Pop of pure Nietzschean


Gap Filler for "Fear Burns Down To Ashes"


Pop of pure Nietszchean?

Where does Beka get this stuff? She was definitely having fun at my expense down there. As if they could handle Nietszchean Beta-A. Please... They’d probably drop dead from the sudden yet temporary flash of superiority.

Pop of pure Nietszchean.

I wonder what that’d feel like. Not that I’m looking to get hyped on brain chemicals anytime soon - it would, after all, inhibit survival instincts. It’d be against everything I live for.

That makes me wonder what those people down there were thinking when they first got shot up with Beta-A. Have any of them actually tried Nietszchean Beta-A?

I haven’t seen Beka since we got Dylan back.

And the Magog monk.

He’s changed since I last saw him, back when I was still Admiral. At the time, I didn’t really think of him much. I was much more concerned about the fate of my homeplanet and the seeming betrayal of its long awaited idol. Now that I actually have the time, I wonder on the Magog’s intentions. Both in the past and in the present.

Why did he change his ways? What brought him to Beka’s little band of mercenaries?

How the hell did he end up on Juko of all places?

Another question in my mind is everyone’s reaction to the reappearance of an old friend?

How would that old friend react to a Pop of Pure Nietszchean?


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