“What are your orders Captain?” Rhade asked.
Dylan opened his mouth to speak, but words never came out. His jaw hung
open at the site in front of him. Jac began to glow slightly. A black fluid
that was thicker than blood began to spread over her body. She slowly stood
up as it moved to cover her body. Her clothing disappeared, and soon all
of her skin had the look of a black, faceted jewel, and through the black
there ran veins of purple. Even her eyes lost the whites, pupils, and irises
and became like two black gems. Only her hair remained the same pale blond
Dylan stepped forward as menacingly as he could under the circumstances.
“What are you?”
The figure smiled slightly. Its face even looked like Jac’s, but its
voice was lower, throatier and it seemed to resonate and echo even in the
smaller room, and it had a softer version of the accent of Tyrone, Char,
and Rhodas. “I am Anemone.”
Trance gasped and knelt on one knee. “You are the Sheighon of Jacinth.”
‘Anemone’ smiled. “Indeed, Sun Avatar. While it is generally
thought that the host and Sheighon have no separate personality, you have,
in fact, been speaking with my organic host, not me. It is one of the peculiarities
of being an Abomination. At certain times, you may even have seen me. I
believe I was there when Jacinth told you that the Emperor had asked her
to stay here.”
Realization flooded Trance’s eyes. “Her eyes. When her eyes
where black and purple, that was you?”
“Smart girl. Now, if you’ll excuse me, will you please hail
Taxiarchai for me? And make sure it is not audio this time.”
Taxiarchai answered immediately, and he was just as much a surprise as Anemone.
He had the same appearance, only he was male and his hair was completely
black. His smirk of triumph immediately changed to shock.
“A... A...” He stuttered.
The Sheighon glared at him. “I believe the word you are looking for
is ‘Anemone’. As for you Anastasius, you have broken more laws
then I care to count. If you do not leave immediately, I will destroy you
and your vessel.”
“You couldn’t... wouldn’t.” He murmured.
“Want to bet? I’m sick of you! I’ve spent the last three
years running from you, or at least Jacinth has, and it’s time to
stop. Leave... now... and never... come back!” She shouted at him.
Taxiarchai Anastasius started to quake with fear. As he cut the connection
they could see his ship turn around and flee back the way it came. Anemone
smiled in satisfaction.
“Cowardly bastard isn’t he?”
Trance nodded and stood next to her, looking up in awe. “I’ve
never seen a Sheighon’s natural form before, not even in pictures.”
Anemone smiled at her. “And I have never seen a Sun Avatar before.
So it is a mutual pleasure to meet.”
Trance smiled and nodded.
The tall woman turned to Telemachus. “Since Jacinth is too much of
a nincompoop to apologize to you, I will. Many apologies Telemachus Rhade,
for everything.”
“That doesn’t make it better.” He replied coldly.
“But it is a start. Come now, I don’t know about Jaccy-baby
but I would like to be friends with you.” She put her hand out to
He ignored it. “Friendship isn’t much help if Taxiarchai regains
his courage and comes back to finish us off with a vengeance.”
Anemone frowned. “God, you are such a pessimist Gahe...” She
trailed off, and slowly put a hand over her mouth. “I don’t
suppose you could forget I said that?” She whispered.
Chapter 12
“Hey! Wait a minute!”
Telemachus chased Anemone down the hallways. She continued to move at a
brisk pace, doing her best to ignore him.
She stopped and turned around.
“What!” She shouted.
He looked at her. She seemed taller than Jac. Not necessarily that she looked
taller, but she felt taller. She seemed physically to very much resemble
Jac, and he would know.
“What was that about Gaheris? How did you know about him?”
Telemachus took in a sharp breath. As he looked down into her eyes, he saw
something. It was a slight hint of vulnerability, of Jac. He softly took
her face in his hands.
“What is going on? Why did you leave me?”
Anemone looked like she wanted to cry, but her face went back to the cool
expression of before.
“I can’t tell you. Even Jac doesn’t know.”
“How can you keep a secret from yourself?”
“She isn’t me, and she is. We do have shared thoughts, we share
a body, but we also have separate thoughts, and personalities. What you
usually see is a mixture of these, but I am Anemone, and I am not the one
that went to your room.”
Telemachus searched her eyes. The glimmer was gone. Still he searched, as
if there might be some sort of understanding there.
“Anemone, how did you know Gaheris?”
She sighed. “I didn’t, and that is the truth. I can not tell
you any more until I have spoken with Jac.”
“Jac is in a coma.”
“I know. I guess you’ll just have to wait then.”
“Is there some way you could talk to her? Even now?”
Anemone thought for a minute. “Let me see.” Her eyes had no
lids, but they still seemed to take on a look of far away. “Ah yes,
here we go. Her mind is still functioning. I will speak with her.”
She stayed in this position for several moments. Then opened her eyes.
“Your in luck. I have spoken with her, and she wishes for you all
to see. I believe that you have some sort of virtual reality equipment.”
Telemachus nodded, wondering what was going to happen. “Yes.”
“Then assemble your...” She searched for the word. “Senior
They where assembled in record time, Harper, Dylan, Beka, Trance, Rev, and
Rhade. Anemone stepped over to them.
“What I am going to do is a simple and completely safe procedure.
I will telepathically link up with Harper, who will be linked into the Andromeda,
which is linked into the VR system. As Jac sees what I am about to show
her, so will you.” She glanced down. “I suppose you have a right
to know as well, considering.”
She stepped over to Harper, who had linked himself up to the Andromeda.
Everyone put on his or her equipment. Rommie didn’t need any, as she
was the Andromeda.
Anemone ‘closed’ her eyes again. He heard her voice in his head.
“Now relax, I only have enough power to do this with one person, but
it should be enough.”
They all felt themselves being pulled inside.
Jac glanced around. She was in a large, octagonal room. It was empty save
for a grand piano in the middle, and on each side there was a corridor leading
into nowhere. Jac gasped as she saw a figure sitting at the piano. Anemone.
“Anemone. Where is this?”
“Where do you think?” She began to softly press on the keys.
The sound filled the room and echoed everywhere.
“My mind?”
“Bingo.” She laughed softly. “Our mind is a vast chamber
that has some of the greatest potential anyone has ever seen. Like in this
room, if you play the instrument just right, the music will be acoustically
A rock appeared over several of the keys, and Anemone’s hands faltered.
She turned around to face her host. “But first, we must be rid of
all obstacles.”
Jac nodded, and Anemone turned back. She began to play a soft song. “You
may have heard this one before, luv.” She began to sing.
Notice me
Take my hand
Why are we
Strangers when
Our love is strong
Why carry on without me?
The room melted away, and changed to another. Jac looked at her new surroundings.
She was in the Vampyre palace at home. She felt her throat go tight at the
sight. It had been so long since she was home. She glanced down at her hands,
and her throat caught. Pale white skin, black hair, she was the woman in
her dream again. She looked up as someone entered. She recognized him as
her uncle, her mother’s brother, and former King of the Vampyres.
“Dearest sister, the arrangements have been made, you will be taken
to Earth.”
She felt herself speak, “But Cyril, I will have to go through Nietzschean
He stepped forward and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Relax Nessa,
I told you that everything has been taken care of. You will be transported
by the Sentry to Nietzschean space where you will be joined by a convoy
of their ships to escort you. It will be perfectly safe, I promise.”
Realization hit Jac like a rock. She was her mother. She was reliving the
events that had led up to whatever had caused her mother to have such bitterness
toward life. She was gripped with fear, and apprehension, and excitement
all at once. And Anemone sang on.
Every time I try to fly
I fall without my wings
I feel so small
I guess I need you baby
And every time I see you in my dreams
I see your face, it's haunting me
I guess I need you baby
“You sure this isn’t some attempt to clear the way to the throne
for any of your children?” Her mother asked laughingly. Jac could
feel her physical body begin to cry. Her clearest memories of her mother
where only of her voice, singing her to sleep.
Cyril laughed. “I doubt even death would keep you from coming back
and whooping my but for that.”
They walked off laughing. In the corner of her eye, Jac could sense a glimmer
of the Andromeda crew. So they where watching as well, only while they had
front row seats, Jac was the bloody singer.
The scene suddenly shifted. Now Jac was on the bridge of the Sentry, the
crew lay dead around her. All except for the captain, Rhodas’ grandfather,
who shouted out orders to the AI. Suddenly, the Sentry hologram gave a cry.
“Another ship is approaching! It’s a High Guard vessel!”
Jac, or rather Vanessa, looked at the viewscreen, and she saw it. It was
one of the most beautiful ships she had ever seen, all silvery and sleek.
Vanessa didn’t recognize it, but Jac did, it was the Andromeda Ascendant.
She sensed the surprise from the other spectators.
Vanessa shook with fear. Everything had gone wrong, the Dragans had caught
them by surprise, a very embarrassing thing for a race of telepaths. The
rest of the crew shouted with anger and said the Nietzscheans must have
found a way to block them, but Vanessa could feel the truth. There where
Sheighon on those ships, and not just any Sheighon, Evil Ones.
“They are...” The hologram disappeared before she could finish
her statement, as a panel that the Captain had been at blew out, sending
him flying. Vanessa ran to his side, he was dead. She softly prayed to the
Valar to show mercy on his wife and children.
She got up and looked around. What could she do? She turned around as the
door to command opened, and a group of armed Dragans entered.
One of them stepped forward. “Are you Vanessa Kalyca?”
“I am.” She said coolly.
“You are to come with us. If you do not comply, we will...”
“You’ll what? Frown at me? Do you know who I am?”
The Nietzschean rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Come with us.”
Vanessa glared at him. She reached out and brushed his mind, he was the
commander. It was his fault that everyone was dead. She hissed. She reached
inside of her.
“June, hear my plea! Let me bring vengeance upon these barbarians
who have killed so many of our people!”
She cried out, she could feel the energy building inside of her. She didn’t
even need to fully change; June could easily take the men out without having
full control. She reached out with her hands, drawing energy from all around
her, it built up until it felt like she was going to burst.
I make believe
That you are here
It's the only way
I see clear
What have I done
You seem to move on easy
She closed her eyes, and breathed out. When she opened her eyes, she saw
each and every soldier flattened to the ground.
“Thank you June, you have never failed me.”
She heard a soft chuckling in her mind. “Why thank you Vanessa. I
guess it does help to be ‘special’.”
Vanessa looked up as she heard footsteps approaching. A low, masculine voice
shouted. “The bridge is this way! That’s where she should be!”
She clenched her fists, ready to attack again. About a dozen Nietzscheans
ran inside, and nearly tripped over the bodies of their predecessors. One
of them stepped forward. Vanessa noticed with surprise that he was wearing
a High Guard uniform.
“Princess?” He asked. When she nodded, he continued. “We
are from the Commonwealth warship Andromeda Ascendant. We where sent to
make sure you had a safe passage.” He looked around him. “From
the looks of things, you are the only one who doesn’t need any help.”
Vanessa felt like crying. “Just... get... me... out of here.”
She whispered.
The man nodded and stepped further into the light. Jac would have screamed
if she were in control of her body.
“I am Commander Gaheris Rhade, Your Highness.”
Jac looked at him. He was the very image of Telemachus, except that he was
clean-shaven. As she looked at him, Jac noticed that his eyes seemed older,
less playful, and maybe even slightly wiser. Vanessa looked at him as well.
Jac could feel the admiration building up in her.
And every time I try to fly
I fall without my wings
I feel so small
I guess I need you baby
And every time I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you baby
“Just Commander? Where is your Captain?”
“All human personnel have been given shore leave, and we will wipe
the AI after this mission is over. You may rest assured, no one will know
of this who isn’t supposed to.”
“Excellent work Commander.”
“I could say the same for you.”
She looked at the bodies of the Dragans. “They where weak. I barely
had to strain myself to destroy them. I hope all of your people aren’t
this wussy.”
Commander Rhade looked at her. She blushed, “Sorry, I didn’t
mean to say that. I’m sure there are some very powerful Nietzscheans.”
“Indeed. I suggest we go.”
The scene changed again. Now they where on the Andromeda, in a room that
Jac had never seen before. She was sitting in front of a game board; Rhade
was in front of her.
He shook his head. “I still prefer Go to Monopoly.”
Vanessa laughed. “Come on Gaheris. Don’t be so fastidious. You’ll
go gray before your time.”
“I’ll have you know that I am quite young for the position I
am in.”
Vanessa looked at him. She silently thanked the Valar that he hadn’t
seen that look.
“So am I.”
Gaheris looked up at her. “How old are you anyway? You’ve never
told me.”
“You really want to know?”
He nodded.
“Really? Well, I’m about seventeen standard years.”
Gaheris choked on his tea. “Only seventeen?”
She looked at him innocently. “Why yes. You thought I was older?”
“Much. Only seventeen and already one of the most powerful of your
race.” He murmured in wonder.
Vanessa watched him. Jac could feel the soft ache in her heart as she watched
him. The daughter suddenly realized what was happening.
“How could I have been so stupid? My mother is falling in love with
Gaheris Rhade.”
Gaheris looked up at her and smiled. “What is it?”
Vanessa cleared her throat. “What do you mean?”
“The way you’re looking at me. It’s like you have some
secret all to your own.”
“I do.”
He smiled and leaned closer. “Are you going to tell me?”
She laughed and shook her head. “No.”
Gaheris leaned back and pretended to be angry. “Tease.”
She just laughed harder.
I may have made it rain
Please forgive me
My weakness caused you pain
And this song is my sorry
And the scene changed. This time, Jac remembered it.
Vanessa sat on a beach, looking out over the ocean to the sunset. She smiled
and breathed the clear air of the sea. She felt free.
“Daydreaming again Akooviosh?”
She looked up. She realized who it was. Not Telemachus Rhade, Gaheris. Gaheris
had called her mother ‘Sweetheart’, and he now smiled at her
“You shouldn’t sneak up on me like that. I may accidentally
hurt you sometime.”
Gaheris smiled and sat down next to her. “Dear child. I know you would
never do that.”
Vanessa looked down. Disappointment and sadness filled her. She tried to
cover it up by looking back at the ocean. “Earth really is beautiful
isn’t it?”
Gaheris nodded. “It certainly can be.”
She began to shiver slightly. She wasn’t cold, just overwhelmingly
sad. Gaheris thought of her as a child, and that smile, of course it was
only as a man would smile at a little child that amused him. Gaheris looked
at her.
“Are you cold?” Before waiting for an answer, he wrapped his
arms around her. She felt herself pull away.
“Don’t do that.”
Gaheris looked shocked. “Why not?”
“Just don’t.” She softly swore to herself as, against
her will, a tear came down her face. Another, and another followed it, until
her body was wracked with silent sobs.
At night I pray
That soon your face
Will fade away
Gaheris was at his wits ends. “What is it Vanessa? Did I hurt you?”
She jumped up. “Yes you hurt me! I wish you would stop hurting me!
Why don’t you just go away and leave me alone?” She knew she
was acting like a child, but she didn’t particularly care at that
Gaheris stood up with are and looked at her. His face showed pain and hurt.
“What did I do? What do you mean?”
“I mean nothing! It’s nothing! Just leave me alone!” She
turned away so that he wouldn’t see her crying.
And every time I try to fly
I fall without my wings
I feel so small
I guess I need you baby
And every time I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you baby
After a moment, she felt two strong arms wrap around her and turn her around.
He softly turned her chin up to him, but she kept her eyes down.
“Akooviosh, look at me.” She looked up at him. “Sweetheart,
tell me what is wrong. If I have done something to hurt you, tell me, and
I will try to make it better.”
“I hate fairytales.”
He cocked his head. “What?”
She choked out between sobs, “In all the fairytales, the princess
gets the brave knight, but they never factor in the possibility that the
knight is already married, or that he just doesn’t love the princess.”
“Do you have a fairytale?” He softly asked her.
She nodded and looked into his eyes, finally letting her feeling shine through.
To her surprise, instead of letting her go, Gaheris held her tighter. He
leaned down and softly brushed his lips against hers.
He softly whispered in her ear. “Well, you know how all the fairytales
The scene changed drastically. Vanessa walked along the hallways of the
palace on Euokeshng. She remembered her last moments with Gaheris as she
went home. His parting kisses. Suddenly, she fell to her knees. Pain filled
her body as a hole was burned into her body. She wanted to cry out and scream,
but she was too numb.
Gaheris was dead.
The song ended.
The crew of the Andromeda felt themselves being pulled out. They looked
at each other as they removed the equipment. Rhade looked like a man who
had seen the light.
“Genetic memories. Anemone knew about Gaheris and Jac’s mother,
so she manipulated Jac into believing that she hated me because of Charlemagne.
She was trying to protect Jac from what happened to Vanessa.” Rhade
They all looked at Anemone. Only she was Anemone no more. Jac lay on the
floor, her body returned to its natural form, even her clothing had returned
to the way it was on the bridge. Trance ran to her and lifted her up.
“She’s out of the coma! But she’s still unconscious, something
is happening to her!”
Telemachus softly pushed her aside and picked up Jac. He gently carried
her all the way to medical and laid her on a bed. As he put her down, his
hand brushed across her back, and he frowned. He lightly rolled her over,
and lifter her shirt up from her back. His eyes went wide.
“Trance, you may want to see this.” His voice was almost panicked.
Trance ran over and looked at Jac’s back. Two parallel ridges ran
across it, each about a foot long, and moving slightly outward.
“What is it?” Telemachus asked.
Trance shook her head. “I have no idea.”
Suddenly, the ridges seemed to push outward. Jac screamed in pain, even
though she was unconscious. Telemachus recognized the voice. It was Anemone.
He gently pushed her down with his arms so she wouldn’t hurt herself.
Trance glanced at this curiously, but was too preoccupied to think on it
any more. She quickly opened a channel to the Sentry.
“Rhodas! Something is happening to Jac!”
“I’m there.” Was the brief reply. Sounds of scrambling
ensued, followed by a cry of, “Wait sir! The comm.” and the
channel was closed.
Telemachus stared at Jac as he noticed a queer growth on her collarbone.
It was like a patch of black, feathery skin, and to his Nietzschean eyes,
Telemachus could see it growing at a rapid rate.
“Trance.” She ran over and softly touched it.
“I’ve never seen anything like this before.”
Rhodas ran inside, and Trance had the feeling that he hadn’t completely
stuck to normal means of transportation to get there.
“Let me see!” He pushed them aside and touched the growth. “What
“Do you know what this is?” Asked Trance.
He got a baffled look on his face. “I’m not sure. We should
move her to my ship.”
Trance shook her head vigorously. “Under the circumstances, I’m
not sure that’s such a good idea.”
Rhodas sighed and took a deep breath. “You’re right. I’m
not thinking clearly. Sadly, I don’t have any especially powerful
healers onboard.”
Telemachus noticed that one of Jac’s hands had become a fist, and
he gently pried it open and let her grip his. He was surprised at her strength.
She was causing him quite a bit of pain. Over the next several hours, he
watched as the growth spread, covering her neck, throat, arms, and torso.
He had always believed that the Divine was dead, but he found himself praying
to whatever Gods Jac believed in.
The rest of the crew began to assemble. Harper came first, followed by Dylan,
Beka, Rommie, and finally Rev. They watched over her, but she never moved,
until finally, she began to shiver. Telemachus got a blanket, but as he
lifted her up to tuck it under her, his hand brushed against the ridges
again. His breath caught in his throat.
“Trance.” He whispered hoarsely. Trance ran over.
“What is it Telemachus?”
He lightly lifted up Jac’s shirt on her back. The ridges where much,
much more pronounced, and they had begun to ripple. Jac began to scream,
but this time it was her voice, and then it began to morph with Anemone’s,
and twist in between, until they both cried out together, the two separate
voices united.
Telemachus stepped back as he felt waves of energy begin to ripple off her.
She began to roll, and tumbled off of the bio-bed, landing on her knees,
her hands pressed into the floor. They watched in awe as black claws drew
out of her fingernails and cut into the floor. The feathery growth began
to recede, and move in a liquid-like state to her back, where her shirt
began to tear in two lines down her back.
Her screams became deafening. Black blood began to soak her shirt, and the
cloth split in half at the back. They could see the ridges, still rippling,
with cuts slowly forming over them. As the cuts covered the expanse of the
ridges, the black growth began to return, flowing out of them and began
to form two symmetrical shapes on her back. As it flowed up, it solidified
into feather shapes.
Rhodas ran in and stopped dead in his tracks. He swallowed hard. The black
began to cover her body again, clothes disappearing as it moved. Finally,
Anemone stood before them again, and from her back there rose two giant
wings that melded with her body.
Rhodas slowly fell to one knee. “My lady Anemone.”
The Sheighon surveyed the assembled group. “Hear me. I am Jacinth
of Anemone birthed by Vanessa of June by Remus of Antioch, of the family
of Kalyca, of the House of Vampyres. I am Heir apparent of the Royal throne
of the Vampyres, and Priestess of Orion the Valar protector of Warriors.
This day, I come into the power of Vanessa June Kalyca, the power of my
birthright. With these wings, I hereby proclaim that I am of age.”
Rhodas touched his head to the floor and looked up at her. “Valar,
the girl’s... not a girl anymore.”
Chapter 13
Rhodas felt his jaw hanging open as he watched the transformation
of his Princess and friend. Most Sheighon have their wings when they are
fifteen, very few mature slowly enough to delay it to twenty. He still remembered
when his wings had first breached, but he had been given quite a bit of
anesthesia beforehand. He had never seen a person grow their wings without
first having some sort of numbing. But here she was, Anemone in all her
Her mother had been one of the most powerful Sheighon ever because of their
unique connection to each other. While they had one body, and for the most
part one mind, but for some reason June was almost dormant most of the time,
but when she appeared, she was like a one-person army. It was thought that
they where not fully joined, and that as such they each had separate power
instead of sharing, so that they had control of twice the normal power.
It had appeared that Jac had inherited this, but she never exhibited any
sort of signs of having the level of force that Vanessa had. Until they
realized that Vanessa hadn’t shown any signs of strength until she
had reached the end of her first puberty at fifteen, and her wings had appeared.
It appeared that Jac, on the other hand, had taken longer to mature, and
Rhodas thought that there might be some telepathic influence from Anemone
that slowed the process.
Anemone looked over those assembled, her black eyes shining. “Maur.”
She said quietly.
Rhodas felt his body react to the name, and he didn’t fight it. He
felt his mind slip back slightly as his Sheighon took control. His wings
began to spread out, but it didn’t hurt his since they had already
broken through the skin when he was a teenager, and his back now had permanent
folds for the Sheighon to come through as he formed the wings.
Maur was a full-blood Vampyre, so he was completely black, as well as black
hair. That was one of the most unusual things about them, that Albino Vampyre
Sheighon’s hair color didn’t match the rest of their bodies,
but remained pale blonde.
Maur’s voice, like Anemone, was deeper than his hosts, and he emanated
the same feel of being taller and wiser than his other half. He bowed low
to Anemone.
“Yes, Highness?”
“What is the status of the Sentry?”
“It has a status.”
Anemone nodded and smiled slightly. “Well, that’s something.
What do you know of the missions of the Sentry?”
“I assume you would be referring to one from about 308 years ago?”
Anemone cocked her head and smiled. “Jac says, ‘Am I the only
bloody ignoramus in this bloody family?’”
Maur rolled his eyes. “That’s our Jac. And no, I simply know
because I went through all of the Sentry’s computer records when I
became Captain.”
Beka shook her head. “Excuse me, but my poor little singular mind
is having a hard time grasping all of this. Let me get this straight. Gaheris
Rhade, the former Commander of the Andromeda, once helped rescue Jac’s
Maur nodded.
Beka continued. “So Vanessa, Jac’s mother, fell in love with
him while they where taking her to Earth for God knows what purpose. It
turns out that Gaheris loves her too and they become lovers.”
Maur answered because Anemone was still busy mulling over the video recording
from the Sentry. “Not exactly. From what we know, they’re relationship
never went beyond what you saw, and I do know what you saw.”
Harper nodded. “So when Gaheris died, Vanessa went into a kind of
depression. Then she found out that she had to have a child in order to
pass on her unique abilities in order to fulfill a prophecy made about her.”
Dylan held his hands up. “Whoa, slow down. The Sheighon can see the
Harper sighed and rolled his glance to Maur, who sighed as well. “It
takes a while to explain, but the short version is, sometimes. There are
some of us who are what we call Prescient, and they will have flashes of
the future. They will usually be able to see only two or three possibilities.”
Dylan nodded uneasily. “What about Charlemagne? Don’t tell me
Jac just happened to show up here just as he was flying by.”
Maur shook his head smiling. “Well, that’s a lot easier to explain.
Anemone knew that her wings where about to breach, but Jac’s psionic
abilities where being held back by a sort of barrier that Anemone had created
to shield Jac from the memories of Vanessa. So Anemone began to show Jac
some of her mother’s memories through dreams. These triggered a reaction
in which Jac involuntarily piloted her way here, led by her mother’s
former telepathic connection. Then, Charlemagne was drawn here by a slight
empathic bond they have.”
Beka was still looking confused. “So, what was with the whole wing
Maur gave them a quick rundown of what it meant and what they where. By
the end, everyone was looking a little dazed. Anemone finally snapped out
of whatever she was in.
“Okay, Jac and I have talked, and we have decided not to kill each
other quite yet.”
Telemachus walked closer to her. “Anemone, would you care to explain
this ‘priestess’ business?”
Anemone snapped her fingers. “Darn, I’d hoped you wouldn’t
notice that. Yes, when I was on Vegasphere I became a priestess of Orion,
the Valar protector of Warriors.”
Rev was quite surprised. He had been silent thus far, but could no longer
keep himself contained. “You are a reverend?”
Anemone got a strange look on her face. “Yes, that’s what I
said. Is it so hard to believe?”
“No, you just seem so... grounded.”
She laughed. “Oh, I suppose I might seem so to you. I simply have
accepted my lot in life, and the destiny that the Valar have laid out for
me. I suppose it has given me a certain degree of confidence.” She
seemed to suddenly become very weary looking, “But I have used up
much energy and I must rest now.”
The black-and-purple receded from her and left Jac standing there. Even
the wings had receded into her back. She quietly excused herself and tried
to go outside. She nearly collapsed as she moved her drained body toward
the door. Trance quickly swept her up and helped her to her quarters, where
she promptly passed out on her bed.
Jac dipped her head back in the bathtub and relaxed. She was almost floating,
and it felt marvelous. She had slept for literally days, two days to be
exact. It was a wonderful feeling, this newfound freedom she had now that
she understood her mother, and more importantly, Anemone.
Suddenly, her head shot up. She looked around. She had felt a slight ripple
of the empathic kind. She cautiously stepped out of the tub and wrapped
a towel around herself, and fervently prayed that she wouldn’t actually
have to do any fighting in it.
She cautiously walked out the door. There was no one. It must have been
nothing. Maybe it was Anemone trying to keep her on her toes.
She turned around to return to her bath, but she suddenly felt herself being
twirled around and wrapped up in two strong arms. Her cry was muffled as
the cocky Demon-Spawn passionately kissed her, and she felt herself relax
and respond. After several moments she stepped back and looked up into the
brownest eyes she had ever seen.
“Telemachus... what exactly are you doing?”
The Nietzschean grinned at her. “Kissing you. Is that all right?”
Jac smiled in the patronizing way a parent does to a child that just doesn’t
get it.
“Yes, but not when you sneak into my quarters, without my permission,
while I was trying to relax and take a bath.”
Telemachus raised an eyebrow, and Jac felt herself go red. “Oh...
yah... right... heh.”
She slipped out of his arms, becoming acutely aware of her lack of proper
“Excuse me.” She mumbled semi-coherently. As she turned away,
she felt his hand on her arm.
“Jac.” He began, but stopped. “I.” He looked down
in confusion.
Jac turned and looked at him with wonder. The courageous, strong, and at
times passionate man had been suddenly reduced to the rank of schoolboy.
“And I’m reduced to blushing bride.” She scolded herself.
He looked up at her, and he seemed to see her nervousness and shyness in
her eyes. This seemed to trouble him, and he lightly brushed her cheekbone
with the knuckles of one hand.
“Are you afraid of me?” He asked her softly. This made her laugh,
just as he wanted it to.
She tossed her blonde, and very wet, hair. “I’m not afraid of
anything!” She announced, still laughing.
His eyes gleamed slightly. He quickly lifted her up, a motion that was quickly
becoming second nature to him, and brought her into the bathroom, where
he promptly held her kicking and screaming over the bathtub.
“What did you say?” He asked coolly.
“Stupid...!” She screamed, and began to utter a string of jumbled
words in Sheighon, Basic, and Nietzschean, none being very complimentary.
He let his grip loosen slightly. “What did you say?” He repeated.
“I’m absolutely terrified! Completely petrified with fear!”
Snapped the thrashing girl.
Telemachus smiled with satisfaction, and set her down on the floor. He lightly
sat down next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. She, however,
leaned back against the tub, crossed her arms, and looked away from him
“Come now, Jac, I was just playing.” He laughed. She still ignored
“Jac?” He tried to lean over and look into her eyes, but she
looked down and dignifiedly straightened the towel around her. He got an
idea. He lightly leaned over and began to lightly nuzzle her neck. True
to form, she immediately let out a giggle, but bit her lip to hide the smile
that appeared.
“Jaccy-baby.” He murmured in her ear.
Her head snapped around. “Who told you about that?”
Telemachus smiled in satisfaction. “Anemone let it slip.”
Jac scowled. He watched her. This wasn’t as good as he had hoped.
“Who called you that?”
She sighed. “It was my cousin, Willem, actually.”
“You loved him, didn’t you?”
Jac looked down. “He was my best friend ever. I know it sounds stupid,
and silly, and childish, but he was. And then he got so angry when I told
him about Charlemagne and... and Char. It was bad enough that I was going
to have some bastard baby, but to have an uber bastard...”
Telemachus frowned. “Don’t say that.”
She looked up at him. “What? Uber? Or...”
“Either!” He snapped, cutting her off. He calmed himself and
proceeded cautiously. “I don’t want to hear you say anything
negative about Char or yourself again.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yes father.”
Jac was startled at the look that came into his eyes. “But I don’t
want to be your father.” He whispered throatily as he pulled her close.
She had barely enough time between kisses to murmur, “Should’ve
seen that coming.” before she gave up all pathetic attempts to escape
Jac squeezed her eyes tightly shut as she was rudely awakened. She slowly
peeled one eyes open, and then the other. Telemachus smiled sheepishly at
“Did I wake you up? I’m sorry, I was just trying to get you
more comfortable.”
She mumbled incoherently and snuggled closer to him, closed her eyes again,
and prepared to go back to sleep.
She felt like snarling. “Yes?”
Telemachus sat up. “We have to talk.”
She sighed. “Okay, what about?”
“What happened between us... you see, I’m a Nietzschean, and
we don’t believe in short-term relationships. Despite what you may
think, I was... well... thinking when it happened, and it meant something
to me. What I want to know is what was it to you? I didn’t think you
where like... that, Jac. It... it hurt me when you said... what you said.”
She swallowed hard. She had never intentionally hurt an innocent person
before in her life, but she had hurt this man in a way that made her own
heart cry out in pain. Compared to this, growing her wings was a massage.
She sat up and cleared her throat. “I... I can’t tell you how
sorry I was, how sorry I still am. Not that it happened, but because of
what I said. I understand what you’re saying, to Nietzscheans, reproduction
is everything, and... short-term relationships aren’t very good for
that. But my people have strong beliefs too. Monogamy is... is more important
then almost everything else. So, if you... we do chose too... pursue this,
then I want you to understand, I will respect your culture, as long as you
will respect mine.”
It dawned on Telemachus what she was saying. He almost laughed. “Jacinth
Anemone, I wouldn’t need any woman other than you.”
Jac sighed in relief and hugged him.
“But Jac.”
“What happened? Why did you say that?”
She looked up at his face, her lips trembling. “I... I saw something
that... well... it scared the hell out of me. It was like... it looked like
you, but it wasn’t. Your... his eyes where older, wiser, and he was
clean-shaven. I think I had a vision of Gaheris. I was so afraid! I didn’t
understand what was happening!”
She buried her head in his chest, and he softly rocked her, murmuring to
her till the memory faded.
She rolled her eyes. She had almost drifted back to sleep. “What now?”
“What happened to your legs?”
Jac looked at him. “Wha?”
“When you came here, your legs where just about smashed.”
“Oh, that. I think it had something to do with my wings. Growing them
takes a great amount of energy, so does piloting a Sheighon ship. Most likely
I overtaxed myself and my body began to break down.”
Telemachus frowned at her in worry. “Have you had anything else like
this happen?”
“Well, every once in awhile my back would hurt like nothing else.
But other than that...”
Jac brushed a hand across her face as she felt soft tears begin to fall.
Telemachus looked down at her.
“What’s wrong?”
“I was thinking about... I have to tell you something. But I’m
afraid you’ll be angry.”
“No I won’t. What is it?”
“I have to go.”
He frowned, “Where?”
“Back home. Back to Vegasphere.”
“I’m not just a princess and a priestess, I’m also a warrior,
and I have a duty to my people to do everything in my power to stop Taxiarchai,
and from the look of things, I may be the only one who can.”
He began to lightly brush his lips over her hair. “How long?”
She swallowed, trying to stop the silent tears. “I don’t know.
But I have to go.”
Telemachus sighed and rested his face on her neck. “I understand.”
Jac gently pulled away from him and pulled on a robe. Now that her hair
was free, Rhade noticed that it was long enough to reach her thighs. Jac
noticed his glance.
“Mom was always proud of my hair. It showed that I was more than just
another Abomination. I’ve never really cut it.”
She jumped as the Andromeda announced that Trance wished to speak with her.
She nodded for her to be put onscreen. Telemachus cast a curious glance
at her.
“What!” Jac asked as she held up a hand for Andromeda to wait.
She felt annoyed, and a little fluttery, as he ‘pouted’. “She’s
going to find out about us eventually!”
“Wouldn’t you rather it be later rather than sooner?”
“Oh, right! Prolong my suffering and guilt, you’re such an intelligent
man!” She rolled her eyes. Telemachus scooted to the edge of the bed
and wrapped his arms around her.
“That and other things.” He said with a smirk.
“Andromeda, put Trance through.”
Trance’s eyes widened as she saw Jac on the screen with a bare-chested
Lieutenant Commander Rhade wrapping his arms around her from behind. The
Nietzschean waved slightly as he saw her, and quickly edged out of view.
Jac laughed at his departing back.
“Jac, how... how long?” Trance stammered.
Jac bit her lip and blushed. “Uh, well, I’m not sure but...
uh... two nights... not necessarily consecutively.”
Trance held up her hands. “Stop right there. I had no right to ask,
and I’m not sure I want to know.”
Jac smiled. “I want to tell you, you’re my friend, I hope.”
Trance smiled back at her. “Thank you. Now, Rhodas says that he will
be ready to...” She paused and looked past Jac as Telemachus reentered
the screen.
Jac looked over her shoulder. “It’s okay, Trance, I told him.”
“Rhodas said that he will be ready to leave in a few hours, and Charlemagne
jumped at the chance to take care of Char for the time being. May I ask,
why the preparations?”
Jac frowned. “I’d like to talk to you about that, but not like
this. Come to my quarters as soon as possible. I want Telemachus to hear
this as well. I owe him an explanation.”
“Damn right you do!” He cried from her bathroom.
Jac scowled over her shoulder. “See you then Trance.”
The link was cut as Trance saw Jac begin to walk away, and the Sheighon
demonstrated to her lover the correct way to do a chokehold until Trance
got there.
Jac danced uneasily from foot to foot. Everyone had assembled in the docking
bay with Tyrone to say goodbye. She stepped over to Dylan.
“Dylan, I want to thank you for being so kind to me even though I
usually didn’t deserve it.”
“Seamus, you knew about me long before anyone else, and yet you kept
silent. In the end, you are one of the best and most trustworthy friends
I have ever had.”
“Rev, you made me remember why I became a priestess to begin with.
Thank you for reminding me of my faith.”
“Rommie, you are so amazing! You’re strong and beautiful and
just plain smart! You almost remind me of my mother. I promise that if you
ever need us, Ty and I will always be there to help.”
“Trance, I feel in my heart that we will see each other again... friend.”
They smiled and embraced tightly. Jac turned to Beka and looked down.
“Beka... I’m so sorry. When I first came here, I didn’t
trust you. I misjudged you, and for that I am sorry. Now that I have spent
time with you... I don’t know... but something about you tells me
that you have a part yet to play in your battle with the Abyss.”
Beka lightly hugged her, and Jac slowly stepped over to Telemachus. Trance
lightly nudged everyone else away. They all felt confused, until they stepped
back to watch. They couldn’t hear what was being said but they could
Jac held her hands behind her back and looked up at him. “You know,
it’s strange. I never expected to be as close to Charlemagne’s
height as I am. But now I have you, and you’re what, three inches
taller than me!”
Telemachus smiled and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m sorry
you have to go.”
Jac pulled back. “Telemachus, you understand what I told you and Trance,
don’t you? I don’t know what’s happening to me, but whatever
it is, it’s going to change a lot of things. I don’t know what
will have happened between now and the next time I see you, so I want you
to know I love you.”
He looked down at her. “Me too.” He frowned. “That didn’t
come out right.”
Jac was doubled over with laughter. Telemachus scowled and crossed his arms.
“That’s not what I meant!”
She managed to straighten up. “I know, I know, and I’m really
happy you feel that way.”
He still scowled at her. She sighed. “Do I have to start using your
own tactics against you... right in front of everyone else?”
He still scowled but he relaxed. “Why not Miss Find-out-about-us-eventually.”
Jac glanced over at the others. “I think eventually has arrived.”
Telemachus followed her gaze. “We haven’t really done anything.”
“When was the last time you spent several minutes straight wrapped
up in the arms of your arch-nemesis?”
“But my arch-nemesis doesn’t have...”
“Stop Telemachus! Just stop.”
Char solemnly said goodbye to everyone, as his father was leaving as well.
When he reached Rommie however, he motioned for her to lean down. When she
complied, he quickly took her face and kissed her right on the lips. Harper
said something about Jac and Telemachus being a bad influence on him, and
Rhodas took the boy by the collar and dragged him over to the Sabra-Jaguar
pod while Char screamed “Goodbye Andromeda! I’ll miss you!”
Rommie smiled and shook her head. “Strange, he reminds me of someone
I know.”
Harper, Charlemagne Bolivar, and Rhodas all looked at her with identical
expressions of innocence. So they parted amidst laughter.
During the chaos that Char had single-handedly started, Jac and Telemachus
where able to say a better goodbye since they weren’t the objects
of everyone’s attention anymore, and Jac softly blessed her little
They stood in an awkward silence for a while. Jac looked up at him, then
down, then to the rest of the crew, then back at him. Finally she threw
etiquette to the wind and just kissed him.
Gasps resounded throughout the room from the other Sheighon, who where the
only ones who where paying attention. Jac could vaguely hear Ty and Rhodas
whoop and throw catcalls and whistles in their direction, but she couldn’t
be sure as her ears where filled with a sound that was like a drum, Telemachus’
heartbeat. She didn’t have one, and it was amazing to her how loud
it was when you had Vampyre hearing and where pressed this closely to the
Rhodas cleared his throat. “Transport to Vegasphere is now leaving!
Will the Princess Jacinth Anemone Kalyca please cease sucking Commander
Rhade’s face off and step aboard her vessel?”
Jac turned her head to her friend. “A week Acacia, that’s how
long it will take us to get there. Don’t force me to make it any longer
for you than it has to be.”
Rhodas grinned. “Got you Kalyca. See you on the Sentry.”
Tyrone was taken aboard the Sentry, and they began to leave for Sheighon
space. As they where leaving, Andromeda reported a ship appearing out of
nowhere and following them. Taxiarchai was back, and he wasn’t going
to give up this time.
Andromeda turned to Dylan. “Should we follow?”
The Captain shook his head. “Not this time. When they need us, they’ll
ask. But I have a feeling we haven’t seen the last of Jac.”
Rhade watched them leave. Under his breath he whispered, “I hope so.”
Trance stood beside him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t
worry. If I know anything about Jac, it’s that she will always come
back to those she loves.”
He looked down at the petite woman. “And she loves me... doesn’t
Trance smiled, and together they watched as the Sentry simply disappeared
into the blackness of space.
“Oh crap!”
Everyone looked at Harper. “What’s wrong?” Dylan asked.
“I just remembered. I forgot to ask them how they flew their ships!”