


~~Disclaimer: I do not own or have any claim to any of the characters, settings, etc…~~

Part I

“Rhade, this is nothing to be ashamed of!” Trance followed the handsome Nietzschean down the cold, stark corridor.
“Trance…you meddle far too much for your own good.” His response was more of a growl. “And stop following me.” He turned to give the perky creature a withering glare.
Trance shrank backwards but was still insistent “Some dreams were meant to come true.”
He scowled as she slinked backwards, finally turning tail and running. “Probably off to tell Dylan.” He muttered under his breath. Angrily strapping himself into his transport, he cursed this system and this situation for the hundredth time.

If only she were here, she would make this bearable. She. The woman who had haunted Rhade’s dreams for the past four years. He knew her, every part of her, yet he had never laid his waking eyes on her or heard her voice. Nightly, she danced through his dreams, laughing and teasing him. He knew the smoothness of her pale skin and the texture of her beautiful, long brown hair. Hair like silk. At the thought of tangling his hands in her hair, Rhade couldn’t help but smile. How he loved to brush her hair in his dreams. Long, loving strokes. He had been keeping track of his dreams in a journal. He had even drawn pictures of her. No one else knew, until today when he caught Trance snooping. He didn’t know how much she had read, but he knew it was too much for his comfort.

He landed on the surface and glanced bitterly at the barren, parched landscape. “Seefra…another word for Hell.”
With long and purposeful strides, he made his way to the filthy hovel used as the local tavern. Harper, as usual, was behind the bar. Without a word, he handed Rhade a bottle of whiskey and quickly went about his business. Realizing he must appear as menacing as his mood, Rhade retreated to his dwelling. Not really a home, just a place where he could be.

Once inside, he lay wearily across his bed and closed his blood shot eyes. He would not need the whiskey to lull him to sleep tonight. Her arms beckoned him and he readily fell into a deep sleep. The bottle of alcohol lay forgotten on the floor.

And there she was, dancing, swirling about in the haze of his dreams. She held out a hand to him and he accepted it. Pulling her close to him, he buried his face in her hair and sighed. “I wish you were here.” Those words he uttered aloud in his sleep.
“Perhaps she can be Rhade. Perhaps.” Trance’s soft whisper came through the shadows. Rhade stirred in his sleep, but the whisper could not tear him away from his love.

“Glad you all could make it.” Trance clapped her hands in glee, her eyes shining with an innocent mischief that Captain Dylan Hunt had come to admire.
“This had better be important.” Rhade growled, his usual temperament displayed.
“It is. Someone made a wish last night and it is about to be granted.” She smiled merrily, standing back to let her announcement take affect. When they all looked at her, some with amusement, some with confusion, and one with annoyance, she took a wavering step backwards. “Last night was a very important occurrence in the universe! A wish was made and heard. Don’t you understand?” She looked fretfully from face to face, lingering when her gaze fell upon Rhade.
“Trance…I understand that being stuck here has been…hard…on you. It’s been hard on all of us. We all would like to think…” Captain Hunt’s consoling speech was cut short by a brilliant flash of blinding light.
When the crew regained use of their eyes, they were surprised to see a young woman standing in their midst. She looked around, frightened and unsure. Dylan took a step towards her and was greeted by a sharp kick in his stomach. Beka and Harper both drew their side arms and leveled them at the new comer who spun around ready to do battle with them as well.
“No!” Rhade stepped between the woman and his crew mates. She took this opportunity to run past them into the corridor. She had only made it a short distance before Rhade caught up with her. Hearing his footsteps rapidly approaching and knowing that she could not hide, she turned to face him.
“Please…we mean you no..”
“Where I am? Who are you? What do you want?” She cut him off.
“No one will harm you here. Please just calm down.” Rhade’s outward calm revealed nothing of his inner turmoil. His skin felt too hot and his heart was beating so hard that he was afraid his ribs would shatter. He knew that the others would be here momentarily. He had to get her alone. “Please come with me.” He extended a hand towards her. She flinched at the sight of his bone blades but still accepted his offer.
Holding her hand tightly, he half lead, half pulled her into his quarters.
“Andromeda…engage privacy mode.”
“Where am I?” she demanded again, shaken by the fact that she had let this stranger lead her here. There was something in his eyes…
“You are aboard the Andromeda Ascendant. No one will harm you here. My name is Rhade. What is your name?”
“My name is…Ky’ya.” She had considered lying, but again something about him…
He took a step closer, which startled her, and she tried to retreat only to find herself against a wall. He put his hands up in a sign of surrender and did not come any further. He was still a few paces away but she could smell him. His scent was excitingly new and yet comfortingly familiar. She was about to demand to know how she got here, when the Dylan’s voice broke through the door.
“Rhade?! Rhade! Open the door!”
“That is the captain of this ship. Everything is going to be all right.” Rhade tried to calm her, even though inside he was suddenly raging. He didn’t want to let Dylan in, he wanted to be alone with her. He pushed a button on the door console then stepped between Dylan and Ky’ya, his back to her.
“The situation is under control…Captain.” Rhade kept his tone low and even.
“No Rhade, the situation isn’t. Who is she? Where did she come from and what the hell is her problem?”
Rhade felt his blood pressure rise with his anger, but he managed to restrain himself. He had heard Ky’ya shrink further against the wall, probably terrified of Dylan.
“Her name is Ky’ya. She is just as confused about this as we are. She’s frightened and yelling will not help matters.” A small hint of violence had crept into Rhade’s voice and he knew it.
Dylan’s face told Rhade that he had heard the anger, but he said nothing.
“Uh, boss. The crazy chick left this on the bridge.” Seamus Harper appeared at Dylan’s elbow, holding a dirty white bag. Rhade reached for the bag. Dylan used this opportunity to pull him into the hallway. “I’m just going to borrow him for a moment.” He told Ky’ya over his shoulder.
“What’s going on Rhade?” Dylan demanded once the door had slide shut.
Before Rhade could answer, Trance piped up. “Dylan, Rhade should handle this one. It was his wish.”
“What?!” Both men turned towards her.
Trance stood her ground. “Were you not listening to me? Last night, Rhade made a wish and his wish was heard. And now it’s been granted.”
“You did this!” Rhade growled, lunging at Trance.
“Rhade! Easy!” Dylan ordered, restraining his friend.
“She scared out of her mind! She doesn’t know where she is! She doesn’t even know who I am! How could this be the answer to my so-called wish?”
“I’m only the messenger. You wished for her presence and now she’s here. You decide where to go from here.”
“Hold on a second! What wish? Rhade what is she talking about?”
Rhade growled and was about to respond when Ky’ya screamed.
Dylan and Rhade rushed into the room to find Ky’ya cowering in a corner, openly weeping. The brave and strong front she had managed to maintain had been broken. Shimmering a few feet in front of her was the ships holographic likeness.
“Andromeda! What did you do?” Dylan demanded of his ship.
“I did nothing Captain. She must have hit the console while moving along the wall.” The hologram never wavered.
Rhade knelt before Ky’ya, trying to coerce her out of the corner. He slowly reached out and touched her tear streaked face. “I don’t know how you got here.” He began, his voice low and soothing. “I do know that you are safe here. I promise, I won’t let any harm come to you.”
Ky’ya took a few shaky breaths and cautiously moved herself into Rhade’s waiting arms. She pressed her face against his solid chest and once more began weeping. When strong arms encircled her and pulled her close, she gave in to the exhaustion that had seized her and let the blackness take her.
Dylan, Andromeda, and Harper stood witnessing the scene from the doorway. Dylan motioned for them to leave. The captain paused before closing the door to watch Rhade cradling the young woman in his arms. He rocked back and forth, stroking her hair.
“Trance, what have you done now?” Dylan muttered under his breath as he left.

Rhade did not know how much time was passing. He wasn’t sure if he cared. He felt his legs going numb from being in the same position for so long but he was afraid that if he moved, he would wake up. To have held her now, to have heard her voice, to have felt her skin warm against his own, he couldn’t stand the thought of it being a dream. Rational thought however broke through and he reasoned that if he was experiencing discomfort, then most likely he was awake. He pulled Ky’ya even closer and rose to his feet, cradling her in his arms like a child. He walked over to his bed and gently laid her down. A small sigh escaped her, but she did not wake up. Sitting back and looking at her now, Rhade took note of her disheveled appearance. Her dress was dirty and torn. She wore no shoes and the soles of her feet were bloodied and soiled, as though she had been running from something. Her right knee was scraped from where she had fallen and struck it against a rough surface. She needs a bath.
Rhade glanced at the tub, visible from his position on the bed. He looked at her again before making his way into the bathroom and began filling the tub with warm water. He returned to Ky’ya’s side and gently pulled the hem of her dress up to her thighs. He noticed that his hands were shaking, but passed it off as adrenaline withdrawal. I’m taking care of her. He told himself as he continued to pull her dress higher until her lacey pink panties were exposed. He traced the seams with trembling fingers, and then leaned over to softly kiss her pale thighs. He could smell her and it was driving him mad with desire, but now was not the time. She was vulnerable and it was up to him to make sure she was taken care of. He finished removing her dress and then took great care in removing her undergarments. Gathering her in his arms once again, he carried her to the tub and placed her in the warm water. Supporting her head with one hand, he used the other to lather and massage her body. He tried to focus on his task and inwardly scolded himself when he lingered over her breasts. He ran his hand over the smoothness of her stomach. His breathing became ragged and harsh as he allowed his hand to travel lower to the hollow between her legs. His fingers toyed with her entrance and his eyes closed tightly in shame. She moaned causing him to pull his hand back too quickly and water splashed on her face. She moved slightly but seemed reluctant to wake and face reality.
“Shh, shh. It’s all right.” Rhade spoke to her softly as he finished rinsing the soap from her body. He removed her from the tub and wrapped her in a large towel. She wasn’t exactly clean, but he had managed to remove most of the dirt. He propped her up in a chair and was momentarily unsure of what to do next. Now she needs clothes. Her dress was a total loss, so he dressed her in one of his shirts. It was long enough, falling to the middle of her thighs. He knelt in front of her, folding the cuffs of the long sleeves over her wrists, when he sensed her staring at him.
He slowly looked up into her eyes. Green eyes. A detail he had never noticed before.
“What are you doing?” she spoke at last.
“I’m… taking care of you.” He answered, with much difficulty.
He had no answer for her. At least not one that he could share.
“What is this place?”
“You are on the Andromeda. A ship. In the Seefra System.”
She sat quietly, trying to absorb this. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth to ask another question, but she couldn’t seem to think of the words.
“Where are you from?” Rhade reached out and smoothed a stray strand of hair back from her face. He was encouraged when she didn’t recoil.
She looked uncertain for a moment, then quietly answered “Earth.”

Part II

Rhade left Ky’ya to freely explore his old quarters and stormed to the bridge. As he had expected, everyone was there. Dylan instinctively moved closer to Trance.
“So uh, big guy…how’s the chick?” Harper bravely broke the silence.
“Her name is Ky’ya. You will refrain from referring to her as ‘the chick’. And she is calmer.” He faked a smile in Harper’s general direction then turned his attention to Trance. “Stay away from her. I don’t want you talking to her, approaching her, don’t even look at her.”
“I mean it Dylan. The rest of you stay away from her too.”
“So what are you going to do? Confine her to your quarters aboard Andromeda?” Dylan asked.
“No.” Rhade turned to leave.
“Oh yeah Rhade. She’ll be really comfortable on Seefra.” Beka sarcastically called after him.
Rhade did not even break stride.
Beka started to call out to him again, but Trance shushed her. “This is Rhade’s decision Beka. He knows what’s best. I’m sure of it.”

Rhade paused at the door to calm his breathing and reclaim his emotions. When he felt more in control, he entered the room to find Ky’ya pointing an energy pistol at his midsection.
“What is this?” she asked. When she noticed he had grown pale, she quickly replaced it on the shelf where she had found it.
He breathed a sigh of relief and crossed the room to her. He took the weapon and placed it on a higher shelf, out of her reach. “That was an energy pistol. A weapon.”
“I’m not a child Rhade.” She glared at him indignantly. “Your technology is just new to me.”
“I know. I’m sorry.” Rhade reached out and took her by the arms, preventing her from walking away from him. “I’ll teach it you how to use it one day.” He offered, but she wouldn’t even look at him now. He realized that she was on the verge of tears again and slowly released her. She turned and walked to the small port window that allowed a glimpse of the universe. Andromeda’s current position afforded them a view of Seefra 5, in all its wretched glory. Even from space, the planet was an eye sore.
Rhade came to stand behind her. She was so small, even for a human. Her head came just below his chin. He liked her smallness. She seemed to fit against him perfectly. He was thinking about how perfectly she would fit against him, when he noticed his hands reaching out to her. Without conscious effort, he had pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her waist, resting his cheek on her head. She sighed and allowed him to hold her. She knew it was her imagination, but the room seemed colder without him there. In this strange and frightening new place, he was the only thing she could hold on to. And even parts of him are scary. She thought, looking at his bone blades. She traced the path between his wrist and first blade.
“Are these…part of you?”
“They’re bone blades. Genetically engineered into my people.”
“Were you born with them?” she asked, shuddering at the thought of giving birth to a child so endowed.
He laughed and pulled her even closer. “No, we develop them after birth. I’m sure our mothers are grateful for that fact.”
“I guess it was a stupid question. Your species wouldn’t have lasted very long if all the women bled to death giving birth.” She managed a small, sad smile.
“It wasn’t a stupid question.” He turned her in his arms, but still held her close. “It was a funny question, but not stupid.” He stared in to her eyes and saw the fear and uncertainty there. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead, smiling when he felt her arms circle his waist. She nestled her head against his chest and clung to him.
“I’m scared Rhade.” She whispered.
“I know. But I won’t let anything happen to you.” He assured her, stroking her hair. “And you can ask me any question you wish and I promise not to laugh.”
“You can laugh.” She said pulling back to look up at him. “I like your laugh.”
“And I’m sure I would like yours dear lady.”
She gave him a slightly stronger smile and turned back to the window once more. “When I told you I was from Earth…why did you leave so quickly?”
“I...went to the bridge. To report to Dylan.” He winced at his own lie. He closed his eyes, uncomfortable knowing where this conversation was going.
“Have you heard of Earth before? Do you know where it is?”
“Yes, I know of Earth.”
“It was so beautiful before they came…”
Rhade’s eyes snapped open. “Before who came?” He asked, fearing he knew the answer. With her limited knowledge of technology, it was possible that she came from one of the isolated colonies that maintained the old Earth ways of life.
“The Unknowns.” She replied bitterly, turning from the window. “There was no warning, no sign, nothing. One day, they just appeared in the sky and began firing. Then they landed.” Angry tears had begun to burn down her face. “They didn’t care what they crushed. For weeks, they came and just landed on the surface. Landing on homes, schools, whatever was in their way. There were hundreds of them. When the landings stopped, then the real horror began.” She choked on a sob and Rhade quickly pulled her into his arms, wiping away her tears. “They were monsters. Faceless, murderous monsters! They had…guns that fired explosions. And they took no prisoners.” A dam of emotion had broken within her and Ky’ya couldn’t stop the outpouring of grief and terror that had been her life. “We rushed to the mountains, hoping to find refuge in the caves but they found us. Cornered us like…like animals. My entire family…” She was crying so hard now that she couldn’t speak.
Rhade just held her, relief and confusion barring him from saying anything. She wasn’t referring to the Nietzschean invasion. Had someone else come behind them and devastated the planet all over again?
“I managed to get away. But they came after me. I was running…and I stumbled…I think I was falling. I closed my eyes. I remember closing my eyes because… it was so bright. And when I opened them again…I was here.” With her tale finished, the room became terribly quiet.
Rhade held her for a while, trying to comprehend what she had just told him. He briefly entertained the idea of consulting Trance, but decided against it.
“Rhade? Say something.” She quietly pleaded.
“That must have been…terrifying for you. But you’re safe now.” He walked her over to the bed and made her sit down. He sat down beside her and took her shaking hands in his own. “This is important. Can you tell me what the Unknowns looked like?”
Her lower lip trembled but thankfully she kept her composure. “They were very tall…thin…their skin was a grayish blue color. Um…they didn’t have eyes or least none that we could see. They were monsters.” She leaned into him, desperately needing his closeness, needing to be overwhelmed by the warmth and fragrance of him.
He pulled her into his lap so that she was straddling him. She pushed her face into the soft skin of his throat and inhaled deeply. There was such a wonderful calmness in him. She ran her hands up his torso and over his shoulders, finally allowing her fingers to tangle in his hair. He was so comforting, so warm and she needed him.
Rhade fought to control the raging desire building within him. He knew he had to be cautious. He had to be in control and move forward slowly. He allowed his hands to travel the length of her back. She responded by softly kissing his neck. Her lips sent jolts of electricity through his spine and he shuddered against her. He felt her smile into his neck. She knows what she’s doing to me… He thought as he felt her kisses press further into his flesh. Her hands had left his hair and were teasingly coaxing his shirt higher and higher until he had no choice but to raise his arms and let her remove it. The separation was brief but it had kindled a burning fire deep within him that threaten to consume them both.
She flung the shirt aside and surprised him by capturing his mouth with her own.
Stop this! Rhade’s brain screamed at him. This isn’t what you want to happen! She is still upset and using you as an escape! You’re taking advantage of her!
“Wait.” Rhade gasped, pushing her back, holding her at arms length.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Nothing is wrong.” He paused, still trying to catch his breath.
She smiled and tried to lean into him again, but he held her fast.
“I don’t think you’re ready for this.” He quietly told her, inwardly cursing and congratulating himself at the same time. “Have you ever been with man before?” he asked her.
“Wh-what does that matter?” She asked.
“It matters. Yes or no?”
“Well...no. Rhade please…” she begged him, pleading with her eyes.
“Not like this.” He maneuvered her onto the bed and pulled the sheets up to her waist. “It’s been a long day. You should try to rest. I’ll be back in a few hours.”
“Where are you going?” she demanded sitting up in the bed.
“I’m going to the planet’s surface. Don’t worry, you’ll be safe here and I won’t be long.” He tried to kiss her forehead but she stubbornly turned away.
Pulling his shirt back on, he walked to the door. “Andromeda…lock the door after I leave. No one comes in, no one goes out.” He left quickly, before her crying could melt his resolve.

Part III

Rhade sat in the pilot’s chair of his transport, staring blankly ahead. So much had happened in so little time. The woman of his dreams had been handed to him, and he just left her crying in his quarters.
“I thought you were leaving.” Dylan’s voice startled Rhade out of his reverie.
“I am. Just trying to get my thoughts together.”
“Where’s Ky’ya?”
“She’s in my former quarters. Resting.” A look of annoyance crossed Rhade’s features as Dylan slumped casually into the co-pilots seat.
“Tell me about this wish Rhade.”
“It is a personal and private matter that Trance should have left alone.” Came the growled response.
“I understand its personal Rhade, but I know you. As hard assed and bull headed as you can be, I seriously doubt you would wish for some poor girl to be dropped onto Andromeda and, using your words, be ‘scared out of her mind.’ Is she even from Seefra?”
“No, she is not from Seefra.” Rhade bit out the words. Sharing and caring with Dylan was not on his list of priorities. “I need to take care of some things on the surface. I’ll be back for her shortly.” He stared straight ahead.
Dylan sighed, realizing that he wasn’t going to get anything more out of his old friend. Too many years of hardship and violence and loss had built walls around him. Walls of iron and stone, his own personal prison. “You can talk to me Rhade. Whenever you’re ready.”
Rhade remained silent and continued staring straight ahead until Dylan left.

~*~*Back in his quarters*~*~

Ky’ya sat up, her eyes burning from crying so long and so hard. She knew that she had to get control of herself, to calm down. Reason would dictate that Rhade had just proven himself to be a gentleman. Reason would dictate that she had been rescued from a terrible death. But reason could not answer how she got here. She couldn’t even comprehend where ‘here’ was.
She rose and crossed the room to look out the small window again. But it wasn’t Seefra that she saw. She saw her mother’s face from months ago when their family had been preparing to explore a nearby mountain. “It will be an adventure.” Her mother had said. “Life is one big adventure and we must be eager explorers, ready to discover what it has for us.”
“I guess this is my adventure.” Ky’ya whispered into space. She suddenly remembered her bag. Rhade had left it on the floor in the corner. She brought it to the bed and dumped out its contents. Not much, a few articles of clothing, some jewelry, crystals given to her by a mystic woman at the last Autumn Celebration. My last Autumn Celebration. She thought bitterly.
Ky’ya had been dancing through the faire with her brother. Merchants displaying their wares called to potential customers. Acrobats and minstrels entertained the young and young at heart.
She had been leaning in to examine a beautiful bracelet when a gnarled hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her off the main street.
“Come quickly child! Something of most importance I must show you!” the old woman had told her before Ky’ya could protest. The old woman looked harmless enough. Withered skin pooled about her faded blue eyes. A tattered scarf of indeterminable shade poorly covered her balding head. Her back was bent with age and she leaned heavily on her cane as she pulled Ky’ya further into the back streets. They reached a wall of thick black curtains and the old woman bid Ky’ya to go inside.
“Here!” The woman gestured to a small table with a formation of crystals strewn across the surface.
“What are they strange grandmother?”
“They are your future child. Keep them with you always. They are your future.” The old woman whispered knowingly, scooping the crystals into a velvet pouch, then handing the pouch to Ky’ya. “Keep them with you always.”

“And I have kept them.” Ky’ya spoke aloud, coming out of the memory. She replaced the velvet pouch in her bag. She selected a pair of pants and after pulling them on, she rummaged through her meager possessions for a brush. Finding it, she stalked to the closest mirror and was horrified by her reflection. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying; her hair was a total disaster; the shirt Rhade has dressed her in hung shapelessly on her small frame. “I could scare small children.” She groaned and set about the task of untangling her hair. She was determined to look better for when Rhade returned.

~*~On the planet~*~

Sweat poured out of Rhade’s body as he feverishly worked to prepare his house for Ky’ya. His place was by no means dirty, but it wasn’t suited for the woman of his dreams either. He had positioned the bed so that it could be accessed from both side and changed the sheets. He had placed an old cargo crate beside the bed and covered with a white piece of cloth for a night table. On top of this he placed a shallow dish with several fragrant candles inside.
He had selected colorful pieces of artwork to brighten up the walls. “Flowers.” He spoke aloud. He remembered flowers surrounding her in his dreams. With a sudden sadness so sharp it pained him, he realized that there was no where on Seefra for him to get beautiful flowers. Out of instinct he reached for his hip flask, which was no longer there. He had almost thrown out all of his whiskey, but had thought better of it and instead hidden it in a crate under the bed. “I don’t need it anymore. I have her.” He proclaimed and returned to tirelessly scrubbing the floors to a brilliant sheen. Catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror, he decided to shower before returning to Andromeda. He was determined to look better for Ky’ya.

Part IV

“Ky’ya?” Rhade called out to her upon entering his quarters. “Ky’ya, are you here?”
“Of course I’m here.” She answered, emerging from the bathroom. “You locked the door, remember? No one in, no one out.”
Rhade drew in a sharp breath at the sight of her. She looked far different from the frightened and crying creature he had left just hours before. Her long hair had been washed and brushed; it now fell softly about her shoulders. Her eyes were dry and clear, her face free of tear stains. The shirt Rhade had chosen for her had been replaced with a pair of dark pants and a silvery camisole which fit her nicely.
“I take it you approve.” She commented, moving closer to him. “She toyed with a strand of her hair. “I want to apologize…for earlier. No, just let me talk.” She continued when he started to interrupt her. “You saved me from certain death and have taken good care of me.” She wasn’t looking at him, so she didn’t see the discomfort on Rhade’s face as he remembered what transpired while she was unconscious. “I wasn’t in my right mind and I apologize for my advances.” The speech she had rehearsed was difficult to recite in his presence. “You have proven yourself to be a gentleman as well as my rescuer, and for that I am forever grateful to you.” She glanced up at him and saw the curious expression on his face.
“Well, you’re still here.” Bekka’s voice chimed from the doorway. “I figured you would’ve dragged her down to the surface by now Rhade.”
“You’re not welcome here Bekka.” He growled, turning to face her.
“Hey, no problem. I was just wandering by. Thought I’d drop in and say hello.” Bekka smirked as she walked away, knowing well she had interrupted something important.
“What did she mean ‘drag me down to the surface’?” Ky’ya asked, placing a hand on Rhade’s arm. She was surprised at the tension in the muscles beneath her hand. Surprised or frightened? Rhade was obviously a very powerful man.
“I fear my associates lack proper manners. Therefore, I plan on relocating you to the surface. I have a place there.” Rhade turned and pulled her a bit closer. He reached up and brushed his fingers against her cheek before running them through her hair. She closed her eyes at his touch and Rhade felt a warm stirring within his chest. He knew it. Now that she was here, even if she didn’t love him yet, things were better.

Part V

She had survived a whole week on the planet now, and still Ky’ya found it strange. Not so much frightening, just strange. Her throat and lungs had adjusted to the dry heat now, so she could walk distances without losing her breath. Rhade made certain that everyone knew that she was with him and was not to be messed with. The locals seemed to have a wary respect for Rhade. So they avoided her at all cost. Avoided her gaze, stepped far to the side when she walked down the street, they even refused to acknowledge her timid ‘Hello’s.
So was her existence. She wandered the town free but alone by day and spent the nights curled up to Rhade. She shook her head in amazement that she had so willingly agreed to share the one bed. But it seemed wrong to ask him to sleep on the floor, and she certainly didn’t want to sleep on the floor. In fact, she needed him close in order to sleep. To be so incredibly hot during the day, she found the Seefren nights to be unusually cold. It didn’t seem to bother Rhade. Perhaps it was because he had been here longer. Perhaps it was because he was Nietzchean. Whatever the reason, he didn’t seem to mind that she needed his warmth to sleep. A small giggle escaped her when she thought about laying there next to him.
They would begin the night side by side, but during the course of his sleep, Rhade would always roll toward her and drape one of his large arms over her mid section. Then he would start whispering. She could never understand his words, but his warm breath would tickle her ear until she had to laugh and push him away. And he would always awaken, startled, momentarily hurt that she had pushed him away, but then she would snuggle up to him and he would smile and go back to sleep
“Telemachus Rhade.” She sighed his name aloud dreamily. Fate was such a strange thing. One minute, she thought her life was over, and the very next, she was in the arms of an incredible man. “Yet he still won’t have me.”
The brief statement turned Ky’ya’s sigh into a regretful pout. If only she hadn’t thrown herself at him that first day. But blazing stars! She was out of her mind with fear and grief. She only wanted to be assured that she was still among the living. Over it now Rhade…she grumbled under her breath.
She stalked around a corner and nearly collided with someone she recognized from her brief time on Andromeda.
“Um…hi. Bye!” The pretty creature quickly turned to run but Ky’ya grabbed her arm in time to prevent her from getting away.
“Wait, please. Where are you going?” Ky’ya asked, hoping for some sort of conversation.
“Um… I really can’t talk to you. I’m sorry.” Trance tried to pull her arm free, but Ky’ya was stronger and held fast.
“Why can’t you talk to me?” Ky’ya asked, the puzzlement and hurt apparent in her voice.
“Because Rhade told us to stay away from you.” The answer shocked Ky’ya long enough for Trance to break her hold and rush off. “I really am sorry.” She called over her shoulder before disappearing into the streets.
Ky’ya leaned breathless against the nearest wall, bewilderment clouding her mind. Why would Rhade order such a thing? It had to be a misunderstanding. Regaining her senses, she set off to find him and ask him herself. She wasn’t sure where to start looking, but she knew he would be on the planet. Surely he would have told her if he were going far. He would tell her, right?
She spent the next few hours wandering hopelessly through the streets. It was with growing anxiety that she finally admitted to herself that she was lost. The streets all looked the same now, the buildings all blending into one solid bleak structure. It only took one glance at the faces of passers-by to know better than to ask for assistance. Disgust, hatred and jealously were the only emotions displayed.
Despite her best intentions, Ky’ya found herself on the verge of tears, when she heard a familiar voice.
“Dylan has lost his mind! Again!”
“Bekka…” Relief rushed over Ky’ya as she hurried toward the sound of Bekka’s voice. She followed the sound to a small building, a bar of sorts, teeming with patrons. Glancing around the crowd, Ky’ya caught sight of Bekka just as she was settling into a table in front of the blond man…Harper.
Ky’ya paused to gather her breath and her wits before smoothing her hair down and walked towards the table. Bekka and Harper were chatting easily with each other when Ky’ya came to stand beside their table. “Excuse me…have either of you seen Rhade?”
Harper choked on his drink and Bekka eyed Ky’ya strangely while slowly lowering her empty glass to the table.
“No, we haven’t. What’s the matter? Did you lose your master?” Bekka smirked, reminding Ky’ya of Rhade’s remark about her manners. He had included all of his associates, but Ky’ya was convinced in this moment that he had only meant Bekka.
“He is not my master.” Ky’ya responded through clenched teeth. “Might he be with Dylan?” she asked more sweetly, turning to Harper, who had regained his composure.
“Uh, I’m not sure if I’m supposed to tell you.” He answered, shooting warning glances in Bekka’s direction.
“Oh, I see.” Ky’ya hesitated a moment before pulling Harper out of his chair by the front of his shirt. She heard Bekka arm her weapon, but doubted that she would actually use it. “Yes or no Harper. Do you know where Rhade is?”
“N-no. I don’t. Honest.”
“Fine.” Ky’ya released him, and after glaring at Bekka turned to leave.
“And I thought Doyle was feisty…” she heard Harper comment as she left.
She had only walked a short distance when she saw Rhade and Dylan. They were engrossed in conversation, heading in her direction. Both men stopped short when they noticed Ky’ya. She glared heatedly at Rhade. “We need to talk. Now.” She told him, her words forced and even.
“I can see the two of you need some time alone. I’m just going to go…somewhere.” Dylan clapped Rhade on the shoulder before nodding to Ky’ya as he left.
Rhade extended his hand to Ky’ya but she refused it. Sighing, he turned and led the way to his house. With every step he could feel the heat from Ky’ya’s glare scorching his back. This is not going to be pleasant…

“What is going on here Rhade?! People on the streets avoid me like I have some sort of terrible disease. I ran into Trance on the street and she said that you ordered her not to talk to me. Then Bekka refers to you as my master. And…”
“Bekka did what?! That little b…I’m going to strangle her!” Rhade roared as he whirled around to storm out. Ky’ya ran around him and blocked his path.
“You’re not going to do anything except explain.”
Rhade tried to glare at her, but Ky’ya stood firm, her hands on her hips. Rhade was the first to relent, finally looking away.
“Well? Start talking. And quit giving me that look.” Ky’ya ordered, unnerved that the distant sadness in his eyes seem to pierce her soul.
Rhade sat down on the bed, suddenly feeling very weak. “I told them to stay away from you because…I was afraid they would tell you.” He began. Slumped forward, leaning on his knees, his hair hanging in his face, he looked old and tired. And it hurt Ky’ya to see him like this. But she still wanted answers. She sat down beside him and placed one hand in the small of his back. Her touch gave him the strength he needed to continue. And so he did. He told her everything from the beginning. The Common Wealth, Tarazed, the Collectors, the Magog, the Route of Ages, Louisa, the dreams and the journal.
Only when he was finished did he look up. Ky’ya’s eyes regarded him differently now, but not with the animosity he had expected. He could tell that behind her clear eyes, her mind was reeling as she tried to process everything he had just told her. He was surprised at her gentle touch when she took his face into her hands.
“You dreamt of me?” she whispered.
“Then you wished for me…to be here with you?”
“By all rights, I should be dead now, Telemachus. So whether it be by your wish or our fate, this is where I’m supposed to be.” She leaned forward and softly brushed her lips against his cheek before pressing into his mouth for their first real kiss.

Part VI

Commotion from the world outside woke Ky’ya from a contented sleep. She lazily rolled over and found herself captured by Rhade’s deep eyes. The arm pinning her to the bed tightened, pulling her closer.
“Good morning.” He mumbled while kissing her deeply.
“Mmm..morning. How long have you been awake?”
“Probably half an hour. That’s when all the chattering started.”
“What do you think is going on out there?” She untangled herself from him and attempted to sit up, only to have Rhade pull her back down to the bed. He rolled on top of her, parting her legs with his hips. Lacing his fingers through hers, he held her arms above her head while nibbling at her neck. She arched her body against him and moaned in pleasure.
“Don’t you ever get enough?” she giggled.
“Of making love to you? Never.” He had moved on to teasing her breasts with his tongue.
Ky’ya’s breathing quickened and she felt her head spinning. Rhade knew exactly how to make her lose control. Her skin felt sensitive and alive at his touch. She pushed her hands forward and he released his hold, allowing Ky’ya run her hands over his impressive shoulders. Rhade was preoccupied with planting sweet kisses down her stomach inching his way further and further down her body.
“You smell so amazing…” he whispered hungrily, kissing her thighs. He smiled at her scream when he tasted her.
Ky’ya felt the pressuring building within her, moving down her spine. She grabbed fistfuls of mattress in an attempt to hold on to her senses. She was grateful Rhade was out of reach; his back and shoulders already bore many scratches from their time together.
“Rhade…please…” she begged him. She was rapidly descending into euphoria when she felt his body cover hers once again. He entered her quickly, sending her past the point of thinking. Together they rode the torrent pleasure. When the room stopped spinning, Rhade collapsed onto her, breathless, his body gleaming with sweat. He moved to roll away, but Ky’ya wrapped her arms around him. “No, please stay. You feel so good.”
“As you wish.”
Ky’ya giggled into his neck, enjoying his scent, his warmth, enjoying him. She was about to suggest they try for round two, or was that three, when a loud crash just outside jarred the bedroom.
“What the hell?!” Rhade exclaimed jumping out of the bed and grabbing a pair of pants. “Stay here.” He ordered Ky’ya, pulling on his pants as he dashed outside.
Once outside, Rhade was greeted by hundreds of rioters tearing apart anything they could get a hold of. Rhade stepped back into the doorway as to not get swept away with the crowd. Through the mass confusion and chaos, he saw Dylan fighting his way towards him. Rhade stepped back into the street and began battling the crowd as well. Finally the two were in conversation range.
“Nice day.” Dylan remarked, kicking away a woman who had been biting his ankle.
“This is definitely something new.” Rhade replied, knocking a would-be attacker to the ground.
“Enough small talk. Get Ky’ya and let’s get back to Andromeda.”
“I’m not going to argue with you. This time.” Rhade landed one more punch to an attacker, then made his way back. He began moving faster when he noticed that his door had been ripped from its hinges.
“Ky’ya!” He barged inside just in time to see her swing a bottle at a man’s head; effectively rendering him unconscious. “Impressive.” He smiled quickly then stalked to the wardrobe to retrieve his force lance. “Let’s go.” He ordered.
Ky’ya paused just long enough to grab her bag, then joined Rhade at the door.
“Stay close to me and defend yourself at all costs.” He instructed her, handing her an energy pistol. Her hands shook slightly as she accepted the weapon and Rhade tilted her face up to his. “We’ll make it. I promise.” He gently kissed her then turned his attention to studying the crowd outside. Selecting the less populated path, Rhade readied his force lance, took Ky’ya’s hand and charged them both into the fray.


…to be continued

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