A Bargain, A Lady

See the bigger version!

disclaimer: The Mary Kay Commandos are from “Bloom County”, and of course Matel owns Barbie ™


She was in a big, lighted box.

She didn’t like being in the big, lighted box.

And what the fuck had happened to her uniform? She wasn’t sure whom the fashion designer around here was, but she was feeling somewhat bare in a gown made up of layers of sheer cloth in varying colors and no undergarments.

The doors above her slid open, giving her a good view of a gold ceiling covered in what looked like hieroglyphics. Gee, what egotistical, spoiled rotten, megalomaniacs have gold ceilings covered in hieroglyphics?

She waited a moment to see if there would be a stranger’s face peering into the sarcophagus at her. She’d rather it be the face of her CO, who would then tell her they pulled off a miraculous capture of a Mother Ship and were taking it home to Earth. Ticker tape parades for everyone! His face didn’t show up either. She didn’t hear anyone else in the room, which didn’t necessarily mean anything. Figuring that if she didn’t get out on her own someone would come and drag her out, she sat up slowly and looked around.

There was nothing in the room except for the sarcophagus and four doors. Not even a guard or two. Quietly, she slipped out of the fancy coffin and crept towards a door. She fiddled with the control panel to the right of it, but nothing happened. Edging around she went to the next door. Again, nothing. Nothing happened when she tampered with the third door, either. When she got to the fourth, she finally got a response.

She looked into the newly revealed room and wondered how to shut the damn door again. There was little point in trying, however, as the occupants had seen her. To her surprise, they weren’t Jaffa or even that jackass of a Goa’uld who had all but crushed the life out of her. Three women looked up from where they were snuggled together on a very large bed surrounded by gauzy curtains of various shades. They were all beautiful, far more so than she, and dressed in far less than the diaphanous gown she’d been put in. One blonde, one brunette and a redhead who actually had auburn tresses rather than her own flame-orange color. They were all very giggly and just looked vapid.

“Great, Muffy, Tuffy and Buffy. How’s it going, ladies?” She looked around the room again. This one wasn’t empty. Besides the bed there was what looked like an oversized gold bathtub, a table and chairs built into the flooring and various martial weapons decorating the walls. “Oh, this is much better.” She made a beeline for a blade the same basic length and shape of her field knife. Her hand went out for it, only to receive a vicious shock from the effort. “Of course. Nothing could be that easy.” The Triplets giggled behind her. “Laugh it up, girls.”

The sound of one of the doors in the outer room opening caught her attention. She moved so that she was not in direct line of the door to the… bedchamber. The Triplets, she noticed, were becoming even more excited. A figure she remembered all too well came into the room, closing the door behind him. The same Goa’uld who had taken her down earlier was now scanning the room. There was no place to hide, so she opted to stand her ground, willing herself not to show any fear. His eyes flashed and a triumphant smirk touched his lips when he saw her. He barked an order in a language she didn’t understand, but the Triplets did. They scrambled off the bed and hurried to him. He held his arms out, never taking his eyes off of her while the girls began to undress him, taking every opportunity to stroke his skin and press themselves against him.

It became apparent that he was going to be completely nude when it was over, but she forced herself to maintain eye contact. It wasn’t easy. If you ignored the fact that he was pure evil and of a race that was intent on destroying her people, he was definitely what the girls back home would classify as ‘doable’. He was tall and bronze skinned with a head of thick, jet-black hair. She remembered those strong arms and that too perfect face when she had been fighting him. The temptation to see if the rest of him measured up was strong, but she refused to be encouraging.

He allowed Muffy, Tuffy and Buffy to fawn, or was that fondle, over him a bit longer before barking another order. He must have told them to take a hike, because they started to mewl in protest, forcing him to do it again. Muffy and Tuffy (brunette and red-head, respectively) left with full pouts. Buffy (blonde) shot her a venomous look before exiting.

Great, so now she was alone in a room with an alien convinced he was a god and a very large bed. Was it too late to call the triplets back in?

“What name was given to you?”

She blinked, surprised that a question, but caught herself before she answered. “Captain O’Fallon, United States Marine Corps.”

The Goa’uld took a large goblet and a curiously shaped bottle. He uncorked the bottle and poured a dark red liquid into the goblet. “We did not ask for your father’s name or your title. We asked for your given name.” He set the bottle down on the table as he approached her. She almost stepped back, but did not want to appear weak. Instead, she stood her ground as he drew nearer.

“I don’t see why you need my name. I don’t have yours.”

He stopped just in front of her and she was suddenly reminded how tall he was. She wasn’t short for a woman, 5’8” according to her last weigh-in. He still had a good seven or eight inches on her, and at least one hundred extra pounds. Solid muscle from what she could remember. He smiled at her, the goblet held between them. She could now detect the fragrance of fermented fruits. “I had heard that the Tau’ri were overcome with bravado in greater measure than was warranted. I am Camulus, god of war. I would know the name of the warrior I watched kill five of my Jaffa on her own.”

She hesitated. It was only a name, and he was likely to get ugly if she didn’t give it to him. “Jessica.”

“Jessica.” He took a drink of his wine. “I like that name. Womanly, and yet sharp, like your blade.” He nodded his head towards the wall behind her. She turned out of reflex. It took a second to find, but there was her field knife fastened to the wall. “I have seen greater blades, but even the dullest knife can be deadly in the hands of one who knows how to wield them.”

A finger caressing the side of her neck made her turn back around with a start. She frowned and took a step away from him. “I don’t suppose I could have it back.”

“You have no need for it here.” He lifted the goblet. “Drink.” She looked at the goblet. He had drunk from it, but he was a Goa’uld and would be immune to most poisons. He gave a short chuckle at her hesitation. “I am trying to be a gracious host, but you are not helping matters. If you continue to defy me, I will have no choice but to punish you by harming those brought with you.”

Her head snapped up. “My team? They’re alive?”

“I have had their wounds tended and have them in the holding cells of this vessel. They will remain well if you cease to defy me. Drink.”

They were alive. And supposedly unharmed. “Could I see my team first?” She hesitated before adding, “Please?”

He seemed to consider her request for a moment. “No, not at this time. I wish you to remain here, with me. Afterwards I will allow you to visit your… team, but only if you give me no trouble.”

She weighed his words carefully. They always told them in the briefings that a Goa’uld could not be trusted, not about anything. Still, if there was a chance? What she suspected this was all eventually leading to was nothing that the Corps did not warn female soldiers was a possibility should they be captured. You could never truly prepare a woman for rape, but you could give her a heads up so she had a chance to steel herself for it. She swallowed hard and nodded. Her lifted her hands and took the goblet, willing herself not to shake as she took a drink.

The wine was sweet and rich, thicker than she had anticipated. She was painfully aware of his eyes on her face as she swallowed and handed the goblet back to him. He took another long drink before setting it down on the table.

Large hands grasped her around her waist and pulled her towards him as he sat down in one of the chairs. He brought her down to sit across his lap, placing one arm around her waist, the other reaching up to stroke her opposite arm. “Are all women of the Tau’ri as strong as you are, Jessica? When I ruled there, the men were the ones who went off to fight. Few women took up arms.”

“It’s an all right life for some.” She was acutely aware of something firm prodding against her hip and was certain she knew what it was. Why he was playing games with her she did not know. She felt his hand travel down the length of her arm and over her leg, still covered in the gauzy material that made up the gown she was wearing. When he started to raise the hem of the gown she tensed up.

“Submit. Remember that yours is not the only life in my hands.” She let out a shuddering breath and forced herself to relax. She tried to remain calm as she felt the roughness of a calloused hand traveling along her skin. Camulus pulled the fabric between them free, allowing her to feel skin-to-skin contact. She felt something deep within the apex between her legs twist in response to the sensation. “Your shape is most pleasing, Jessica of the Tau’ri. I can feel your strength, and yet there is softness to you.” He moved a hand between her legs, seeking out her center. He pressed forward into her with two blunt fingers, but stopped when she bit back a gasp of discomfort. She felt him withdraw and then insert only one of his fingers as he tilted her back slightly so he could reach further.

“You come to me a maiden.” She clenched her teeth, pressing her lips together. He teased her with long, slow strokes. “A pleasant surprise.”

“Don’t let it go to your head. I’ve had more important things to do with my life.”

“You are proving to be a greater prize than I had first thought.” He moved with a speed she would have not thought possible, shifting her from sitting across his lap to straddling him. She couldn’t help but be surprised at her new situation.


He took her hands in both of his and pressed her palms against his chest. His hands then traveled down her back and lightly clasped her hips to pull her close so that the mons rubs against the thickness of him. “A great prize. I watched you face a Jaffa who was larger and stronger than yourself, your fallen enemies lying about you. I witnessed you turn what should have been a defeat into a flawless victory. You were glorious and I knew you would be mine.”

“Most men don’t get off on watching a girl kill someone.”

“I am a god of war. I cherish warriors above all others.” He reached up with one hand to ease the shoulders of the gown down her arms, baring her breasts. “I have claimed the daughters and wives of my fallen enemies as spoils of war, but never have I found a woman warrior who was not of my blood.” He ran his thumbs over the soft skin of her breasts. “My lotar tells me that you wear a garment that crushes your breasts to make them smaller.”

She frowned and tried to pull away. He stopped her with a hand moving around to her back. “Yeah, well you try lugging them around for a while. They get in the way.”

“And yet they ensure that any sons you bear will never go hungry.”

“Now, see, here’s where we have a problem. I’m trying really hard to keep focused on behaving myself here, trying to be the brave little soldier. But if you’re going to start talking about me and children in the same sentence then I’m going to have trouble with this.”

Camulus only smirked and pulled her closer. “Nervousness is expected for a maiden when she first lays with a man, even more so when that man is a god. You need not fear me.”

“Let’s get one thing straight. You’re not just a man, and at the risk of having my head detached from the rest of me, I don’t believe you’re a god. What you are is my enemy and I’m only sitting here without trying to gouge your eyes out because I’m not stupid enough to believe I can fight through all your Jaffa to get my team out.”

“You do not fear me? Do you always tell falsehoods to yourself?”

“I didn’t say I wasn’t afraid. Fear keeps you sharp as long as you don’t let it cripple you.”

“And you do not fear what is to come?”

She swallowed and took a deep breath. “The Corps tries to prepare us for everything. They make sure they tell the women what can happen if we’re captured. We don’t have to like it, but we don’t bury our heads in the sand over it, either.”

He stood up, holding her to him. She dug her nails into his chest and closed her eyes as he walked to the bed and laid her down. He pulled the rest of the gown from her and threw it to the floor somewhere behind him before covering her body with his own. “You would kill me if you could.”

“In a heartbeat.”

“You do not yet understand what you are now.”

“I’m a prisoner of war. That’s not too hard to figure out.”

He reached between them and found her center again. She jerked as his fingers made contact bur forced herself to relax as he began to toy with her. “You are me defeated enemy. I met you in fair combat and I was the victor. There is an old code in battle, Jessica of the Tau’ri, and we feel that your people have been so long from my presence that you have lost that code. You seem to have forgotten that when two warriors battle, the victor gets to choose what his prize will be from the defeated. You are the defeated in our battle, and the prize I choose is you.”

Jessica tried to think of a witty come back to that, but something he did to her made her gasp. She felt as though a shiver had run through the entire lower portion of her body as a tightness started to build within her. His eyes flashed as a triumphant smirk crossed his lips. “You will serve by my side until the end of your days.” She shook her head in denial, but gasped again when he teased the hardened nub between her legs. “If I choose that you will bear my children, then this you will do.”

His fingers were long and strong from both untold centuries of combat and the physical perfection demanded of the Goa’uld. Those same centuries had given him more than enough time to learn how to make a woman’s body respond, regardless if she were willing or not. Jessica screwed her eyes shut, not wanting to see his gloating face as he forced her body to answer him. She managed for a time to stop her hips from moving in time with his ministrations, but the battle against herself was soon lost. The tightness inside her grew more intense, like a wire coil being wound up.

The defiance in her wanted to make him suffer bringing this on her, the humiliation she was feeling at her own perceived weakness. She gripped his upper arms with her hands and dug her nails into him as hard as she could in a vain attempt to release some of the tension inside her of her. She thought she heard him make some sound deep within his throat and she hoped it was in pain. The thought that it might be made her smile just before the wire snapped and she was swept away in something powerful. She felt like all the tension slowly building since they had encountered the Jaffa was flowing out of her in a wave. She heard him encouraging her onward in that smug, superior voice of his, but his voice seemed to be far away, barely heard over the sound of blood pounding in her ears.

Her mind slowly stopped spinning and she was aware that she was gasping for air. When she opened her eyes it was to see him leering at her as he moved higher over her. Perhaps her mind was still fogged from the orgasm, but for a moment she didn’t see him as just a Goa’uld. She noted the handsome face and dark eyes hovering above her. She felt a strong hand move down and grasp one of her thighs, pulling it up alongside his body to open her wider. Something quite a bit larger than his fingers probed at her entrance, bringing her somewhat more into focus.

He moved his hands up to frame her face, but she did not release the grip she had on his arm. She was faintly aware of wet warmth and was certain she had pierced the skin there. He seemed not to notice any discomfort as he pressed forward in one sure stroke, in spite of the fact that she dug her nails in further, refusing to mutter any sound of pain. It did hurt, but not as badly as she had feared. She was wet enough to make it a bit easier and she believed that his just getting it over with rather than drawing it out helped a great deal.

He remained still for a moment after fully sheathing himself within her. She didn’t believe it was for her comfort, more likely he was just enjoying the moment. Hadn’t the girls back home always made snide remarks about how guys loved being a girl’s ‘first time’? Even as she thought it, something about it didn’t feel right. She couldn’t possibly be his first virgin, but this was probably still a power play for him.

When he did move again it was in long, sure strokes. He kept staring at her with those dark brown eyes, his gaze too compelling to break free. Her untried body wasn’t happy with the invasion, but he was patient. His body moved against her own, toned muscles under tanned skin caressing her. Gradually, the discomfort began to fade as she became accustomed to him. For a while it was just friction, his body moving in and out of hers. She began to wonder how long he could keep this up. Did being a Goa’uld extend its stamina to sex as well?

The friction began to slowly give way to that same pleasurable sensation from before. He was doing it to her again, making her body feel pleasure when she should feel nothing but loathing. The dismay over this must have shown in her eyes because his lips turned up in that damned, gloating smirk again. She tried to wrest her head from his grip, tried to turn away and detach herself from the act, but he held her firm. “Do not fight it, Little Warrior. There is no shame in finding pleasure in our bed.”

No shame? There was plenty of shame in feeling pleasure when you were not truly there by your own choice. She was attempting to buy some time for her colonel and her team, bartering with the only thing she had that they didn’t. She couldn’t even be sure it was going to work. She wanted to be able to feel nothing, to let him have his fun and be done with it. She had been such an idiot to think that she would be able to bear this. If she ever got back to Earth she’d likely end up in a nice rubber room. That same tension was coiling inside her again and she gave a whimper of frustration.

Camulus lowered his face to brush his lips against hers. That was the final straw for her. She gave a growl and tried to bite him, but he was too quick. His hands gripped her head more firmly and he pulled back enough that she could see his eyes flash. His expression turned to one of expectation. Furious with him, furious with herself, she released his arms to try and claw at his too-perfect face. He was quicker, his hands closer, and he stopped her attack.

She did not give up. He only batted her hands away; he didn’t try to catch them. She tried to buck him off of her, but it only served to bring him more deeply inside. She clawed at his chest and back, adding angry red welts to the bloody half moons already on his biceps. The increased friction of her body fighting against his drove the tension coiling within her to newer heights. She tried to strike at him like a cobra, head snapping up. He countered by taking advantage of the movement to press his lips to one side of her throat, making it impossible for her to make contact.

A shudder of pleasure ripped through her, a hint of what was building, and she gave a cry of protest. “Sing for me, Jessica.” The cry that broke from her when her second orgasm came over her was anything but joyful on her part. She stopped fighting, knowing that there was no point in doing so now. He took advantage of her stillness to thrust into her five more times until he was brought to his own completion. She lay there, feeling him jerking within her and knowing what it meant.

When he had finished he hovered within her for a moment longer. Jessica was certain that if he had been a cat he would have been purring. When he did pull free of her she immediately rolled over onto her side, curling up and staring at the gold wall behind the bed. Camulus was silent behind her but he did reach out to turn her so that she was lying lengthwise on the bed. She felt his weight shift and his warmth press against her back.

She felt the tears start to well up in her eyes and ordered herself not to cry. She would show no more weakness than she had already; she would give him no more power over. A strong arm came over her waist and pulled her tightly into the curve of his body, settling her in to sleep. She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat and spoke in a harsh whisper.

“I hate you.”

He gave no response. Then again, she was no longer sure who she hated, Camulus or herself.


It had been a long time before sleep had claimed her, after she had exhausted herself in an attempt to keep from crying. She hadn’t cried in years and she wasn’t about to start now. When she awoke, she was blissfully alone.

She sat up in the bed, wincing at the soreness between her legs. Glancing down she saw where blood and semen had trickled back out of her in her sleep, drying in streaks on the inside of her thighs. The red-brown color contrasted sharply against her too pale skin. Her stomach gave a lurch at the sight and she quickly grabbed a thin, silky sheet from the bed to wrap around herself.

It took a second to make her way off of the bed with her makeshift robe tangled around her. She put herself in a seated position on the edge of it and looked down at her toes. She hoped ‘Lord Camulus’ had gotten enough. Now that he had proven who had won maybe he’d go back to one of the triplets, or all of the triplets. She suspected that he was the kind of guy who liked to do the numbers thing; it would explain why the bed was so freaking big.

She kicked the air with her foot and caught movement out of the corner of her eye. She jumped and looked, but found it was only a mirror placed to the side. She looked at her reflection as if to see if there was any visible difference. Nope, still the same Jessie. She guessed maybe she shouldn’t have fought so hard, and then maybe he wouldn’t have noticed her. There sure as hell wasn’t anything else to recommend her, unless he liked girls with bright orange hair and more freckles than there were stars in the entire freaking galaxy. She supposed that her bone structure might have been pretty and being military certainly kept her in shape, but the triplets from last night had been gorgeous, like runway models only with curves. And they had looked like the kind of girls who tanned rather than burn. She never went off world without at least two new tubes of sun block, SPF 45 and both sweat proof and waterproof to be better prepared for all the fun and games that came with being in the SGC. The only cool thing about herself, the only thing she liked, was her eyes. They were dark, dark blue, almost black. They clashed with the rest of her, but then again, everything clashed with orange.

“I don’t get it.”

The door hissed up, making her jump. She mentally berated herself at the reflex, reminding herself to be tough. It wasn’t him, thankfully, but it was Muffy, Tuffy and Buffy, followed by a handsome man bearing a tray of food. When he spoke it was in a normal voice, without the resonating qualities of the Goa’uld, but still in that language she didn’t understand. If she ever got out of this she was going to beg and plead with Dr. Jackson to teach her Goa’uld. She hated it when people talked around her where she couldn’t understand them. Muffy and Tuffy glided/danced/whatever to the tub and began to fill it. They giggled and whispered, occasionally throwing glances at her over their shoulders while contemplating various odd shaped bottles, some of which they added to the water. Buffy, however, gave her a hateful look. The blonde’s eyes glanced at the rumpled bed and her expression changed to one of shock. Jessie looked down at the spot the woman was staring at and saw more of the red-brown mess left behind from last night. The reminder of it put her one the defensive. “What?!”

The man looked up from the tray he was arranging and saw the exchange. His tone was firm as he apparently scolded the blonde and indicated for her to join the others in preparing the bath. “Ignore her. She is jealous.”


“Ayan is one of my lord’s favorite handmaidens. She is usually always among those he selects to accompany him when he leaves his home and is most always called to his bed. She is unhappy that you were kept here instead, and unlike you, she did not come to him untouched.”

“Hey, I’m not here to take anyone’s place. If she wants the job, she can have it. I don’t mind. I’ll just go join the rest of the prisoners.”

He studied her for a moment, and then gave her a patronizing smile. “I am Calum, lotar of Lord Camulus. My lord has told me that after you have broken your fast and bathed I am to take you to the holding cells so that you may assure yourself that the men you traveled with are unharmed as he promised.” He poured what looked like water into a goblet before stepping away from the table.

“I’m not that hungry.”

“If that is your wish, but my orders are that you are to eat, and then bathe, in that order, before I can take you to the holding cells.”

She gave him a disgruntled look before getting off the bed, the sheet wrapped lightly about her and moving to the chair. There looked to be some type of dark bread, an egg dish (though eggs from what she didn’t know) and various fruits. She opted to try the fruits, thinking that they’d be the least likely things to be poisoned or drugged. There were three different kinds to choose from, one extremely sweet, one rather tart and one somewhat in between. All three were very good and reminded her that she was hungry in spite of what she had claimed.

Calum remained silent as she ate, refilling her water when it was emptied. When she had had her fill, she pushed the tray away and looked at him. He didn’t move. “Well?”

“You have a question?”

“Yeah, are you going to leave?”

“You are not yet ready.”

She let out a mirthless chuckle. “Look, I don’t know what the cheerleaders over there are used to, but I’m not in the habit of bathing with strangers in the room watching me. Can I have some privacy here?”

Calum gave a slight nod. “You are uncomfortable with my presence here, this is regrettable. I can turn away, but I must stay and the handmaidens are here to assist in your bath.”

“Uhm, I’m a big girl. I’ve been taking baths all by myself for a very long time.”

Calum gave her a long-suffering smile. “I am certain this is all new to you, but these are our ways. If you cease to resist and cooperate, then you will soon be able to speak to your friends. The longer you delay, the less likely it will be that you can.”

“We’re on some kind of timeline now?”

“My Lord Camulus is to meet with Lord Ares to discuss a territory dispute between them. He wishes you to be there. If you are not ready by the time they are to meet, then you will have to wait to see your friends some other time.”

She gave him a suspicious look, as if trying to ascertain if he was being truthful or not. “Fine, turn around.” She waited until he had done so before getting up and walking to the large tub. The water was steaming and fragrant with whatever the handmaidens had put in it. Jessie gave a jump when Muffy began to tug at the sheet wrapped about her, but let it go to step into the water.

Ayan sat on the edge of the tub, facing away from her with her arms crossed, sulking. Muffy and Tuffy, however, seemed to take to their task happily. They chattered inanely above her, slapping her hands aside whenever she tried to do something on her own. Hearing Calum speak in English amidst all their yammering was a surprisingly welcome sound. “They wonder why you have cut your hair so short.”

“There’s regulations to how long your hair can be and I didn’t want to bother with braiding it every morning.” She suffered through it having her body washed. The women seemed to approve of her nails, which were kept short but were strong and unbroken. They tutted over old scars that were from both her time with the Marines and from an old and nearly forgotten past. One time she tried to get out but they pushed her back in, apparently not yet satisfied with her hair.

When she was finally clean enough to satisfy Muffy and Tuffy, she got out of the tub. They stopped her from drying herself off, rubbing her with oil and smelled faintly like the cologne that Dr. Frazier always wore, light and fresh. Finally they did dry her off and helped her into a new gown, another creation of multiple layers of sheer cloth. A pair of sandals was produced for her to wear as one of the women combed her short hair flat.

“There. Happy now?”

Calum inspected the result thoroughly before nodding. “I will take you to the holding cells, now.” He looked at the women and said something to them. They began to busy themselves with cleaning the remains of the bath and bed as he motioned Jessie to precede him through the door.

The ship was huge. In her head she counted the number of steps before each turn, but the place was like a labyrinth. The holding cells were several floors below them, a place that smelled of stale sweat and fear. The thought of her team being kept here while she had been given the opportunity to sleep in luxury was like a knife blade to her heart. The cells were empty until they came to one in the center of the detention level, guarded by two Jaffa.

Lt. Colonel Fellers was the only one who rose when the force field was taken down. A look of relief flashed across his face when he saw her, but he steeled himself again. “Captain.”

Once she had crossed over the entryway she immediately came to a parade rest. “Sir.” She looked at the rest of her team members. Jamison gave a brave smile, Rathbourne graced her with a scant nod and Simmons sent a playful wink her direction. “How are they treating you?”

“They stuck Jamison in that box of theirs and fixed his leg, haven’t tortured any of us unless you count the fact that they haven’t bothered to feed us.”

“You haven’t eaten?” A pang of guilt at the breakfast offered to her hit her. She turned to Calum. “Why hasn’t anything been brought to them?”

Calum arched a brow. “Our lord did not order it. If it concerns you, then perhaps you should ask it of him. Nicely.”

Fellers narrowed his eyes. It was obvious from the getup they had her in and a delicate, feminine fragrance that certainly wasn’t her sunscreen that O’Fallon was being kept somewhere other than the holding cells. He didn’t like the unspoken connotation in that suggestion made. “O’Fallon?”

She turned around to face him. He caught just a glimpse of something unsettling in her eyes before she steeled herself again. Fellers stepped until he was only a foot from her. He pitched his voice low. “How are you holding up, Marine?”

She swallowed. “Better than a shrink would expect, Sir, but not as well as I would have hoped from myself.” She lifted her chin in defiance. “It’s nothing myself and every other woman in the military hasn’t been told about.”

A knife twisted in Fellers’ gut. He heard the rest of his team make disgruntled noises about him. They all knew it was reality, an added danger that was often used as an argument against women in combat situations. Still, that it had happened to their captain made it more distasteful. Fellers kept his voice soft. “You’ll get through this, Captain. He can’t break you unless you let him. Just slot him under the same heading as KP; bear him and put him behind you.”

A slight smile tugged at her mouth. “Yes, Sir. I will, Sir.”

“It is time for us to go.” Fellers shot the snake’s lackey a dirty look, to which the man merely arched a brow. “Our lord has ordered that I bring her to him on the bridge. We are expected.”

“You heard the man, Captain. Mustn’t keep our host waiting.” He tried to give her an encouraging smile, but it just wouldn’t come. His team was his responsibility, and although he knew that O’Fallon was a capable officer and a fine Marine, he couldn’t help but worry about her. Was this was Colonel O’Neill felt like whenever that archeologist of his fell into the clutches of some off-world femme fatale? How the hell did the man say as sane was he was?

He watched his 2IC leave with the lackey, his jaw tight. Jamison gave a growl and hit his hand on the wall behind him.


She was taken to what was apparently the command center of the ship. Camulus sat on an elevated throne in the center of the room. A Jaffa was at the control console. When he heard the door open, Camulus turned his head briefly to note who had entered before looking back to the front. He extended a hand in their direction without saying a word. Jessica stood motionless until Calum whispered to her, “Go to him.”

Jessica took a deep breath before walking into the room. Figuring it was what she was meant to do, she slipped one of her hands into the outstretched one with as little pressure as possible. Camulus’ fingers closed around her own and he tugged gently to indicate for her to move closer. “You have seen your fellow Tau’ri?” He did not look at her, but at the port ahead of him. Calum walked around the room until he was standing on the opposite side of the throne from her.

“Yes, I have.” Her eyes flicked to Calum who gave her a meaningful nod. “Th…thank you.” This seemed to be what the lotar was looking for. “I… they apparently have not been given anything to eat or drink. I…” Damn, this was hard! Now she had to ask favors from him?! “Apparently no one has been ordered to do so.”

She hoped that would be enough. Camulus caressed the palm of her hand with his thumb, sitting in silence for a long moment before speaking. “Are you trying to ask something of me?”

She took another breath. “Yes, yes I am. Could you have someone take food and water to my team… please?”

He finally looked at her, his expression difficult to read as he brought her wrist to his lips and pressed a kiss over her pulse. She managed to keep herself from jerking her hand away as he smiled. “Was that so difficult? Calum,” the lotar responding by stepping closer, “have food and water taken to the prisoners in the holding cells. Let them eat as well as Jessica.”

It was clear to Jessica now that this had just been another mind game for him. He had wanted her to ask him to do this simple, humane thing so that he would have another bit of power over her. Her stomach clenched with rage and she was grateful that he turned his attention back to the screen. “Lord Ares has signaled us that he well be arriving soon. You will be there while we meet. You are not to speak unless a question is directed to you specifically.” He turned his gaze back to her with a smile. “And it would be preferable that you not try to kill him, no matter how annoying he may be.”

Jessie thought that he might be teasing her. She couldn’t help but roll her eyes a bit. “I’ll try to keep a handle on my emotions.”

A mother ship exited hyperspace and came to a halt before them. A moment later the face of a handsome man with a resonating voice filled the screen. “Greetings, Lord Camulus.”

“Greetings, Lord Ares. You are late.”

The other Goa’uld did not address the reminder. “We are ready to meet with you regarding our… disagreement.”

“And we are ready to receive you. You may transfer aboard at your convenience.” The screen went dark. Camulus stood up without releasing her hand and walked towards the door opposite the way she came in. “I have decided not to let Ares and the other System Lords know of the capture of your team. They do not need to know anything other than that you have come into my possession.”

Jessica frowned. “If that’s the way you want it.”

Camulus stopped and turned towards her. “If the other system lords learned that I have five Tau’ri warriors in my possession, then they will insist that I release the others to them for questioning. Your… team… would not enjoy their methods.” Another bit of blackmail to hold over her head. Jessie swallowed hard but nodded to indicate that she understood. She focused her gaze on the narrow arrow point he wore about his neck so she wouldn’t have to see him smirk as he reached up to smooth a hand over her hair.

They greeted Ares in one of the ring rooms. Goa’ulds always chose the most pleasing slaves to be their hosts, and this one was no different. Unlike Camulus, his host had blond hair and wasn’t quite as well built. Still, he was tall and impressive, and obviously just as full of himself. He gave her a disdainful look that she forced herself not to acknowledge. Together they went to a richly appointed room where refreshments were laid out. Ares sat down in one of the chairs, giving the room an appraising look. “I see you have acquired a new pet, Camulus. However, this one lacks the attractiveness of your other amusements.”

Camulus trailed a finger over her upper arm. “Jessica has other talents to recommend her.” He offered her a drink from his cup as he turned his attention to his guest. “I believe that you are claiming ownership over part of my domain.”

They ‘discussed’ matters for a long time, often yelling at one another. A time or two she thought they might actually come to blows, and was disappointed when they did not. If they had managed to kill each other it could only serve to make her life easier. Eventually they managed to hash out a tenuous agreement over who owned what. Ares was still displeased, and made that displeasure known with an abrupt and rude exit.

Once he was gone Camulus plucked a crimson fruit from the tray before him and bit into it. She kept her eyes on the table before her, refusing to look up. “You will have to learn to be more gracious to our guests, Lady. The system lords are proud sort and easily insulted, but you have time to correct your manners.” He extended the other half of the fruit and held it to her lips. When she did not accept it, he ate it himself.

“How long do you intend to keep me here?”

“Were you not paying attention when I bedded you?” She looked up at him with a glare at the reminder. He smirked at her expression. “You will serve me for the rest of your days.” He leaned back in his chair and raked his dark gaze over her. The inspection made her bristle.

“In what capacity? You’re bound to eventually grow bored with having me for a bed warmer.”

He arched a brow in her direction. “That is what the handmaidens are for.”

“Ah, right.” She looked back at the table, biting her tongue to keep from making some sarcastic remark. She could feel the weight of his gaze upon her as though it were something tangible. Her mind was turning with all possible scenarios. She was in the middle of trying to figure out how she’d ditch Calum and Camulus long enough to try and get a message out in an attempt to signal help when a pair of strong hands grabbed her by the waist and lifted her out of her chair. She found herself now sitting on the table she had been staring at, right in front of Camulus.

He leaned back in his chair again, resting one arm upon it and placing his cheek against his index finger as he looked up at her speculatively. “Your ‘team’, you care about their safety, do you not?”

She frowned, sensing a trap. “Of course.”

“What are they to you?”

“They are my team, we work as a unit.”

“They are all men.” He took his other than and trailed it up her leg, pushing the gown upwards as it moved. He left the fabric bunched over one knee and began to stroke her calf in a lazy rhythm. “Is there not one of them who means more to you than the others? Perhaps one that is… close to you?”

A chill crept down her spine. “No, there isn’t. We’re soldiers. We work together.” She forced herself to remain calm. “Besides, you should know better than anyone else that there isn’t.”

The smirk returned. “True.” He let his hand travel upwards so that the backs of his fingers brushed the inside of her thigh. “What would you be willing to do to ensure their safety?”

“I thought I was already ensuring their safety.” Her stomach clenched. “Isn’t that why I’m here with you rather than in a cell with them?”

“Perhaps I should make myself more clear.” He leaned forward, the broad expanse of his torso forcing her legs apart. He pushed the gown up so that it lay bunched against the tops of her thighs, resting his bare arms against her as he clasped his hands behind her back. “What would you be willing to do to ensure their safe return back through the Stargate? What would you do to send them home?”

She stiffened, warning bells going on in her mind. She suddenly felt like a steak dinner, and it wasn’t a pleasant sensation. “What, exactly, are you saying?”

Camulus reached up to trail a finger down the front of the gown, slipping it between the layers that crossed over her chest. “I really have no need of four Tau’ri soldiers. My interests in this galaxy rarely cross the areas where your people go. In truth, it was only my good fortune that my Jaffa and I were out hunting on the same world as your… what exactly were you doing?”

“Exploring. We’re explorers.”

“Of course. Exploring the galaxy and waging war with a race far more advanced than yourselves all at the same time. Highly ambitious of you.”

“You have no need to keep my team. So why don’t you just let us go now?”

“Not ‘us’, just them. You are staying here. That is not negotiable. What is negotiable, however, is how you stay here.”


He stood up so quickly that she gasped and jerked backwards. His eyes flashed as he leaned forward, forcing her to lean back but at the same time keeping his hands positioned so she couldn’t completely recline. “You can either stay as though you were a prisoner, constantly under guard and without privacy, or you can stay of your own will and, eventually, earn a place of trust.”

“What has that got to do with my team?” She tried to scoot backwards on the table away from him, but he held her fast.

“If you give me your word as a warrior, as a soldier, that you will remain and give me no trouble, I’ll will be willing to leave your team on the next world with a functioning Stargate so that they may return home.” He used one hand to pull her hips forward, bringing them flush against the hardening arousal beneath the short battle skirt he wore. “If you stay willingly your life will be one of comfort and pleasures, secure in the knowledge that you have saved the lives of those with whom you serve.”

“And if I don’t stay willingly?” The blood was pounding in her ears and it was all she could do to concentrate on keeping her voice steady. Camulus responded to her discomfort with a feral smile.

“Then I offer your team up to the other System Lords, to Baal, perhaps. You will remain here as a captive and,” he ground her hips against him, “I will still have the pleasure of your company.”

She flinched at the contact, still sore from before. “I will not turn traitor,” she advised around her clenched teeth.

“I am not asking you to. I have no interest in Earth. You do not have to tell me anything of your armies and defenses, and if you give yourself over to me willingly, I will not allow the other system lords to demand them of you either.” He lowered his face to her collarbone, trailing his lips across the skin there without actually kissing her. She bit back a whimper of shame when the sensation sent trickles of electricity over her, causing her nipples to harden painfully.

Pitch a bitch and her team is surrendered to torture and death. Agree to become the whore of an alien whose race was bent on the destruction of her world and there was a chance that four good soldiers could return home to keep up the fight, possibly even get her back one day. He couldn’t be trusted, of course, no Goa’uld could. “I have some conditions.”

He rose up to look down at her, one brow arched as though he found her amusing. “Speak.”

“All the gear goes with them, mine included, and I’m the one who packs it. And I want to be there to see them go through the gate.”

“You do not trust me.”

“Would you?”

He smiled at her, a predatory expression that made her want to run and hide. Strong arms wrapped about her and pulled her close to him. “And in exchange you will stay and do as I command?”

She swallowed. She was damned if she did and damned if she didn’t. The bitter truth of it all was that either way he had her. Even if he did not keep his part of the bargain she was still a prisoner. On the other hand, if she had even the slightest chance of getting her team home in one piece, she had to take it. Taking a deep breath she looked up at Camulus, locking onto a pair of dark brown eyes. For a moment, she wondered what sort of man his host had been. Had he been a soldier? A general? A king? Or had he just been a handsome face and body, perhaps a farmer with a wife and children. That man, whomever he had been, had been handsome, someone she would have taken a second look at, if not a third. He was also gone, a prisoner in his own mind, forced to watch someone else use his body to commit untold evil. Perhaps, if she could focus, she could imagine it was he touching her rather than the snake pulling the strings.


The brown eyes flashed, reminding her that this was a Goa’uld after all. He released his grip on her and reached behind his neck. She sat still as he removed the braided leather and narrow arrowhead he wore from his own body. He tied about her own throat before grasping her chin and tilting her face to him. There was a proprietary gleam in those eyes now and the new decoration around her neck suddenly felt more like a collar and leash than a necklace.

He released her chin and ran his hands down her arms, raking his gaze over her. “Pity.”

Her blood froze. “Pity?”

“That it is so soon after your breaching. You will still be too tender to accommodate me, and it would serve no purpose to put you in the sarcophagus.” He stopped leaning over her and stood her on her feet. The shock and confusion she was feeling must have been clearly etched onto her features, because he laughed before he spoke again. “I told you, Jessica; your life will be one of comfort and pleasure. You need more time to adjust. I will have Calum bring the items taken from you and your team so that you may arrange them as you see fit.”

He left her there, leaning against the table and feeling as though she had lost more than she had initially bargained for.


She made sure that the grenades and ammunition were accounted for. She put them in the bottom of the packs so that her team wouldn’t be tempted to try and take out any of the Jaffa when they were brought to the gate. She packed all but one of the GDOs, keeping her own out to signal the SGC to open the iris. The rest was pretty innocuous stuff; spare clothing, kits for samples, first aid kits and rations.

The five camouflage packs and all the gear had been brought to the bedchamber for her attention. Calum remained as she worked, a faithful guard dog to keep her from going back on her word. In truth, she was pretty sure she could take him, but that would still leave Camulus and an undisclosed number of Jaffa to get through. It was best to play along for now. Besides, Calum was hardly a bother. He busied himself with polishing several of the swords hanging on the walls, making sure each blade was honed to razor sharpness.

The door slid open and the triplets reappeared, the nice ones giggling and Ayan looking smug. Jessie rolled her eyes at the strut the blonde was using and guessing she knew why the woman looked so pleased with herself. She turned her attention back to her task, making sure that everything was packed so that it would all fit. It wasn’t until she heard a strangled gasp from off to her right that she looked up again. Ayan was staring at her, eyes wide with shock and looking physically ill. Jessie arched a brow at her. “Calum? What’s her problem this time?”

The lotar looked over to see what Jessie was talking about and smirked. “She’s just realized that her position has become even more precarious.”


Calum went back to sharpening the sword in his hand. “As a mere handmaiden, Ayan is subject to whatever desires Lord Camulus feels at the time. Although she has been a favorite for some time now, she can easily be discarded. You now have the power to banish her all together.”

Jessie blinked. She turned her full attention to Calum. “How do you figure that?”

Calum was about to answer, but his expression quickly turned to one of horror. Jessica whirled around quickly just in time to deflect a swipe of a knife. She threw Ayan to the side, noting that the woman had somehow gotten hold of one of the blades Calum had taken down for polishing. The handmaiden glared at her from a crouched position on the floor, snarling with rage before she leapt again.

The other handmaidens shrieked, the brunette running out of the room and shouting in that funny language of theirs. Jessie didn’t have time to bother about it, however. She was more intent on not getting killed. Calum was shouting angrily at Ayan and Ayan, of course, was saying something at Jessie. She couldn’t understand a word of it, but she’d wager that it wasn’t complimentary.

“Okay, Buffy. I know you’re upset, but you really don’t want to do this.”

The other woman moved a bit to the left, enough so that something shining by the corner of her eye was caught by the light. Crap, the woman was crying! She was dealing with a jealous lover and it was all that jackass of a system lord’s fault! She lunged at Jessie again, but this time she found herself thrown to the floor, the arm holding the knife pulled up behind her at a painful angle and a foot on the back of her neck.

“Give me the knife, Ayan.” Jessie gripped the hilt of the knife and twisted it. Between the pressure her other hand was exerting around the woman’s wrist and the force of the twist, the blonde relinquished the blade. Jessie tossed it onto the bed, not willing to let the she cat up until she was certain the other woman wouldn’t make a second attempt on her life. “Calum, tell her that if she promises to behave herself, I’ll let her up.”

The man didn’t respond. Jessie looked up and saw that he was looking down at Ayan with an expression of mixed disgust and anger. “Calum?”

“You may execute her yourself if you wish. I’m sure our lord will not mind.”

She felt her jaw drop a bit. “Execute her? I hardly think I’m in the position to be executing anyone. And I’m not going to hold a broken heart against her.”

“Her crime is punishable by death. Lord Camulus will likely dispose of her if you choose not to do so yourself.” His voice was cold, unfeeling.

“It’s a crime to try to kill the chief bed warmer?”

Calum blinked, and then straightened his shoulders. “It is a crime to raise a hand against the Lady Camulus.”

A numb sort of buzzing started somewhere in the back of her head, swiftly spreading to fill her cranium. She really didn’t like the sound of that. “Come again?”

Calum gave her a puzzled look. “She attempted to assassinate you, our lord’s new bride. Such a crime carries a death sentence.”

Jessie’s hold on the handmaiden slackened and she stepped off of her neck to allow the blond to scramble away from her. “Bride? No one said anything about bride.” The numbness was starting to spread to her whole body.

“You accepted Lord Camulus’ proposal to stay by his side, he placed the sigil of his power around your neck. You are the Lady Camulus.”

The air within the room suddenly felt very thing. “Nnnnnnnoooooo… I’m pretty sure I would have remembered agreeing to that.” Was it too late to beg to go with the rest of the team? “Get him in here. Now.”
“My Lady?”

“Don’t call me that and get that over muscled, self-absorbed jackass in here! Right! Now!”

As if on cue the door slid open. Camulus entered, his face a study of fury and the missing handmaiden talking up to him with her hands gesticulating rapidly. Jessica was about to open her mouth to hurl either a question or an insult, she wasn’t sure which yet, but was shocked into silence as the Goa’uld crossed the room to a now cowering Ayan and picked her up by the throat.

Ayan began to plead with him. Her face was not as lovely as it usually seemed, not with the cosmetics she used smeared from her tears. He had lifted her off the ground and her delicate feet kicked feebly. The blonde’s face started to turn an ugly shade of red.

“Stop it!” Jessie lunched forward and gripped Camulus’ wrist. “Let her go!”

Camulus dropped the struggling woman and turned his gaze upon her. “I was told that she tried to kill you.”

Jessica faltered, not sure she wanted to tell the truth but not sure what the repercussions would be if she lied. Calum, however, was willing to supply the answer. “That is true, My Lord. Ayan took one of the blades I was tending for you and attacked Lady Jessica with it.”

Jessie shot the lotar a scathing look, but he was unaffected. Camulus’ deep, resonating voice drew her attention again. “Then her life is forfeit.”


He leveled his gaze back upon her. “You wish to kill her yourself?”

“No, I don’t wish to kill her myself. I don’t wish you to do it, either! If she did try to kill me it’s all your fault!”

Calum straightened in alarm but Camulus held a hand up to silence him. “How, Jessica, is Ayan’s attempt to kill you my doing? Are you suggesting I sent her to be rid of you?”

So, apparently having a Goa’uld in your head did not keep a man from being dense. “No, I’m not. I’m saying she was acting out of her own pain. She’s your favorite snuggle-bunny for how long? And now, all of the sudden, you bring me into the picture and she’s no longer sitting so pretty? Those tears didn’t start after she failed to kill me they started before. She worships you, and you broke her heart.”

“You pity her.”

Jessie rolled her eyes. “And of course the man who’s been alive for centuries still hasn’t figured out women. I sympathize with her. Many a woman has tried to kill the mistress when she finds her husband cheating.”

One corner of the Goa’uld’s mouth quirked upwards. “Yet, in this case it is the mistress who tried to kill the wife.”

The numbness that had faded returned in full force. “Yeah, we’re gonna talk about that real soon. Right now I’m more interested in what you’re going to do with Ayan.”

Camulus glanced down at the shaking woman crumpled at his feet. “Since you do not wish her executed, I shall find another task for her. Calum, have this filth separated from the loyal handmaidens. When we return home she will be given to the human guards. Let her ply her skills with them.”

“What?! You can’t do that!” He turned his gaze back to Jessica, his expression darkening. She swallowed, trying to tamp down on the fear quickly building within her. “Don’t do that to her. No woman deserves that.”

“You would spare her any punishment? One should never leave an enemy alive, Jessica. They can return to bury a knife in your back.”

Jessie took a breath. She didn’t like Ayan, never even liked her type, but there was something pitiable in the woman now huddled on the floor before Camulus. Her body was wracked by sobs, every rough intake of breath like a knife blade to the heart. “Please, don’t do that to her. She’s suffering enough as it is.”

He seemed to weigh her words carefully. He kept his eyes locked with her’s as he started to speak to Ayan in Goa’uld. The woman’s head snapped up with a gasp, eyes wide as she stared up at Camulus, then at Jessica. Jessie was holding her breath; uncertain of what was being said until the handmaiden scampered on all fours from the spot before Camulus to bury her face in the gown Jessie wore. Slender arms that had tried to kill her earlier were now wrapped around her legs as though she were a piece of driftwood in a storm-ridden sea.

“What did you say to her?”

Camulus smiled. “I told her that you have asked me not to kill her, that she owes her life to you. She is grateful, as she should be.”

Jessie weighed his words carefully, trying to see if she could detect any falsehoods in them, and nodded. “Thank you.”

Camulus nodded his head in acknowledgement of her thanks and then looked towards Calum. “Take the handmaidens back to their quarters.” The lotar nodded and came forward to pry Ayan from Jessica’s legs. Jessica looked up and saw that the other two handmaidens were cuddled together, their eyes wide and staring in her direction. When Calum pulled Ayan out of the chamber, the others followed.

Jessica let out a breath she wasn’t aware she had been holding. She closed her eyes, relieved that she didn’t have to watch a lovesick woman having her neck snapped. The presence of a warm body now much closer to her than before made her look up again. It wasn’t fair that someone that big could move with such stealth and she suddenly felt far more vulnerable than before.

“You appear to be adjusting to your new position well, Lady.”

Of course, there was a reason she was mad at him. Jessica banished any traces of fear and apprehension from her face. “Wife?”

He smiled down at her, one hand rising to straighten the arrowhead dangling at her throat. “It is not a title bestowed lightly, Jessica. Few women have proven themselves worthy of the title and it has been… twenty of your Tau’ri years since the death of my last wife.”

“You never said anything about ‘wife’.”

“What did you think I was offering?”

“I thought you were just bored and looking for a new playmate. You’ve made a big mistake, believe me. I am not marriage material.” She stepped back from him so she could begin to pace the short area between the table and bed. “You’ve known me for… what… three days? How could you possibly think that I’d be a good candidate for a wife?”

He approached her and halted her pacing by taking one of her upper arms into a large, calloused hand. “Your strength, your courage… your bravery. Few women shine as you do, Jessica. My daughter, Bodicea, was the last woman warrior I knew with your fierceness.”

“Yeah, but she was a Goa’uld. You’re all a little screwed up anyway.”

Camulus’ eyes flashed, giving her pause. To her surprise, however, he did not seem to want to punish her for the insult. “Bodicea was not Goa’uld. She was the daughter given to me by Cyan, another of my past wives.”

“You mean you really have children with these women? How many do you have?”

“I have only one living son at this time. Cumhail, the greatest of my generals. He was given to me by Ophelia, the last of my wives.”

“And what happened to her?”
Camulus’ gaze turned dark. “She was poisoned by a handmaiden who hoped to take her place. I had the woman whipped and then left outside the quarters where the rest of her kind are kept to bleed to death. A warning to the rest of the handmaidens not to take action against their betters.”

Jessica swallowed. “I’m sorry for your loss.” Oh crap! She actually meant that! She was starting to feel sympathy for the man… snake… whatever. “What of the handmaidens. You seem to enjoy them. Don’t you have children with them?”

“Handmaidens are pets, unworthy of being blessed with their god’s child. Only wives carry that honor.”

A niggling sense of dread worried at the back of her mind. “Are you… are you going to put a symbiote in me?” Her voice was softer than she would have liked, as though she was afraid. Camulus, to her surprise, laughed.

“I have a queen in my court already, Jessica.”

She frowned. “Then why…”

“Cerridwen is an ally, a means to strengthen my armies, nothing more. I prefer human females when it comes to more… intimate companionship. A Goa’uld queen is calculating and cold. Human women hold a passion and fire that cannot be matched, even by us.”

“You never said I was going to be a wife. I never wanted to be a wife to anyone.”

“And yet a wife you are.” He pulled her to him, wrapping large arms about her more slender frame. “And a wife you will be until the end of your days. You will shed the last of your ties to Earth when we send your fellow soldiers through the gate, and all that will be for you will be myself and the treasures I give you.”

Jessica shook her head, not wanting to agree to any of this. “You gave me your word as a warrior, Jessica of the Tau’ri. Have your people forgotten the meaning of honor and the value of keeping your word?” She closed her eyes, not wanting to willingly stumble any further into his trap.

Camulus shifted his hold so that he could tilt her face up to his. He pressed his lips to her own as she remained unmoving. He raised his head again slightly. “I grow weary of your attempts to keep yourself from me, Jessica. Or perhaps the trouble lies with your being untouched and untrained in the ways of pleasure. I think perhaps I agreed to spare Ayan too quickly. Observation of her with the guards might give you a better idea…”

She silenced him by kissing him. She didn’t want to think of watching a woman being raped by who knew how many men. She didn’t have the best experience to draw from, but her more willing response was all he required. He had more than enough knowledge to take control. He teased and coaxed her into what he sought, teaching her how to kiss him back in the process. With his expert guidance she soon began to feel a growing eagerness in her own responses.

When he broke the kiss she was gasping slightly for air and her hands were gripping him by the shoulders. “Hurry and recover from your breaching, Lady. I am eager for your company again.” He let her slide down the length of his torso and she realized that he had managed to lift her from the floor without her noticing it. He moved away from her slowly, apparently not wanting her to lose her balance.

“Finish preparing the items to be sent back with your team, Jessica. The sooner Earth and its people are behind you, the sooner you can begin to accustom yourself to your place with me.” He moved to turn away and caught sight of something on the bed. Jessica wondered at his pause until he reached down to the bed and reclaimed the blade Ayan had attacked her with. Of course he would have to notice that. She watched in silence as he returned it to it’s place on the wall and reset the force barrier.


“What’s going on here, Captain?” Fellers looked over Jessica’s shoulder to keep his gaze trained on the Goa’uld. To his thinking the man looked far too pleased with himself.

“You’re being set free, Sir.” She tried to keep her gaze level, but this was tearing her up inside. “He’s agreed to let you go back through the gate to Earth.”

“And you?”

Jessie took a deep breath and shook her head. “That was the deal, Sir. I agree to stay, and you go free.”

“That’s not acceptable, Captain.”

“I know it isn’t, Sir, but it was the best I could do.”

Fellers glared at the Goa’uld. “I don’t suppose you’ll at least tell us your name. I need it so we can tell the Asguard where to aim their weapons.”

Camulus smiled. “The Tau’ri are amusing, I will admit to that much. It will be easier for all of you if you do not know where she is. It is better that she leave her old life behind.”

“She happens to like her ‘old life’.”

The Goa’uld’s eyes flashed and a cold smirk touched his lips. Fellers tightened his grip on his unloaded P90 as the alien lifted a hand to run his fingers through O’Fallon’s flame orange hair. “I believe she will come to like her new life even more.”

Jessica closed her eyes, willing herself to remain strong. Her heart was hammering wildly in her chest as she silently prayed that the team wouldn’t do anything foolish. She couldn’t even bring herself to look at any of the others. She opened her eyes again when she heard her CO’s defiant words. “We’ll get you back, Captain. I promise you that.”

Jessie tried to smile. “I know, Sir.” Her reward was a growl from the Goa’uld behind her and a firm handgrip on her shoulder. He pulled her away from her CO and flush with his own chest. The move was wholly possessive in nature.

“Leave, Tau’ri, while I’m still in the mood to be generous.”

Fellers gave him one last scathing look before he nodded for his team to go through the gate. He focused his eyes on O’Fallon’s, trying to send her a message to be brave, to be a good soldier until they could return for her. With great reluctance he turned away and walked through the portal.

The gate disconnected and the even horizon vanished. To Jessie it was like a door slamming shut on her life. Camulus allowed her a moment of silence before signaling to the transport ship to bring them back aboard. The rings of the transporter came down about them and she felt the disconcerting tingle of the energy beam as it took her away from the planet’s surface. The interior of the vessel seemed dark and foreboding as Camulus lowered his head to whisper in her ear. “Forget them.”

For once in her life, Jessica was intelligent enough not to make some smart-ass comment back. Something told her that, right now, telling him what he could go do with himself might not be the brightest move. She had made her bargain and her team was safely home. She’d dialed the gate herself and had added a ‘911’ to the GDO code to let them know it was an emergency. Doubtless the team would be isolated while every test imaginable was run on them, but in the end she was confident that Hammond would acknowledge the truth, that she had sold herself for their lives.

When they docked on the mother ship he left her in the care of Calum to be taken back to the bedchamber. The first thing she noticed was new clothing that had been laid out on the bed, Muffy and Tuffy standing close by. Instead of the usual scarves masquerading as a dress, this was a close fitting top and pants. Calum noted her interest and smiled. “Lord Camulus commanded that you be provided with something better suited to training.”

“What kind of training?”

“Combat, I believe. After you have changed I am to bring you to him in the salle.”

Jessie blinked, but quickly shook off her confusion when Tuffy began trying to remove her clothing. “Hey,hey,hey! I can’t do that by myself.” She looked at Calum. “You, out!”

Calum blinked. “My lady, I am here to assist…”

“No. I’m not doing a strip tease for you. Get out, and take the twins with you. I am perfectly capable of changing clothes all by myself.”

He hesitated for a moment but he did leave. And he did take the girls with him. The fact that he had done so left Jessie a little stunned, but she wasn’t about to question her good fortune. Not yet, anyway. She examined the clothing on the bed and decided that it would at least be a step up from over-fancied sleepwear.

Both pieces were black. The pants fit snugly around the waist, curved to the hips and fell straight down the upper portion of the legs to taper to a snug fit at her ankles. The fabric was stretchy enough to give if she needed to make any wide kicks. The top was, at least, supportive. She had been uncomfortable with having her chest unfettered for so long. She was thrilled to be back in something that was closer to being ‘normal’ clothing, giving herself a few stretching twists to make sure nothing bunched or rode up.

Calum was waiting outside the door when she opened it. He reminded her almost of a puppy waiting for someone to let him in. “So, where is he?”

“This way, My Lady.”

She started to follow him down the corridors. “Calum, please cut it with the ‘My Lady’ crap. Call me Jessica, Jessie or Jess if you have to address me, but if I can’t be called ‘Captain’, then I don’t want to have any kind of title.”

The lotar hesitated, missing a step. After a moment he nodded. “As you wish… Jessica… Jess.”

“Better. Just because I’m here against my will doesn’t mean we have to be at one another’s throats all the time.”

At this Calum did stop, turning around to face her. “My… Jess, I know that you may find Lord Camulus’ approach heavy handed, but I swear to you that he has only the most honorable of intentions towards you.”

Jessie gaped at him. “Honorable intentions? Just what do you think has happened here?”

“Lord Camulus has chosen you to be his Lady, to stand by his side in all matters. As a gift to you he has allowed four soldiers of the Tau’ri to return to their world, rather than hand them over to the other System Lords, as he should have done. He has taken a great risk to appease you.”

“So that’s how you see it.” She put her hands on her hips and took a step closer to him. “Let me tell you how things looked from where I was standing. Your ‘Lord Camulus’ and his foot soldiers captured myself and four Marines, taking us prisoner. He separated me, raped me,” she ignored Calum’s flinch at the use of that word, “and then blackmailed me by promising that if I didn’t agree to whatever he said not only would I spend the rest of my life as a prisoner to his whims, but that he would turn over four men who were like family to me to be tortured and killed. Heavy handed? Oppressive and demeaning is more like it!”

Calum took a deep breath, keeping his features stoic. “I regret that you feel that way. I only hope in time that you come to appreciate the honor Camulus has bestowed upon you by giving you such an exalted position.” He turned away and continued leading her down the corridors.

“Fat chance of that ever happening.”

He brought her into a large, open room with a polished wood floor and various melee weapons lining the walls. His task complete, Calum bowed to her and backed out. “No doubt running off to tell his master what I truly think of him.”

Once the door was closed she dared to try claiming one of the weapons from the wall. The charge that she received for her efforts did not surprise her, but it did have her still shaking her hand out when the door opened again.

He had lost the cloak and tunic. Oddly enough it didn’t make him any less intimidating. If anything, he looked even more unstoppable now that it was clear just how well defined his form was. Jessie wasn’t small as women went, but when faced with Camulus she felt positively petite. It wasn’t a comfortable sensation for her.

“Calum tells me that you are angry with me.” He walked over to the wall and selected two polished wooden staffs.

“Yeah, I kinda figured that he would.”

Camulus gave her a smug, superior smile before tossing one of the staffs to her. “It is I who should be upset with you.”

She hefted the staff in her hand. This was not a weapon she was used to. “Why should you be angry?”

“I am giving you the opportunity of a life by my side, and you are less than grateful. You should be overjoyed.” He held his staff behind his back with both hands. “However, I am able to examine this from your point of view. You are forced to give up your home and everything you knew to someone who was your enemy until just a few days ago.” He came to a standing position in front of her. “In fairness, I can see why you might not be happy.”

“Oh, you can see. That’s big of you.”

His smile changed to one that was almost gentle. “Strike me.”

Jessie blinked. “What?”

“Holding onto your anger will only make it more difficult for you to adjust. Strike me.”

“You want me to hit you.”

“I want you to at least make an attempt to hit me.”

“An attempt.” She shook her head at his arrogance. “I’ve never used a staff before.”

“Then you will learn something new this day. Strike me.”

Well, if that’s what he wanted, who was she to deny him? She adjusted her grip on the staff to something that felt both secure and comfortable before trying. It was, indeed, an ‘attempt’. He blocked her move with his own staff, batting it back easily. “Again.”

She did try. Not once did she actually land a blow anywhere on him. A few times he caught the staff with his hand, pulled her close and corrected something about her posture or grip. He was teaching her, and she was learning. Her fear and disgruntlement gave way to the usual bull-headedness that required her to excel in whatever was placed before her. Without even knowing it, he had found her Achilles Heel.

When her blows had become weary from her own fatigue, he called a halt to their session. Her shoulders burned from use and her clothing was damp with sweat. He hardly even looked winded. “You show great promise, Jessica. However, given the skills you already possess, this is hardly surprising.” He took the staff from her and returned both to their place on the wall. “Come.”

He walked out of the room without waiting to see if she responded. She considered staying put, but knew that she had to behave. He was bigger and stronger, and even if she did manage to get the upper hand, there was an army of Jaffa who would take her apart before she could escape. Her best bet still lay with her CO and the SGC mounting some kind of rescue. Resigned, she followed him back to his chambers.

Upon entering he ordered the handmaidens out. Jessie stood aside to allow them to exit, her eyes taking in the room. The tub was filled and steaming. Next to it was a small end table bearing a platter of fruits, another of those oddly shaped wine bottles and a single goblet. She felt her stomach clench. Apparently he felt that she had been granted enough time to recover from her ‘breaching’.

He motioned for her to come to him where he now stood, close to the large tub. She did so, avoiding his gaze. He reached down and began to untie the laces that fastened the top she wore. He removed it slowly, allowing his hands to rub against her skin before letting it fall away. He did the same for the pants, letting calloused palms run over her skin just enough for her to register the sensation that they were there. To her relief, he did not demand the same treatment in return, discarding the battle skirt he wore on his own before he lifted her up and stepped into the large tub.

It was an odd sensation to be surrounded by hot, steaming water but also resting against Camulus’ bare skin. She had started to get over her feeling of smallness during the sparring/training session, but now she felt it again in full force with the broad expanse of chest behind her back. She tensed up when he began to smooth the water over her, rinsing the salt and sweat from her body. “Pour the wine.”

She couldn’t do that without turning around to face him. Taking a deep breath she turned and focused on the table, pointedly not looking at him. Concentrating on claiming the bottle and filling the goblet, she tried not to think about the hand trailing gently along her side. She took up the goblet and moved to put some distance between them but he stopped her, positioning her so that her legs were straddling his own.

Camulus took the goblet from her and drank deeply from it before holding it up to her. She accepted, but only took a modest drink. She would rather remain sharp and alcohol dulled the senses. He took it from her and leaned back, his arms resting on the edges of the tub, one hand holding the wine and the other handing her a fragrant bar of solid soap. The unspoken command was clear.

She took the soap and worked it into a lather with her hands. Keep focused. Slot him under KP. Bear him and move past him. She ran the lather over his now empty hand and up his arm as he closed his eyes, a satisfied smile on his lips. She tried to ignore the way the corded muscles of his arms relaxed under her ministrations, tried to shrug off her grudging admiration of the physical body.

The water came to just above his waist and very nearly to her own, leaving a wide expanse of his torso to her access. She swallowed, trying to bring some moisture to a suddenly dry throat. He raised the hand with the wine goblet to his lips, making her jump in surprise. His eyes were open again, watching her as he took a deep drink of the wine. She realized her lips were now dry and licked them out of reflex before bathing the rest of the exposed flesh.

She used her hands to bring up water and rinse the soap from him. He remained relatively still until she was done. Once the last of the lather was transferred from him to the water, he took one of her hands and placed the goblet within it. “Drink.”

She shook her head. “I don’t really…”

“Drink.” His tone was firm, but not overbearing. Still, it was clear that he would brook no argument. She took a small sip of the wine. The thick, sweet liquid was soothing on her heated tongue, encouraging her to take in more. She swallowed, lowered the goblet and licked her lips lightly to clean them of any traces before setting the goblet down on the edge of the tub, her hand wrapped around the stem to keep it from falling over.

It must have been because she hadn’t eaten since a light meal hours before, followed by him putting her through her paces with the staff training, but the wine seemed to be going to her head far too quickly. Her thoughts seemed blurred, her consciousness spinning. Yet, at the same time, everything seemed oddly sharp, focused to the point of crystal clarity. She was acutely aware of the hands that now moved over her own skin, cleansing the salt and sweat of her earlier exertions. Contrary to her usual instincts, however, she wasn’t really tempted to pull away.

Some distant part of her mind was impressed by the fact Camulus still had calluses on his hands. The Goa’uld were known for doing nothing for themselves, of being pampered and spoiled. That he did anything that would cause his hands to be rough was a contradiction to what she had been trained to believe. Jessie hadn’t had much use for men, but the few she did admire always had roughened hands. They were soldiers, men who laid their lives on the line for the sake of others. She was drawn to their strength and their courage.

Those same hands were surprisingly gentle as they smoothed heated water over her skin, rinsing her clean. The cool air that caressed over her in the wake of the water made her shiver. Instinct made her seek out the warm body close to her, but she was held back so that he could trail his lips down the length of her neck. Her eyes closed as she leaned into the touch, unaware of the soft moan that came from her.

Strong arms gathered around her and she felt the muscles of his legs bunch as he stood up. Her fingers lost their tentative grip on the wine goblet, letting it fall to the floor outside of the tub as Camulus carried her to the large bed. She was trying to form some type of protest but was distracted when he kissed her. Her hands seemed to take on a mind of their own, fingers entwining in his thick hair to keep him with her as he lowered her down onto the bed and covered her with his own weight.

Her skin felt as though it were on fire, oversensitive to even the lightest touch. He wrung gasps from her as he kneaded and caressed her, exploring every inch of her at his leisure. He trailed a hand lazily up the inside of her left thigh until his fingers could slide into her slick heat. The touch made her buck in reflex, but she couldn’t move very far with him holding her down as she was.

She was shaking, her breathing ragged. Coherent thought or speech was an impossibility. When he moved one of her legs over his hip, allowing him to enter her, she felt as though she would fly apart. He was everywhere at once, surrounding her and within her at the same time. Her hands clutched and clawed at him, trying to pull him further inside of her as she rocked with his thrusts.

Fire exploded within her; robbing her of what little breath she had remaining. Some distant part of her mind registered the fact that she was sobbing, tears pouring from her eyes. Camulus cradled her close, muttering softly to her as she came back down from her high and began to breath a little more normally.

Then he began to move again, and the entire ride started all over.


Calum had been lotar to Lord Camulus for ten years, ever since he was first elevated to the position at the age of twenty-five. Most System Lords chose a slave for such a position. Such was not true for Calum. His family had never been considered to be slaves as they were descended from one of his lord’s own children, born to him by one of his mortal wives centuries before. Camulus kept a close eye on his human descendants, tracking their genealogy and even arranging their marriages if he saw fit to do so.

Because he had been so long in the service of his god, he knew well how to read the emotions and behaviors of Camulus. For example, he knew that his lord was currently less than pleased with how matters were progressing with his new wife. Calum kept his sighs to himself, keenly aware that his god and ancestor would not appreciate it if he let it be known that he felt he was able to understand why Lady Jessica kept herself from him. A prize of war she may be, but it had been a long time since the Tau’ri were under the rule of the Goa’uld. They no longer fully appreciated that a defeated enemy should accept their failure and take up the task set before them. ‘Jess’ was still determined to keep true to her old life, to her old identity, and did not see the great honor paid to her.

Camulus had agreed to his suggestion the cycle before, and he knew that his god had shared a pleasant evening with his wife. Lady Camulus had left long, rough gashes in her husband’s arms and back where she had unleashed her passions, but Camulus had healed these immediately in the sarcophagus. Had it not been for the means that had been employed to make her more agreeable in bed, he would have left them to heal on their own, wearing them as battle scars.

Lady Jessica was a puzzle, but not too great of one. She was still angry and humiliated by her capture, still pained by the loss of the soldiers she had served with. Her reticence was to be expected, even though Calum would not admit it out loud. He felt that, in time, she would be an asset to his lord’s house. Until then, great patience would be required.

He was grateful when it came time for him to leave Camulus’ presence to see to Lady Jessica… Jess. She did not wish to be acknowledged as ‘Lady’ and he could not call her ‘Captain’. Jess sounded too masculine for a woman, but the new Lady Camulus was not some dainty creature bred to a life of luxury. She was a warrior and truly worthy of her husband, if she would but just see it for herself. As lotar it was his place to make sure that his god and his god’s wife were both well cared for. Jess was still not eating as she should, and he was still uncertain of her likes and dislikes. She needed more than fruit to keep her healthy but so far had rejected other offers. This time he was going to try to force the issue by not offering any fruits at all, but instead ordered the kitchens to provide richer, heartier fare.

He did not bring the handmaidens with him this time as he sensed that Jess was uncomfortable with their presence. At first he had suspected it to be jealousy over the fact that they were intimately acquainted with Lord Camulus. Now, however, he suspected that it was because Jess felt plain when next to them. Her coloring was unfortunate, but it was also part of what made her different from other women. She was as vibrant and bold as her hair. In truth, Calum admired her.

He carried the tray into the chamber. Jess was still abed, the coverlet pulled up over her shoulders. She was awake and her eyes moved up to note his entrance. He bowed his head in respect to her before placing her meal on the table. He had brought her sweet breads with cream and a rich egg dish, things to make up for her lack of sustenance since coming to them. She would no doubt be ravenous after her earlier exertions.

“The wine… it was drugged… wasn’t it?” He stilled, but did not answer her. He heard her shift on the bed behind him. “Calum?”

He took a deep breath. It did not surprise him that she had figured it out. “My Lord did not wish to resort to such measures, but you needed help in adjusting.” He poured water for her from the pitcher he had carried on the tray.

“Help. He should bottle whatever that was and market it on Earth. He’d make a fortune.” Her tone was bitter and cold. “What happened to his ‘honorable intentions’?”

“A husband wished to spend a pleasurable evening with his wife. What is not honorable about that?”

“The fact that he drugged me comes to mind.”

He turned around to face her. She had wrapped herself in the coverlet and was leaning back against the wall behind the bed. “Would you have allowed yourself to enjoy your husband’s touch without it?” Her jaw tightened as she avoided his gaze. “Then you see why it was done. Perhaps it would help if you ignored the means used and concentrated instead on what followed.”

Given that this was Lady Jessica, her continued silence was more likely an indication that she was attempting to do exactly the opposite. Calum held back a sigh. This marriage was not likely to be an easy one for his lord. “I have brought you your meal. Do you wish me to bring it to you there or would you rather come to the table?”

“I’m not hungry.”

By all the gods, the woman was a trial! “La… Jess, you must eat. Surely as a warrior you realize that you must keep up your strength. How else can you continue to torment your husband?” He winced at his own audacity. The Lady Camulus was not to be spoken to in such a fashion. Not even his blood connection to his god could protect him in the face of such rash behavior.

“Wow… sarcasm. I didn’t think you had it in you.” He heard her move on the bed and looked up to find that she had wrapped herself tightly in the coverlet and was approaching the table. He took a step back to allow her room to sit. “So what did you bring me?”

He was dumbstruck for a moment, but recovered quickly. Taking up the cream he poured it over the sweet breads as she poked experimentally at the eggs. “I apologize for the scant variety in dishes. When we have arrived at our home world there will be a greater selection for you to choose from.”

“It’s all going to be new to me, Calum.” She took a bite of the eggs as he watched on. When she took another bite he figured that she must have found them pleasing. “Aren’t you going to eat?”

“I will break my fast after your needs are seen to.”

“That’s silly. Have a seat.” He hesitated, but did as she commanded. She offered him half of the meal he had brought her. Not wishing to disturb what appeared to be a tentative peace between them, he accepted. “May I ask you something?”

“You may ask me whatever you wish.”

“Don’t you resent being a slave?”

“But I am not a slave.”

She frowned, confusion evidendent in her expression. “I thought that the only uses the Goa’uld had for humans were hosts and slaves.”

Calum smiled. He had forgotten that Lady Camulus was not aware of the differences between her husband’s domain and those of the other System Lords. “Lord Camulus has his slaves and his Jaffa, but he also has his wives and their children and their descendants. My family can be traced back to Lady Bridget, his seventh wife.”

“You’re related to him?” He nodded in confirmation. “Just how many wives has he had?”

“You are only the forty-ninth Lady Camulus.” She dropped the fork in her hand, her mouth slightly agape. “He does not take wives often, and usually there is a greater distance between them.”

“And just how big is this… family?”

“There are currently five hundred and thirty-seven direct descendants, thirty-eight once Cumhail’s wife is delivered of her recent babe.”

“And you all serve him?”

“Most of us, yes. Some of us serve in his personal guard and his household. Others serve as governors of worlds in his domain. It is only fitting that the descendants of a god serve him.”

“No wonder you’re so damn loyal.” She looked down at her barely touched meal, her freckles seeming to stand out more clearly against her paling skin.

“Are you well?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just… five hundred. I guess I was hoping he was joking about the ‘children’ part. He actually wants some?”

The usually defiant and proud warrior suddenly looked so much like a nervous and new bride that it was all Calum could do not to laugh. “He is not likely to rush you to childbed soon, Jess. You are young yet and have many fertile years ahead of you, and he will doubtless be reluctant to share you with a babe so soon.”

“Stop the ship. I want off.”

“You fear over nothing. Motherhood is a joy and a blessing, one that Lord Camulus will gladly bestow upon you.”

She shivered and drew the coverlet more tightly about her. “So, besides a little slap and tickle and the occasional baby, what does a ‘Lady Camulus’ do?”

“Anything she wishes, within reason. Your husband will not allow you to put your life in unnecessary danger, of course, so I am afraid you will not be allowed to take up the position of a soldier. You will be in charge of his household and will accompany him on diplomatic missions.” He hesitated before continuing. “But… the most important task of the Lady Camulus is to… temper our lord.”

She frowned at him again. “Huh?”

Calum took a breath before beginning. “I was only a boy when Lady Ophelia was murdered, but I was old enough to remember her. She was… the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Graceful and elegant. The people loved her as much as she loved them, and through her the rule of our lord was a joyous one.”

“How do you figure that?”

Calum reached across the small table and took one of Jess’ hands into both of his own. “As Lady Camulus, you are in the unique position to influence his actions. When his temper or his anger pushes him towards making brutal choices, the Lady Camulus can diffuse his rage and coax him to step back and rethink matters.”

“And how am I supposed to do that?”

He released her hand and leaned back in his chair. “A gentle touch to his arm, a soft word spoken to draw his attention to you. Get him to calm down. Lady Ophelia used to be able to calm him with only a kiss.”

She shifted in her chair, shaking her head. “I don’t think I’ll be ready to try that any time soon. I still don’t like him, remember?”

“I hope for all our sakes that you begin to, and soon.”


“He is not happy, Lady. The more you fight him the darker his mood becomes, and that could bode ill for all those under his rule. There are troubles within the domains of the System Lords. The faith of the Jaffa begins to falter, the Tok’ra infiltration… there are many things to test our lord’s temper. He will not take his anger out on you, even when it is you who is the main source of his displeasure at the moment. He will likely take it out on others for the slightest infraction.”

“More emotional blackmail?”

“I speak only the truth. You are displaced from your home and angry, but a new home is being offered to you. I can only urge you to accept it before someone else suffers for your stubbornness.” Her expression darkened and he realized at once that he might have gone too far. He tensed, wondering if she would strike out at him. He did not think that she would approach Camulus to ask for his life, she was still too set against her husband, but if she decided to kill him herself then he would not be allowed to raise a hand against her. Not even in defense.

She looked away from him and claimed one of the sweetbreads. Her demeanor was sullen and cross, but she did not appear to be angry enough to wish him harm. Rising from her seat she carried the sweet to the bed with her. “I want to be alone.”

Calum nodded. “As you wish.” He gathered the rest of the uneaten meal and left the chamber. He could not be certain, but he thought that he might have managed to get something across to her.


They were two days from his home world, even by hyper drive. He had debated whether or not to delay their return in hopes that he might be able to tame his new bride before their arrival, but he doubted that he could delay it that long. Jessica was vexing beyond anything he could have imagined, but he supposed it was no less than what he should have expected given that she was different from any woman he had brought to his side before. His past wives had been chosen because of extraordinary beauty or intellect, if not both. Never before had he taken a warrior, an enemy warrior at that, to his bed. And yet he knew that this union could be one of the most rewarding. The drug last night had allowed her to let go of her prejudices and hate, had allowed him to glimpse the passionate woman she could be. That he had to prove this through a deception was maddening.

He was aware that his Jaffa and servants were stepping lightly around him. Even Calum was keeping quiet and remaining in his presence no more than was needed to serve him. Not more than two hours before he had been tempted to strike down one of his Jaffa merely because the soldier had exited the training room the same time that he had been walking through the corridor to the bridge. He had even been tempted to have Ayan brought to him so he could take his anger out on her, but resisted when he considered that it would likely only serve to further widen the gap between himself and Jessica.

She was not a woman to be won over with fine gifts or treasures. She could not be comforted by a moment of kindness or affection. She was a fighter, a warrior with the strength and determination needed to kill another living being. This he knew well; had seen it for himself. Her strength was what had drawn him to her in the first place.

The door to the command room slid open. Expecting no one, he turned his head to see who had come. He paused when he saw Jessica standing in the entryway. She looked at him with those rare, dark blue eyes, her hands clasped behind her back. Neither of them said a word and it was a long moment before she stepped into the room and approached him.

“Can… may I speak with you?” She glanced at the few guards in the room. “Alone.”

He studied her expression in silence before nodding to the guards to leave the room. When the door had slid shut behind them he shifted his weight down, resting his elbows on the arms of his throne. “You have more complaints?”

She swallowed and shook her head. “I… I wanted to discuss something with you.”

He could tell that she was reigning in her usual temperament, struggling to be calm and polite. “Speak.”

She took a deep breath, as though steeling herself for what was to come. “I don’t want any more tricks. No more manipulations, no more drugged wine and no more using my emotions against me to make me do what you want me to.”

He arched a brow at her; uncertain whether he should be enraged or amused. “You have left me little choice in the matter. Why should I change my treatment of you now?”

“Because…” she faltered and closed her eyes, regrouping herself as he kept his gaze upon her. Finally, she opened her eyes again and met his own. “I will admit that I have been… less than true to my word. You offered me a bargain, and although I still feel that you neglected to divulge important details of that bargain, I did agree to it. I will admit that… that I may have been a bit of a… brat, but you kept your end of the deal. I’m willing to try and do better.”

He studied her expression, searching for the lie in her words. He could find none. The gentle shaking of her shoulders, the tightness about her lips and eyes… this was costing her a great deal of her own pride to do. After giving her a moment to break, and noting that she was not going to falter in her direction, he extended his hand to her. She hesitated, but did eventually rest her own within it, allowing him to lead her up to him so that he could coax her into a seat across his lap. “What has brought about this change of heart, Jessica?”

She shrugged. “Resignation to reality? And… Calum has this annoying habit of telling me things I don’t want to know.”

Calum? “Such as.”

“He told me about your family… all the wives and the children. It made me stop and consider what we know of the Goa’uld. You don’t fit the profile. I’ve been trained to think that the Goa’uld are born evil, uncaring and selfish. That you actually bother to keep up with your human offspring… it doesn’t match up.” She shrugged again. “I’m hoping it means that you have some redeeming qualities.”

He had to smirk at that last part. Even when she was trying to be contrite, she was insolent. He pulled her closer to him so that she was leaning against his chest. The motion startled her and her hands went up out of habit. “Does this mean that you will accept me willingly?”

She swallowed and nodded. “I want to hear you say that you will.”

“I… I will accept that you are my husband. And I’ll do my best to live up to my responsibilities as a wife.” She frowned. “Only I’m new at this so… I’ll need you to have a bit more patience with me. I never really had much use for men and I’m not sure what to do with you now that I’m in this fix.”

He reached up with one hand to tilt her face to his. She looked nervous and uncertain, but he could still see the courage there. “I think you’ll find you know more than you realize.” He lowered his head to press his lips to hers. She gave a little start as though to pull away, but stopped herself. Without the wine or threat of harm to another she was uncertain. He coaxed her to part her lips enough that he could deepen the kiss and was pleased when she allowed him to lead her. Their first kiss had been by force, the second by blackmail and the third by theft. This first, willing kiss held more power than all of them. He parted from her and smiled, the dark mood from earlier banished.

“Welcome, Lady Camulus.”


“Why is the planet named after you?”

Camulus looked down at the top of his wife’s head as she looked out onto the first glimpse of her new home. “Because it is a place many of my followers have become to believe to be paradise.” She looked up at him, her brow furrowed. He smiled down at her. “In your language my name would translate to, I believe you would call it ‘Heaven’.”

Jessica blinked up at him. “Humility is not one of your faults, is it?”

He laughed and pulled her close to his side. The past two days journey had been far more pleasant, more like what he had wanted his time with his new bride to be. After her decision to be more amicable, he had kept her to their bed and enjoyed the time together. She was still uncertain and shy in her lovemaking, but he expected that would change as she grew more comfortable with him. “In truth the association came about thanks to the words of past handmaidens and lovers. Do you not agree with their assessment?” She gave him an irritated glare, but he noted the flush of color that tinged her cheeks.

“If you’re quite done blowing your own horn,” she began, managing to sound as irritable as possible, “perhaps you can tell me what I can expect when we get down there.”

“Word has been sent already to advise the people that you are coming. There will doubtless be feasting and celebration for many days to welcome you.”

“They don’t even know if they like me yet.”

“They are not required to ‘like’ you. I have deemed you worthy of being my wife. That is all that is required of them to know.”

“Yeah, you’re real big on the non-humility.”

He tilted her face up and kissed her briefly. “Come, it is time.” He guided her to the ring room with a hand between her shoulders. Her insolence was both a defense mechanism and her own acerbic personality. He found that he didn’t mind it as much as before, not now that she was cooperating. He didn’t fully trust her loyalty, of course, and suspected that she would still run if given the chance. It was the main reason he never let her fellow Tau’ri know his name. He wanted to make it more difficult for the warriors of Earth to locate them. Still, as long as Jessica felt that she had no option of escape she was likely to continue to hold herself to her word.

They were transported to the ring room within the palace and were greeted by Cerridwen and her honor guard. The Goa’uld queen smiled in welcome to him before letting her eyes fall upon the new Lady Camulus. Her surprise at Jessica’s appearance was evident. Like most Goa’ulds, Cerridwen’s host was physical perfection. Tall and statuesque she was an incomparable beauty with raven black hair and green eyes. He and Cerridwen had come to an understanding centuries ago; they would be allies and friends, but they were not lovers outside of the need to bring forth more larvae. They tolerated one another well enough and disliked the other system lords equally, but there was no romantic love between them.

“Welcome home, Lord and Lady Camulus. We’ve been expecting you.” She looked to Jessica again, taking in the vibrant orange hair and freckled skin. Camulus felt his wife begin to stiffen under the perusal and knew she was starting to feel defensive.

“Thank you, Cerridwen. I trust all went well in my absence.” He massaged the skin between Jessica’s shoulders with his hand, silently urging her to remain calm. He wasn’t sure if she had become accustomed to him yet to read such subtle commands, but she did hold her tongue.

“There was nothing eventful that took place. Our children grow strong and several have already been given to the young Jaffa so that our army increases.” She paused as though replaying all events in her mind. “Your son has arrived with his wife. Her time grows near and he wished for the babe to be born within the palace.”

“Excellent.” He inclined his head respectfully to Cerridwen and led Jessica away.

His chambers within the palace where spacious and open, decorated with trophies from great battles and gifts from his descendants. He noted that servants had left food and wine for them, but not too much. Already the scent of roasting meats and baking bread could be detected drifting on the breeze that came through the open windows. Leaving Jessica’s side he walked over to look down onto the city streets below. A satisfied smile touched his lips. “Come, see how they make ready for you.”

She walked over and peered down. Below them people were hurrying to construct stalls and risers that would later serve as places to buy food and be seated. Musicians were practicing or arguing over the best locations. Women and young girls were stringing together blossoms into garlands to be wound around any available outcropping. “That’s a lot to live up to.” She noted that a dais was being fitted with three golden thrones, the largest in the center and two smaller ones flanking it. “What are those for?”

“For us. The center throne is for me. Cerridwen will be seated on my right and you to my left.”

“Yeah… her. What… what exactly is the pecking order in this? Am I expected to obey her, too? ‘Cause I really doubt I could do that.”

“She does not rule over you, nor do you rule over her. You are equals within my court.” He pulled her towards him so that her back was cradled against his chest, his arms encircling her. “Cerridwen is my queen and ally. She is the mother of the Goa’uld larvae that give strength and good health to our Jaffa. We are… friends, but she is not my wife. I am only required to share her bed when it is time for more symbiotes to be born. You, however, are my wife. You have command over the palace and all that live within these walls. Although it will be necessary to temper you somewhat, until you have learned our ways, your word will be considered my will. In time you will be granted enough freedom to issue commands you feel are needed for things to run smoothly in my absence. Cerridwen can help you in this, especially in any matters pertaining to the Jaffa or to the minor Goa’ulds within the court.”

“That sounds like a recipe for disaster. What if she and I disagree?”

“Then you had best hope that the situation is not one so volatile that it cannot await my return.” He glanced out onto the square again. “Do not trouble yourself, Jessica. There are no other pressing matters requiring me to leave you.”

“Well, of course not. Then you’d miss out on the party.” Her voice held a bit of the sarcasm she so often exhibited, an unconscious reminder that she was still far from being a sweet, obedient wife.

“That would be a shame. You should rest, Jessica. The celebrations will doubtless last well into the night and you will need your strength.” He turned her towards the bed in the center of the room and gave her a gentle nudge in that direction. “I wish to speak with my son and his wife.” He watched her until she had laid down, stretching out onto her stomach and pulling one of the pillows to her. Her eyes stared out of the windows into the planet’s sky. Her expression seemed hesitant and a bit lost, but he did not give into the urge to ask her what her thoughts were. He knew he would not be pleased with the response. He settled, instead, for leaving her to her thoughts.

He found Cumhail and Rebecca in their chambers within the palace. His son was reclining on a divan with his wife nestled against him, his hands smoothing the fabric of her dress over her swollen belly. Rebecca had taken to pregnancy well the first time and seemed to be doing so again. She appeared relaxed and content as she enjoyed her husband’s embrace. They looked up as he entered, but he signaled for them to remain as they were when they made to get up. “You are looking well, Rebecca.” His son removed his own hands as Camulus placed one of his upon her. He did not have to wait long before the new life within stirred. “A strong child.”

“Like his father, and with his father’s temperament.” She smiled gently. “He hasn’t been letting me sleep at night. I almost dread how demanding he’ll be once he’s born.”

“Your husband was just as hard on his own mother.” He gave her stomach a gentle rub before removing his hand and looking at his son. “It is good to have you home, Cumhail.”

“It is good to be home, Father. Congratulations on your marriage. Will I be expecting a brother soon?”

“Not too soon.” Camulus looked around the room. “Where is Bridget?”

Cumhail gave a bark of laughter. “Calum stopped by earlier. She ran off to pester him.”


Two nights of what would come close to equating to a marathon in sex had left her more exhausted than she had realized. Once she lay down she began to grow sleepy and soon she was dozing peacefully under the gentle breeze that came through the windows. Her dreams were fractured and barely there, forgotten quickly when the feeling of warm breath on her cheek roused her from slumber. She cracked one eye open and found herself looking into a pair of impossibly wide brown ones.

The tiny figure gave a yelp, much like that of a small dog, and scooted backwards. Jessie raised her head and saw that a small girl had invaded her bed, perhaps three or four years old. She had a head of thick, black hair and a cherub-like face currently split into an impish grin. “And you would be…” The child gave a giggle and reached out with a chubby fingered hand to touch Jessie’s hair. Then she launched herself at Jessica, hugging her tightly. “Okay… I assure you… I’m not ‘Mommy’.”

“Bridget! There you are!” Calum came hurrying into the room, the usually docile lotar appearing quite flustered. “I am sorry, Jess. I only turned my back for a moment and she had wandered away.”

“She belongs to you?” The child scooted back from Calum when he tried to reach for her, crawling over Jessie’s torso to escape him. A tiny but sharp elbow dug into her ribcage, making her grunt from discomfort.

“She’s Cumhail first born. I went to see him and she wanted to come with me.” He tried reaching for the girl again, but she had taken the gauzy over shift of Jessica’s gown and covered herself with it, giggling happily. Calum spoke to her sternly in Goa’uld, but the girl responded with a sound that was clearly in the negative.

“Is she usually like this?”

Calum frowned. “When it amuses her to be so, yes. The only ones she ever truly obeys are her father and Lord Camulus.”

Jessica sat up, which effectively removed Bridget’s hiding place. The little girl gave a squeak and shifted her position so that her face was buried against Jessie’s back. “I don’t think she likes you.”

“I am sorry, Lady Jessica.” He tried going around to the other side of the large bed, but Bridget heard him coming and scrambled around the other side of her new human shield. The lotar growled and barked another command in Goa’uld as the child shook her head, giggling all the while. “She’s been overexcited by the preparations.”

“Or she’s your typical toddler. Where’s her mother?” Heavy footsteps from outside in the hall drew her attention from the child now chattering away happily in Goa’uld to the door. Camulus returned to the chamber, his eyes taking in the site before him. He saw the child and smiled.

“Bridget.” The little girl stopped chattering and looked up with a delighted smile. Suddenly she was scrambling off of Jessie and the bed to run towards him, arms outstretched. Jessica watched, dumfounded, as the mighty System Lord Camulus bent down to scoop up the child, lifting her high into the air as she squealed happily. She felt a funny flutter somewhere around her navel at the sight of him cradling the child close as the little girl placed her head on his shoulder. He spoke to her in Goa’uld; the only part of which Jessie understood was her own name.

“What are you telling her?”

Camulus looked over at where Jessie still sat on the bed. “I was explaining to her who you are. She was wanting to know why she’s never seen you before.” He carried the child back over to the bed and set her down. Bridget immediately crawled back to Jessica and snuggled up to one side of her as Camulus reclined onto one elbow next to the other side. “Did you rest well?”

“Like a baby.” She wasn’t sure what to do with a small child. Was she supposed to hug back? Camulus noted the apparent indecision in his wife and frowned. He would not have thought Jessica the sort who would take out her ire on a child, even one of his descendants. When she placed a hand on Bridget’s small back and stroked it lightly, he let himself relax. Inexperience with children could be remedied far easier than cruelty.

“The temple priests wish to begin the festivities at dusk. That should give the handmaidens enough time to help you prepare.” She frowned in response. “Is something wrong?”

“What’s with the handmaiden thing? I’ve been dressing myself for a long time now. I’m not that comfortable with having people fuss over me like that.”

“It is only fitting that a lady in your position have attendants.”

“They make me feel like I’m under attack by the Mary Kay Commandos. That’s not a good thing. Can’t you trust me to dress myself? And while we’re at it, could I have some clothes with a little more substance to them? I’ve blown my nose with things sturdier than what these dresses are made of.”

“A little late to be demanding a new wardrobe, is it not? I doubt it can be done before the festival, but I am sure Calum can help you see to it afterwards.” He fingered the soft fabric of her gown. “Although I would miss seeing you in these.”

“I feel like Harem Girl Barbie ™.” He didn’t get the joke and she didn’t bother to explain.

“If they make you uncomfortable, then you do not have to have the handmaidens attend you.”

She hesitated but then smiled. “Thank you.” She seemed uncertain of how to act now that she had gotten her way. “So… I should start getting ready.” She looked down at the child still cuddled to her side. “Shouldn’t someone take her back to her mother?”

Camulus tilted his head to peer at Bridget’s dark head. “Rebecca needs her rest. Besides, you and Bridget should get to know one another better. I am certain she would enjoy staying with you.”

“Oh, that would be a bad idea. I have absolutely no experience with kids.”

“Then it is time that you learned.” He sat up and left the bed. “I’ll leave you to your preparations. Calum.” As they left the room they heard Bridget start chattering away merrily to Jessica.


“I haven’t a clue what she’s saying?”

“She’s only four. Very little of what she is saying is even intelligible.” Calum was standing to the left of Jessica’s throne, his expression amused as he watched Bridget where she sat on the new Lady Camulus’ lap. The child was playing with one of the fine scarves that draped Jessica while saying something about either what she had for breakfast or a new toy. He wasn’t certain which.

“Is she like this with everyone?”

“Only with family, which you now are.”

“You do realize that I’m too young to be a grandmother, don’t you?”

Calum laughed loudly, recovering himself quickly and looking rather embarrassed by his outburst. Bridget laughed at his expression and pointed, speaking very quickly to Jessica. “If you’re saying he’s a silly, little man, I completely agree.”

The festival had kicked off in full swing. Lanterns were strung up wherever there was space to do so. Rich foods and wines were in abundance. Performers and minstrels were plying their trade to anyone who would stop and pay attendance to them. The leading members of prominent houses took turns approaching the dais to present the new Lady Camulus with welcoming gifts. A collection of rare items was growing off to the left side of the dais, including fine fabrics, exotic incense and exquisite jewelry. Calum was translating Goa’uld into English for her and she was trying to be gracious, but in truth she was uncomfortable with all the attention.

Cerridwen had noted the discomfort with some curiosity. “Your new bride is quite different from the others. Where did you find her?”

“I conquered her. She was a Tau’ri soldier.”

The queen blinked, her surprise apparent. “Tau’ri? The troublemakers the other System Lords have been complaining about?”

Camulus smiled. “The same.” He looked over at Jessica who was attempting to learn the correct way to pronounce the name of a very complicated dish. She was not having very much success.

“Is it wise, bringing an enemy into your bed?”

“She is no danger to us.”

Cerridwen arched a brow, but said nothing. She glanced over at Jessica again. She did not possess the uncompromising beauty that usually attracted Camulus, so there must be something else to recommend her. She had never known Lord Camulus to select a woman who was less than worthy.

Jessica, for her part, was attempting to keep Bridget from using her as a jungle gym. “Calum, a little help here.” The kid had some sharp little knees! The girl had claimed a delicate headpiece from one of the gift chests and was attempting to reach Jessie’s head so she could put it on her. She lost her balance and fell hard into her grandfather’s new wife, her chin jabbing her in the shoulder. Jessica winced and turned her head to one side, biting back a curse. That was when she caught sight of someone she knew.

“Calum… isn’t that Ayan?”

The lotar looked over his shoulder. It was, indeed, Ayan, although not looking as lovely as she used to. What had once been an elegant dress typical of a handmaiden was now dirty and torn. Her hair was stringy and unkempt and her face was without the cosmetics she used to wear. “She has been cast out of your house as punishment for her crime. Doubtless her family has refused to take her back.”

Jessica frowned. “What will become of her?”

Calum shrugged. “If she wishes to survive, she will have to make her own way. She is in disgrace and has been branded a traitor, but she is still young and her shape is pleasing. Doubtless she could sell herself for enough money to survive on.”

Jessica’s expression turned to one of mixed revulsion and shock. “How can you be so callous? This is a human being we’re talking about.”

“How can you show any care for her? She tried to murder you.”

Jessie glared at him and looked back towards Ayan. The woman was sitting partially hidden in the shadow of the temple, hugging her knees into her chest and rocking back and forth. As Jessica watched, a trio of jeering children came upon her and began to pelt her with handfuls of mud. She gave a growl deep in her throat and gripped Bridget about her waist. “Here, hold her.”

Calum blinked as a squirming Bridget was suddenly placed in his hands. “My Lady?” Jessica rose from her throne and descended the dais, heading towards Ayan. He wasn’t sure what to do. He looked to Lord Camulus and found that he had already noticed his wife’s action and was watching with great interest. She crossed the narrow street, the crowd parting before her to let her pass.

Jessie got close enough to the boys that she was able to grab one by the wrist as he was rearing back to throw another mud ball. He couldn’t have been more than thirteen. His face blanched when he saw who had a hold on him. “Scram, kid.” It didn’t matter that he couldn’t understand her. Anyone could tell by her tone of voice that she meant business. The boys dropped their blobs of sludge and took off.

Ayan flinched as Jessie knelt down beside her and flinched again when she reached up to pull a clump of mud from her hair. “It’s all right. I’m not going to hurt you.” Jessica ignored the murmuring of the crowd when she took one of the sheer layers of her gown and used it to wipe the mud and tears from the disgraced woman’s face. “Trust me, Buffster… no man is worth this much pain. Him least of all. Come on.”

She took Ayan’s arms into her hands and coaxed the woman to stand with her. The ex-handmaiden stood, but her shoulders were bowed forward. The once proud, haughty creature was now dejected and ashamed. Jessie moved so that she had her arms around the woman and turned her towards the palace entrance. As she shifted she caught sight of Lord Camulus out of the corner of her eye and shifted her gaze to meet his. It had never occurred to her to think how he might feel about this, but at the moment she didn’t really give a damn. She schooled herself not to show any doubt or insecurity in her decision, a silent challenge going out to him.

Camulus met his wife’s gaze straight on. It was obvious that Jessica had made up her mind on this matter and everyone was waiting for his reaction. He smiled and inclined his head slightly, agreeing to her unspoken request.

The expression on Cerridwen’s face was enough to send even the stoutest hearts into flight. Servants scattered out of her way as she journeyed through the corridors towards the training area. Her hands slammed open the double doors, bringing the two combatants to a halt. The former First Prime of Camulus, now the one who trained new Jaffa, gave a worried look between the Goa’uld queen and Lady Camulus. “Leave us.”

The aged Jaffa looked towards Jessica. The woman nodded, but kept a grip on the training staff in her hands. When the doors had shut again she tilted her head to one side. “Problem?”

“Lady, reign in your husband!”

Jessie blinked. “Huh?”

Cerridwen took a breath, trying to collect herself. “Our Lord Camulus is about to make a grave error. One that he is being led to through pressure placed on him by the other System Lords. I have tried to reason with him. Cumhail is trying even now, but he was not having much success, either.”

“Okay.” Jessie lowered the staff. “What are we talking about here?”

“There is increasing pressure among the system lords to… correct the faltering faith of the Jaffa. It has come to Camulus’ attention that there is a cell of rebel Jaffa on one of the worlds within his domain.”

“And he plans to correct it? What’s the plan?”

“He is going to eradicate them! All of them! The innocent as well as the guilty.” Cerridwen stepped closer to the human female. “For every rebel Jaffa there is bound to be anywhere from three to five that are still faithful. The planet is home to millions, many of them Jaffa and their families. Jaffa that carry my children! You must go to him! You must stop him.”

Jessica put the butt of the staff on the floor, leaning against it a bit. “And how am I supposed to do that? I’m not like the other wives. He doesn’t fully trust me. I can’t just go plant a kiss on him and turn him into putty.”

“You are his wife.” Cerridwen took a breath to calm herself again. “Lord Camulus enjoys being… domesticated. That is why he takes human wives. He enjoys having them by his side, delights in watching them grow heavy with his children and treasures each birth. It is this… difference in him that makes him such an effective leader. The other System Lords rule through fear and oppression, but if you took the time to look out into the city you would find that the people who follow Camulus do so out of love. They are more fiercely loyal than those in service to any other Goa’uld. It is this difference that will make him at least stop to listen to you.”

She looked at the Goa’uld queen, her expression calm. “All right, I’ll try. But I’m not making any promises that this is going to work.” She put the staff back into the holding rack. “Where is he?”

They entered the conference room together. Cumhail’s jaw was set tightly, anger evident on his face. Camulus was glaring back at him, his own expression just as stubborn. It struck Jessica how much father and son looked alike. She took a breath and looked at Cerridwen. “If he loses his temper and kills me for this, I’m coming back to haunt you.”

Cumhail spotted her in the doorway. Camulus, noting his son’s change of attention, turned his head to see who had entered. His brow furrowed when he spied Jessica, her cheeks flushed from training and her hair damp from sweat. Nevertheless, he extended a hand to her in invitation. She walked forward, slipping her hand into his own. “You have need of something, Jessica?”

She managed a slight smile. “No, I just heard you were plotting a blood bath and wanted to see what all of the fuss was about.”

He leveled his gaze at her, his expression turning dark. “I am in no mood for jests, Lady.”

“Who’s jesting? From what I hear you’re about to prove that you’re every bit as big of a jackass as the rest of your ilk. Quite the relief. I was afraid that I was going to have to start to actually like you.” She let go of his hand and folded her arms across her chest, leaning up against the side of his throne. “So… when do we start?” She ignored the strangled sound coming from Cerridwen by the door.

Camulus narrowed his eyes, studying her closely. “Make your point.”

“My point? My point is that I, in case you have forgotten, am from Earth and a Tau’ri soldier. If you go ahead and wipe out the population of this one world, you’ll kill the rebel Jaffa that are there, sure, but you’ll also be killing a lot of people who think you are the center of the universe. In doing so, you’ll shatter the faith of others, who will then turn against you and join the rebels, whose numbers will grow and will join forces with my own people and the Tok’ra. So, by doing this, you’ll actually be helping me.” She took a breath and gave him a bitter smile. “Go ahead… make my millennium.”

The room fell silent. The lesser Goa’ulds in Lord Camulus’ service were looking at one another in askance. Cumhail’s jaw was slack in shock as he stared at his father’s wife. Camulus kept his gaze locked with Jessica’s. An angry scowl crossed his face and his eyes flashed in annoyance. “You tread on dangerous ground, Lady.” She forced herself not to show any fear, she even lifted her chin in a silent challenge. After an extended moment she heard a tell tale growl come from his throat before he spoke. “Take yourself to our chambers. I will speak to you there. Cumhail! Tell me again of your plan.”

Jessica pushed herself away from the throne and turned towards the door. Cerridwen stood there still, her expression carefully crafted into one of inscrutability. Jessie walked past her, pausing only for a second when the other woman reached out to squeeze her hand in a silent gesture of thanks. She heard Cumhail’s voice behind her as he detailed a more reasonable strategy to his father and god. Forcing herself not to dwell on what might be coming her way later, she made her way through the corridors to the chambers. She heard running footsteps behind her and turned to see Calum approaching, Ayan close behind.

Calum stopped next to her and reached for the handle of the door. “Jess, we should have just enough time. Hurry.”

“Enough time for what?” Ayan pushed her way forward and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her into the chambers.

“To bathe and prepare you for your husband’s arrival.”

“You’re going to clean me up to get the snot beaten out of me?” Ayan was pulling her towards the large tub.

“He is not likely to beat you. However, Lady Cerridwen does feel that he is angry. If you at least appear more docile and subservient when he arrives, he is likely to be more rational.” The lotar turned the tap to the oversized tub as Ayan began to undo the laces of her top.

“You want me to pretend to be something I’m not? He’s not likely to fall for that, Calum. As much as I hate to admit it, he’s pretty bright.”

“Then if not subservient, at least more understanding.” Ayan was pushing her towards the still filling tub. As Jessica climbed in the former handmaiden turned personal servant began to add scented oils to the water. “Please, Jessica, you have done a great service to our lord’s people this day. Do not allow that to be undone by your own stubbornness.”

Ayan started to rattle off something in Goa’uld, to which Calum nodded and responded. “Hey! It’s rude to talk in a language not everyone understands!”

“Ayan was making a suggestion in what garments you should wear.” Calum crossed the room to the spacious wardrobe that held her gowns. “She knows best what pleases your husband.”

“How angry do you think he is?”

“Cerridwen feels that you were, perhaps, overbold in your attempt to temper him. However, she is hopeful that you have succeeded. You have saved her children and the lives of the Jaffa who carry them.”

“Glad to be of service.” She frowned in embarrassment as Ayan scrubbed the sweat from her skin. The scent of the bath oil was thick and cloying, making her head a bit dizzy. “I doubt he’s going to fall for this.”

“We are not expecting him to.” Calum came back into view with a two-piece creation that was supposed to pass for clothing. It was the same dark blue as her eyes and shot with gold thread. Jessica arched a brow in his direction as Ayan bullied her out of the water so she could rub a skin-softening cream over her.

“He’s going to kill me, isn’t he?”

“Lord Camulus is not going to kill you.”

“He was obviously pissed off and you’re scared shitless.”

“Because you said too much, Jess. Few of the lesser Goa’ulds in his service were aware that you are Tau’ri. There are always spies. Word of this is bound to get back to the other system lords. They will want to… speak with you.”

Jessie felt her gut tighten. He had told no one that she was from Earth? Before, back on the ship, he had told her not to mention her team because the other system lords would demand that he turn them over. He had said that he would not let them get to her, not let them force her to betray her own people. She had just fucked up royally.

Ayan took great care in drying her skin and helping her into the gauzy fabric. The woman insisted that Jessica submit long enough for her to add a few pieces of jewelry from the rather impressive collection she had been given during the welcoming feast, including an arm band with Celtic creatures depicted on the surface. It looked very much like the one Camulus usually wore about his own bicep. The pinched, nervous look about the handmaiden’s mouth was doing little to assure Jessie that all this packaging was going to help her any.

Calum quickly cleaned up any spilled water and removed her training clothes. “Try to be patient with him, Jess. He is only concerned for your safety.”

“Yeah, sure… I’ll be patient.” She had only kept him from behaving like a monster. Why shouldn’t she be patient? Calum and Ayan left the room, shutting the heavy doors behind them and leaving Jessica not knowing what to do with herself until Camulus arrived. She settled for pacing the expanse of the room by the windows, occasionally with her arms folded in front of her and other times with her hands clasped behind her back.

The sun had gone down and the last light of dusk was starting to fade before the doors opened again. Jessica jumped and then silently berated herself for startling so easily as Camulus stalked into the room. His expression was still dark but his pace slowed when he caught sight of her in the diminished lighting. His eyes moved over her before he gave her an inquiring look. “Do you seek to placate me, Jessica?”

Displaying a bravado she didn’t truly feel, she shrugged one shoulder. “It was suggested to me that I try. I told him that you weren’t likely to fall for it.”

He unfastened his cloak and let it fall over a large chair before approaching her. Large, calloused hands came up to wrap around her upper arms and pull her close to his torso. “You have likely put yourself in grave danger this day.”

“In all fairness, you only said that you didn’t want the other System Lords to know you had captured five Tau’ri soldiers. You never said anything about not admitting to having me.”

“That is because I knew the truth would come out eventually. I just wished for it to take longer.”

“How much longer?”

“At least until you were with child and unable to be interrogated. After the babe was born not even the other system lords would dare to demand I surrender you.” He wrapped his arms about her and hugged her to him. “I was trying to give you time to at least find contentment in my house. Now I can no longer grant such a reprieve.”

Jessica felt her breath catch in her chest. Now? He wanted to start trying to extend his family now? Desperate for a way to distract him she tried changing topics. “You seemed to have calmed down. What happened?”

“Cerridwen spoke to me after I finished with Cumhail. She admitted that she had come to you for assistance but had not stopped to think that your methods might be a bit heavy handed. I am pleased the two of you were able to set aside your differences so quickly.” She felt one of his hands begin to work at the delicate laces that held her top closed and gave a squirm.

“Stop! Just, stop right there.” She broke from his grasp and took a few steps away from him. “You can’t just keep deciding what’s best for me all of the time. So now you’ve decided that you want to be a daddy again and I’m just supposed to accept that? Did it ever occur to you to ask if I even want to have children? I can answer that question: I don’t.”

“It is the best way to keep you safe.” He took hold of her arms again, forcing her to look at him. “I can fight them, I can send my armies to meet them, but is that what you would rather have happen? You just put yourself in this position in an attempt to save the lives of millions. Are you willing to demand that they die for you now?”

“Of course not!” She gave a frustrated sigh, biting her lip briefly. “I just… I just hate not being in control of anything anymore. I was an officer, and I worked damn hard for my rank. You know soldiers, you know how they’ve always got to be trying to do better and set themselves apart to move upwards in the ranks. It wasn’t all that long ago that the women of Earth stayed home and had babies while the men went off to fight. We’ve only been given the opportunity to join the military within the last century or so, and we still have to work two and three times harder than the men to prove we can take it. I was on my way to becoming a major; Colonel Fellers was on the edge of being promoted to a desk. SG-3 was supposed to be mine, my command. You took all that away from me, just on a whim.”

Camulus looked down at her. In the dim light she could no longer see his eyes clearly. He brought a hand up to frame the side of her face. “I could have handled things with you better, I will admit that much. But do not think I am unaware of what has been taken from you, Jessica. It is too late to be undone. You are my wife and I will not let you be parted from me.”

“I don’t understand you. Even Cerridwen says you’re different from the other System Lords. Why are you like this?”

Camulus gave a one-shouldered shrug. “I do not know. Perhaps it is an echo of my host, or something imparted to me by the queen who gave me life. Rest assured that it is me and not a trick.” He pulled her to him and sat down in one of the large chairs set close to the windows, pulling her into his lap. “But what of you, Jessica? Why are you the way that you are? What made you choose the life of a soldier over that of a wife?” She tensed, a cold feeling settling in the pit of her stomach. “You wish me to understand why you refuse to let yourself be happy as my wife. I must know more about you for that to happen.” He combed his fingers through her hair. “Speak to me.”

She fisted one of her hands, the delicate fabric of her skirt caught in her grip. “I… I wanted control. Control over my own life and myself. I… I was a ‘troubled child’, a real problem growing up.”


She sighed, her brow furrowing. “I’ve asked Calum about the others, your other wives. According to him they were all incomparable beauties, and most of them came from noble families. Perfect, well behaved ladies.”

“Not always perfect… but more used to the luxuries that seem to make you ill at ease. I do not expect you to be like them, Jessica. If I had wanted a noble-born woman in my bed I would have chosen one. I knew you were a warrior, and a warrior is what I wanted.”

“That’s not my point. My point is that they were all daughters of people who probably wanted them. Who most likely loved and cared for them, giving them everything they wanted. Not me. Your new wife is the tossed-away bastard of a cheap whore. My mother was a prostitute who slept with men for about twenty bucks a pop. I don’t even know who my father was and the only way she would have remembered was if he failed to pay.” She looked away from him, old memories coming to the surface with all the pain she thought she had left behind her. She felt the hand that had been stroking her back pause, but not leave.

“One night… one of her regulars came by. He was drunk or high… or both. He started asking her what it would cost to have a mother/daughter combo. I was eight-years-old at the time, a child. She threw him out and started yelling at me, as though it were all my fault. The next day she got up and said she was going out to get some food. She told me to stay home and not to break anything. I did as I was told, waited all morning, all afternoon, well after night fall. About midnight there was a knock on the door. The cops were there. She’d taken a bus to the nearest town and called them from there, told them that I was ‘cramping her style’ and they would just have to find something to do with me. I never saw her again.”

Camulus said nothing, but pulled her to him so that she was cradled against his chest. She felt her eyes start to burn and wiped at them angrily. She would not cry. She never cried. “I sort of fell into ‘the system’ after that. To the good, upstanding people looking to adopt, I was too old and, being the daughter of a whore, I was ‘damaged’. Occasionally I was placed in foster homes; usually it was in state-run institutions. It was the kind of set up where you got a lot of bitter, angry kids. I was one of the worst. I had a chip on my shoulder and I waited for someone to knock it off just so I’d have an excuse to fight.

“My senior year of school I was in a foster home. They were good people, decent people. They tried really hard to work with me, but by then you get so tired of constantly changing hands that you don’t let yourself get close to anyone. I went to the local high school, managed to keep slightly better than average grades, but still always in trouble. Then career day came around, all the colleges and businesses seeking to show you what you could do with your life showed up, including the military. The Army, Navy and Air Force, they all sent these tall, handsome guys who looked completely full of themselves with their medals and their ribbons. The Marines sent a woman. The moment I laid eyes on her, I wanted to be her. She seemed to have it all together, carried herself as though she knew there was nothing out there she couldn’t tackle and defeat. I wanted that. I wanted it more than anything.”

“So you enlisted in your planet’s military.”

“There weren’t many other options for me. I almost screwed my life over by not applying myself enough in school. I didn’t have the political or familial connections to get into one of the academies, but I didn’t want to be an enlisted man. I wanted to be an officer, to be in charge. They’ve got a setup where you can go to certain universities and train to be an officer at the same time, the Reserve Officer Training Corps. I took that route, majored in math and a minored in astronomy. The astronomy part was just because I liked to look at stars, but it was that and the fact that I didn’t have any close family to ask questions that gave me a shot at the Stargate program. I went into the Marines to get control of my life. I never dreamed I would ever be setting foot on other planets.”

“Or living on one.”

She laughed, more out of surprise than anything else. “Or living on one.” She felt him give her a slight squeeze and kiss the top of her head.

“Is it the loss of control that troubles you so much?”

“Yeah, it is. I’ve gone from being an officer in the Marines to a pet in a cage. It’s a very nice cage, but it’s still a cage.”

He tilted her face towards his own. The last light of dusk had faded and the darkness made the scene more intimate. “You are not a pet. And you are not your mother. She was weak and a fool. The only gifts she gave you were life and removing herself from that life so that you could forge yourself into the woman you have become.” He trailed his fingers down her face, his breath warm against her skin. “You still do not cease to amaze me. You hide the woman that you are, but she shines through every now and again. Your forgiveness of Ayan. Facing me for the lives of men you do not even know. Giving up your own freedom for the sake of the men who served with you. There is warmth and kindness within you, Jessica. You do not need to fear that your mother’s failure with you will be your failing as well. There is too much in your heart to share for you to fail as a mother.”

“I haven’t got a clue what to do with a kid. Bridget scares the hell out of me.”

“You will learn. And you won’t be alone.” He pulled her down to kiss her. She returned it. She had gotten used to his kisses. Deep inside her, she had to admit that the physical part of this relationship was one of the things that made it such a ‘nice’ cage. She didn’t have anyone to compare him to, but she was willing to bet he was better than the guys who liked to brag back home. Camulus didn’t have to say he was good in bed, he just knew that he was and had the experience to back it up. A girl could have been saddled with much worse for her first lover.

They broke apart. She lifted her face for a breath of cooler air, allowing him to nip at her jaw line. “Do you truly mourn the loss of a chance at your own command?”

“Yeah, actually. I do.” She shivered when he captured her ear lobe between his teeth. “I like being bossy.”

“Then command me.”

She paused, not sure what she had just heard. “Command you?”

“Only within this room. Tell me what you want from me, Jessica.” He trailed a hand lightly up the length of her spine, making her back arch in reflex. He had allowed his voice to become soft, and in the darkness it seemed erotic, like fur rubbing against her skin. She swallowed and took a breath. The mighty system lord, placing himself at her mercy. She edged herself off of his lap, suddenly reluctant to loose contact with him. “Jessica?”

“I… I need to see you.” Her throat felt dry as she backed away. In the dim moonlight that poured through the windows she was just able to make out where the heavy table was. There were always candles present; she just hadn’t bothered to light them in her nervousness. She fumbled and found the tiny lighter that Calum kept there and sent a small jet of flame towards the cylindrical shapes in the darkness. After she got the first wick lit, the others were easy. She tried to ignore the sound of the leather chair groaning as Camulus stood up behind her.

She took another deep breath and turned around. She felt suddenly small and uncertain. He, of course, never appeared so. Even after offering her the chance to be in control he still held himself like a king… or a god. There was even a smirk playing about his lips, as though he knew the effect he was having on her. That bit of arrogance gave her what she needed to proceed. She lifted her chin a bit higher. “You’re hardly any good to me clothed. Undress.”

He gave no protest, merely reached up to unbuckle the clasps of his leather breastplate. He made his movements slow and deliberate, his eyes never leaving her face. She, however, was not so reserved. The flickering candlelight danced across the bronze skin of his chest. She drank in the sight of him like a parched woman takes to fresh water. He was never hard on the eyes. His hands undid the fastening of his kilt, allowing it to fall to the floor. He didn’t believe in undergarments, either for himself or for her. At this moment she could appreciate that little habit of his. She pulled her bottom lip under, chewing it lightly with her teeth as she perused the glorious man standing before her.

She walked towards him, eyes roaming over him and not quite sure where to start. When he took a step towards her, hands coming up, she got an idea. “Stop!” She held up a hand to pause him. “You’re not allowed to touch me.” His eyes narrowed, making her grin. “Get onto the bed, on your back.”

He did as he was commanded, his expression one that said he wasn’t entirely sure that he trusted her at this moment. She gave him an arrogant smirk to rival one of his own. When she approached him and trailed her fingertips lightly over one of his ankles he gave her a low growl of warning. “Jessica…”

“Silence. You’re not allowed to speak, either.” He gave her another growl. “Lace your fingers behind your head. Maybe that will help you exercise some self-control.” She saw him scowl and thought she could almost hear his thoughts. She imagined that he was beginning to regret giving her this chance. She stepped away from the bed, aware that he was watching her. Next to the large bathing tub was the cabinet where Calum stored the various oils and lotions. Most of them were for her, but there were a few that were more masculine and obviously meant for Camulus. She had seen them used sometimes, when Camulus bathed while she was still in the room, and she knew which one she was looking for. It was kept in an elegant bottle of green glass with a silver stopper in the neck.

She took the bottle of oil and carried it back to the bed, claiming a small pedestal on her way so she would have a secure place to rest it. “You know, Camulus, I’m rather proud of you. This is a very big step for you to take, turning over control to someone else. I’ve always thought you a bit too arrogant for your own good. You need to be taken down a notch or two.” She saw his jaw tighten, but she only gave him a sweet smile in return as she unstoppered the bottle and poured a bit of the oil into her palm. She set the bottle down and warmed the oil between her hands.

“I wish you’d use this one more often.” She moved back towards the foot of the bed and let her hands drift to one of his ankles. The oil slicked skin glided smoothly against him. “I grew up in a city. It was crowded, noisy… smelly. I’d never been to the country until I was in college. Some friends and I went hiking in the Ozark National Forest. Everything was fresh and green. The scent was a lot like this, alive and wild.” The spicy scent of the oil soaked into his skin and she felt the muscles of his calf twitch under her teasing touch. “It almost makes me wish I’d taken Bobby Stanton up on his offer to share his tent that weekend.”

Another growl sounded in his throat. She thought that might get a reaction out of him. “Of course, I didn’t. But you know that.” A bone to soothe the savage beast. Remind him that no other man had been before him. She let her hands drift over and give the same treatment to his other calf before reaching for more oil and straddling his lower legs, the sheer fabric of her skirt drifting over his skin. She let her hands drift down again, floating her fingers over his thigh. His physique was a marvel, the sheer strength of the muscles in his legs staggering. She had seen him truly in action only once, that first battle against one another, when he had captured her. He was quick and agile, but he could also leap great distances. She had since then felt the power of those thighs between her own and knew that Camulus was not one to tire easily.

She let her hands knead the skin from his knees to his hips, pointedly not touching what was already an impressive erection. He curved upwards, proud and strong towards his navel. She had never really bothered to examine him this closely before and she had to wonder how in the hell she had managed to accommodate that in the first place. Swallowing, she forced herself not to make any comments as she slid her hands underneath him, caressing his buttocks. As she leaned over she knew that the sheer fabric of her clothing brushed against him and felt him shudder in response. The heady rush of power over him made her smile. She kept her head turned slightly away so he wouldn’t see her grin.

She repositioned herself again, this time moving up so that she’d be straddling his hips. She made certain that her skirt was between them, so that bare skin would not touch. However, the sheer cloth did little to mask her increasing wetness as she came to rest against him. She heard him groan in response, his eyes closing. Her eyes caught the muscles in his arms flex as he gripped his hands more tightly together. She slicked her hands with fresh oil and began to rub it over his torso. “I suppose a girl could have done a lot worse for herself. You are rather impressive.” She traced her fingers over his ribs, licking her lips a bit. “If I had to end up sharing the bed of an enemy, I could have ended up with someone like Lord Yu. I saw him when he came to Earth to negotiate adding us to the protected planets treaty. Didn’t really do anything for me.” She let her hands move up over his arms. “That Ares guy, however. He was a cutie.” Camulus’ eyes snapped open, glowing brightly. She didn’t meet his gaze, concentrating instead on the flesh beneath her hands. “A bit on the scrawny side, though. For a ‘god of war’ I mean. I’m pretty sure you could have taken him had he pushed the issue. Didn’t really look that tough. I probably could have taken him.”

She reached up towards his wrists and pulled gently so that his hands unlocked. He watched her as she sat back up, bringing his hands with her. One she laid down across his chest, the other she kept hold of. “If I had a favorite part of you, though, it’d be your hands.” She swallowed as she ran her oiled hands against the wide, calloused skin. “In the briefings, when they were telling us what we were up against out here, we were told that the Goa’uld did nothing for themselves. They had the Jaffa and the slaves to do their work for them. I always imagined that a system lord would have soft hands, hands of someone who had never lifted a finger to do for himself a day in his life. Not you, though.” She lowered the hand and took up the other, giving it the same gentle treatment. “You have strong hands, a warrior’s hands. I think they’re very beautiful.”

She held onto that hand, admiring how the candlelight glistened off of the oil covered flesh. The scent of the oil, green and woodsy, filled her nostrils and made her think of primal, erotic thoughts. She tilted her face and brushed her cheek against his fingertips, smiling as the rough skin caressed her. “Camulus… touch me.”

She hadn’t expected him to move so quickly. She barely had time to register the feral sound that came from him before she found herself on her back, Camulus’ weight pressing her into the mattress. “You, Lady, have the makings of a tyrant!” It struck her as funny and she laughed even as she felt those same hands she had been praising just moments before rip the fabric of her skirt from her.

“You have a complaint?” She couldn’t speak further as he pulled one of her legs up over his hip and sank into her warmth. She felt full. She felt complete. She closed her eyes to savor the sensation but opened them again in surprise when he captured her head in both of his hands. She looked up at him and felt a tiny thrill of fear when she noted the furious expression on his face.

“Never mention the name of another man in our bed again.”

Was that all? She felt relief and an odd sense of joy at the same time. She wasn’t sure what that was, but she thought that she might just like it. Her smile was genuine as she looked up at him. “As you wish, My Lord.” It must have been the right thing to say, because he sealed her mouth with his own as he began to move within her.

She felt cherished and desired, things she could never remember feeling before in her life. The emotions were almost too much for her to bear but she could not find it within her to speak and try to give voice to them. Instead she nipped at him with her teeth and clawed at him with her hands to try and urge him to continue. She thought at one time she might have heard him laugh, but she couldn’t be certain of anything at the moment. His hands roamed over her, kneading her skin roughly even as his mouth tasted every inch of skin he could reach without pulling completely out of her. At one time she was aware that she growled in frustration and yanked his face back to her own by his hair so that she could have another kiss, not entirely willing to give up complete control just yet.

His moved within her in strong, slow thrusts, in spite of her attempts to urge him to hurry. Good things come to those who wait, however, and she was eventually rewarded when the tightness within her broke. She thought she might have screamed when she climaxed, but again she could not be certain. It was no matter. Lord Camulus was never satisfied with the first orgasm; he always wanted to bring her to another. She would try to pay closer attention and see if she screamed the second time.


General Hammond was frowning as the rest of SG-3 entered the briefing room. “Gentlemen, please have a seat.” The new arrivals took seats next to those already occupied by SG-1. “I’m sure you are all familiar with General Carter, host to Selmak of the Tok’ra High Council,” the soldiers nodded their heads in greeting, “and I’m sure you have heard of Anise.” The cold, haughty woman inclined her head to the soldiers. “The Tok’ra have come across some information that you’ll likely find interesting. Jacob.”

Jacob gave a reassuring smile towards Lt. Colonel Fellers. “One of our operatives has recently reported that he has come across a woman who claims to be a Tau’ri soldier. She goes by the name of Jessica.”

The members of SG-3 were immediately animated. Fellers leaned forward. “You found Captain O’Fallon? Where is she? Is she all right?”

Anise looked to the officer with her wide eyes. “She is in no immediate danger. In fact, there are few places where she would be more safe.”

Jamison gaped at the Tok’ra. “Not in any danger? She was taken by a Goa’uld!”

Jacob held up a hand. “It’s all right. Anise is telling the truth. Captain O’Fallon isn’t in any danger from the Goa’uld who has her.”

Fellers frowned. “Who, exactly, has her?”

Anise responded. “Camulus.”

“Camulus? As in the Celtic god of war?”

O’Neill arched a brow. “Care to share with the rest of the class, Daniel?”

“There’s not much to share. Very little is known about Camulus.”

“Camulus is one of the lesser System Lords,” Teal’c supplied from further down the table, “often overlooked by those in greater power, and often underestimated. Though his domain is relatively small, it is well governed and those under his rule are unwavering in their loyalty.” The Jaffa turned his attention back to Anise. “Was your informant able to ascertain in what capacity Jessica O’Fallon is being held?”

“She has been made the new Lady Camulus.”

There was stunned silence, but Teal’c nodded once. “Then she is in no danger.”

“Excuse me?” O’Neill gave his friend a puzzled look. “Doesn’t that mean they’ve made her a host?”

“Not this time, Jack.” Jacob leaned back in his chair. “Camulus has a queen in his court already, Lady Cerridwen, the Celtic goddess of fertility. He also has a long-standing habit of taking human wives. He keeps them by his side, places them in charge of his household, and even has children by them. His greatest general at this time is actually a son born to his last wife, Lady Ophelia. Where other Goa’uld have human slaves to see to their needs, most of the humans that serve in Camulus’ court are descendants of his human children.”

“A Goa’uld family man? Can I even begin to explain how wrong that is?”

Anise arched a brow. “The Tok’ra have been watching Camulus for some time because of his differences. He is less brutal, more likely to listen to reason than other Goa’ulds. We are hoping that, in time, he can be convinced to join us in our fight.”

“George, the Tok’ra know that you would like to have your officer back. Hell, Selmak and I both understand that you want her back and agree with the idea. But we have to ask that you not make a rescue attempt.”

“Jacob, you know I can’t do that. O’Fallon was the 2IC for SG-3 and an officer of this base. We’ve changed her access and security codes, but she is still in possession of vital information that could be used against us. We have to make every attempt to bring her back to Earth.”

“That will not be easy. Your Captain O’Fallon has been in Camulus’ possession for over seven of your months now, and our operative has confirmed that she is currently with child.”

There were sounds of disgruntlement from SG-3. Rathbourne snarled. “Great, first he kidnaps and rapes her, now he knocks her up. He’d better hope we get to him first, because she’s gonna kill him the first chance she gets for that one.”

Hammond frowned. “Major Carter, is there any evidence to indicate that bringing a pregnant woman through the Stargate could be harmful?”

“No, Sir. Not any more so than to any other traveler.”

“George, you misunderstand. She carries Camulus’ child. Security will be tight, very tight. We suspect that he has rushed the matter because the other system lords are bound to know that his new wife is a Tau’ri soldier, but she cannot be interrogated if she’s pregnant. And after the baby is born, he’s not likely to turn over the mother of his child. Before she was just a captive with no real claim to safety, now she’s much more.”

“There is also the matter of the people in Camulus’ capital city.” Anise leveled her gaze at SG-1. “Already paintings of Lady Camulus are sold to be hung within their homes to bless them. Doubtless statues are being erected of her in squares. She is the Lady Mother, the one to whom they can take their grievances and concerns. As Lady Camulus it is her duty to oversee the mundane matters of hearth and home so that Lord Camulus is not troubled with them. His people will adore and cherish her, and they will openly oppose any who seek to take her from them.”

”You make it sound as though she’s been deified.” Daniel straightened his glasses. “I thought you said he kept human wives.”

“He does, and she is. However, that will not stop his people from placing her at the same level as her husband.”

“Can we not refer to him as her ‘husband’.” Fellers gave a shudder. “It’s creepy.”

Jack pointed towards the Lt. Colonel. “I’m with him on that one. And I still think we need to get her out of there.”

“George, please, listen to us on this. There is no indication that O’Fallon has betrayed Earth in any way. In fact, our operative advises us that the marriage isn’t exactly smooth; that she isn’t as docile as the wives that came before her and Camulus doesn’t seem inclined to break her. None of us like the idea of leaving her there, but this does put her in a unique position to gather and forward information to our operatives. There are things that Camulus is likely to tell his wife that he will not share openly with other Goa’uld, even those supposedly in his service.”

“You want to use her as a plant?”

“We feel that it is an opportunity that should not be wasted. I won’t lie to you; there were members of the High Council that argued it would be kinder not to tell you that we had found her. Most of us, however, felt that you had the right to know.”

Hammond frowned, but nodded. “I understand, Jacob, and we will consider the Tok’ra’s recommendations. In the meantime you and Anise are welcome to stay here as long as you like. If you’ll excuse us, I believe that SG-1 and 3 would like to voice their opinions on this in private.” Anise and Jacob nodded in understanding and exited the briefing room. As soon as they were safely out of earshot, Fellers banged his fist on the table.

“Sir, I promised her that we’d come back for her. You can’t possibly mean to leave her in the hands of the enemy!”

“General, you never leave anyone behind. That is how it’s always been! O’Fallon sacrificed herself for the sake of her team, we owe it to her to try and get her back.”

“Jack, Fellers, I agree with you. However, the Tok’ra have also made a good point. If what they tell us of this Camulus is correct then O’Fallon is in a secure position to gather intel that could be key to our fight against the Goa’uld.”

“So we’re just going to leave her there?” Feller’s expression was one of incredulity.

“Nothing has been decided yet. We merely have to take everything under advisement. Rest assured that you will be included in the final decision.” Hammond sighed. “I’m sorry, Colonel Fellers. If it were just a matter of a covert operation to retrieve a lost soldier, I’d send you after her in a second. However, if O’Fallon can gather intelligence we need to help us defend Earth from the Goa’uld, then she would be fulfilling her obligation as a United States officer and a citizen of Earth. She willingly gave up her freedom so that the rest of her team could return home unharmed. That action alone should tell us all just how far she’s willing to go for the sake of her fellow soldiers and humans. She’s a fine officer, Colonel, and a credit to this program. We’ll take everything into consideration.”

Fellers and Jack exchanged a dark look, but gave no further protest.


“Tell me again why women willingly go through this.”

Cerridwen laughed from where she lay reclined on a sofa near the table where Jessica’s breakfast had been placed. She helped herself to a piece of fruit while she watched the human woman scowl at her reflection in the mirror. Though she was only entering her fifth month of pregnancy she was already showing. Her slender form did not give much internal room for Lord Camulus’ new daughter, forcing her mother to bear the bulk of the weight in her belly. “Because there are great rewards in motherhood.”

“In a pig’s eye.”

“You aren’t going to be gracious about this, are you?”

“If he wanted gracious he should have picked on someone else.” She stuck her tongue out at her reflection before finally joining Cerridwen at the table. Since her conception she had noticed a definite change in what was brought to her. While she was still suffering from morning sickness she had been offered lighter fare and crisp breads. Now there were more fruits and cheeses as well as different types of fish. Calum, for all that he was male, was a consummate mother hen. “I can’t believe that he can make himself shoot blanks until he’s ready to be a father again. How unfair is that?”

“Your husband is a god, Jessica.”

“He is not, Cerridwen. Try that on someone else. I’m not buying it.” She bit into a piece of fruit. “What brings you here today, anyway? You never come to this part of the palace.”

“I wished to speak with you, first.”


Cerridwen discarded the now empty fruit rind. “I have need of your husband. It is time that new brood of symbiotes was born.”

Jessie gave her a puzzled look. “You’re asking me if you can sleep with Camulus?” She frowned, not all that certain how she felt about that.

“I assure you that there are no romantic feelings to the act. It is merely a necessity.”

Jessica gave the Goa’uld a suspicious look, suddenly very much aware of just how much more attractive Cerridwen was than she. “I can’t believe you’re actually talking to me about this.”

“Why should I not? I am a mother of his children just as you are now the mother of his daughter. It is merely that I will bear his Goa’uld children rather than his human offspring. Still, you are the wife and I am the ally.”

“And if I’m completely put off by the idea?”

Cerridwen lifted one graceful shoulder. “It will likely still happen. There must be a new brood of symbiotes so that there will be primtah for the young Jaffa when they come of age. Otherwise those young children will sicken and die.”

Yeah, there was that. Jessie frowned as she contemplated just how soft hearted she was becoming. She was starting to act like a girl, for crying out loud! “Just… don’t do it in here. Make him go to your rooms or something.”

“I would not ask that you allow me entrance into your bed, Jessica. I enjoy this gentle truce between us, and I have not forgotten that it was your interference that saved the lives of my children. I merely did not wish for you to think your husband unfaithful to you by any subversion on my part. It is needed that this be done. It does not weaken your position at all, and there is no need for jealousy.”

“Jealousy?” She straightened her shoulders and claimed a bit of sweet bread. “I’m not jealous.”

Cerridwen arched an onyx brow at the other woman. “Of course not.” She wiped her hands clean on a napkin before rising from the sofa. “If you will excuse me, Jessica, there are temple matters that I must see to.”

“Sure. Have fun.” She watched the Goa’uld leave, her movements graceful and proud. Jessica frowned, feeling decidedly unattractive at the moment. She bit off a piece of the sweet bread and chewed it while scowling.

“Is there something wrong with your food, Jess?”

She looked up and blinked. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

Calum smiled. “You were lost in your thoughts. Is something troubling you?”

She shook her head. “No, not really. Calum, let’s get out of here. I want some fresh air.”

“Of course. I’ll summon the guard for you.”

“Don’t do that.” She crossed to the wardrobe and started to rummage around inside. “They spoil everything. I want quiet.”

Calum looked uncomfortable. “Jess, in your condition it would be better if we…”

“I’m pregnant, not dying. Women have been doing this since the beginning of time. I’m not sure why, but they have.” She found a cloak and draped it about herself, pulling the hood up. She turned to find Calum frowning at her. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”

“It’s not me who should be careful.”

“Oh you big baby. Quit your whining.” She grabbed him by the elbow and guided him to the door. “I’ll have you there to watch over me.”

Calum acquiesced to her demands, leading her out of the palace through a side exit. The streets of the capital city were wide and twisting, paved with smooth, white stones. They were always kept immaculate by the inhabitants so that their god never had to look out onto a less than pristine view. Jessica had been amazed by how quickly the clutter from the weeklong festival welcoming her to the planet had vanished.

“Calum? What is that?”

The servant looked towards a small square where a statue carved of pure white marble had been erected. He smiled. “That is you, Jessica.”

She frowned. “Why is there a statue of me on top of a fountain?”

“It is out of respect for you.” He saw her expression and chuckled. “I will spare you the details about the icons bearing your face that are now used as gifts to bless new brides and wish them much fertility in their marriage.”

“Please do.” She walked along a row of shops, taking interest in the various goods that were made available. There were bolts of brightly colored cloth, household goods and vendors selling freshly baked breads as well as roasted meats. Everything seemed so much simpler here on the streets of the city, away from the rush and hum inside the palace walls. Pulling her hood over her face to hide her identity, Jessica set out to explore her new home.


Camulus looked up from the tablet he was reading when he heard Cerridwen enter the room. The queen had a slightly put out expression on her exquisite face, causing him to raise a brow in inquiry. “Something troubles you?”

“Just disappointed.” She approached his throne and offered him a silver cylinder he had only seen twice before during their time together.

“You usually abhor such methods unless we are going to be parted when the time comes.” He accepted the cylinder with a perplexed smile.

“I get the feeling that the current Lady Camulus is not one to share.” Cerridwen folded her arms and leaned against his throne. “And before you allow yourself to be smug, she claims she isn’t jealous.”

“But she did ask you not to share my bed.”

“No, actually she agreed to it, but asked that you come to mine and not me to yours.” Cerridwen propped her chin upon one hand.

“I take it, then, that she it not willing to come to yours.” Camulus smiled at the queen’s irritated expression. “Remember, Cerridwen, of all my wives fewer than half were intrigued enough to take you up on your invitation.”

“I didn’t bother to ask her. She was so obviously put off by the idea of my bedding you that I knew she wouldn’t agree to share you.”

“Why so disappointed? I thought you didn’t find Jessica attractive.” He placed the cylinder beside him in his seat to be used later.

“She is no great beauty, but she has… grown on me.” He chuckled and she shot him an irritated expression. “Do be sure to remember that I will need your seed in order for there to be more symbiotes. Before the next cycle would be best.” She pushed away from the throne and left his hall, her head held high.

Camulus watched her go with a smile playing about his lips. It was so rare that Cerridwen was denied something she wanted. He was pleased that Jessica was being just as difficult with the queen as she tended to be with him. He might have been jealous had she suddenly become docile.


“I do not like your name. I only agreed to it because I am in the mood to indulge your mother.”

The tiny body now cradled within his large hands gave no sign that she understood him. She couldn’t, of course. She was too young, less than two hours old yet and still sleeping from the ordeal of her birth. She had no idea just how much her father was inclined to indulge her mother in the choice of her name. He had told her that he would not allow her to name his child after two Tau’ri warriors, but when he had watched the lid of the sarcophagus close over her unconscious form he found that he could never deny her such a simple request.

He sat in a chair he had ordered brought into the room where he kept the sarcophagus. It was close to the bedchamber, but he did not wish to be that far from Jessica just yet. The image of her lying there, pale and weak after giving his daughter life, still burned in his mind. He had known something was wrong when Ayan had been sent from the room by the midwife to fetch him. The servant’s face had been pale and fearful. When he had arrived Jessica had still been straining with the effort to bring her daughter forth into the world, but she had already been weakening. When her daughter was finally born, Jessica had lain back in his arms, her dark eyes looking up at him with a sad sort of resignation. He had wasted no time in gathering her up into his arms and carrying her to the sarcophagus. He had begun to think that nothing could ever truly defeat his brave, stubborn wife. It had never occurred to him that a warrior such as she would be so ill suited to childbirth.

The lid to the sarcophagus slid open, catching his attention. He watched, but no one rose. “Jessica?”

“That. Hurt.” He kept himself from laughing in relief. It did not surprise him that the first words out of her mouth would be ones of disgruntlement.

“But the pain brought with it a great reward.” He rose from the chair as Jessica sat up in the sarcophagus. “See the wonder we have made.”

Midnight blue eyes peered at the sleeping infant cradled in her father’s hands. Jessica reached out and lightly stroked one small cheek, her expression curious. “You look a lot smaller than you felt.”

“She is large for a newborn. Likely that is why you had such difficulty.” He carefully passed the child to her mother. Rebecca had been staying with them during the last part of her pregnancy, helping Jessica become used to caring for an infant by practicing on Cumhail’s new son, Godric. Still, there was apprehension as his wife took their daughter into her arms.

“What if she doesn’t like me?”

“She will depend on you for everything. Of course she will like you.” He reached down into the sarcophagus and lifted her up into his arms. He noted that she tightened her hold on the baby slightly, as if afraid he might make her drop her. He carried mother and child back to their chambers. The bed linens had already been changed and incense was being burned to chase away the scent of birthing fluids and blood. Gingerly, he laid Jessica on the bed, resting her against the mountain of pillows that had been placed there.

“You know, for such an advanced race you’d think one of you guys would have come up with an easier way to do that.”

He smiled and reclined next to her. “Goa’ulds do not give birth to human infants. It would have never occurred to us.”

“Well, you’re the one who keeps wanting to be a father. It should have occurred to you.”

He frowned. “Perhaps it should have. However, I think that it will be a long time before we give Georgina a sibling.”

Jessica looked at him in surprise. “Georgina? We’re going with my name?” He nodded, giving her an irritated expression. She grinned and looked back at the child. “Did you hear that? You get to be Georgina Jacqueline instead of that prissy name your father had picked out for you.” She ignored Camulus’ snort. “And when you’re older I’ll tell you all about General George Hammond and Colonel Jack O’Neill. They’re both very brave men. It’s a very big name to live up to.”

“She has a god for a father and a warrior for a mother. She won’t just live up to the name, she’ll surpass it.”

“You’ll have to be patient with your father. He’s a bit full of himself.”

“You’ll also have to be patient with your mother. She lives to test me.”

The infant stirred a bit, one tiny, pink first moving awkwardly as her rosebud shaped mouth yawned. “Lucky kid.”

“How so?”

“She obviously took after you in the looks department. She’ll be a real heartbreaker when she grows up.” Jessica turned her face towards him, her expression softer than he had ever seen it. Without warning, she leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. “Thank you.”


Daniel motioned for everyone else to be silent as he strained his ears to hear what the voices down the corridor were saying. Jack was pressed against the wall opposite him, Sam next to Jack. Rathborune was watching Daniel’s six. Thanks to the Tok’ra, they had managed to get the Camulus undetected. Jack still couldn’t believe that the Goa’uld had the planet named after him. “Daniel, what are they saying?”

Daniel shot Jack an irritated look. “Something about training exercises.” He was about to go on when footsteps echoed down the corridor. All four of them pressed themselves into the shadows as a man’s voice, speaking English, became clear.

“Let me explain this in a way you will understand: If it is not corrected, then it will make Lady Jessica unhappy. If Lady Jessica is unhappy, then she become irritable and sharp tongued, which in turn makes her husband unhappy.” Two figures came into view, a tall man dressed in fine garments and what looked to be a serving woman. The man turned to face the woman, his expression cold. “You do recall who Lady Jessica’s husband is, do you not?” The woman nodded her head, her expression fearful. “Good. Correct it.” The woman bowed slightly and hurried off to correct whatever needed correcting.

Jack looked to Rathbourne, who nodded in return before taking Daniel by the elbow and pulling him back. Jack counted to three silently and then the pair of them reached out to grab the man and pull him into the corridor with them. Rathbourne slammed him against the wall, one hand clamped firmly over his mouth as Jack gave him his best ‘don’t try anything’ glare. “Hi there. We’re new in town and need a little information. Care to tell us where the lady of the house is?”

Rathbourne lowered his hand. The man looked at the insignia on Jack’s uniform. “You are Tau’ri. You should not have come here. Our lord will not tolerate your presence.”

“Really? Funny, since he had one of us here already. We came to take her home.”

“Jessica is our lord’s lady wife and the mother of his child. Her place is here, with him.”

“See, here’s where we have a bit of a disagreement. We believe she belongs with us, with her team and among her own kind. Where is she?” The man set his jaw tightly, his eyes flashing in challenge. “You see that guy who has you?”

Rathbourne almost snarled. “We’ve met before. This is the toady that brought O’Fallon to the holding cells to check on us. He’s Camulus’ head boy.”

“Lady Jessica already bought your life once. You should have been grateful enough to enjoy it. I doubt our lord will be so generous a second time.”

Jack gripped the man’s face and pulled it back to his direction. “That man who has you is one of O’Fallon’s team mates. That’s like family. Think of him as a sort of… older brother. What would you do to a man who was keeping you away from your kid sister when she had been kidnapped by some jerk who thought he was all-powerful? Go ahead… imagine. I doubt you’ll come close to what he wants to do right now.” He reached up and smoothed out the man’s wrinkled tunic. “Where is she?”

Rathbourne’s eyes bored into the man, staring him down. Eventually, the lotar gave a grudging nod. “I will take you to her.”

“No funny business. No leading us into a Jaffa guard or anything like that.”

The lotar sneered. “You have my word.” Rathbourne released him, keeping a steady watch on the other man.

“Lead the way.” Jack gave a sarcastic smile and a wave of his hand. The lotar tugged at his tunic to straighten it before leaving the corridor. He guided them through the wide hallways of the palace until they arrived at a heavy double door. Rathbourne had his side arm trained on the man and nodded at him to open the doors slowly. They entered, weapons at the ready, and found an opulent bedchamber with a single, apparent occupant.

“Calum? Do you possibly know what I did with Georgie’s blanket?” Jessica turned around and froze, catching site of who had entered behind Calum. Her jaw hung open slightly in shock, as though she couldn’t quite believe what she was seeing. “Colonel?”

Jack nodded. She didn’t look much like a Marine in that getup, but he’d recognize that god-awful orange hair anywhere. He watched her collect herself and then snap to attention, giving him a salute. “We’re here to take you home, Marine.”

“Home?” O’Fallon’s smile grew wide, but faltered. Her attention turned to a golden cradle that stood next to the oversized bed. “I… it’s not just me anymore, Sir.”

Daniel had come forward into the room. Curious, he went over to the cradle and peered inside. “Hey there.” He reached inside and picked up the infant. Calum immediately protested.

“No! You mustn’t touch her.”

“Oh, Calum, pipe down. He’s not going to hurt her.” Jessica walked over to where Daniel was and smoothed a hand over her daughter’s scalp.

“What’s her name?”

“Georgina Jacqueline.”

Jack perked up. “Really? How come Hammond gets to be first?”

“Because he outranks you, Sir.”

Calum tried to pull free of the grip Rathbourne had on his arm. “Jess, you cannot leave! Consider what will happen if you try. You have been with our lord long enough to know what he is capable of.”

Rathbourne gave him a shake to be silent, but Jessica had become very still. Jack frowned. “O’Fallon?”

“He’s right, Sir. I can’t go back with you.”

Carter took a step forward. “Captain, we understand that you’ve been through an ordeal. No one blames you for what’s happened. General Hammond is fully aware of the choice you had to make and no one thinks any less of you.”

“You don’t understand, Major. I can’t leave. If I go, Camulus is likely to follow with his fleet. I will not leave without Georgina, and if you take us both he will follow. Treaty or no treaty, he will come for me. For both of us. The Asguard will stop him, sure, but how many Jaffa and human slaves would have to die in the process? How many on Earth would likely die before the Asguard got there?” She gave Carter a sad smile. “No one person is worth that price. This isn’t Troy and my name isn’t Helen.”

Calum gave a sigh of relief. Rathbourne frowned. “Ma’am, we can’t leave you here. We can take whatever he throws at us, but you’ve got to come home.”

Jessie gave a short, bitter laugh. “Believe me, I want to, but I can’t ask anyone to take that chance. I made a bargain, and I’ve got to stick to that. He’s carried out his part of the deal; he let you and the others go free and he’s never once asked me to turn traitor. I’m in no danger he…”

The doors swung open, allowing six armed Jaffa to enter, staff weapons at the ready. Camulus stalked in with them, his expression dark. Jack, Carter and Rathbourne all three turned, weapons drawn. Daniel crouched down behind the large bed, holding the infant close to his chest and turning so that he would take any weapons fire himself.

O’Neill weighed their situation. Three of them, Daniel didn’t count as he was busy with the kid, and six armed Jaffa. If they were here, then that meant that the other Jaffa likely knew about their little rescue attempt as well. He grimaced before giving one of his best fake smiles. “Hi there. We just stopped by to give our congratulations on the new baby, check up on our officer, see how things were going.”

The Goa’uld’s eyes flashed. “You lie poorly, Tau’ri. You have come to take my wife from me.”

Calum stepped away from Rathbourne. “She wasn’t going with them, my lord. Lady Jessica had already told them that she would not leave you.” Not exactly the conversation, but it would do. It occurred to Jack that the lotar was trying to cover for Jessica. He recalled what Anise had said about the people under Camulus’ rule being likely to grow protective of her. Apparently the Tok’ra weren’t too far off the mark.

Camulus motioned to the Jaffa. “Take them.”

“Camulus…” Jessica started forward, but he silenced her with a raise of one hand.

“Hold your tongue, Lady.” His eyes flicked to where Daniel was still shielding the infant with his body. Georgina had begun to fuss, disturbed by the noise. “Collect our daughter.”

Daniel stood slowly, turning to hand Georgina over to Jessica. He tried to give the woman a reassuring smile as one of the Jaffa came to take him. “She’s a beautiful baby.”

“Thank you.” Jessica’s voice was only a whisper as she watched her would-be rescuers be taken away. Camulus observed the procession in silence, his jaw tight. “Camulus…”

“Later.” He said no more as he walked from the room, his cloak billowing behind him. Jessica cradled her daughter to her as she sank down onto the bed.


Jessie sat on the floor with her back against the bed, her hands balled up into fists. She had asked Ayan to take Georgina somewhere else within the palace, knowing things were about to get loud. She had screamed herself hoarse hours ago. She had threatened and attempted to bully and, in the end, resorted to physically attacking him. The result was what promised to be some rather magnificent bruises by tomorrow morning. Still, Camulus refused to budge.

It occurred to her that she had become spoiled in the short amount of time that she had been Lady Camulus. As much as she loved to complain, she had been living a pretty easy life. For the most part her 'husband' had usually been willing to indulge her in whatever she wanted. She'd gotten used to getting her way with the exception of wanting her freedom. Now, after the arrival of Colonel O'Neill and the others, she had to admit that she wasn't entirely sure she even wanted that any longer. When had she stopped being 'Captain O'Fallon' and had started being 'Lady Camulus'? The change had been so gradual she had completely missed it.



She heard him sigh above her. "Jessica, you are injured. Let me see to you."

"Go to Hell." She was injured, but nothing she couldn't suffer through. She thought that her left wrist might be sprained and her right elbow throbbed like crazy. It hurt to breathe so she was willing to bet she had broken a couple of ribs. She knew that he hadn't intended to hurt her, but she'd been mad enough to kill and he'd had to do his best to keep her from doing serious injury. Someone that big shouldn't be able to move that quickly. Or maybe she'd just gotten soft. Sure he encouraged her to keep up her training, but she wasn't working at it as diligently as she had when it had been a matter of life or death.

She saw him move to bend down out of the edge of her vision. She started to move away but the pain in her wrist as she went to use it to brace herself on the floor stopped her. The hesitation gave him the chance to scoop her up. She tried to wriggle free but he held her firmly as he carried her to the sarcophagus and placed her inside. She refused to look at him as he closed the lid over her. She felt raw inside, even as the box started to heal her injuries. She felt. betrayed.

It didn't take long; her injuries were minor compared to what she'd had in the past. When the lid slid open she sat up to find that he was still there, waiting. "Are you willing to be more reasonable now?"

"I'm not the one about to hand over four innocent people to the System Lords." She climbed out of the box.

"Those four innocent people came here with the intention of taking my wife and child from me."

"I wasn't going to go! I was going to stay!" She ran her fingers through her hair. "Even if you get rid of them, Earth obviously knows where I am now. They'll just send someone else." She turned to face him again. "Doing this solves nothing."

"It protects you. The other system lords are still pressuring me to give them access to you, to force you to tell us what you know. If I give them four others, including Daniel Jackson, the very man responsible for the Tau'ri being able to resume travel through the chappa'ai, then they will have no need of you any longer."

"Daniel Jackson was willing to take a staff blast to protect your daughter! Or have you conveniently forgotten that fact?"

He set his jaw, his expression stormy. She lifted her chin, refusing to back down. "You will confine yourself to our chambers until Lord Yu has come and collected the prisoners. I will not have you putting yourself at risk."

"I don't even get to say 'good-bye'?"

He hesitated, and then gave a brief shake of his head. "That will only upset you further. Return to our chambers, Lady. Ayan will doubtless be bringing our daughter back to you soon. She will require feeding."

Jessica gave him one last glare before she walked past him. He raised a hand as though to reach for her, but she shifted her body away from him, making it clear that she did not wish to be touched. She maintained perfect silence as she left the room where the sarcophagus was kept and returned to the place that was to be her prison cell for the next two days, until Lord Yu arrived to take her fellow soldiers away to be tortured, or worse. The heavy door swung shut behind her, leaving her alone in the echoing silence. She fisted her hands again, so tightly that she could feel her nails digging into the skin of her palms. "I hate him."

The words were whispered, even though there was no one to hear her. Still, they felt empty, insubstantial. Jessie shook her head in silent denial and tried again to dig up the feelings of resentment and hostility she had felt that first night as Camulus' prisoner. Nothing would come.


Belail clenched his jaw in frustration. He knew that the Tau'ri were reckless and foolish, but he would have never thought them capable of such stupidity as this! To send such a small group into the palace of a system lord with the intent of 'rescuing' his favored concubine was utter madness. He would ignore them if one of them weren't Samantha Carter, daughter to Selmak's host. All the Tok'ra knew that Selmak considered Samantha as much his child as she was Jacob's. How he was supposed to find a way to rescue the Tau'ri without giving away his identity as a Tok'ra operative Belail could not begin to fathom.

They might have managed to get away unseen had it not been for the serving girl who had turned just in time to see the Tau'ri grab Calum. The girl had been smart enough not to yell out, but had gone off in search of the guards. Belail had been present in the throne room when the news was brought to Camulus. He had never seen the Goa'uld so angry as he had been at that moment. Everyone had been set ill at ease by the look on the system lord's face.

He had to find a way to get the Tau'ri out of the holding cells. They would be guarded, of course. There would also be a heavy guard on Lady Jessica. As a Tau'ri soldier she would be the most likely candidate to try and release the prisoners, so Camulus would not be willing to let her go anywhere without supervision. As much as he may dote on his 'wife', the Goa'uld was not foolish enough to trust her completely. Belail would have to do this task alone.

He was deep in thought when Calum approached him in the corridor. "Forgive my intrusion, Belail, but Lord Camulus requests your presence in the throne room."

Camulus had sent for him? Belail nodded in acknowledgement and turned around to head back the other direction. He tried to remember if he had been assigned any tasks that he had forgotten. Gabriel, his host of the last fifteen years, assured him that they had forgotten nothing. Likely it was some new assignment that Camulus wished them to undertake. When he reached the heavy doors of the throne room the Jaffa guarding it opened them to let him pass.

Camulus was seated in his throne in the center of the room. Normally there would have been many other minor Goa'uld, and in Camulus' unusual case, many of the system lord's most trusted humans. This time, however, there was only Camulus with his son and general, Cumhail, to his right and Calum moving to take a place to his left. The Goa'uld and his two most trusted human underlings. Never had Belail been summoned to such an. intimate meeting.

He gave a bow. "I am your humble servant, My Lord."

Camulus gave a snort. "You are nothing of the kind. Nor have you ever been." Belail froze. Gabriel uttered a rather disgusting oath inside their shared mind. "You are a spy, and not a particularly clever one at that."

"I'm sure that I don't know what you mean, My Lord."

"And I am sure that you do, Tok'ra." Camulus gave a sinister smirk as he leaned forward in his chair. Belail debated trying to make a run for it, but Cumhail brought his zat'ni'katel up at the read. "Let's talk, you and I."


Cerridwen had been informed of Jessica's 'house arrest'. The idea of it did not sit well with her. Whereas Lord Camulus could be a brilliant leader and a masterful general, even after forty-nine wives he still had a tendency to behave like a typical male. Apparently he felt in the mood for a cold bed, because she was certain that was exactly was Jessica was about to give him.

The queen gave the guards on the chamber door a withering look before letting herself in. She did not see Jessica at first and wondered if perhaps the headstrong woman had done something rash, such as climb out of the window. Then she heard it. A soft, almost pitiful sobbing coming from the other side of the large bathing tub. The sound of it made Cerridwen pause, concern niggling at the edges of her mind. She moved into the room and around the tub to find Jessica sitting on the floor, her head resting on her folded arms. Slender shoulders were shaking as she cried.

"Jessica?" She didn't look up, but the sobs did seem to taper off.

"Go away."

Cerridwen crouched down beside the woman. "I don't believe that I should. Has he upset you this much?"

Jessica shook her head. "It's not him."

"Then you are upset about your fellow Tau'ri."

"No. Not really. We're soldiers. We know the risk that entails." She sat up, her back pressed against the bathing tub. Her skin, usually too pale and freckled, was now blotchy and swollen. She didn't cry well. "I'm mad at myself."

Cerridwen frowned. "For what reason?"

"Because I feel like such a damn, dirty traitor!" She stood up suddenly, taking the queen by surprise. "I know when it happened. I know the exact second it happened." She started to pace the floor, her hands moving wildly. "What I don't know is how it happened."

"What is it that you think has happened, Jessica?" Cerridwen shifted her weight so that she was the one now sitting on the floor with her back against the tub. She watched the human closely, curious as to what had brought Jessica to this state.

"I was dying, Cerridwen. They've never told me that I was, but they were all too damn scared for me to have been okay. Having Georgina hurt like hell and it was getting really fuzzy there at the end. I was having trouble staying focused. I knew I was slipping and I was willing to accept that. Then he was there, and he was looking at me. He was so worried. He's a fucking Goa'uld! He's not supposed to let anything get to him, but he was worried. I remember him picking me up. Just barely, but I remember. And I couldn't help but think 'he's never going to let anything hurt me'. That was it! That was the moment!"

Cerridwen was about to inquire further, but thought better of it. Jessica was shaking her hands out as though she had hurt them somehow. "I'm a Marine! I took a oath to serve my country, and I was damn good at it! Then I go and get myself captured by the enemy. He took away my career. He took away my team. He took everything I held dear to me. He remade my life into what he wanted it to be. So tell me, Cerridwen, how the hell did I go and fall in love with that son-of-a-bitch!?"

The queen was shocked into silence. She watched as Jessica fell back against a wall, her hands coming up to rub her temples. "I spent my entire life striving to be independent. I made something of myself and I didn't need anyone else to do it. I didn't need a mother. I didn't need a father. I didn't ride in on the coat tails of a lover or spouse. I was all I needed. How did this. how did he manage to take all that from me?"

Cerridwen pondered the question for a long, silent moment. After a while, she gave a delicate shrug. "Camulus found the woman within you. The woman you were too busy being a soldier to ever notice for yourself. He found that part of you, the part in all women, that knows you cannot stand alone forever."

Jessica turned her tear-reddened eyes back towards Cerridwen. "I hate feeling like this. I feel. weak."

"There is nothing weak about it. It takes courage to love someone, to give yourself to them completely. There are worse things than to fall in love with your husband, Jessica."

"Such as?"

The queen smiled mischievously. "You could fall in love with someone other than your husband. In your case, that would be a very bad thing."

"I'm not in the mood for jokes, Cerridwen. Camulus is about to turn over my fellow soldiers to the system lords. You know what's likely to happen to them."

Cerridwen got up from her spot on the floor. "Allow me to make a suggestion; do not enlighten Camulus to your new revelation just yet."

Jessica frowned. "You don't think I should tell him?"

"Not yet." The Goa'uld gave a conspiratorial smile. "Of course such a confession would make him deliriously happy, but remember that he is the one in the wrong just now. Whereas a soldier would be forthcoming, a woman holds such things back as a reward. You should make him earn it."

Jessica gave an indelicate snort. "At the rate he's going, he'll never do anything that good."

"Oh, I think you should have more faith in your husband, Jessica. Camulus is far cleverer than he lets on at times. I believe that he's about to surprise you."


Jessica was kept within their chambers until the four Tau'ri soldiers were safely transported aboard Lord Yu's transport vessel. Once they were no longer within the palace, she was escorted to the throne room by Calum to sit by her husband's side as he heard the disputes brought before him by various people within his domain. It was a long and tedious process, but she had to admit that Camulus was often a surprise. His decisions were fair and just. He never allowed himself to be swayed by praise or by attempts at bribery. All people coming before him with their grievances were treated equally. What impressed her most was that he didn't even allow blood to sway him. Though it rarely happened, occasionally his own descendants came before him, but he did not play favorites. It was during these sessions that Jessica could see why Cerridwen said those who lived under Camulus' rule were loyal to him out of love. For a Goa'uld, he made an excellent ruler.

They were half way through with the session when an urgent message was brought to Camulus by one of the guards. Jessica caught sight of Cerridwen as the guard whispered to Camulus. The queen had a slight smirk playing at one corner of her mouth, as though she knew something that no one else did. Abruptly, Camulus closed the session and motioned for both she and Cerridwen to follow him.

They went into a side room where Lord Yu's image was filling up a large screen. "Greetings, Lord Yu. I am told that there has been a problem with your prisoners."

"The problem lies with the Tok'ra spy who accompanied them!"

Camulus looked towards Cerridwen in askance as he continued to address the other system lord. "You had a Tok'ra infiltrator in your ranks? That is serious news. What information do you think they might have obtained?"

"It was not my court that held the infiltrator. It was the Goa'uld you sent with the Tau'ri!"

Jessica frowned and looked from Yu to Camulus. He seemed genuinely puzzled. "That is not possible. Belail is one of my most closely trusted lieutenants. I would entrust him with the lives of my family. I would suggest that you look to your own court. There are no Tok'ra within mine."

Yu hesitated. "Either way, the Tok'ra have taken the Tau'ri soldiers. I demand you turn over the Tau'ri in your possession to the system lords."

Camulus snarled at the screen. "You are in the position to demand nothing! Our bargain was clear; I give you the four Tau'ri soldiers and in exchange my wife is granted freedom from the demands of the system lords. I lived up to my part of the agreement. I gave you the Tau'ri. If your security was so lax as to allow them to escape then it is none of my concern. Because of your failure the Tok'ra have no doubt murdered Belail, whom I must now replace! I suggest that you see to your own courts, Lord Yu. You obviously have vipers within it."

Camulus terminated the transmission abruptly. Jessica allowed herself to let out a sigh of relief. They were safe. The Tok'ra had them and they were safe. It was Cerridwen's voice that brought her attention back to the Goa'ulds within the room. "And how much do you think Belail learned while he was here?"

Camulus gave a short laugh. "I've been aware of him since shortly after he arrived. I never allowed him to gain anything of importance. I merely tolerated his presence in case I had use for him. It is unfortunate that he managed to inform the Tau'ri of Jessica's presence here, but I believe the message I gave him to deliver to her people will deter any further interference." He turned away from the screen, he dark eyes meeting Jessica's. His expression was smug, confident. "Of course, I had hoped that whatever use I found for him would have something to do with the destruction of the Tok'ra, but he still served a valuable purpose."

Jessica's jaw dropped in disbelief as the reality of what happened sank in. Camulus walked towards the door, reaching out with one hand to gently coax her mouth closed before leaving her there. Cerridwen smiled at the human woman. "It is as I said, Jessica. Have faith in your husband."


He would have brought Jessica with him had Georgina not been so young. A mothership was no place for an infant and, though there were other ways to feed a child, mother’s milk was best. Jessica needed to stay on Camulus Prime in order to care for their daughter.

He hadn’t wanted to leave her, though. Not after her confession, whispered to him when she thought he had been sleeping. ‘I love you.’ He knew that her pride and her feeling of independence would never allow her to admit her feelings to him when she thought he would hear her. It had taken immense self-control not to pull her to him and demand that she say the words again. Those words were why he preferred human lovers to Goa’uld. His kind could not love. They could feel deep emotion, but they did not truly love. Only a human heart was capable of such a great depth of emotion, willing to throw away all logic and control to bind itself completely to another. A woman such as Jessica would never take that risk lightly. Her heart had been battered and beaten too severely. She kept it guarded, locked away from others. That she was able to admit to herself that it was time to risk such a commitment was a small miracle that all his power could have never achieved. This miracle belonged to her.

Unfortunately, a problem had arisen on one of his worlds. One he needed to see to in person. To do this, he had to leave Camulus Prime in the capable hands of his wife and Cerridwen. At least they seemed to be getting along with one another passably well. He had hopes that the palace would still be standing upon his return.


“Let me see if I understand this. This Camulus confronted your agent and revealed that he has know all along he was Tok’ra, and then offered him the chance to escape, taking my soldiers with him.”


“General,” Daniel straightened his glasses, sitting up in his chair, “I know it seems implausible, but I think the only reason he did so was to make O’Fallon happy.”

Fellers growled. “That doesn’t make sense. Why would a Goa’uld care what a human captive thought?”

“There’s an old saying, Colonel,” Jack began, doodling idly on his folder, “if Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. And Captain O’Fallon sure as hell wasn’t happy when we were captured.”

“He wanted to keep peace within his court,” added Daniel with a shrug. “And the Tok’ra were right, General. When we were going through the city to reach the palace, there were statues of her. People were selling these little portraits of her and these little dolls made to look like Georgina.”


“O’Fallon named her daughter Georgina Jacqueline, after you and Jack. And Camulus’ lotar even covered for her. She told us that she wouldn’t come back because if she did Camulus would follow; she didn’t want to put Earth in jeopardy. But when Camulus and his Jaffa arrived, his lotar glossed over the reason why and made it sound like she didn’t want to leave.”

Fellers banged his fist on the table. “Then we take Camulus out! If she’s staying because she wants to protect us, then we owe it to her to get rid of the problem. General, let me and the rest of SG-3 go in after her. We’ll eliminate the Goa’uld and get O’Fallon and the baby out of there.”

Jacob sat forward, having kept silent until now. “George, the Tok’ra would ask that you wait. SG-1 has already ascertained that O’Fallon is in no danger where she is right now, and although the loss of our operative on the inside means we can’t use her for a source of information, that Camulus allowed him and your people the chance to escape increases our hope that he can be brought over to our side. Your officer could be key to reaching such an alliance.”

Jack rolled his eyes. “She’s a Marine, not a diplomat.”

“She’s in a unique position to influence a Goa’uld System Lord. Daniel’s correct in that his assistance in your escape was most likely a move to keep peace within his own court. The Lady Camulus can make things very hectic if she so desires, and with O’Fallon being a soldier instead of the usual high-born lady he’s taken in the past, she could do more damage than Camulus cares to think about.”

Fellers growled but kept any further comments to himself as he sank back in his chair. He hadn’t liked Rathbourne’s report of what they had found, how O’Fallon had refused to come home, how that stinking snakehead seemed to be keeping her like some harem slave. He wanted to go in, guns blazing, C-4 blasting and he wanted to look in that Goa’uld’s eyes when he pulled the trigger.

“Considering how the first attempt went, it’s likely that the Goa’uld will be expecting another one to follow. At the time it would seem that Captain O’Fallon is not in any immediate danger.” Hammond rubbed his eyes with one hand. “We will also need to reconsider the option of taking advantage of her position within this Goa’uld’s court. If there is a chance that we can gain an ally with a fleet of ships and an army of Jaffa, we should try and take advantage of it.”

SG-3 was on their feet in unison, each one voicing their disagreement. “Gentlemen, you will be seated!” Hammond glared at them and they sat down again, their expressions mutinous. “Now I understand what you’re going through, and I don’t like leaving my officer there anymore than you do. At this time, however, we don’t have much of a choice.”

Jack and Fellers exchanged a dark look, neither of them very happy with this decision. They would have to wait a while longer, but both soldiers silently agreed that they would bring O’Fallon home.


“I have to be truthful. I find this place kind of creepy.”

“But you will be here one day.”

“Yeah, that’s probably why I find it creepy.”

Cerridwen smiled at Calum’s indignant expression. They were currently within the grand burial tomb that Camulus had ordered constructed to house the remains of his human wives after death had claimed them. The spacious corridors led to various chambers, each one kept immaculate by the descendants of each Lady Camulus. Jessica did not appear to be that impressed.

“So, all the gals who had this job before me are here. Can I ask ‘why’?”

“So that they are not forgotten.”

“Oh yeah? Then what’s up with her?”

Cerridwen did not even have to look at which of the tombs she was referring to. “That was Liana.”

“Not ‘Lady Liana’?”

Calum sneered. “She threw away the right to that title. Lord Camulus allowed her to be placed here only because she bore him two sons, but none of her descendants bother to keep her tomb.”

“Why not?”

Cerridwen gave a smirk. “Because her third son was not her husband’s. She betrayed Camulus with a minor Goa’uld within the court. He executed the lover and confined her to a cell until death finally claimed her.”

Jessie winced. “Not the brightest bulb in the box, was she?” Still, the rebellious part of her pointed out that if he chose Liana the same way he chose her then it would be like rolling the dice as to whether or not he’d get a faithful wife. Being gorgeous, intelligent and great in bed were not going to win over everyone. Not all his wives were going to be a stupid as she and just fall in love with him.

A guard came into the tomb, hurrying to Cerridwen’s side and whispering to her. Jessie frowned as skin around Cerridwen’s mouth tightened, her eyes flashing. “Something wrong?”

“We’ve just received a hail from two of the system lords; Bast and Kali. They are approaching the planet.”

“That sounds bad.”

“It could be. It’s likely that they realize Lord Camulus is not in residence.”

“Any idea what they might be coming for?”

Cerridwen leveled a gaze at Jessica. “Do you really have to ask?” She turned and led the way from the tomb. Jessica frowned.

“How much trouble can this be?”

“Lord Camulus is not in residence, but he is likely to return. Neither of them is likely to do anything that will bring about a full-scale war. However, they will push things as far as they are able.”

Jessie reached out and caught the queen’s arm. “Is Georgie in danger?” Cerridwen seemed reluctant to meet her gaze. “Is my daughter in danger?”

“She might be considered… a weakness.” Jessie took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. “I would recommend sending her with Ayan into the village. The humans here will hide her.”

“For how long?”

“For as long as it takes your husband to return home after receiving the message the guard have transmitted. Now stop lagging behind and follow my lead.”

Ayan was already gathering what Georgina would need when Jessica arrived. Cerridwen cast a suspicious glare at the former handmaiden, but the other woman didn’t seem to notice it. Jessie had noticed that Ayan seemed less inclined to obey Cerridwen, or even Camulus, but she was always mindful of what she wanted of her. She also doted on Georgie, so Jessica had no qualms about sending the woman into the city with her child.

“Try not to look so nervous.”

“Easy for you to say.”

“Actually, it isn’t.” Cerridwen’s gaze focused on the small craft breaking the atmosphere. “The other Goa’uld don’t care much for me.”

“Why not?”

“They consider me weak because I don’t challenge your husband in his practice of having human wives with so much power.”

Jessica considered this and frowned. “Yeah, why do you put up with that?”

The queen looked over at her co-ruler and smiled. “Humans annoy me. I’m more than willing to let someone else deal with them.”

“Gee, thanks.” Jessie looked up at the ship and sighed. “So… do these two fall under the category of ‘people I can’t kill’?”

“Only as long as they behave themselves. However, should they try to kill you first I’m certain our lord will back you in your actions.”

“Does egging them on nullify that?”

“Most likely.” Cerridwen moved closer to Jessica. “Remember, follow my lead.”

“Then make it very clear where you intend to lead me.”

“It is common knowledge that past wives of our lord have been willing to…share him with me.”

“We’ve already discussed this. As long as you keep it in your own room…”

“In all matters, not just the creation of more larvae.” She slid her jade green eyes to the human female, who was now looking quite shocked.

“You play for both teams?”

“If by that you mean do I appreciate the female form as much as the male, the answer is ‘yes’. I haven’t been plain in the matter before now because you do not seem the type of woman who would welcome such advances.”

“You’re right.”

“For the time being, however, I would recommend that you make an effort to appear well acquainted with me.”

Jessica watched Cerridwen for any sign that the Goa’uld was teasing her. She didn’t find a hint of humor. “Just… how acquainted are we talking here?”

“They are not likely demand to watch, but try not to flinch from an occasional touch, or even a kiss.”

Jessie swallowed and nodded shakily, leaning down to kiss her daughter on the head before sending Ayan from the room. “Just remember, it’s all a show. The moment we get rid of the Queens of Despair, we go back to no-touchies.”

Cerridwen chuckled. “Don’t worry. I prefer my partners to be active participants.”

“That’s way more information than I needed.”

They waited in the throne room. Camulus’ throne had been set back so that theirs were prominent, a not-so-subtle indication of who was in power. A guard announced the arrival of Kali and Bast just before the two system lords entered the room.

What is it with the Goa’uld and beautiful hosts? Just once I’d like to see one take a host with the face like the back-end of a pug.

Cerridwen inclined her head graciously. Jessie could practice that for a decade and get nowhere near to the point that she looked regal just by the way she breathed. “Lord Bast, Lord Kali, you honor us with your presence.”

Kali’s face was partially obscured by the mesh veil she wore. Bast left her face uncovered and held herself proudly. Jessica tried to ignore the dark eyes that slid over her in curiosity. Kali was the one who spoke as Bast looked on. “We had hoped to meet with Lord Camulus over a pressing matter. Is he not in residence?”

“Our Lord has been called away to deal with a pressing matter personally. We expect his return soon.”

“It must be difficult for you.” Bast’s voice was soft and husky as she continued to study Jessica. She started to approach the human slowly, her movements graceful. “You are taken from your home, and then the one who has taken you leaves you behind in the custody of the other who shares his bed.” She slid her dark eyes over to Cerridwen. “But the Tau’ri are known for their personal strength and resiliency.”

The Goa’uld turned her dark gaze back to Jessica. She appeared to be waiting for a response, but at the moment Jessie wasn’t sure she could open her mouth without insulting her. She thought carefully, looking from Kali, to Bast and finally to Cerridwen. The queen seemed to indicate that she should respond. “I don’t mind being left to my own all that much. There is much of Camulus Prime I’m still not familiar with.” She looked back to Bast, attempting to give a smile. “There’s much for me to learn.”

The Goa’uld tilted her head to one side, gaze cautious. “I had been told you were a soldier, not a scholar.”

Cerridwen laughed. “Jessica ceased to be a soldier the day our lord chose her. She is Lady Camulus.”

Kali’s eyes flashed. “And what does that make you, Cerridwen? Why do you allow a human to be put in such a position of power?”

Jessie looked over at Cerridwen. Somehow the queen managed to look serene. “Because I do not wish to be bothered with ever petty squabble and disagreement that comes along. System Lords rarely appreciate just how much is required of a queen. You do not understand the full scope of responsibility that falls to those of us who must see to the temples, the health of the Jaffa and bring forth the larvae that will be the next generation of gods. Lord Camulus recognized the burden that was asked of me long ago and… divided the duties I once had.” She leveled her gaze at Kali. “You should consider doing the same for your own queen. She will likely thank you for it.”

“And ‘Lady Camulus’?”

Cerridwen smiled, looking over at Jessica. “Lord Camulus is fond of his human brides, as am I. Jessica is not the great beauty those before her were, but I find that her courage and wit more than make up for her unfortunate appearance.”

Jessie clenched her jaw and looked away. She was already wound up too tight for comfort, and she really did not want to say or do anything to insult Cerridwen. She didn’t truly trust the Goa’uld, but on the other hand, the queen had never done or said anything ill natured towards her. Instead, Jessie focused on keeping her cool, on not flying off the handle and striking out. She tried to keep her mind on her daughter, wondering where Ayan had taken her.

“Jessica? Do you not agree?”

She shook herself back to the present. “Huh?” She looked back to see that all three Goa’uld were watching her. Cerridwen arched an inquiring brow. “I had suggested that we provide guest quarters for Kali and Bast until Lord Camulus returns.”

“Oh… sure, whatever floats their boat.”

The system lords clearly did not get the meaning of her slang, neither did Cerridwen for that matter, but they did not press. “Very well then.” Cerridwen gave a smile to their ‘guests’. “I trust you will be comfortable during your stay here. Lord Camulus should not keep you waiting for long.”


Camulus returned home in a dark mood. Bast’s ship was still in orbit, meaning she and Kali were still within his home. If they had harmed even one strand of Jessica’s brilliant hair…

Calum came hurrying up to him as he transported into the receiving room. When he was close enough the soft voices could not be overheard he began his report. “Lady Jessica sent your child into hiding with Ayan. She and Queen Cerridwen have been entertaining your guests until your arrival.”

“Has Jessica retired for the evening?”

“Yes, my lord. Queen Cerridwen has placed guards inside the chamber for her protection.”

Camulus paused, arching a brow. “And Jessica allowed this?”

“Cerridwen advised her it was either the guards or her.”

Some of the tension within him released, soothed by amusement. “Do not disturb our ‘guests’. They can wait until morning. And do not disturb me. I will see them when I wish it.”

“Yes, my lord. Welcome home.”

He made his way to the rooms he shared with his wife. As Calum had said, there were guards within the room, just inside the door. He dismissed them with a glance and shrugged his cloak off, tossing it over a nearby table. He approached the wide bed, eyes fixed on the person-shaped lump in the center. Just as he reached the foot of the bed, however, the figure moved and there was the sound of a zat’n’ktel being readied. He stopped, somehow not surprised to be looking at his wife sitting straight up with a weapon aimed at his chest.

He smiled, crossing his arms over his chest. “Is this your way of saying I should not leave you behind again?”

She blinked, and then scowled. “A wise man wouldn’t tease me right now. I’ve had a bad week.” She disarmed the weapon and leaned over to set it on the table to the right of the bed before getting to her knees and moving to the foot of the bed to wrap her arms around him. “I don’t like those women and Cerridwen says I can’t kill them unless they try to kill me first.”

“And you didn’t try to provoke them to do so?”

“She said I probably shouldn’t do that, either.”

“I admire your restraint.”

“You should. I think I may be ready for sainthood after this.” She released him, frowning. “Did you know Cerridwen likes girls?”

He laughed. “Cerridwen likes physical pleasure. She doesn’t care where it comes from.”

“Yeah, well, I had to kiss her. But you make sure she understands it was all for show. No touchies now that you’re home.”

He ran a hand over one of her shoulders, pushing the strap of her gown downwards. “I will.” He lowered his head and placed a warm kiss against the skin of her shoulder. “Any other commands to issue now that your husband has returned?”

“Yes, actually.” She wrapped her arms about him and leaned back suddenly, pulling him down onto the bed with her. “Come to bed. You’ve been gone too long.” He smiled as her hands unbuckled the fastenings on his breastplate. She threw it to the side and encouraged him to turn over onto his back. Once he had done so, she shifted her weight so that she was straddling his hips, looking down at him. She lowered herself down so she could kiss him, long and sweet. “Missed you.”

He helped her to remove her gown completely. “I could tell.” He closed his eyes and savored the moment as she began to pressed gentle kisses down his neck and onto his chest. He lifted his hands to run them through her hair, pleased that she had agreed to his request to let it grow. The flame orange locks were now given to curling gently, softening her looks considerably. She was an intriguing mixture of warrior and woman, this vibrant wife of his, and he was immeasurably relieved to find her safe and well.

She scraped her nails down the length of his torso as she made little bites across his collarbone. He smiled into the dimly lit room as she explored and teased, working her way down his body at a slow, leisurely pace. She had to sit up when she reached the waist of his kilt, but only long enough to unfasten the garment and relieve him of it. Cool air brushed against his skin, but he hardly noticed as she ran her hands over his hips and thighs. She dangled her hair over his hardened length, making him draw in a sharp breath. He heard her chuckle just before she blew warm breath over the sensitive skin on her way back up into a sitting position.

He opened his eyes and watched her as she rose up just enough to place him at her entrance, and then marveled at her expression as she lowered herself down over him. She bit down lightly on her bottom lip as she began and ride him. He lifted his hands and rested them on her waist, running his thumbs over the silky skin of her hips. She was exquisite in her passion. “Come to me.” He reached up behind her head and pulled her down for another kiss. She did, but only briefly, not wishing to lose her leverage. She rose up again, her body moving with persistence.

In their time together he had learned how to tell when she was growing close to her end. Her breathing became erratic and uncertain and she lost the rhythm of her movements. He returned his hands to her hips, keeping her from losing the momentum as her pleasure broke over her. He kept her moving until she rode out the tidal wave, and then gathered her close so that he could roll over so that she lay beneath him.

He waited until she had caught her breath enough to focus on his gaze. Once he had her attention, he nuzzled her cheek. “Tell me.”

“Hmmmm?” She ran her fingers up into his hair as she slid one leg over his hip.

“Tell me. I heard you before. I want to hear it again.” He raised his head to look into her eyes. It took a second before he saw understanding there, followed quickly by despair. He gave her a gentle smile. “There is no shame in having such feelings towards your husband, only in denying them.” He brushed a gentle kiss against her lips. “Tell me.”

She swallowed, looking up at him nervously. He looked into her midnight eyes, waiting. Finally, she licked her lips and spoke. “I love you.” Camulus smiled and kissed her deeply before he began to move within her again. He held her close as though she were something infinitely precious. To him, she was. Nothing else within all his domain meant as much to him as this one woman. One day he would make her believe that.


“Whatever you have say, say it and be gone.”

Kali and Bast had been granted an audience with him the following morning. His throne had been returned to the central chamber with those belonging to Jessica and Cerridwen returned to their customary places at either side. He sat with deceptive relaxation, his left arm extended so that he could maintain a hold on Jessie’s hand. He wanted there to be no doubt of where Jessica’s position in this place was.

“The System Lords are concerned about the growing threat the Tau’ri represent.” Kali cast her gaze briefly over Jessie. “Now that the soldiers sent to abduct your… wife have escaped, there is a growing belief that more attempts will be made. If we had more information on the Tau’ri, on their resources and any bases they may have on worlds other than Earth, her safety could be better ensured.”

Camulus gave Jessie’s hand a brief squeeze to signal her to hold her tongue. “I doubt that you have come here out of concern for Jessica.”

Bast arched a single brow. “She is the only Tau’ri currently within reach. She was a soldier in their forces. Who better to predict what they will do?”

Camulus arched a brow and looked over at his wife. His expression was one of inquiry. “Jessica? Do you have anything to say?”

She met his gaze, her lips tight with discomfort and anger. ”Yes, they’re wasting their time.”

“Lord Camulus, we demand that you control your wife!” Kali took a step forward, but before Camulus could say anything, Jessica stood up.

“No one controls me! As I said, you are wasting your time. I wasn’t just a soldier; I was an officer. The moment it was confirmed that I was captured any codes I knew would have been changed. Any plans I could have compromised under torture and interrogation would have been altered. In short; my information is outdated and useless.” She took a deep breath before giving them a smile. “I am so sorry that you have come all this way for nothing. Do have a safe trip home.”

Kali took another step forward. “You dare…”

Camulus got to his feet. “Take care how you address my wife, Kali. You are a guest, an uninvited guest, in my home.” He placed himself where Kali would have to go through him to reach Jessie. Behind him he could sense that Cerridwen had also risen, ready to assist if need be. “Now, as Jessica has informed you, she has nothing of use for you.”

“And you believe her? She is a Tau’ri soldier, an officer! Clearly her loyalties lie with her own!”

“This is Camulus Prime, and my people are her people now. Here, any word that falls from Jessica’s lips also falls from mine. We advise you that you have wasted your time and we further advise you that it is time your visit was at an end.” His fellow System Lords both fell silent. They attempted to stare him down for an extended moment, but in this place he was all-powerful. Without another syllable between them, Bast and Kali both turned and left the throne room.

Jessica waited until the door was shut behind them before she threw herself back into her throne. “Give me a platoon of marines any day. This job sucks.”


As soon as the mother ships for Kali and Bast were gone from the planet’s orbit, guards were sent to retrieve Ayan and Georgina. Jessica took up her daughter instantly, raining kisses on her face in sheer relief. Camulus moved to reach for his child, but Jessica seemed to have forgotten all about him, turning away before he could. His expression was one of surprise as he watched his wife move over to the bed so she could lay her daughter down and inspect every inch of her. Behind him he heard Cerridwen chuckle.

“Do not take it personally, My Lord. Georgina is her child. Who are you but her husband?”

He narrowed an annoyed gaze at her. “Be gone with you.” The queen gave a fluid laugh but left the chambers, taking Ayan with her and shutting the door behind them both. Camulus looked back to his wife. “May I be allowed to see my daughter as well?”

“What?” Jessie looked up in the middle checking her daughter for signs of weight loss. “She’s right here. What are you waiting for?”

He arched a brow but said nothing as he walked over to pick up the baby. Jessica frowned, not finished with her inspection, but bit her tongue and let him claim the child. The tiny body still seemed dwarfed in his arms, but she trusted her father’s embrace. “I am glad to see you well, my precious. You are back in your home, safe and sound.”

“And bitches are gone.” Jessie claimed a fresh gown and blanket from the wardrobe where she kept them.

“Yes. You would have been very proud of your mother. She was very foolish and brave, as usual. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear she was a Goa’uld.” He gave his wife a reproachful look as he lay down on the bed, still cradling the infant.

“I think it went rather well. We’re all still breathing, are we not?” She lay down beside him, running a hand over Georgina’s head. “I was hoping she’d get your hair.”

Camulus studied the faint cap of orange hair that was covering his daughter’s scalp. “I don’t mind. I rather like your hair.”

Jessie gave an inelegant snort. “Spoken like a man who’s never had to try and match anything with it. She won’t be grateful.”

“She will be revered as a princess and the color of her hair will become the standard of beauty.” He looked over at his stubborn wife and kissed her nose. “I am glad to see you both safe. I will not leave you alone so long again.”

“Good.” Jessica stretched out on the bed, laying her head down on one of the large pillows. “If you do I shall be forced to reconsider my marriage status. I hear Colorado is nice this time of year.”

His eyes flashed in annoyance. “I am not amused.”


Ayan was humming a sweet little folk song as she combed Georgina’s soft, orange curls. The toddler was happily playing with her doll as she sat on the maid’s lap. They were currently in the training salle, staying out of the way as Jessie sparred with three young Jaffa.

Calum looked up from the tablet containing the tentative schedule for his lord and lady to give a worried gaze in Jessica’s direction. She had been like this, off and on, for some time now. The past few years had not gone well for Jessica. First there was word that Osiris had reappeared after his prison on Earth had been opened, taking a human female as his host and escaping to start consolidating power. Shortly after that came word that Anubis, a Goa’uld so evil that the system lords had banished him, had returned and had promised to destroy Earth. For a time it was said that Daniel Jackson had died of causes unknown to the Goa’uld, only for it to have later been learned that he had ‘Ascended’ as the Ancients had done and had been hurled back down to mortal form after interfering with Anubis’ attack on Earth. The most recent change, however, had been Earth’s unexpected defeat of Anubis and the chaos that had followed. Camulus had risen to a more prominent place among the system lords, along with a few other Goa’uld who had been of lesser ranking before the all-out power grab that had resulted from the sudden vacuum.

Having to rely on snippets and threads of information that was available from, in Jessica’s eyes, questionable sources was an emotional upheaval for the Tau’ri female. Calum knew without doubt that Lady Camulus was devoted to her husband, but she was also torn by the continuing desire to fulfill the oath she had made to her home planet. Part of her still wanted to take up arms to protect Earth, and that part of her had a tendency to make her difficult to get along with at times.

Jessie stopped and gave an irritated glare at her opponents. “Y’know, I’m not going to break. You can hit a little harder than that.” The three men gave one another uncomfortable looks. “What are you afraid of?”

Calum smiled. “That would be your husband, Jess.”

Lady Camulus sighed and put her hands on her hips. She took a deep breath and focused on the highest ranking of the Jaffa. “Buddy, believe me, he’s not going to get upset if you put a few bruises on me. He probably wouldn’t care if you broke something as long as it isn’t my skull. Broken bones we can fix. However, you are doing me no favors by pulling your punches. Now get serious!”

The Jaffa studied her for a moment longer before giving a silent nod. He attacked with a loud cry, bringing his training staff in a sweeping arc towards her. Now the sparring was becoming serious. Calum watched the action for a moment, pleased to see that motherhood had not dulled his lady’s reflexes. She was still able to hold her own, and in time, the three Jaffa were no longer concerned about hurting to her.

The door opened and he looked up to see Camulus enter. The Goa’uld folded his arms across his chest and observed his wife in silence. She turned to purposefully take a blow, freeing herself to disable one of her opponents and kick him out of the way. The sound of the training staff smacking hard against her back echoed through the room, but Camulus made no move to intercede. Calum saw his lord give a pleased smile as he watched Jessica compete with the soldiers. Apparently he still enjoyed the fact that his wife was a warrior before she was a woman.

“Da!” Georgina scrambled down from Ayan’s lap and toddled quickly to her father’s side. He bent down and lifted her into his arms. She was growing strong and well with cherub cheeks and a bright smile. It appeared that she was to be spared her mother’s innumerable freckles, but she did have the flame orange hair and her newborn blue eyes had darkened to the color of midnight. The rest of her, however, resembled her father greatly. She was going to be a beautiful woman when she grew up, something that pleased Camulus to no end.

The child hugged her father about his neck and placed a tiny kiss on his cheek before pointing her finger at the combatants. “Mum hit!”

“Yes, she does. And she does so very well.”

“Me hit!”

“When you are older.” He shifted the child so she was comfortably rested against him and watched his wife dispatch the second Jaffa. That left only the oldest and most experienced fighter. The circled one another cautiously, each looking for an open area of attack. He found it disconcerting that his men continued to underestimate Jessica. Only part of it was because she was a woman. If they underestimate the male Tau’ri soldiers as well then they would not fare well in battle against them. He had hoped that by letting his men spar with Jessica they might overcome some of their foolish arrogance. “Learn from your mother, Little One, grow strong and swift like her. When the men go off to war, it falls to the women to defend their homes. Become a warrior like your mother and enemies will tremble at the sound of your name.”

Jessica took down the third Jaffa, although it was with greater difficulty. Still, she was satisfied with the end of her session. She helped the man back to his feet before putting her training staff back on the wall. Her clothes clung to her with dampness and she wiped the sweat from her brow. Spying her husband and child, she cross the room to join them. “What brings you to this neck of the palace?”

“I wished to see how you fared.” Georgina reached out for her mother and he let her go. Jessica cradled the child close as she looked up at him. “Let Ayan take Georgina to the gardens. I wish to speak with you.”

Jessica frowned but nodded. She gave her daughter over to the handmaiden and left the room with her husband. She glanced at him in silence, noting the grim line of his mouth. “You’re worried.”

He led her to a balcony overlooking the gardens where they could watch Ayan when she came out with their daughter. “Ba’al is not honoring the agreement reached regarding the division of Anubis’ domain.”

“How badly?”

“He discovered the planet where the kul warriors were being made and has found how to make them serve him.”

Jessie frowned. “Those ‘Night of the Living Dead’ rejects you told me about?”

Camulus nodded. “They are tireless and far stronger to the Jaffa. He is cutting a swath through the system lords, taking planet after planet. Soon he will be approaching our domain.”

Jessie scowled, turning around to rest her back on the balcony railing. “I don’t suppose the rest of the system lords could stop behaving like children long enough to form an alliance against him.”

“Some are already talking about giving into Ba’al’s demands.” He sneered. He had not approved of how quickly the other Goa’uld were willing to buckle under to Anubis and he certainly couldn’t see giving in to Ba’al. “The only voices firmly against capitulation are Yu’s and mine own.”

Jessie grimaced. “And you believe there might be something behind those rumors that Yu’s gone cracked.” She looked at a tile in the floor, decorated by intricate carvings. “What is the plan?”

This was the part he was not looking forward to. “I must rally my forces and prepare to meet Ba’al when he reaches the border of our domain. It will require you to remain here.”

Jessica’s head snapped around to look at him. “Stay? Why should I have to stay? I know what war is, Camulus! Hell, that’s how we met!”

“I need you to stay because our daughter needs you, and because Master Donogh will need your strength and cunning. He was my First Prime for many years before he began training my warriors. He will be in charge of the home guard and the Jaffa, along with you.”

“Me? The Jaffa are Cerridwen’s responsibility.”

“Cerridwen is a queen, and a good one. She is mindful of the temples and ensures that there are primtahs for the Jaffa to keep them strong. But she is not a warrior and never has been. I was the one who fought the battles and strengthened our domain, not Cerridwen. My Jaffa know that you are as cunning a warrior as they are. They respect you and will listen to you if it become needful.”

“You expect trouble to reach this far.” It wasn’t a question. Camulus turned and pulled her into his arms, cradling her close.

“I anticipate that it could if I fail to hold off Ba’al’s forces at the borders. Being with me on my command ship will not be safe.”

“But remaining here isn’t necessarily any safer.” She wrapped her arms about his waist, laying her head upon his shoulder. “Promise me you’ll be careful.”

He smiled against her hair. “I shall endeavor to lay waste to our enemies and return to you safely.” He lifted his head and tilted her face up. “There is something you must promise me as well. If I am unable to return to you, you are to take Georgina and yourself and return to the Tau’ri.”

She blinked at him. “You’re sending me away?” A hurt look flashed through her eyes.

“Only if I am no longer able to protect you. I would rather know that you and our child are safe, and I trust the Tau’ri to accept you back.” He ran his hand over her hair. “If you remain here without me to protect you, the other System Lords will likely torture you for information, or worse. It is not unheard of for rival Goa’uld to lay claim to the favored servants and concubines of a defeated enemy, and I could not bear the idea of Ba’al having you. Promise me.”

Jessie nodded. “I promise.” He kissed her, both of them trying not to let worry show, until a musical laugh rang out from the courtyard below.

“Da! Da! Look!” They parted and looked down where Georgina was waving a handful of flowers wildly about, Ayan trying to keep her from getting dirt on her gown and failing.

“She is more than a handful, our daughter. I fear that there is no hope of ever turning her into a proper lady. She is too much like you.”

“Hey!” Jessie scowled and punched him in the arm.


Ayan tried to control the trembling in her hands as she folded the finely embroidered tunic and placed it within the wardrobe. These little garments that were made for Georgina were difficult to keep clean thanks to the child’s unbreakable habit of getting into places she should not be, but the handmaiden did her best to manage. She was growing so quickly that these clothes would be replaced soon anyway.

The woman flicked her eyes over to where Lady Jessica was studying a report on her husband’s battles. Ayan still thought it foolish that Master Donogh was telling her everything. Jessica was the lady of this household and need not concern herself with such matters; they would only upset her. Jessica, however, was also a fierce warrior and knowing that her husband was in battle made her wish to know his every move. She never said anything, but from the expression she often wore, Ayan was certain that it was not going well.

That was why Ayan had packed a case with clothing for Jessica and Georgina, just a few days’ worth, in case they had to run. It was also why Lord Camulus had pulled her aside before he left and spoken with her. He had made her memorize a set of symbols on the Chappa’ai, telling her that if Camulus Prime were attacked in his absence and Georgina and Jessica were separated, Ayan was to get Georgina to the world those symbols would connect to. Of course, Ayan would never allow the child to be parted from her mother for long. Georgina needed Jessica if she were to grow up into a woman worthy of being called the daughter of a god.

Jessica snarled and threw the tablet down onto the table, turning away to the window with her hands upon her hips, curled into fists. Ayan heard her muttering under her breath in the language of the Tau’ri, but did not understand what she was saying. She often got the impression that Jessica felt powerless, being left behind like this, and that it did not sit well with her.

“Kree! Kree!”

Ayan turned around to see that Georgina had found a stick from somewhere and was waving it around as though she had a miniature staff weapon. The handmaiden gave a quick prayer for patience and hurried over to take it from the child who complained loudly. Jessica turned from the window to see what was going on. “Ayan, let her keep it. She’s not hurting anything.” The other woman let go of the stick and walked away, not bothering to hide her disapproval.

The doors opened quickly and Master Donogh hurried through. His expression was grim as he hurried to the window to address Jessica in hushed tones. Ayan watched as her lady’s features darkened. “You are certain?”

“Yes, My Lady. They will be here by night fall.”

Jessica nodded firmly. “Ayan, sound the call to send those who can’t fight into the shelters, then get there with Georgina.” She reached down and picked up her daughter, kissing her cheeks even as the child squirmed to get down. Jessie walked over to the handmaiden and handed the child over. “Dress her down, like any ordinary child from the city, and dress yourself down as well. Don’t wear anything that will draw attention to yourselves.”

Ayan nodded, her heart starting to thunder within her chest. She held Georgina to her tightly as Jessica ran a hand over the child’s bright orange curls. The woman’s expression was sad and worried as she left with Master Donogh. It took the toddler’s kicking to bring her back to the present. “We are going to the temple, Little Empress. Wouldn’t you like that?”

“No!” Georgina’s expression was mutinous, but Ayan did not notice it as she carried the resisting child through the palace and to the temple. After informing the priestesses to sound the alarm, she dressed the toddler in a plain, rust-colored shift and donning a brown one for herself. The child enjoyed wearing plain clothing, as it usually meant Ayan would not be as upset if she got dirty. She was less than pleased when her nursemaid did not let her run to the gardens as she wanted.

When Anubis had appeared and the System Lords had started to cave under his leadership, Jessica had ordered shelters to be built under the city. The humans and even some Jaffa had worked feverishly to complete them. Preserved foodstuffs had been secreted away deep underground as small living quarters had been carved out of the bedrock beneath the city. Camulus had never given his official consent to the project, but he did not stop her, either. The city and the humans within it were still Jessica’s domain.

The majority of the people put into the shelters were women, children and those too old to fight. Those who could hold a weapon had been trained the best they could to act as a first line of defense against an invading ground force should the Jaffa and human guards fail to hold back an attack by gliders. They hoped it never got that bad.

Ayan went into the deepest part of the safe hold, already filling with people from the city. Dressed down as they were, she and Georgina could have been any other mother and child. Georgina was, perhaps, a bit more rosy cheeked and cleaner than the other children, but there was nothing blatantly different about her outside of her unusual hair color. If fortune was with them, they should be able to hide among the others for a time.

The child squirmed, wanting down so she could join a group of children that had been set in one of the small rooms to play where they would be out of the way. Anya let her have her way, staying close to the entrance of the room so she could keep watch on her.


Her heart was hammering in her ears. The fortress that served as Camulus’ palace was the most easily defendable position. Four rows of steel reinforced gates, each with a small armory behind them, waiting to blow the enemy apart. Unfortunately, Kul warriors were very difficult to take down.

“Cerridwen, stop giving me grief and get out of here! The last thing we need is for Ba’al to get his hands on another queen. Get to the shelters.”

“And how long will I be safe there?” The queen straightened the cuff of her ribbon device. “You would be better to take your own advice and get there yourself.”

“Can’t. Did you get the memo? Camulus left me in charge.” Jessie hefted a staff weapon in her hands, frowning. “I still don’t like these things. Give me a good P-90 any day.”

“Your husband also gave your orders to take your child and return to the Tau’ri. Something you promised to do.”

Jessica paused, turned to face her counter part and frowned. “Does he have to tell you everything?”

“It makes for a more peaceful domain.” Cerridwen leveled a stern gaze at Jessica. “They will not trouble to take me alive. A Goa’uld queen can interfere with the development of her offspring, enough so that it would be of no use to capture me. On the other than, you would make a valuable possession, even if it is as nothing more than a trophy.”

“Gee, back to ‘trophy’ status. Lucky me.”


“Look, if it appears that they’re going to break through the last gate, then I’ll run for it. Until then, I’m going to do my damnedest to keep those guys away from the shelters long enough for us to figure out a way to either get the others out of here or until the cavalry arrives. That is not up for negotiation.”

The queen lifted her chin a bit, studying her co-matriarch closely. “I hope that you do not delay too long in your escape, Jessica.”

Jessie’s attention was already drawn away to a display of the approaching ships. “Why is that?”

“Because it would be my ill fortune that I would survive to have to explain it to your husband.”


Calum stood just outside the door leading to Lord Camulus’ chambers, trying to find the strength to enter. The fight was not going well. Of their once grand fleet, all that was left were two mother ships and a handful of other vessels holding off Ba’al’s forces as best as they could. Only days ago they had learned that Cumhail’s ship had been destroyed, the general believed lost with it. He knew the loss had wounded his lord deeply, but Calum knew he could not keep quiet.

He pressed the panel so that the door slid open. He entered the chamber and looked to his left. Lord Camulus was sitting in a chair, studying the knife he had taken from Jessica the day he had captured her. Calum took a deep breath and prayed for strength.

“What is it, Calum?”

“My Lord, we have received a message from Master Donogh.”

Camulus’ eyes lifted up, his expression dark. “What is it?”

“It…” Calum swallowed. “Ba’al sent another fleet around our blockade. They have attacked Camulus Prime and the planet’s defenses have fallen. Master Donogh’s transmission was sent just before all communication was silenced.”

Calum watched his god and ancestor close his eyes in pain just before he slammed the blade into the gold table, embedding it there. “My wife?” His voice was shaking. Calum could almost believe that Lord Camulus was on the verge of tears, but gods did not cry.

“As of yet, still unaccounted for, My Lord. It was reported that Lady Cerridwen pulled her from the battle before the final gates fell. There is no word of her after that. Nor has there been a positive identification of your daughter.”

A tension that had been in his shoulders seemed to relax, just a bit. Camulus nodded to himself. “Send a message to Lord Yu. I wish to meet with him.”


SG4 stepped through the gate ready for anything, even though this was probably the one planet they could trust not to be under Goa’uld attack. Gairwyn was waiting for them, her expression warm as Thor’s Hammer towered over her. “We welcome you, Tau’ri of Earth. Thank you for answering our message so quickly.”

Rathbourne nodded in greetings. He was still a bit uncertain of himself, only having made Major less than a month ago. It had been so that he could be given a command over an SG team. Now that the other countries were arguing for getting their own soldiers into the SGC, the higher ups were working on getting seasoned gaters into command positions and they weren’t being particularly subtle about it. This was his first off world mission as a commander, and he wouldn’t have gotten this one had Dr. Jackson not badgered Dr. Weir into responding to the message from Cimmera. They were, after all, friends of the SGC and one of the first worlds visited.

“We were happy to do so. Are you in need of assistance?”

“Not us. Five days ago the Chappa’ai was activated. Three women and one girl child came through. One of the women was either a Goa’uld or a Jaffa, for the Hammer took her away immediately. Another woman, the child’s mother, was badly wounded as though by a staff weapon. She is being seen to by our healers in the village, but she is still weak. The other woman does not speak in any language we know. She has only said one thing that we can understand: Tau’ri. That was why we summoned you.”

Rathbourne frowned. “All right. Let’s have a look at them. Sergeant, contact command and update them.” The soldier nodded and un-shouldered his radio unit to set it up as Rathbourne and his 2IC followed Gairwyn to the village.

“The woman was drifting in and out of wakefulness for sometime. Last night she began to suffer a fever. We are doing what we can for her, but we do not have the resources of the Tau’ri.”

“Any idea why the other woman was mentioning us?” Rathbourne spared a glance for a young woman who caught sight of him and smiled shyly.

“We do not know, only that she repeats your name firmly.” They stopped before a lodge and Gairwyn pulled back the heavy furs blocking the entryway. Rathbourne reached out to hold them back for her, always believing in ladies first. The Cimmerian entered the lodge and he followed, his 2IC behind him. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the dim lighting and seek out the figure resting fitfully on the bed. He almost dropped his sidearm in shock.

“O’Fallon!” He rushed to the bedside and pushed a long strand of blaze orange hair from her face. It was O’Fallon, freckles and all! “Captain, can your hear me?” He placed a large hand against her cheek to give it a light tap, but she only gave a weak moan in respond. She was almost too hot to touch. Gairwyn leaned forward.

“You know this woman?”

“Yes. She’s one of us. She was captured years ago.” He reached to the com unit on his pack strap. “Sergeant Ramirez, this is Rathbourne, Over.”

“Ramirez here, over.”

“Remmy, send word back to the base. Tell them that we’ve located Captain O’Fallon on Cimmera.” His 2IC pulled back the covers to reveal the wound site. It looked like a staff blast all right, on the left oblique. It was red and raw and was streaked with lines of yellow and white pus. “She’s been wounded. It appears to be a staff blast mark that has gotten infected. We await their instructions. Over.”

“Yes, Sir. I’ll send the communication now. Over.”

Rathbourne let go of the radio and started to un-shoulder his pack. He put it on the edge of the bed and opened it to reach for his first aid kit. Pulling out some analgesic powders, he handed them to the healer. “Tell him to mix this with about a cup full of water and have her drink as much of it as he can. It should help bring the fever down some.”

Gairwyn did as he directed before turning back to him. “What of the other woman and the child?”

“I’m pretty sure I know who the child is. As for the woman, there’s no telling, and I can’t tell you who the Goa’uld was, either. O’Fallon will be the best source of information as far as that goes, but it doesn’t look as though she’ll be telling us anything for some time yet.” He smiled. If he hadn’t been afraid of the impression it might give to the Cimmerians, he would have cried.

“She means something to you, this O’Fallon.”

“Yeah, she does. She was like a sister to me.”


The medical team came through, guiding the portable isolation gurney with care. Daniel was standing in the embarkation room next to Dr. Brightman, his expression worried. “How long before we know something?”

“I can’t answer that, Dr. Jackson. We don’t know what the infection is yet. Hopefully it will respond to antibiotics we have available to us.”

The rest of SG4 came through, a lovely woman with blond hair in the center of them, holding a child with O’Fallon’s flame orange hair. The child was screaming at the top of her lungs. Upon seeing the gurney, she flung her weight forward, arms outstretched. The woman holding her tightened her grip and tried to soothe her. Daniel hurried forward to try and assist the woman as much he could, or at least provide someone with whom she could communicate.

They left Daniel with the woman and child in the debriefing room, at least until Georgina had cried herself to sleep while he was holding her, her head resting on his shoulder as she gave the occasional sniff. A while longer and Dr. Weir dared to intrude to see what was going on.

“Dr. Weir, this is Ayan. She was a handmaiden of Lord Camulus and is now the personal servant to Captain O’Fallon, as well as Georgina’s… nanny for lack of a better word.”

Weir nodded and gave her best diplomatic smile. “It’s a pleasure to have you here with us.” She waited for Daniel to translate for her before turning her attention back to him. “Have you learned what happened?”

“Yes, apparently Ba’al attacked Camulus’ domain. He and the bulk of his forces went to meet him, but somehow they either broke through or a second force was sent in from a different location. Anyway, he attacked Camulus’ home world. Ayan says that Jessica had arranged for underground safe houses to be built under the city. She and Georgina were sent there and remained until Cerridwen, Camulus’ queen, arrived with Jessica. They fled to the Stargate with a force of Jaffa and human soldiers who managed to clear Ba’al’s warriors from it long enough for Cerridwen to dial a gate address. The interesting thing is that it is highly unlikely that Cerridwen was unaware that Cimmera had protection.”

Weir blinked. “She knew about the Asgard device?”

“Teal’c told us that Cimmera was a forbidden world because of the device. She had to have known what she was doing.”

“Preferring death to capture?”

“More than likely.” Ayan began speaking to Daniel quickly. “She wants to know how Jessica is.”

“Dr. Brightman has ordered lab work. Until then she tells me that she is using broad spectrum antibiotics and fever reducers.” Daniel relayed the information to Ayan, doubtlessly wording it into something easier for the woman to understand. “For the time being, however, I’ve ordered one of the VIP rooms to be set up for her and the child. I’d appreciate your help in communicating O’Fallon’s condition to them.” She smiled at the sleeping child Daniel was holding. “Besides, it looks like they trust you.”


The lights were too bright for comfort, forcing her squint. Whoever was standing next to her must have been watching closely. “O’Fallon? Hey, O’Fallon. Say something.”

She cracked her eyes a bit and looked into the face of her old friend and teammate. Rathbourne still had a face that could have been chiseled by Michael Angelo, and still apparently had trouble fighting his five o’clock shadow. Her eyes fell to his collar. “Oh fuck. You outrank me.”

Rathbourne gave a relieved laugh. “Well, Captain, you’re the one who’s been AWOL.”

“I’ll show you AWOL.” She grimaced. “I feel like shit.”

“You look like shit.”

“You’re still single, aren’t you.” She tried braving the lights again. “Georgie?”

“She’s here. That Ayan lady has been keeping up with her. That little girl of yours certainly has a pair of lungs. She screamed like a banshee when they drew blood.”

Jessie tried to sit up, which was a pitiful sight since she didn’t have the strength in her arms needed to support her. “Draw blood? Why? What’s wrong with her?” Rathbourne urged her back down.

“Nothing’s wrong. Just standard procedure, and the doc figured she hadn’t had her well baby checkups. You’ll be happy to know that you have one of the healthiest three-year-olds known to medical science. The doc wants her kept in a controlled environment, though. She said she isn’t sure just how well she could fight off Earth bugs without immunizations.”

This seemed to relax Jessica somewhat. “How long have we been here?”

“Four days since we took you from Cimmera. You were already delirious with fever then. You just started coming around yesterday.”



Jessica swallowed. “The Goa’uld queen who dialed the gate. Lady Cerridwen.”

Rathborune hesitated. “Thor’s Hammer got her. We sent a team to watch the exit from the labyrinth. She made it through, but her host must have been too old. She started to age immediately. She only lasted about twelve hours.”

Jessie sighed and nodded. “She knew that she couldn’t make it, but I think she was more afraid of being captured by Ba’al.” She looked around. “I figured there would be a room full of brass ready to debrief me.”

“Yeah, well, you know how we used to call Frazier a Napoleonic Power Monger? Well, Brightman makes her look like a kitten.”


“What does it say?”

“It’s a message from System Lord Camulus?” Daniel continued to watch the text as it appeared on the screen.

“Camulus? Has if figured out that O’Fallon is here?”

“It doesn’t say. It doesn’t mention her at all. It says he wants to arrange a meeting for the purpose of negotiating a treaty.”

“Camulus wants to arrange a treaty with us? That sounds a lot like he knows that O’Fallon is here. Or at least suspects.”

Daniel frowned. “I wouldn’t be so sure of that. It’s not just Camulus. It’s the System Lords. All of them.”

It was only after a lot of protests from Dr. Brightman that Danny and Dr. Weir were allowed to question Jessie in the infirmary. “The System Lords want to negotiate a treaty with Earth?”

“The message came from Camulus, but he made it sound as though he was speaking for a number of the other System Lords if not all of them.” Daniel gave her a printed copy of the message. She skimmed it as he spoke. “There doesn’t seem to be any indication that he thinks you’re here.”

“No, but he’ll be hoping that I am. Before he left to fight Ba’al he made me promise that if we were in danger of losing that I would grab Georgina and come here. He hoped you wouldn’t turn me away.” She looked up at them. “Ba’al’s trouble. Big trouble. The System Lords agreed to divvy up Anubis’ possessions equally, but Ba’al’s stabbing them all in the back. He’s gotten those Kul guys and fixed it so that they work for him. He wants all the others to bow before him, and when last I saw Camulus, only he and Lord Yu were firmly against it. The others are starting to buckle. If they’re approaching you for a treaty, it’s a last ditch effort.”

Weir arched a brow. “So you think it’s a legitimate offer?”

Jessica reread the transcript with a frown crossing her brow. “Camulus… if Ba’al’s forces got to Camulus Prime, then his domain is gone. He’s got nothing left and he’s only got a hope that he still has Georgie and me. I was getting battle updates from the human guard and the fight wasn’t going well. He’d even lost Cumhail before the attack on the main home world. If I’m right, a treaty with us doesn’t gain him anything but me, and he can’t possibly lose anything else. Still, he’s a Goa’uld. I hate to say it, but if he can work this to his advantage, he will.”

She leaned back on her pillows, holding the transcript tightly. Weir frowned. “And the others?”

“You can’t trust a System Lord, Dr. Weir. Lord Yu would normally be the most reasonable, except all rumors point to him going completely bonkers from old age. The others would all smile prettily to your face while plotting to stick a knife in your back. If they want a treaty with us, it’s only because they’re hoping Earth can pull another rabbit out if it’s hat and kick Ba’al ass. It’s obvious that they can’t.”

Daniel gave Weir a wry smile. “I could have told you that.”

“Still, we should at least see what they have to offer before we slam the door in their faces. One more thing, Captain; how are you going to handle Camulus being here?”

Jessica frowned. “Dr. Weir, I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to be called ‘Captain’ any longer. I stopped being that person a long time ago.” She looked down at the transcript, a sadness creeping into her eyes. “Dr. Brightman is calling in a shrink. She believes that I’m suffering from a confused state of mind brought about by my long captivity because I told her that I happen to be in love with my husband.”

Daniel frowned. “You do realize that Camulus is a Goa’uld.”

“Yes, which is why I fought it tooth and nail for so long. However, a good soldier knows when to surrender. And I have.” She looked past Daniel to Dr. Weir. “I never betrayed my planet or my country, but I have accepted my place as Lady Camulus. I don’t have any pull with the other System Lords, but I can help you with Camulus. Right now, I’m betting Georgie and I are all he has left. If we’re going to have to defend ourselves against Ba’al, you’re going to need what heknows.”


He had done his best to provide for those still loyal to him, what few were remaining. Ironically, he encouraged his remaining Jaffa to join the resistance, not wishing them to fall under the harsh rule of another Goa’uld. For his descendants he directed them to several hidden caches of weapons, supplies and valuables. Calum had requested a Tal’Tak so that he could slip, cloaked, to various worlds and try to rescue what other members of their family that he could. It wasn’t much, but it would give what was left of his family a chance to start over on their own.

The Tau’ri were bluffing, he was certain of that much. He had planned to reason with General Hammond, Jessica had spoken highly of him and Camulus had been reasonably certain that the man was someone with whom he could have dealt with. Overhearing the soldiers sent to check them for weapons on the neutral world talk about the change in power on Earth had been the first thing that did not go his way. He preferred soldiers to diplomats, they were more trustworthy, but he grudgingly admired this Dr. Weir. He had been shocked when she demanded Ba’al’s domain if the Tau’ri destroyed him, shocked enough it kept him from laughing.

The second thing that did not go his way was the transmission from the other System Lords, recalling them from Earth and advising that they would be sending a Goa’uld mothership to attack the planet, thus testing their defenses. He did not want Earth attacked. This was the safest haven for Jessica and their daughter. He wanted the planet in one piece when they made it here, if they weren’t here already. He knew that there would be hard feelings towards him for taking Jessica in the first place. It would not be unexpected if the Tau’ri kept his wife from him in an attempt to ‘protect’ her.

Thankfully, however, his fellow System Lords were not that intelligent. At the very least they were becoming as senile as Lord Yu. How else would they have thought that they could actually put in their message that they were going to send a ship to attack the planet? Any fool would have remembered that Daniel Jackson was part of the Tau’ri and therefore likely available to translate the message. Not that it seemed to be an issue any longer, not if Daniel Jackson had been telling the truth when he said that Ba’al had destroyed the ship.

“Take them to their holding cells.” Weir’s expression was tight. It had been since she had recovered from the surprise of Jackson being whisked away by an Asgard transportation beam. Camulus wondered if this was something the Tau’ri had to deal with often, random abductions of their people by the Asgard. If so, it was a wonder that they remained on such good terms with them.

Amaterasu, Yu and Oshu had been put into their individual rooms first, leaving him in the company of the guards alone as they walked him down a different corridor to another cell. Camulus frowned, not comfortable with the idea that he was being isolated. Of all three of them, he was the one against whom the Tau’ri likely had the biggest grudge. He had anticipated that they would want to question him about her, and looked as though that time had come.

“In here.” One of the guards opened a door and Camulus entered the room. He stopped just inside, hardly believing what he was seeing.

“We are not interesting in your name? Do you have to come to my home planet and act like such a jackass?”

“Just call us if you need us, Ma’am.” The guard shut the door, leaving Camulus alone in the room with his wife.

She was leaning against the wall on the far side of the room. The Tau’ri uniform she wore was far different from the fine gowns and jewels that he had tried to provide for her, but she had never really felt comfortable in those. He allowed his eyes to roam over the immaculate skirt and jacket, the ribbons and rank insignia, the tightly braided hair. He had never seen anyone so beautiful.

“Are you just going to stand there or are you going to get over here and kiss me?”

His feet unstuck themselves from the floor. It was only a few steps before he had her in his arms again. He could ignore the guards outside, could ignore his decline in fortunes, just as long as he had Jessica. Over the past several weeks he had forced himself not to dwell on just how much she completed him, clinging onto the idea that she would return to Earth, safe and sound, to keep himself focused. That he would be able to hold her again had only been a faint hope. His arms tightened about her more firmly, as though to prove to himself that she was real. She broke off the kiss with a sharp intake of air.


Camulus loosened his grip, but did not let go of her completely, his expression worried. “What is wrong?”

“Staff blast to the side. Still smarts.” She pulled away, pressing a hand to her side gingerly, a frown creasing her forehead.

“Staff blast? The attack Camulus Prime was…”

“Yeah, I know, but I had some complications. A raging staph infection, to be exact. It kept things from healing as quickly as they should. But after enough antibiotics to cure an entire third world country, I’m out of danger and coming along nicely.”

He frowned, fighting the urge to strip off her clothing and inspect the wound himself. He settled for taking a seat on the narrow bed and pulling her to him so that she was seated across his lap. “Our daughter?”

“She’s here, along with Ayan. I wanted to bring her, but I thought we should talk first.”

He couldn’t take his eyes from her. She was thinner than he recalled, which didn’t sit well with him as she had been rather thin to begin with. Her skin was waxy instead of it’s usual matte appearance, but she did not feel feverish. Her lips were a bit chapped from her illness and she seemed far too willing to let her body weight collapse against him for support, indicating that she was still somewhat weakened. “How is she?”

“Georgie? Not happy. Very unhappy, actually. I’ve only recently gotten to spend more time with her, which is squeezed in between debriefings by top brass and therapy sessions with top shrinks who are convinced that I’m suffering from some sort of trauma induced delusion.”


“My feelings for you. Dr. Brightman was firmly against letting me in here, but Dr. Weir believed that it was the best course of action. I’m sure the good doctor is down in the security room watching us right now.” She pointed over his shoulder to a security camera in the far corner. Camulus turned his head to glare at it. “Which means all clothes stay on and no hanky panky.”

“You’re hardly in good enough health for such things.” He looked back at her. “Why is Georgina not happy.”

“Because Dr. Brightman wouldn’t let her stay with me. Apparently the Cimmerians let her spend hours in the lodge where they had me when we came through the gate there, they thought it would be good for me although I can’t remember it. I was rather shocky at first, and then delirious once the fever set in. Brightman kept her out while I was fighting off the infection and then afterwards was very strict on how much time she could be with me.”


“She’s your daughter. You know how twitchy she gets.” Jessie shrugged. “She accidentally kicked me in the blast area a couple of times. She didn’t mean to, but she’s three. She didn’t understand why I couldn’t rough house with her like I normally do. The past week she’s been channeling you.”

He frowned, puzzled. “How so?”

“She’s been all mopey and petulant.”

He let out a chuckle and hugged her to him. “Thank you. If you’re feeling well enough to tease me then I know you’re healing.”

“Yeah, well, that’s my job as your wife; keep your head from over inflating. Speaking of which,” she sat up straight and frowned at him, “what’s with the attitude? I know you have better manners than that!”

“How much have you been told of the negotiations?”

“I wasn’t ‘told’ anything. Dr. Weir arranged it so that I had the surveillance feed fed directly into my quarters. I’ve been watching the whole thing. Who’s that bitch you brought with you and, if I cut her, is she gonna bleed ice water?”

“Amaterasu, another System Lord.”

“And she’s here because…”

Camulus gave a half-smirk. “No matter how much of a ‘jackass’ I may pretend to be, she will always make me look like the more rational one.”

“So she’s here to play ‘bad cop’ to your ‘good cop’? No offense, Cam, but that’s the lamest idea you’ve had in a while. You guys must be desperate.”

He fell silent, his expression becoming solemn. “We are.”

Jessica looked at her husband. “We’ve got nothing left, do we?”

He shook his head. “I disbanded what was left of my fleet. The Jaffa I told to seek out the resistance rather than find themselves enslaved by another Goa’uld. To Calum I gave the locations of what weapons and wealth I could provide to him, and he took a ship with a cloaking device so that he could try to rescue what members of our family he could find.” He gave her a weak smile. “We have nothing but one another.”

She nodded in understanding. “At least that’s something.”

He held her close, his eyes closed. “Your husband is a fool, Lady.”

“Yeah, I know this. What made you realize it all of the sudden?”

Her impertinence never ceased to amuse him. He smiled against the skin of her neck before lifting his head to answer. “The fact that I appear to have no sense of direction without you. That I only feel complete when you are with me.” He swallowed. “I cared for each of my wives and for the children that they bore me. It… hurt when death claimed them. But I accepted it. I acknowledged the pain. I mourned them and buried them. Then I moved on with my life. But none of them ever affected me to the point that I felt that I had to discuss every plan or idea with them. None of them ever affected me as you have done. When we learned of the attack on Camulus Prime, I only managed to cling to my sanity with the hope that you somehow managed to return to Earth.”

“So… realizing that I’m the end all and be all of your universe makes you a fool? I would think that makes you a genius.” She brushed a stray lock of hair from his forehead. “This won’t be easy. The Goa’uld have not exactly endeared themselves to Earth.”

“Of this I am aware. I must admit that I am surprised they even let you speak with me.”

“I think they were concerned that…” The door opened and both Camulus and Jessica looked up. An older man in dress blues entered, making Jessica immediately start to scramble up from her husband’s lap. “General Hammond, Sir.”

“At ease, Marine.” The man turned his attention to Camulus, who was now getting to his feet. “Camulus, I am General George Hammond, United States Air Force.”

“It is good to finally meet you, General Hammond. My wife has spoken quite highly of you on many occasions. She holds you in great esteem.”

The human appeared to bristle under the reminder of Camulus’ views towards Jessica. “Captain O’Fallon, I need to speak to the prisoner alone. I understand that your daughter has been asking for you, rather loudly.” He ended the suggestion with an amused smile.

“Yes, General.” She looked towards Camulus. As though to make her position clear, she stood up on tiptoes and gave him a chaste kiss. Her lips lingered at his cheek just long enough to whisper to him. “Be nice.” She stepped away, gave a respectful nod to the general, and exited the room.

Be nice. Remember that this man was someone whom Jessica admired, not to mention that he would doubtless hold a lot of weight when it came to whether or not he would be allowed to remain here with his wife and daughter. “Thank you for allowing us some time together. I have been… concerned.”

“I was O’Fallon’s commanding officer at the time of her capture, and I have no qualms in telling you that, right now, nothing would give me more pleasure than to order you taken outside and shot.” The man took a breath. “However, given your current connection with our officer, I have been asked to… talk with you.”

Camulus reminded himself not to be too arrogant. After centuries of being a god, to bring himself down and speak with this human as an equal was difficult, but so much was dependent on whether or not Jessica’s superiors agreed to let him help. “What do you wish to speak about?”

“Captain O’Fallon assures us that if it has gotten to the point that the Goa’uld are approaching us for a treaty, then things are getting bad. However, it comes to mind that Anubis was tearing through you, one by one, and you never approached us for help.”

“This is true. However, the individual fleets of the System Lords were severely diminished by Anubis. They are not as strong as they once were, and Ba’al is able to take advantage of their weakened state.”

“What about your forces?”

“I have often tried to stay out of the matters of the other System Lords. My domain was far removed from the others; there was little need for me to reach outside my borders once I was… comfortably situated. There was the occasional skirmish as other Goa’uld tested our strength, but we rebuffed their attempts. I used… secrecy and tactics to hide the fact that my own forces were significantly smaller than those of the other System Lords’. For some time they have believed that my Jaffa were far more numerous than they were, unaware of just how many human soldiers augmented my armies.”

Hammond studied him, doubtless trying to detect any falsehood. “How much of your fleet remains?”

“As I was telling Jessica, there is nothing. With any luck, my Jaffa are even now joining the ranks of the resistance, with what few ships I could give them. The rest are being put to the use of trying to rescue any of the humans possible, with enough weapons and resources for them to find an uncharted world to claim as their own.”

“You expect us to believe that, after all that time of living as a god, you just set them free.” Hammond gave a short chuckle. “Please forgive me if I find that a little hard to swallow.”

Camulus silently cautioned himself to keep his temper in check. “I would not believe me, either. Not given the history that is known to Earth. However, I would remind you that I have no reason to try and deceive you at this moment. I am very much aware that whether or not I can rejoin my wife and child rests almost solely on what you tell your leaders.”

Hammond’s face became serious. “All right, but you’ve already admitted that you have no fleet or army to bring to the table. What are you offering?”

“While it is true that I cannot provide any forces, and I’ve already given my last caches of weapons and supplies to others, I can offer knowledge and intelligence on the other System Lords. I can also help you in the development of naquadah based weapons to help you level the field.”

“And in exchange?”

He swallowed. His pride stung, but he had little other choice. If he did not do this, then Jessica might very well be lost to him forever. “I would request asylum on this world, and the chance to be with my family. Jessica and Georgina are all that I have left.”

Hammond’s jaw was firmly set. After a long moment, he gave a curt nod. “Very well, I’ll pass your request on to my superiors. I can’t guarantee you anything, but I will try.”

“Thank you, General Hammond. You have my gratitude.” Actually, now that he had done it, it didn’t feel so bad.

“Before I go, is there anything else?”

“Yes, actually there is. I was wondering if I might be allowed to see my daughter.”


“That’s right. Keep walking. Don’t let the iris close on your butt on the way out.”

Camulus looked up from Georgina to turn towards his wife. “Jealous?”

Jessica turned her head to her husband. “If I even suspected…” She didn’t finish the threat, just left it hanging.

They were in the briefing room, watching Yu, Oshu and Amaterasu departing. Camulus was sitting at the table with their daughter in his lap. She was chattering on about all the people and things she had seen since she had arrived here. Apparently Dr. Jackson had worked hard to keep her entertained while the medical staff was keeping her from her mother.

Hammond was observing the rather unusual family. From all he could see, Camulus appeared to be pretty much what the Tok’ra had described him as being; a Goa’uld who had somehow developed a sense of family. “I have discussed the situation with my superiors in Washington.”

Jessica turned fully away from the window. “Any luck, General?”

Hammond sat back in his chair. “First off, your resignation of your commission has been denied.”

Camulus frowned. “Resignation?”

“Denied? I would have thought they’d be itching to get rid of me under the circumstances.”

“Why would you resign? One of our first arguments was you screaming at me that I’d ripped your entire life away from you.”

“Well, you kinda made up for that with the munchkin there.”

“Captain,” Hammond held up a single hand to silence them both, “the Pentagon feels that your experiences over the past few years could bring an invaluable insight to the current situation. In fact, they are wanting to give you the promotion you were in line for before your capture.” He looked towards Camulus. “As for you, they are willing to extend asylum on the grounds that you assist us with whatever knowledge and intelligence you can divulge.”

“And what of my family?”

George wasn’t really that surprised that the Goa’uld changed tactics in such a fashion. “There are still medical professionals that question whether or not Captain O’Fallon’s emotions in this area cannot be contributed to some type of trauma induced psychosis.” Camulus’ expression turned dark at the same time O’Fallon began to protest. “However, given that there is also a child involved, the Secretary of Defense has decided that there should be an observation period.”

Jessica returned to the table. “What would that entail, Sir?”

“I have managed to convince the Pentagon that the best way to ensure a working relationship with Camulus is to have you there as a stabling influence. Now, we can’t let you serve as his liaison because of the conflict of interest, but I have managed to arrange it so that you will remain in a safe house near Cheyenne Mountain. There will be a security detail, of course, but it will be better than putting him in a cell, which is what some of the Join Chiefs of Staff wanted to do. It will also allow you to continue your duties here at the SGC when O’Neill returns to take command.”

This got Camulus’ attention. “When O’Neill takes command?”

Hammond smiled. “That’s exactly what I said. Once the Asgard return with Colonel O’Neill, he will be offered a promotion to General and given command of the SGC. Dr. Weir will be taking over the operations at the outpost in Antarctica.” Jessica groaned. “Something wrong, Captain?”

“O’Neill’s going to hate having Camulus here, Sir. He doesn’t even like the Tok’ra.”

“Well then, Captain, I would recommend that you and your husband remain on your best behavior and give O’Neill no reason to send him back through the gate.”

Jessica gave a sigh, but nodded. “Yes, General. Sorry.”

“That’s quite all right, Captain.” Hammond looked at this woman who had caused such an upset when she had failed to return through the gate with the rest of her team. He had memorized her file and psyche profile when she had gone missing, had felt that he knew her better than anyone else on the base. The woman sitting at the table now was far different from the Marine he had sent through the gate so long ago. He wasn’t sure, but he thought that he liked this Jessica O’Fallon more. “I’ll leave you to discuss this development together. You’ll have to remain on base until the safe house is ready. I’ve asked Dr. Weir to have one of the VIP suites prepared for your comfort and Dr. Brightman still wants to monitor you progress.”

“Joy. More needles.”

Hammond gave her a slight smile. “Next time try not to get shot. It cuts down on time in the infirmary.” He rose from his chair. Camulus gave his wife an inquiring glance as she got to her feet quickly, snapping to attention. She had fallen back into being a soldier so easily that it was hard to believe that she had ever left this life. To make things even more amusing, Georgina scrambled up to stand up in his lap, mimicking her mother’s stance almost perfectly.

Once they were alone, Jessica sat back down. Georgina scrambled from her father’s lap to her mother’s. “You were never that quick to jump for me.”

“Yeah, well, he’s a general. You’re just my husband.” He combed her fingers through Georgie’s orange curls. “So, what do you think?”

“I have little choice in the matter. If I do not cooperate with them, then it is likely that I will lose you and Georgina forever. That is the one thing I cannot lose.” He leaned back in the chair, studying Jessica as she tried to keep their daughter from ripping off her captain’s bars. There was a happy, humor-filled smile on her face. “What is it?”

“I thought of something.”

“And what would that be?”

Her smile brightened. “We’re on my world now. I’m the one with all the pull.” She grinned impishly. “Now I’m the boss.”

Camulus tilted his head to the side. Something told him that his life among the Tau’ri would be anything but boring. “We shall see.”


Sequel: 15 Minutes

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